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Creating New Packages

New: 5 December 2005

In Business Intelligence Development Studio, you can create a new empty package either by using the package template that Integration Services includes, by using a custom package that you have designated as a template, or by copying an existing package.

If you use the default Integration Services package template, the new package is empty. To add functionality to the package, you build the control flow and data flows, add connection managers, and implement other Integration Services features that the package requires. For more information, see Creating Package Control Flow, Creating Package Data Flow, Creating Connection Managers, and Adding Advanced Features to Packages.

If other packages include functionality that you want to reuse, you can build the control flow and data flows in the package more quickly by copying and pasting objects from other packages. For more information about using copy and paste in Integration Services projects, see Reusing Package Objects.

To use custom packages as templates for creating new packages, you simply copy them to the DataTransformationItems folder. By default this folder is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\DataTransformationProject.

If you create a new package by copying an existing package or by using a custom package as a template, the name and the GUID of the existing package are copied as well. You should update the name and the GUID of the new package to help differentiate it from the package from which it was copied. For example, if packages have the same GUID, it is more difficult to identify the package to which log data belongs. You can regenerate the GUID in the ID property and update the value of the Name property by using the Properties window in Business Intelligence Development Studio. For more information, see Setting Package Properties and dtutil Utility.

To create a new package

See Also

Other Resources

Creating Packages in SSIS Designer

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