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Thread Pool Properties

Analysis Services supports the thread pool server properties listed in the following tables. For more information about additional server properties and how to set them, see Configure Server Properties in Analysis Services.

For more information about thread pool and CPU configuration in multidimensional server mode, see SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services Operations Guide.

Applies to: Multidimensional server mode only

Parsing Category

  • Short\ NumThreads
    A signed 32-bit integer property that defines the number of threads that can be created for short commands.

  • Short\ PriorityRatio
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Short\ Concurrency
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Short\ GroupAffinity
    An array of hexadecimal values that correspond to processor groups on the system, used to set affinity of parsing threads to logical processors in each processor group. Customizing affinity settings is more likely to be recommended on large multi-core systems experiencing performance degradation due to thread pools spread out over a range of processors.

    Do not change this property except under the guidance of Microsoft Support. For more information, see Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties in this topic.

  • Long\ NumThreads
    A signed 32-bit integer property that defines the number of threads that can be created for long commands.

  • Long\ PriorityRatio
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Long\ Concurrency
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Long\ GroupAffinity
    An array of hexadecimal values that correspond to processor groups on the system, used to set affinity of parsing threads to logical processors in each processor group. Customizing affinity settings is more likely to be recommended on large multi-core systems experiencing performance degradation due to thread pools spread out over a range of processors.

    Do not change this property except under the guidance of Microsoft Support. For more information, see Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties in this topic.

Query Category

  • MinThreads
    A signed 32-bit integer property that defines the minimum number of threads for queries.

  • MaxThreads
    A signed 32-bit integer property that defines the maximum number of threads.

    The default value for this property is 0, indicating no limit.

  • PriorityRatio
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Concurrency
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • GroupAffinity
    An array of hexadecimal values that correspond to processor groups on the system, used to set affinity of query threads to logical processors in each processor group. Customizing affinity settings is more likely to be recommended on large multi-core systems experiencing performance degradation due to thread pools spread out over a range of processors.

    Do not change this property except under the guidance of Microsoft Support. For more information, see Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties in this topic.

Process Category

  • MinThreads
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • MaxThreads
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • PriorityRatio
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • Concurrency
    An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support.

  • GroupAffinity
    An array of hexadecimal values that correspond to processor groups on the system, used to set affinity of processing threads to logical processors in each processor group. Customizing affinity settings is more likely to be recommended on large multi-core systems experiencing performance degradation due to thread pools spread out over a range of processors.

    Do not change this property except under the guidance of Microsoft Support. For more information, see Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties in this topic.

IOProcess Category

  • GroupAffinity
    An array of hexadecimal values that correspond to processor groups on the system, used to set affinity of threads in the IOProcess thread pool to logical processors in each processor group. Setting this property can improve query performance for queries that request partition data to be loaded, as well for querying a relational data source when using ROLAP storage for dimensions or partitions. Customizing affinity settings is more likely to be recommended on large multi-core systems experiencing performance degradation due to thread pools spread out over a range of processors.

    Do not change this property except under the guidance of Microsoft Support. For more information, see Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties in this topic.

Understanding GroupAffinity Server Properties

Starting in this release of SQL Server, some editions of Analysis Services can use more than 64 processors by computing an affinity mask that spans multiple processor groups. Analysis Services will use these processors automatically, with no additional configuration required. One side-effect of using a large number of processors is that you can sometimes experience performance degradation as query and processing loads are spread out across a large number of processors and contention for system file cache increases. This can occur even on high-end systems that use NUMA architecture.

Under the guidance of Microsoft Support, you can resolve this problem by dedicating specific types of Analysis Services operations to individual processor groups, or cores within a group. Using the GroupAffinity server properties, you can create custom affinity masks that specify which system resource to use for each of the thread pool types managed by Analysis Services, including IO, process, query, and parsing.

You might consider using the GroupAffinity properties if you want to dedicate cores for specific operations, such as queries, processing, or I/O. Similarly, you might want to specify GroupAffinity if you are running several data intensive applications on the same hardware, and you want to allocate cores to different applications.

GroupAffinity is constrained by editions that limit the number of cores used by Analysis Services. At startup, Analysis Services uses edition information and the GroupAffinity properties to compute affinity masks for each of the 5 thread pools managed by Analysis Services. Standard edition can use a maximum of 16 cores. If you install Analysis Services standard edition on a large multi-core system that has more than 16 cores, Analysis Services will only use 16 of them. If you upgrade an Enterprise instance of an earlier version, you will be limited to 20 cores. For more information about editions and licensing, see SQL Server 2012 Licensing Overview.

Ayrıca bkz.


Configure Server Properties in Analysis Services


Determine the Server Mode of an Analysis Services Instance