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Extending Packages with Scripting

New: 5 December 2005

If you find that the built-in components Integration Services do not meet your requirements, you can extend the power of Integration Services by coding your own extensions. You have two discrete options for extending your packages: you can write code within the powerful wrappers provided by the Script task and the Script component, or you can create custom Integration Services extensions from scratch by deriving from the base classes provided by the Integration Services object model.

This section explores the simpler of the two options — extending packages with scripting.

The Script task and the Script component let you extend both the control flow and the data flow of an Integration Services package with very little coding. Both objects use the powerful Visual Studio for Applications (VSA) development environment and the Visual Basic .NET programming language, and benefit from all the functionality offered by the Microsoft .NET Framework class library as well as custom assemblies. The Script task and the Script component let the developer create custom functionality without having to write all the infrastructure code that is typically required when developing a custom task or custom data flow component.

In This Section

Topic Description

Comparing the Script Task and the Script Component

Discusses the similarities and differences between the Script task and the Script component.

Comparing Scripting Solutions and Custom Objects

Discusses the criteria to use in choosing between a scripting solution and the development of a custom object.

Referencing Other Assemblies in Scripting Solutions

Discusses the steps required to reference and use external assemblies and namespaces in a scripting project.

Extending the Package with the Script Task

Discusses how to create custom tasks by using the Script task. A task is typically called one time per package execution, or one time for each data source opened by a package.

Extending the Data Flow with the Script Component

Discusses how to create custom data flow sources, transformations, and destinations by using the Script component. A data flow component is typically called one time for each row of data that is processed.


Topic Description

Integration Services Error and Message Reference

Lists the predefined Integration Services error codes with their symbolic names and descriptions.

Topic Description

Integration Services Programming

Introduces Integration Services programming concepts.

Extending Packages with Custom Objects

Discusses how to create program custom tasks, data flow components, and other package objects for use in multiple packages.

Building Packages Programmatically

Describes how to create, configure, run, load, save, and manage Integration Services packages programmatically.

Programming Samples

Lists and describes the Integration Services programming samples that are available as an optional installation component.

See Also


Integration Services Programming

Other Resources

SQL Server Integration Services
Integration Services Developer InfoCenter
Integration Services Development Enhancements

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