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Site Settings Page (Report Manager)

Use the Site Settings page to set default values and enable features for a report server Web site. You must be a report server administrator to view this page.


If you are running SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services, the following features are not supported: report history, report execution, job management, shared schedules, and role definitions. If you set options related to these features, the options will have no affect. For more information about feature availability, see Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services.

To open this page, click Site Settings on the global toolbar.


  • Name
    Specify the title to use for this instance of SQL Server Report Manager. By default, the title is "Reporting Services".
  • Enable My Reports to support user-owned folders for publishing and running personalized reports
    Select this option to have the report server automatically create a My Reports folder for each user who logs on to the report server.
  • Choose the role to apply to each user’s My Reports folder
    Select the role that includes the set of tasks that a user can perform in a My Reports folder. The default value is My Reports Role. This role allows each user to manage his or her My Reports folder by having the equivalent of administration privileges for this folder, including the ability to schedule reports and add, delete, rename, and move folders and reports. Click Configure item-level role definitions to view the tasks that belong to this role.
  • Select the default settings for report history
    Choose a default value for the number of copies of report history to retain. The default value provides an initial setting that establishes report history limits. You can vary these settings at the report level. For more information, see History Properties Page (Report Manager).

    If you limit report history later, when the existing report history exceeds the limit you specify, the report server reduces the existing report history to the new limit. The oldest report snapshots are deleted first. If report history is empty or below the limit, new report snapshots are added. When the limit is reached, the oldest snapshot is deleted when a new report snapshot is added.

  • Report Execution Timeout
    Specify whether report processing times out after a certain number of seconds.

    This value applies to report processing on a report server. It does not affect data processing on the database server that provides the data for your report.

    The report processing timer clock begins when the report is selected and ends when the report opens. When you set this value, specify enough time to complete both data processing and report processing.

  • Enable report execution logging
    Select this option to generate execution logs.
  • Remove log entries older than <number> days
    Select this option to remove execution logs after a specified number of days.
  • Apply
    Click Apply to save your changes to the report server.
  • Configure site-wide security
    Click this link to open the System Role Assignments page, on which you can modify the tasks that are associated with predefined roles or create custom roles and policies.
  • Configure item-level role definitions
    Click this link to open the Item-Level Roles page, on which you can create, view, and modify the role definitions that are used to secure individual items.
  • Configure system-level role definitions
    Click this link to open the System Roles page, on which you can create, view, and modify the role definitions that specify which tasks can be used in system role assignments.
  • Manage shared schedules
    Click this link to open the Shared Schedules page, on which you can define schedules that users can select for their reports.
  • Manage jobs
    Click this link to open the Manage Jobs page, on which you can view report processes that are running on the report server.

See Also


Report Manager F1 Help

Other Resources

How to: Start Report Manager (Report Manager)
Report Manager
Configuring Security Through Role Assignments
Setting System-Level Security
Shared Schedules and Report-Specific Schedules
Using Default Security
Managing My Reports

Help and Information

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