Aracılığıyla paylaş

STMLineFromWKB (veri türü geometri)

Returns a geometryMultiLineString instance from an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation.

STMLineFromWKB ( 'WKB_multilinestring' , SRID )

Bağımsız değişkenler

  • WKB_multilinestring
    Is the WKB representation of the geometryMultiLineString instance to return.WKB_multilinestring is a varbinary(max) expression.

  • SRID
    Is an int expression representing the spatial reference ID (SRID) of the geometryMultiLineString instance to return.

Dönüş Türleri

SQL Server döndürme türü: geometry

CLR dönüş türü: SqlGeometry

OGC türü: MultiLineString


Bu yöntem durum bir FormatException Giriş well-formatted değilse.


Aşağıdaki örnek kullanır. STMLineFromWKB() Oluşturulacak bir geometry örnek.

DECLARE @g geometry; 
SET @g = geometry::STMLineFromWKB(0x0105000000020000000102000000020000000000000000005940000000000000594000000000000069400000000000006940010200000003000000000000000000084000000000000010400000000000001C40000000000000204000000000000024400000000000002440, 0);
SELECT @g.STAsText();

See Also

Other Resources