Aracılığıyla paylaş

Operators (SSIS)

This section describes the operators the expression language provides and the operator precedence and associativity that the expression evaluator uses.

The following table lists topics about operators in this section.

Operator Description

Cast (SSIS)

Converts an expression from one data type to a different data type.

() (Parentheses) (SSIS)

Identifies the evaluation order of expressions.

+ (Add) (SSIS)

Adds two numeric expressions.

+ (Concatenate) (SSIS)

Concatenates two expressions.

- (Subtract) (SSIS)

Subtracts the second numeric expression from the first one.

- (Negate) (SSIS)

Negates a numeric expression.

* (Multiply) (SSIS)

Multiplies two numeric expressions.

/ (Divide) (SSIS)

Divides the first numeric expression by the second one.

% (Modulo) (SSIS)

Provides the integer remainder after dividing the first numeric expression by the second one.

|| (Logical OR) (SSIS)

Performs a logical OR operation.

&& (Logical AND) (SSIS)

Performs a logical AND operation.

! (Logical Not) (SSIS)

Negates a Boolean operand.

| (Bitwise Inclusive OR) (SSIS)

Performs a bitwise OR operation of two integer values.

^ (Bitwise Exclusive OR) (SSIS)

Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation of two integer values.

& (Bitwise AND) (SSIS)

Performs a bitwise AND operation of two integer values.

~ (Bitwise Not) (SSIS)

Performs a bitwise negation of an integer.

== (Equal) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if two expressions are equal.

!= (Unequal) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if two expressions are not equal.

> (Greater Than) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is greater than the second one.

< (Less Than) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is less than the second one.

>= (Greater Than or Equal To) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second one.

<= (Less Than or Equal To) (SSIS)

Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is less than or equal to the second one.

? : (Conditional) (SSIS)

Returns one of two expressions based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression.

For information about the placement of each operator in the precedence hierarchy, see Operator Precedence and Associativity.

See Also


Using Expressions in Packages


Advanced Integration Services Expressions

Other Resources

Integration Services Expression Concepts
Functions (SSIS)

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