Aracılığıyla paylaş

udt sütunlar ile DataAdapters güncelleştiriliyor

Kullanıcı tanımlı türler (UDTs) are taraftar yanında istimal a System.Data.DataSetve bir System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapteralmak ve verileri değiştirmek için.

Bir Dataset doldurma

Sen-ebilmek kullanma a Transact-SQLbir veri bağdaştırıcısı kullanan bir DataSet'i doldurmak için udt sütun değerlerini seçmek için select deyimi. Size aşağıdaki örnek varsayar bir Puan aşağıdaki yapısı ve bazı örnek verileri ile tanımlanan tablo. Aşağıdaki Transact-SQLdeyimleri oluşturmak Puan tablo ve birkaç satır ekleyin.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points (id int PRIMARY Key, p Point);

INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points (id int PRIMARY Key, p Point);

INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));

Aşağıdaki kodu parçası geçerli bir bağlantı dizesi alır, yeni oluşturur SqlDataAdapter, doldurur bir System.Data.DataTableile veri satırları Puan tablo.

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
    "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString)
Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
    "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString)
Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
   "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString);
DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
   "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connectionString);
DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");

udt veri kümesi veri güncelleştirme

udt sütun güncelleştirmek için iki yöntem kullanabilirsiniz bir DataSet:

  • Özel sağlamak InsertCommand, UpdateCommandve DeleteCommandnesneleri için bir SqlDataAdapternesnesini.

  • Komut Oluşturucu (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder) INSERT, update ve delete komutları otomatik olarak oluşturması için. Çakışma algılaması için ekleme bir timestampsütunu (diğer adı rowversion) için SQL Serverudt içeren tablo. timestampVeri türü, bir tablodaki satırların sürüm damgası için verir ve bir veritabanı içinde benzersiz olması sağlanır. Tablodaki bir değer değiştiğinde, SQL Serverotomatik olarak sekiz bayt ikili sayı değişiklikten etkilenen satır güncelleştirir.

Dikkat SqlCommandBuilderolmadıkça çakışma algılaması için udt dikkate almaz bir timestamptemel tablo. UDTs olabilir ya da öylesine onlar where yan tümcesinde dahil değildir karşılaştırılabilir, olmayabilir zaman "Karşılaştır özgün değerleri" seçeneği, komut oluşturmak için kullanılır.


Aşağıdaki örnek tablo içeren bir ikinci oluşturulmasını gerektirir Pointudt sütun gibi bir timestampsütun. Her iki tablodaki verileri güncelleştirmek için özel komut nesneleri oluşturma ve kullanma nasıl göstermek için kullanılan bir timestampsütun. Aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırın Transact-SQLikinci tablo oluşturma ve örnek verilerle doldurmak için deyimleri.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points_ts (id int PRIMARY KEY, p Point, ts timestamp);

INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));

CREATE TABLE dbo.Points_ts (id int PRIMARY KEY, p Point, ts timestamp);

INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (1, CONVERT(Point, '1,3'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (2, CONVERT(Point, '2,4'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (3, CONVERT(Point, '3,5'));
INSERT INTO dbo.Points_ts (id, p) VALUES (4, CONVERT(Point, '4,6'));

Aşağıdaki örnek iki yöntem vardır:

  • UserProvidedCommands, hangi sağlamak nasıl gösterir InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, ve DeleteCommandnesneleri güncelleştirmek için Pointudt içinde Puan tablo (hangi içeren bir timestampsütun).

  • CommandBuilder, hangi nasıl kullanılacağını gösteren bir SqlCommandBuilderde Points_ts içeren tablo timestampsütun.

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Module Module1
    ' Retrieves the connection string
    Private connString As String = GetConnectionString()

    Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserProvidedCommands()
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString)

        ' Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands
        Dim idParam As SqlParameter
        Dim pointParam As SqlParameter

        da.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)", _
        idParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"
        pointParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"

        da.UpdateCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id", _
        idParam = _
           da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"
        pointParam = da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"

        da.DeleteCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id", _
        idParam = da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"

        ' Fill the DataTable with UDT rows
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")

        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        Dim r As DataRow
        For Each r In datTable.Rows
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(1), Point)
            Console.WriteLine( _
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)
        Next r

        ' Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(1), Point)
            datTable.Rows(0)(1) = _
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)
        End If

        ' Delete the last row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            ' If we have at least 1 row
        End If

        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        ' because 100 is a primary key value.
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, New Point(100, 200))

        ' Send the changes back to the database
    End Sub

    Private Sub CommandBuilder()
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
          "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString)

        ' Select a few rows with UDTs from the database
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")

        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        Dim r As DataRow
        For Each r In datTable.Rows
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(2), Point)
            Console.WriteLine( _
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)
        Next r

        ' Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(2), Point)
            datTable.Rows(0)(2) = _
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)
        End If

        ' Delete the last row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            ' if we have at least 1 row
        End If

        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        ' because 100 is a primary key value
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, Nothing, New Point(100, 200))

        ' Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements
        Dim bld As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion

        ' Send the changes back to the database
    End Sub

  Private Function GetConnectionString() As String
      ' To avoid storing the connection string in your code, 
      ' you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
     Return "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" _
       & "Integrated Security=SSPI"
   End Function
End Module
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Module Module1
    ' Retrieves the connection string
    Private connString As String = GetConnectionString()

    Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserProvidedCommands()
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString)

        ' Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands
        Dim idParam As SqlParameter
        Dim pointParam As SqlParameter

        da.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)", _
        idParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"
        pointParam = da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"

        da.UpdateCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id", _
        idParam = _
           da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"
        pointParam = da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@p", SqlDbType.Udt)
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p"
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"

        da.DeleteCommand = New SqlCommand( _
          "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id", _
        idParam = da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add( _
          "@id", SqlDbType.Int)
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id"

        ' Fill the DataTable with UDT rows
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")

        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        Dim r As DataRow
        For Each r In datTable.Rows
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(1), Point)
            Console.WriteLine( _
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)
        Next r

        ' Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(1), Point)
            datTable.Rows(0)(1) = _
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)
        End If

        ' Delete the last row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            ' If we have at least 1 row
        End If

        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        ' because 100 is a primary key value.
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, New Point(100, 200))

        ' Send the changes back to the database
    End Sub

    Private Sub CommandBuilder()
        ' Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter( _
          "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString)

        ' Select a few rows with UDTs from the database
        Dim datTable As New DataTable("Points")

        ' Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        Dim r As DataRow
        For Each r In datTable.Rows
            Dim p As Point = CType(r(2), Point)
            Console.WriteLine( _
              "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r(0), p.X, p.Y)
        Next r

        ' Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Dim oldPoint As Point = _
              CType(datTable.Rows(0)(2), Point)
            datTable.Rows(0)(2) = _
              New Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1)
        End If

        ' Delete the last row
        If datTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            ' if we have at least 1 row
        End If

        ' Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        ' because 100 is a primary key value
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, Nothing, New Point(100, 200))

        ' Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements
        Dim bld As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion

        ' Send the changes back to the database
    End Sub

  Private Function GetConnectionString() As String
      ' To avoid storing the connection string in your code, 
      ' you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
     Return "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" _
       & "Integrated Security=SSPI"
   End Function
End Module
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

class Class1
// Retrieves the connection string
private string connString = GetConnectionString();

static void Main()
    static void UserProvidedCommands()
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString);

        // Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands
        SqlParameter idParam;
        SqlParameter pointParam;

        da.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)", 
        idParam = 
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";
        pointParam = 
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point";

        da.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id", 
        idParam = 
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";
        pointParam = 
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"; 

        da.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id", 
        idParam = 
            da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";

        // Fill the DataTable with UDT rows
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");

        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        foreach(DataRow r in datTable.Rows) 
            Point p = (Point)r[1];
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);

        // Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) 
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][1];
            datTable.Rows[0][1] = 
                new Point(oldPoint.X+1, oldPoint.Y+1);

        // Delete the last row
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) 
        { // If we have at least 1 row

        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        // because 100 is a primary key value.
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, new Point(100, 200)); 

        // Send the changes back to the database

    static void CommandBuilder()
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
            "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString);

        // Select a few rows with UDTs from the database
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");

        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        foreach (DataRow r in datTable.Rows)
            Point p = (Point)r[2];
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);

        // Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][2];
            datTable.Rows[0][2] = 
                new Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1);

        // Delete the last row
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)
        { // if we have at least 1 row

        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        // because 100 is a primary key value
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, null, new Point(100, 200)); 

        // Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements
        SqlCommandBuilder bld = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion;

        // Send the changes back to the database

 static private string GetConnectionString()
 // To avoid storing the connection string in your code, 
 // you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
    return "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;"
        + "Integrated Security=SSPI";
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

class Class1
// Retrieves the connection string
private string connString = GetConnectionString();

static void Main()
    static void UserProvidedCommands()
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
          "SELECT id, p FROM dbo.Points", connString);

        // Setup the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands
        SqlParameter idParam;
        SqlParameter pointParam;

        da.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "INSERT INTO dbo.Points (id, p) VALUES (@id, @p)", 
        idParam = 
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";
        pointParam = 
            da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point";

        da.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "UPDATE dbo.Points SET p = @p WHERE id = @id", 
        idParam = 
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";
        pointParam = 
            da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@p", SqlDbType.Udt);
        pointParam.SourceColumn = "p";
        pointParam.UdtTypeName = "dbo.Point"; 

        da.DeleteCommand = new SqlCommand(
            "DELETE dbo.Points WHERE id = @id", 
        idParam = 
            da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
        idParam.SourceColumn = "id";

        // Fill the DataTable with UDT rows
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");

        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        foreach(DataRow r in datTable.Rows) 
            Point p = (Point)r[1];
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);

        // Update a row if the DataTable has at least 1 row
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) 
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][1];
            datTable.Rows[0][1] = 
                new Point(oldPoint.X+1, oldPoint.Y+1);

        // Delete the last row
        if(datTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) 
        { // If we have at least 1 row

        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        // because 100 is a primary key value.
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, new Point(100, 200)); 

        // Send the changes back to the database

    static void CommandBuilder()
        // Create a new SqlDataAdapter
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
            "SELECT id, ts, p FROM dbo.Points_ts", connString);

        // Select a few rows with UDTs from the database
        DataTable datTable = new DataTable("Points");

        // Display the contents of the p (Point) column
        foreach (DataRow r in datTable.Rows)
            Point p = (Point)r[2];
                "ID: {0}, x={1}, y={1}", r[0], p.X, p.Y);

        // Update a row if DataTable has at least 1 row
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)
            Point oldPoint = (Point)datTable.Rows[0][2];
            datTable.Rows[0][2] = 
                new Point(oldPoint.X + 1, oldPoint.Y + 1);

        // Delete the last row
        if (datTable.Rows.Count > 0)
        { // if we have at least 1 row

        // Insert a row. This will fail if run twice
        // because 100 is a primary key value
        datTable.Rows.Add(100, null, new Point(100, 200)); 

        // Use the CommandBuilder to generate DML statements
        SqlCommandBuilder bld = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
        bld.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareRowVersion;

        // Send the changes back to the database

 static private string GetConnectionString()
 // To avoid storing the connection string in your code, 
 // you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
    return "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;"
        + "Integrated Security=SSPI";

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Diğer Kaynaklar

Kullanıcı tanımlı türler ADO erişiyor.NET