VScrollBar Control for Visual Basic 6.0 Users
The VScrollBar control in Visual Basic 6.0 was replaced by the Windows Forms VScrollBar control in Visual Basic 2008. The names of some properties, methods, events, and constants are different, and in some cases there are differences in behavior.
Conceptual Differences
Change Event
In Visual Basic 6.0, when the Value property of a VScrollBar control is changed, the Change event is raised.
In Visual Basic 2008, the Change event is not raised; instead, the ValueChanged event is raised.
Value Property
In Visual Basic 6.0, when the Scroll or Change event of a VScrollBar control is raised, the current scroll value is assigned to the Value property.
When the Scroll event is raised in Visual Basic 2008, the control's Value property has not yet been updated. If you need to emulate Visual Basic 6.0 behavior, you can create a helper function to retrieve the value. For more information, see Code was changed from an event to a procedure.
LargeChange Property
In Visual Basic 6.0, the LargeChange property determines the amount of change to the Value property of a scroll bar control when the user clicks the area between the scroll box and scroll arrow.
In Visual Basic 2008, the default value of the LargeChange property is 10; in Visual Basic 6.0 it is 1.
Max Property
In Visual Basic 6.0, the Max property determines the maximum Value property setting in a scroll bar control.
In Visual Basic 2008, the Max property is replaced by the Maximum property; the default value is 100, in Visual Basic 6.0 it was 32767.
Min Property
In Visual Basic 6.0, the Min property determines the minimum Value property setting in a scroll bar control. The Min property can be set to a value greater than that of the Max property.
In Visual Basic 2008, the Min property is replaced by the Minimum property, the value of which must always be less than that of the Maximum property.
Other Differences
In addition, there are numerous conceptual differences that apply to all controls, including differences in data binding, font handling, drag and drop, Help support, and more. For more information, see Windows Forms Concepts for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
VScrollBar Control Property, Method, and Event Equivalencies
The following tables list Visual Basic 6.0 properties, methods, and events, along with their Visual Basic 2008 equivalents. Properties, methods, and events with the same names and behaviors are not listed. Where applicable, constants are indented beneath the property or method. All Visual Basic 2008 enumerations map to the System.Windows.Forms namespace unless otherwise noted.
Links are provided as necessary to topics explaining differences in behavior. Where there is no direct equivalent in Visual Basic 2008, links are provided to topics that present alternatives.
Visual Basic 6.0 |
Visual Basic 2008 Equivalent |
Container |
DragIcon DragMode |
New implementation. For more information, see Drag and Drop for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
Height |
Coordinates are handled differently in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Coordinate System for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
HelpContextID |
New implementation. For more information, see Help Support for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
HWnd |
Handle |
Index |
New implementation. For more information, see Control Arrays for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
LargeChange |
The default value in Visual Basic 6.0 is 1; in Visual Basic 2008 the default value is 10.
Left |
Coordinates are handled differently in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Coordinate System for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
Max |
The default value in Visual Basic 6.0 is 32767; in Visual Basic 2008, the default value is 100.
Min |
In Visual Basic 6.0, Min can be set to a value greater than Max; in Visual Basic 2008, this is not allowed.
MouseIcon |
New implementation. For more information, see Cannot set a custom MousePointer. |
MousePointer |
For a list of constants, see MousePointer for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
Parent |
RightToLeft: True False |
Yes enumeration value No enumeration value |
Top |
Coordinates are handled differently in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Coordinate System for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
Value |
In Visual Basic 6.0, when the Value is changed, the Change event is raised. In Visual Basic 2008, the Change event is not raised; use the ValueChanged event instead.
WhatsThisHelpID |
New implementation. For more information, see Help Support for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
Width |
Coordinates are handled differently in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Coordinate System for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
Visual Basic 6.0 |
Visual Basic 2008 Equivalent |
Drag |
New implementation. For more information, see Drag and Drop for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
Move |
Coordinates are handled differently in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Coordinate System for Visual Basic 6.0 Users.
SetFocus |
ShowWhatsThis |
New implementation. For more information, see Help Support for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
ZOrder: 0 – vbBringToFront 1 - vbSendToBack |
BringToFront or SendToBack function |
Visual Basic 6.0 |
Visual Basic 2008 Equivalent |
Change |
The behavior of the Change and Scroll events have changed in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Code was changed from an event to a procedure.
DragDrop DragOver |
New implementation. For more information, see Drag and Drop for Visual Basic 6.0 Users. |
GotFocus |
LostFocus |
Scroll |
The behavior of the Change and Scroll events have changed in Visual Basic 2008. For more information, see Code was changed from an event to a procedure.
Validate |
Upgrade Notes
When a Visual Basic 6.0 application is upgraded to Visual Basic 2008, any code in the Scroll event handler for the HScrollBar or VScrollBar control is changed to a procedure due to a difference in the sequence of events. For more information, see Code was changed from an event to a procedure.