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Check In Pending Changes that Are Controlled by a Gated Check-in Build (Team Explorer Everywhere)

If you are checking in files to a version control folder that is controlled by a gated check-in build, you must take additional steps to complete the check-in operation.

Required Permissions

To perform these procedures, you must have the Check in and the View builds permission set to Allow. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.

Begin Checking in Changes to a Folder that is Controlled by a Gated Check-in Build

If the Gated Check-in dialog box appears during the check-in process (as described in Check in Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere)) then your changes must first be built by Team Foundation Build before they can be checked in.

To check in changes to a folder that is controlled by a gated check-in build

  1. In the Gated Check-in dialog box, perform one of the following steps:

    • If a build definition is displayed, proceed to the next step.

    • If the Build definition menu is displayed instead of the name of a build definition, then notify your build administrator that there are two or more build definitions that control the same version control folder. On the Build definition menu, select the build definition that your build administrator suggests that you use.

  2. Perform one of the following steps:

    • Cancel the check-in operation and continue working: If you do not want to try building your changes yet, click Cancel, and the shelveset will not be created.

    • Proceed with the check-in operation, while keeping your changes in your workspace: To proceed with the check-in operation and continue working with your changes, see Proceed with the Gated Check-in after Keeping the Changes in Your Workspace.

    • Proceed with the check-in operation, while deleting changes in your workspace: If you do not need to continue working with your changes, see Proceed with the Gated Check-in after Deleting the Changes in Your Workspace.

    • Bypass the gated check-in requirement: If you have the Override check-in validation by build permission set to Allow, you can bypass the gated check-in requirement by selecting the Bypass validation build and check in my changes directly (requires permissions) check box.

Proceed with the Gated Check-in after Keeping the Changes in Your Workspace

The gated check-in process provides a way to proceed with the check-in and continue working with your changes. The drawback of proceeding in this way is that if the build completes successfully you must reconcile the changes in your workspace with the changes that are checked into version control.

To proceed with the gated check-in after keeping your changes in your workspace

  1. Follow the steps in Begin Checking in Changes to a Folder that is Subject to Gated Check-in.

    The Gated Check-in dialog box appears.

  2. Click Build Changes.

    The Gated Check-in view appears.

  3. Monitor the build in the Gated Check-in view, Build Explorer, or build notification e-mail.

    For more information, see Monitor Progress of a Running Build.

  4. After the build is complete, perform one of the following steps:

    If the build succeeded, then your changes are checked in. It is recommended that you reconcile your workspace before you continue to work on the codebase. You can reconcile your workspace in the Gated Check-in view or in Build Explorer:

    In the Gated Check-in view, right click the build, and then click Reconcile workspace.

    In Build Explorer, perform the following procedure:

    1. Go to the Completed tab of Build Explorer. For more information, see Using Build Explorer to View and Manage Queued, Ongoing, and Completed Builds.

    2. Find the successfully completed gated check-in build, which is shown next to a Check-in Shelveset Check-in Shelveset icon.

    3. Right-click the build and then click Reconcile Workspace.

    If the build failed, your changes are not checked in. You can correct the problems that caused the build to fail in the Gated Check-in view or Build Explorer:

    In the Gated Check-in view, double-click the build to open the build report. Correct the problems in your local workspace according to the report.

    In Build Explorer, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the completed build.

      For more information, see Using Build Explorer to View and Manage Queued, Ongoing, and Completed Builds.

    2. In the completed build window, read the information that can help you resolve the problem that caused the build to fail. For some types of problems, you may be able to click the error or issue to view the file that requires corrections.

    3. In your files, correct the problems that caused the build to fail.

Proceed with the Gated Check-in after Deleting the Changes in Your Workspace

If you want to proceed with the gated check-in operation and you do not plan to continue working with your changes, you can delete the changes in your workspace. Your changes are preserved in a shelveset and built by the system. If the build completes, then your changes are checked in. If the build fails, then you can unshelve the shelveset to get the changes back into your workspace.

To proceed with the gated check-in after deleting changes in your workspace

  1. Follow the steps in Begin Checking in Changes to a Folder that is Subject to Gated Check-in.

    The Gated Check-in dialog box appears.

  2. In the Gated Check-in dialog box, clear the Preserve my pending changes locally check box.

  3. Click Build Changes.

    The Gated Check-in view appears.

  4. Monitor the build by using the Gated Check-in view, Build Explorer, or build notification e-mail.

    For more information, see Running and Monitoring Builds (Team Explorer Everywhere).

  5. After the build is complete, perform one of the following steps:

    If the build failed, your changes are not checked in. You can use the Gated check-in view or Build Explorer to correct the problems that caused the build to fail:

    In the Gated Check-in view, double-click the build to open the build report. Correct the problems in your local workspace according to the report.

    In Build Explorer, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the completed build.

      For more information, see Using Build Explorer to View and Manage Queued, Ongoing, and Completed Builds.

    2. In the completed build window, read the information that can help you resolve the problem that caused the build to fail. For some types of problems, you may be able to click the error or issue to view the file that requires corrections.

    3. Retrieve your changes from the shelveset. For more information, see Shelve and Unshelve Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere).

    4. In your files, correct the problems that caused the build to fail.

See Also


Check in Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere)


Reconcile Command

Other Resources

Creating and Working with Build Definitions (Team Explorer Everywhere)

Using Shelvesets to Set Aside Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere)