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Model Designer Query Properties

This section discusses the collections and objects used in a semantic query for information purposes.

In This Section

Collection/Object Properties Description

SemanticQuery Object

Name, Hierarchies, MeasureGroups, CalculatedAttributes, CalculatedEntities, Parameters, CustomProperties, EnableDrillthrough

Defines a semantic query.

Arguments Collection


Defines a set of arguments for a function.

AttributeRef Object

AttributeID, AttributeName

Defines an attribute reference node in a query expression tree.

BaseEntity Object

EntityID, EntityName

Defines the primary entity for a Hierarchy or Measuregroup.

CalculatedAttributes Collection


Contains a set of expressions that can be used throughout the query.

Details Object


Contains a set of detailed expressions to include in the results of the query.

EntityRef Object

EntityID, EntityName

Defines an entity reference node in a query expression tree.

Expression Object

Name, Path, ExpressionNode, CustomProperties

Contains an expression, along with an optional path that can be used to reach the entity, over which to evaluate the expression.

ExpressionNode Object

Defines a node in a query expression tree.

Filter Object


Contains the definition of a filter used in the query.

Function Object

FunctionName, Arguments

Defines a function node in a query expression tree.

Grouping Object

Name, Expression, Sorting, Filter, Details

Contains an expression by which to group data.

Groupings Collection


Contains a set of groupings for a hierarchy.

Hierarchies Collection


Defines the set of grouping hierarchies for a query.

Hierarchy Object

Name, BaseEntity, Filter, Groupings

Defines a grouping hierarchy for a query.

Literal Object

Value, Values, DataType

Defines the literal node in a query expression tree.

MeasureGroup Object

BaseEntity, HierarchyPaths, AutoHierarchyPaths, Measures, SubtotalSets

Defines a set of related detail expressions to include in the results of the query.

MeasureGroups Collection


Contains sets of detail expressions to include in the results of the query.

Measures Object


Contains the set of measure expressions in a measure group.

Null Object

Defines a null value node in a query expression tree.

Parameter Object

Name, DataType, Nullable, Cardinality, Expression

Defines a parameter to the query.

ParameterRef Object


Defines a parameter reference node in a query expression tree.

Parameters Collection


Contains a set of parameters whose values can be used throughout the query.

Path Object


Defines the steps (typically roles) needed to be followed in order to reach an entity.

RolePathItem Object

RoleID, RoleName, Recursion

Defines a role in a path.

SubtotalGroupings Collection


Defines a set of groupings by which to calculate subtotals.

SubtotalMeasures Collection


Defines a set of measures by which to calculate subtotals.

SubtotalSet Object

SubtotalGroupings, SubtotalMeasures

Defines a set of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group.

SubtotalSets Collection


Defines sets of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group.

Values Collection


Defines a set of literal values.

See Also


Model Designer Object Properties
Ad Hoc Reporting with Report Models
Working with Report Builder (Ad Hoc Reports)
Working with Model Designer

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