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Enabling Logging Programmatically

The run-time engine provides a collection of LogProvider objects that enable event-specific information to be captured during package validation and execution. LogProvider objects are available to DtsContainer objects, including the TaskHost, Package, ForLoop, and ForEachLoop objects. Logging is enabled on individual containers, or on the whole package.

There are several types of log providers that are available for a container to use. This provides the flexibility to create and store log information in many formats. Enlisting a container object in logging is a two-step process: first logging is enabled, and then a log provider is selected. The LoggingOptions and LoggingMode properties of the container are used to specify the logged events and to select the log provider.

Enabling Logging

The LoggingMode property, found in each container that can perform logging, determines whether the container's event information is recorded to the event log. This property is assigned a value from the DTSLoggingMode structure, and is inherited from the container's parent by default. If the container is a package, and therefore has no parent, the property uses the UseParentSetting, which defaults to Disabled.

Selecting a Log Provider

After the LoggingMode property is set to Enabled, a log provider is added to the SelectedLogProviders collection of the container to complete the process. The SelectedLogProviders collection is available on the LoggingOptions object, and contains the log providers selected for the container. The Add method is called to create a provider and add it to the collection. The method then returns the log provider that was added to the collection. Each provider has configuration settings that are unique to that provider, and these properties are set using the ConfigString property.

The following table lists the available log providers, their description, and their ConfigString information.

Provider Description ConfigString property

SQL Server Profiler

Generates SQL traces that may be captured and viewed in SQL Server Profiler. The default file name extension for this provider is .trc.

No configuration is required.

SQL Server

Writes event log entries to the sysdtslog90 table in any SQL Server database.

SQL Server provider requires that the connection to the database be specified, and also the target database name.

Text File

Writes event log entries to ASCII text files in a comma-separated value (CSV) format. The default file name extension for this provider is .log.

The name of a file connection manager.

Windows Event Log

Logs to standard Windows Event Log on the local computer in the Application log.

No configuration is required.

XML File

Writes event log entries to XML formatted file. The default file name extension for this provider is .xml

The name of a file connection manager.

Events are included in or excluded from the event log by setting the EventFilterKind and the EventFilter properties of the container. The EventFilterKind structure contains two values, ExclusionFilter and InclusionFilter, that indicate whether the events that are added to the EventFilter are included in the event log. The EventFilter property is then assigned a string array that contains the names of the events that are the subject of the filtering.

The following code enables logging on a package, adds the log provider for Text files to the SelectedLogProviders collection, and specifies a list of events to include in the logging output.


using System;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Samples
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Package p = new Package();

      ConnectionManager loggingConnection = p.Connections.Add("FILE");
      loggingConnection.ConnectionString = @"C:\SSISPackageLog.txt";

      LogProvider provider = p.LogProviders.Add("DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1");
      provider.ConfigString = loggingConnection.Name;
      p.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind = DTSEventFilterKind.Inclusion;
      p.LoggingOptions.EventFilter = new String[] { "OnPreExecute", 
         "OnPostExecute", "OnError", "OnWarning", "OnInformation" };
      p.LoggingMode = DTSLoggingMode.Enabled;

      // Add tasks and other objects to the package.

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Module Module1

  Sub Main()

    Dim p As Package = New Package()

    Dim loggingConnection As ConnectionManager = p.Connections.Add("FILE")
    loggingConnection.ConnectionString = "C:\SSISPackageLog.txt"

    Dim provider As LogProvider = p.LogProviders.Add("DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1")
    provider.ConfigString = loggingConnection.Name
    p.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind = DTSEventFilterKind.Inclusion
    p.LoggingOptions.EventFilter = New String() {"OnPreExecute", _
       "OnPostExecute", "OnError", "OnWarning", "OnInformation"}
    p.LoggingMode = DTSLoggingMode.Enabled

    ' Add tasks and other objects to the package.

  End Sub

End Module

Change History

Release History

17 July 2006

Changed content:
  • Replaced code with longer sample.

See Also

Other Resources

Integration Services Log Providers
Implementing Logging in Packages

Help and Information

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