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SQLMoreResults birden fazla sonuç satır kümesi almak uygulama sağlar.A Transact-SQL SELECT statement containing a COMPUTE clause, or a submitted batch of ODBC or Transact-SQL statements, causes the SQL Server Native Client ODBC driver to generate multiple result sets.SQL Server does not allow creating a server cursor to process the results in either case.Bu nedenle, geliştirici odbc deyim engelliyor emin olmalısınız.Geliştirici, döndürülen verileri tüketebileceği veya diğer bağlantı etkin deyimleri veri işleme önce odbc deyim iptal.

Geliştirici sonuç özelliklerini ayarlar, compute yan tümce tümce tümce tarafından oluşturulan satırları ve sütunları belirlemek bir Transact-SQL seçin deyim.Daha ayrıntılı bilgi için bkz: SQLColAttribute.

Zaman SQLMoreResults olarak adlandırılan bu satırların unfetched veri satırlarını sonuç küme, kaybolur ve sonraki sonuç satır küme satır veri kullanımına sunulur.


void GetComputedRows
    SQLHSTMT hStmt
    SQLUSMALLINT    nCols;
    SQLRETURN       sRet;
    UINT            nRow;
    SQLINTEGER      nComputes = 0;
    SQLINTEGER      nSet;
    BYTE*           pValue;

    // If SQLNumResultCols failed, then some error occurred in
    //  statement execution. Exit.
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLNumResultCols(hStmt, (SQLSMALLINT*) &nCols)))
        goto EXIT;

    // Determine the presence of COMPUTE clause result sets. The SQL
    //  Server Native Client ODBC driver uses column attributes to report multiple
    //  sets. The column number must be less than or equal to the 
    //  number of columns returned. You are guaranteed to have at least
    //  one, so use '1' for the SQLColAttribute ColumnNumber
    //  parameter.
    SQLColAttribute(hStmt, 1, SQL_CA_SS_NUM_COMPUTES,
        NULL, 0, NULL, (SQLPOINTER) &nComputes);

    // Create a result info structure pointer array, one element for
    //  the normal result rows and one for each compute result set.
    //  Initialize the array to NULL pointers.
    pODBCSetInfo = new ODBCSETINFO[1 + nComputes];

    // Process the result sets...
    nSet = 0;
    while (TRUE)
        // If required, get the column information for the result set.
        if (pODBCSetInfo[nSet].pODBCColInfo == NULL)
            if (pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nCols == 0)
                SQLNumResultCols(hStmt, (SQLSMALLINT*) &nCols);
                pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nCols = nCols;

            if (GetColumnsInfo(hStmt, pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nCols,
                &(pODBCSetInfo[nSet].pODBCColInfo)) == SQL_ERROR)
                goto EXIT;

        // Get memory for bound return values if required.
        if (pODBCSetInfo[nSet].pRowValues == NULL)

        // Rebind columns each time the result set changes.
        myBindCols(hStmt, pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nCols,

        // Set for ODBC row array retrieval. Fast retrieve for all
        //  sets. COMPUTE row sets have only a single row, but
        //  normal rows can be retrieved in blocks for speed.
        SQLSetStmtAttr(hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROW_BIND_TYPE,
            (void*) pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nResultWidth, SQL_IS_UINTEGER);
        SQLSetStmtAttr(hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE,
            (void*) pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nRows, SQL_IS_UINTEGER);
        SQLSetStmtAttr(hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR,
            (void*) &nRowsFetched, sizeof(SQLINTEGER));

        while (TRUE)
            // In ODBC 3.x, SQLFetch supports arrays of bound rows or
            //  columns. SQLFetchScroll (or ODBC 2.x SQLExtendedFetch)
            //  is not necessary to support fastest retrieval of 
            //  data rows.
            if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(sRet = SQLFetch(hStmt)))

            for (nRow = 0; nRow < (UINT) nRowsFetched; nRow++)
                for (nCol = 0; nCol < pODBCSetInfo[nSet].nCols;
                    // Processing row and column values...

        // sRet is not SQL_SUCCESS and is not SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.
        //  If it's SQL_NO_DATA, then continue. If it's an
        //  error state, stop.
        if (sRet != SQL_NO_DATA)

        // If there's another set waiting, determine the result set
        //  indicator. The indicator is 0 for regular row sets or an
        //  ordinal indicating the COMPUTE clause responsible for the
        //  set.
        if (SQLMoreResults(hStmt) == SQL_SUCCESS)
            sRet = SQLColAttribute(hStmt, 1, SQL_CA_SS_COMPUTE_ID,
                NULL, 0, NULL, (SQLPOINTER) &nSet);

    // Clean-up anything dynamically allocated and return.

Ayrıca bkz.


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