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ATL OLE DB Provider Wizard

This wizard creates the classes that compose an OLE DB provider.


Beginning with Visual Studio 2008, the registration script produced by this wizard will register its COM components under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. To modify this behavior, set the Register component for all users option of the ATL Wizard.

The following table describes the options for the ATL OLE DB Provider Wizard:

  • Short name
    Type the short name of the provider to be created. The other edit boxes in the wizard will automatically populate based on what you type here. You can edit the other name boxes if you want.

  • Coclass
    The name of the coclass. The ProgID name will change to match this name.

  • Attributed
    This option specifies whether the wizard will create provider classes using attributes or template declarations. When you select this option, the wizard uses attributes instead of template declarations (this is the default option if you created an attributed project). When you clear this option, the wizard uses template declarations instead of attributes (this is the default option if you created a non-attributed project).

    If you select this option when you created a non-attributed project, the wizard warns you that the project will be converted to an attributed project and asks you whether to continue or not.

  • ProgID
    The ProgID, or programmatic identifier, is a text string that your application can use instead of a GUID. The ProgID name has the form Projectname.Coclassname.

  • Version
    The version number of your provider. The default is 1.

  • DataSource class
    The name of the data source class, of the form CShortnameSource.

  • DataSource .h file
    The header file for the data source class. You can edit this file's name or select an existing header file.

  • Session class
    The name of the session class, of the form CShortnameSession.

  • Session .h file
    The header file for the session class. You can edit this file's name or select an existing header file.

  • Command class
    The name of the command class, of the form CShortnameCommand.

  • Command .h file
    The header file for the command class. This name cannot be edited and depends on the name of the rowset header file.

  • Rowset class
    The name of the rowset class, of the form CShortnameRowset.

  • Rowset .h file
    The header file for the rowset class. You can edit this file's name or select an existing header file.

  • Rowset .cpp file
    The provider's implementation file. You can edit this file's name or select an existing implementation file.

See Also


Adding an ATL OLE DB Provider