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PowerShell cmdlets for Reporting Services SharePoint Mode

When you install SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services SharePoint mode, PowerShell cmdlets are installed to support report Servers in SharePoint mode. The cmdlets cover three categories of functionality.

  • Installation of the Reporting Services SharePoint shared service and proxy.

  • Provisioning and management of Reporting Services service applications and associated proxies.

  • Management of Reporting Services features, for example extensions and encryption keys.

Applies to: Reporting Services SharePoint Mode

This topic contains the following:

Cmdlet Summary

To run the cmdlets you need to open the SharePoint Management Shell. You can also use the graphical user interface editor that is included with Microsoft Windows, Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). For more information, see Starting Windows PowerShell on Windows Server. In the following cmdlet summaries, the references to service application 'databases', refer to all of the databases created and used by a Reporting Services service application. This includes the configuration, alerting, and temp databases.

If you see an error message similar to the following when you type the PowerShell examples:

  • Install-SPRSService : The term 'Install-SPRSService' is not recognized as the
    name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

One of the following issues is occurring:

  • Reporting Services SharePoint mode is not installed and therefore the Reporting Services cmdlets are not installed.

  • You ran the PowerShell command in Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell ISE instead of the SharePoint Management Shell. Use the SharePoint Management shell or add the SharePoint Snap-in to the Windows PowerShell window with the following command:

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell  

For more information see Use Windows PowerShell to administer SharePoint 2013 (

To Open the SharePoint Management Shell and run cmdlets

  1. Click the Start button

  2. Click the Microsoft SharePoint Products group.

  3. Click the SharePoint Management Shell.

To view command line help for a cmdlet use the PowerShell 'Get-Help' command at the PowerShell command prompt. For example:

Get-Help Get-SPRSServiceApplicationServers

Shared Service and Proxy Cmdlets

The following table contains the PowerShell cmdlets for the Reporting Services SharePoint shared service.

Cmdlet Description
Install-SPRSService Installs and registers, or uninstalls, the Reporting Services shared service. This can be done only on the machine that has an installation of SQL Server Reporting Services in SharePoint mode. For installation, two operations occur:

1) The Reporting Services service is installed in the farm.

2) The Reporting Services service instance is installed to the current machine.

For Uninstallation, two operations occur:
1) The Reporting Services service is uninstalled from the current machine.
2) The Reporting Services service is uninstalled from the farm.

NOTE: If there are any other machines in the farm that have the Reporting Services service installed, or if there are still Reporting Services service applications running in the farm, a warning message is displayed.
Install-SPRSServiceProxy Installs and registers, or uninstalls, the Reporting Services service proxy in the SharePoint farm.
Get-SPRSProxyUrl Gets the URL(s) for accessing the Reporting Services service.
Get-SPRSServiceApplicationServers Gets all servers in the local SharePoint farm that contain an installation of the Reporting Services shared service. This cmdlet is useful for Reporting Services upgrades, to determine which servers run the shared service and therefore need to be upgraded.

Service Application and Proxy Cmdlets

The following table contains the PowerShell cmdlets for Reporting Services service applications and their associated proxies.

cmdlet Description
Get-SPRSServiceApplication Gets one or more Reporting Services service application objects.
New-SPRSServiceApplication Create a new Reporting Services service application and associated databases.

LogonType Parameter: Specifies if the report server uses the SSRS Application Pool account or a SQL Server login to access the report server database. It can be one of the following:

0 Windows Authentication

1 SQL Server

2 Application Pool Account (default)
Remove-SPRSServiceApplication Removes the specified Reporting Services service application. This will also remove the associated databases.
Set-SPRSServiceApplication Edits the properties of an existing Reporting Services service application.
New-SPRSServiceApplicationProxy Creates a new Reporting Services service application proxy.
Get-SPRSServiceApplicationProxy Gets one or more Reporting Services service application proxies.
Dismount-SPRSDatabase Dismounts the service application databases for a Reporting Services service application.
Remove-SPRSDatabase Remove the service application databases for a Reporting Services service application.
Set-SPRSDatabase Sets the properties of the databases associated to a Reporting Services service application.
Mount-SPRSDatabase Mounts databases for a Reporting Services service application.
New-SPRSDatabase Create new service application databases for the specified Reporting Services service application.
Get-SPRSDatabaseCreationScript Outputs the database creation script to the screen for a Reporting Services service application. You can then run the script in SQL Server Management Studio.
Get-SPRSDatabase Gets one or more Reporting Services service application databases. Use the command to get the ID of service application database so you can use the Set-SPRSDatabase comdlet to modify properties, for example the querytimeout. See the example in this topic, Get and set properties of the Reporting Servicea application database, for example database timeout.
Get-SPRSDatabaseRightsScript Outputs the database rights script to the screen for a Reporting Services service application. It will prompt for desired user and database then returns transact SQL you can run to modify permissions. You can then run this script in SQL Server Management Studio.
Get-SPRSDatabaseUpgradeScript Outputs a database upgrade script to the screen. The script will upgrade Reporting Services service application databases to the database version of the current Reporting Services installation.

Reporting Services Custom Functionality Cmdlets

Cmdlet Description
Update-SPRSEncryptionKey Updates the encryption key for the specified Reporting Services service application and re-encrypts its data.
Restore-SPRSEncryptionKey Restores a previously backed up encryption key for a Reporting Services service application.
Remove-SPRSEncryptedData Delete the encrypted data for the specified Reporting Services service application.
Backup-SPRSEncryptionKey Backs up the encryption key for the specified Reporting Services service application.
New-SPRSExtension Registers a new extension with a Reporting Services service application.
Set-SPRSExtension Sets the properties of an existing Reporting Services extension.
Remove-SPRSExtension Removes an extension from a Reporting Services service application.
Get-SPRSExtension Gets one or more Reporting Services extensions for a Reporting Services service application.

Valid values are:












Get-SPRSSite Gets the SharePoint sites based on whether the "ReportingService" feature is enabled. By default, sites that enable the "ReportingService" feature are returned.

Basic Samples

Return a list of cmdlets that contain 'SPRS' in the name. This will be the full list of Reporting Services cmdlets.

Get-command -noun *SPRS*  

Or with a little more detail, piped to a text file named commandlist.txt

Get-Command -Noun *SPRS* | Select name, definition | Format-List | Out-File c:\commandlist.txt  

Install the Reporting Services SharePoint service and service proxy.


Start the Reporting Services service

Get-SPServiceInstance -all | where {$_.TypeName -like "SQL Server Reporting*"} | Start-SPServiceInstance  

Type the following command from the SharePoint Management Shell to return a filtered list of rows from the a log file. The command will filter for lines that contain "ssrscustomactionerror". This example is looking at the log file created when the rssharepoint.msi was installed.

Get-Content -Path C:\Users\testuser\AppData\Local\Temp\rs_sp_0.log | Select-String "ssrscustomactionerror"  

Detailed Samples

In addition to the following samples, see the section "Windows PowerShell Script" in the topic Windows PowerShell script for Steps 1-4.

Create a Reporting Services service application and proxy

This sample script completes the following tasks:

  1. Create a Reporting Services service application and proxy. The script assumes the application pool "My App Pool" already exists.

  2. Add the proxy to the default proxy group

  3. Grant the service app access to the port 80 web app's content database. The script assumes site "http://sitename" already exists.

# Create service application and service application proxy  
$appPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool "My App Pool"  
$serviceApp = New-SPRSServiceApplication "My RS Service App" -ApplicationPool $appPool  
$serviceAppProxy = New-SPRSServiceApplicationProxy -Name "My RS Service App Proxy" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp  
# Add service application proxy to default proxy group.  Any web application that uses the default proxy group will now be able to use this service application.  
Get-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup -default | Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember -Member $serviceAppProxy  
# Grant application pool account access to the port 80 web application's content database.  
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication "http://sitename"  
$appPoolAccountName = $appPool.ProcessAccount.LookupName()  

Review and update a Reporting Services delivery extension

The following PowerShell script example, updates the configuration for the report server e-mail delivery extension for the service application named My RS Service App. Update the values for the SMTP server (<email server name>) and the FROM email alias (<your FROM email address>).

$app = Get-SPRSServiceApplication -Name "My RS Service App"  
$emailCfg = Get-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml
$emailXml = [xml]$emailCfg
$emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SMTPServer").InnerText = "<email server name>"  
$emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SendUsing").InnerText = "2"  
$emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SMTPAuthenticate").InnerText = "2"  
$emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//From").InnerText = '<your FROM email address>'  
Set-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" -ExtensionConfiguration $emailXml.OuterXml  

In the above example if you did not know the exact name of the service application, you could rewrite the first statement to get the service application based on a search of the partial name. For example:

$app = Get-SPRSServiceApplication | Where {$ -like " ssrs_testapp *"}  

The following script will return the current configuration values for the report server e-mail delivery extension for the service application named "Reporting Services Application". The first step sets the value of the variable $app to the object of the service application that has a name of " My RS Service App "

The second statement will Get the 'Report Server Email' delivery extension for the service application object in variable $app, and select the configurationXML

$app = Get-SPRSServiceapplication -Name "Reporting Services Application"  
Get-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml  

You can also rewrite the above two statements as one:

Get-SPRSServiceApplication -Name "Reporting Services Application" | Get-SPRSExtension -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml  

Get and set properties of the Reporting Servicea application database, for example database timeout

The following example first returns a list of the databases and properties so you can determine the database guid (ID) that you then supply to the set command. For a full list of the properties, use Get-SPRSDatabase | format-list.

Get-SPRSDatabase | Select id, querytimeout,connectiontimeout, status, server, ServiceInstance

The following is an example of the output. Determine the ID for the database you want to modify and use the ID in the SET cmdlet.

  • Id : 56f8d1bc-cb04-44cf-bd41-a873643c5a14

    QueryTimeout : 120

    ConnectionTimeout : 15

    Status : Online

    Server : SPServer Name=uetestb01

    ServiceInstance : SPDatabaseServiceInstance

Set-SPRSDatabase -Identity 56f8d1bc-cb04-44cf-bd41-a873643c5a14 -QueryTimeout 300  

To verify the value is set, run the GET cmdlet again.

Get-SPRSDatabase -Identity 56f8d1bc-cb04-44cf-bd41-a873643c5a14 | Select id, querytimeout,connectiontimeout, status, server, ServiceInstance  

List reporting services data extensions - SharePoint mode

The following example loops through each Reporting Services service application and lists the current data extensions for each.

$apps = Get-SPRSServiceApplication  
foreach ($app in $apps)
Write-host -ForegroundColor "yellow" Service App Name $app.Name  
Get-SPRSExtension -identity $app -ExtensionType "Data" | select name, extensiontype | Format-Table -AutoSize  

Example output:

  • Name ExtensionType

    ---- -------------

    SQL Data


    SQLPDW Data

    OLEDB Data

    OLEDB-MD Data

    ORACLE Data

    ODBC Data

    XML Data


Change and list subscription owners

See Use PowerShell to Change and List Reporting Services Subscription Owners and Run a Subscription.

See Also

Use PowerShell to Change and List Reporting Services Subscription Owners and Run a Subscription
CheckList: Use PowerShell to Verify PowerPivot for SharePoint
CodePlex SharePoint Management PowerShell scripts