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benzer öğe gruplandırma dönüştürme Düzenleyicisi (Gelişmiş sekmesi)

Use the Advanced tab of the Fuzzy Grouping Transformation Editor dialog box to specify input and output columns, set similarity thresholds, and define delimiters.


The Exhaustive and the MaxMemoryUsage properties of the Fuzzy Grouping transformation are not available in the Fuzzy Grouping Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.For more information on these properties, see the Fuzzy Grouping Transformation section of Dönüştürme için özel özellikler.

benzer öğe gruplandırma dönüştürme hakkında daha fazla bilgi için , bkz: benzer öğe gruplandırma dönüştürme.


  • Input key column name
    Specify the name of an output column that contains the unique identifier for each input row.The _key_in column has a value that uniquely identifies each row.

  • Output key column name
    Specify the name of an output column that contains the unique identifier for the canonical row of a group of duplicate rows.The _key_out column corresponds to the _key_in value of the canonical data row.

  • Similarity score column name
    Specify a name for the column that contains the similarity score.The similarity score is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates the similarity of the input row to the canonical row.The closer the score is to 1, the more closely the row matches the canonical row.

  • Benzerlik eşiği
    Set the similarity threshold by using the slider.The closer the threshold is to 1, the more the rows must resemble each other to qualify as duplicates.Eşik değer artırma, daha az sayıda aday kayıt düşünülmesi gerekir çünkü eşleşen hızını artırabilir.

  • Simge sınırlayıcıları
    The transformation provides a default set of delimiters for tokenizing data, but you can add or remove delimiters as needed by editing the list.