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Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine Namespace

The VCProjectEngine namespace represents the Visual C++ project model and is its top-most object.


  Class Description
Public class _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SinkHelper Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public class VCProjectEngineEventsClass Infrastructure. Refer to VCProjectEngineEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class.
Public class VCProjectEngineObjectClass The main object for VCProjectEngine automation model.


  Interface Description
Public interface _dispVCProjectEngineEvents Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public interface _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_Event Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface _VCProjectEngineEvents Refer to VCProjectEngineEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class.
Public interface IGenericUserDefinedTool Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface ISimpleErrorContext Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface ISimplePropertyContainer Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface IToolPropertyWriter Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface IUserDefinedTool Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface IVCBuildCompleteCallback
Public interface IVCBuildPropertyStorage
Public interface IVCCollection An IVCCollection object contains the functionality that can be exercised on a collections object.
Public interface IVCIdentity
Public interface IVCProjectEngineEvents Interface that contains the VCProjectEngine events methods.
Public interface IVCProjectEngineEvents2
Public interface IVCRulePropertyStorage
Public interface VCActiveXReference Represents a reference to an ActiveX object.
Public interface VCALinkTool Represents the ALink tool, which is used to generate satellite assemblies from managed resources.
Public interface VCAppVerifierTool Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface VCAssemblyReference Represents a reference to a .NET assembly.
Public interface VCBscMakeTool The VCBscMakeTool object contains properties that allow you to programmatically manipulate the settings on the properties in the Browse Information folder, which is in the Configuration Properties folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. See Modifying Project Settings for information about accessing a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCCLCompilerTool The VCCLCompilerTool object exposes the functionality of the C++ compiler options. See Compiler Options for more information about compiler options.
Public interface VCConfiguration The VCConfiguration object programmatically accesses the properties in the General property page of a project's Property Pages dialog box. This object also allows access to the tools used to build this configuration.
Public interface VCCustomBuildRule Interface to access custom build rules and custom build rule files.
Public interface VCCustomBuildTool The VCCustomBuildTool object programmatically accesses the properties in the Custom Build Step property page in a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCDebugSettings The VCDebugSettings object contains properties that allow you to programmatically manipulate the settings on the Debug property page, which is in the Configuration Properties folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCFile The VCFile object describes the operations that can take place on a file in the active project.
Public interface VCFileConfiguration The VCFileConfiguration object contains build information about a file (VCFile object), including such things as what tool is attached to the file for that configuration.
Public interface VCFilter A VCFilter object exposes the functionality on a folder in Solution Explorer for a Visual C++ project.
Public interface VCFxCopTool Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public interface VCFxCopTool2
Public interface VCLibrarianTool Exposes the functionality of the LIB Reference tool.
Public interface VCLinkerTool Exposes the functionality of the linker options.
Public interface VCManagedResourceCompilerTool Represents the managed resource compiler, a tool used to compile .resx files.
Public interface VCManifestTool Enables combining manifest files.
Public interface VCMidlTool Programmatically accesses the properties in the MIDL folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCNMakeTool Programmatically accesses the properties in the NMAKE folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. See Modifying Project Settings for information about how to access a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCPlatform Affects platform-specific properties, including those exposed in the VC++ Directories, Projects, Options Dialog Box.
Public interface VCPlatform2
Public interface VCPostBuildEventTool Programmatically accesses the properties on the Post-Build Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCPreBuildEventTool Programmatically accesses the properties on the Pre-Build Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCPreLinkEventTool Programmatically accesses the properties on the PreLink Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCProject This object exposes the properties on a Visual C++ project.
Public interface VCProjectEngine The only Visual C++ project model object that can be returned by CoCreateInstance.
Public interface VCProjectEngineEvents The VCProjectEngineEvents object exposes events fired by a Visual C++ project. Use VCProjectEngineEvents for functionality and refer to _dispVCProjectEngineEvents for this object's documentation.
Public interface VCProjectEngineObject The main object for VCProjectEngine automation model.
Public interface VCProjectItem A file or folder in a project.
Public interface VCProjectReference Represents a reference to a project in the same solution.
Public interface VCPropertySheet Provides access to the project engine property sheets.
Public interface VCReference Represents a reference in the project.
Public interface VCReferences A collection of VCReference objects, each representing a reference in the project.
Public interface VCResourceCompilerTool Programmatically accesses the properties on the Resources folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box.
Public interface VCRuntimeBooleanProperty Provides access to runtime boolean properties.
Public interface VCRuntimeEnumProperty Provides access to runtime enumeration properties.
Public interface VCRuntimeEnumValue Gives access to a runtime enum property.
Public interface VCRuntimeIntegerProperty Provides access to runtime integer properties.
Public interface VCRuntimeProperty Provides access to runtime properties.
Public interface VCRuntimeStringProperty Provides access to runtime string properties.
Public interface VCToolFile Gives access to custom build rules.
Public interface VCUserMacro Gives access to user defined macros.
Public interface VCWebDeploymentTool The VCWebDeploymentTool object provides programmatic access to the Web deployment tool.
Public interface VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool Programmatically exposes the properties available from the Web References Property Page.
Public interface VCXDCMakeTool Interface to control the creation of XML doc files.
Public interface VCXMLDataGeneratorTool Represents the XML data generator. Used to generate Visual C++ code from XML.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemAddedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemMovedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemPropertyChange2EventHandler
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemPropertyChangeEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemRemovedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemRenamedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ProjectBuildFinishedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ProjectBuildStartedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ReportErrorEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SccEventEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public delegate _dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SolutionLoadedEventHandler Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration addressAwarenessType Used to specify whether the linker is able to handle addresses larger than 2 GB.
Public enumeration AppVrfBaseLayerOptions Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public enumeration asmListingOption Used by the AssemblerOutput property.
Public enumeration AVPageHeapProtectionDirection Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public enumeration basicRuntimeCheckOption Used by the BasicRuntimeChecks property.
Public enumeration bldActionTypes
Public enumeration browseInfoOption Used by the BrowseInformation property.
Public enumeration BuildWithPropertySheetType Describes settings for builds.
Public enumeration callingConventionOption Used to select the default calling convention.
Public enumeration charSet Defines whether _UNICODE or _MBCS should be set. It also affects the linker entry point where appropriate.
Public enumeration compileAsManagedOptions Used by the CompileAsManaged property.
Public enumeration CompileAsOptions Used to select compile language option for .c and .cpp files.
Public enumeration compilerErrorReportingType Allows you to provide internal compiler error (ICE) information directly to the Visual C++ team.
Public enumeration ConfigurationTypes Specifies the type of output this configuration generates.
Public enumeration cppExceptionHandling Used by the
Public enumeration debugOption Used by the DebugInformationFormat property.
Public enumeration driverOption Used by the AdditionalOptions linker property.
Public enumeration eAppProtectionOption Used to signify the level of process isolation used by the virtual directory.
Public enumeration eCLRImageType Specifies the type of a CLR image. Useful when linking object files of different types.
Public enumeration eCLRThreadAttribute Used by the CLRThreadAttribute property.
Public enumeration eDebuggerTypes Types of debuggers available to C++ projects.
Public enumeration eFileType Used by the FileType property.
Public enumeration enhancedInstructionSetType Used by the EnableEnhancedInstructionSet property.
Public enumeration enumDataExecutionPreventionBOOL Indicates that an executable was tested to be compatible with the Windows Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature.
Public enumeration enumFileFormat Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public enumeration enumFrameworkVersion Represents a version of the .NET Framework targeted by the project.
Public enumeration enumMPIAcceptModes Specifies the Multi-Processor-Interface accept modes for the debugger.
Public enumeration enumRandomizedBaseAddressBOOL Specifies whether to generate an executable image that can be randomly rebased at load time by using the address space layout randomization (ASLR) feature of Windows Vista.
Public enumeration enumResourceLangID Used by the Culture property.
Public enumeration enumSccEvent Signifies an event that has occurred in the project engine.
Public enumeration eSqlClrPermissionLevel Enumeration to indicate the SQL permission level.
Public enumeration eWebRefUrlBehavior Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public enumeration favorSizeOrSpeedOption Used to indicate whether to minimize or maximize the size of EXEs and DLLs.
Public enumeration floatingPointModel Specifies floating point behavior.
Public enumeration genProxyLanguage Used by the GeneratedProxyLanguage property.
Public enumeration inlineExpansionOption Used to define the level of inline function expansion for the build.
Public enumeration linkAssemblyDebug Used by the AssemblyDebug property.
Public enumeration linkerErrorReportingType Allows you to provide internal linker error information directly to the Visual C++ team.
Public enumeration linkFixedBaseAddress Advises the operating system to load the program only at its preferred base address. If the preferred base address is unavailable, the operating system does not load the file.
Public enumeration linkIncrementalType Used to switch on incremental linking. It is used by the LinkIncremental property.
Public enumeration linkProgressOption Used by the ShowProgress property.
Public enumeration LinkTimeCodeGenerationOption Corresponds to the Link Time Code Generation command line options.
Public enumeration linkUACExecutionLevel Specifies whether User Account Control (UAC) information is embedded in the program manifest.
Public enumeration machineTypeOption Used by the TargetMachine property.
Public enumeration midlCharOption Used by the DefaultCharType property.
Public enumeration midlErrorCheckOption Used by the EnableErrorChecks property.
Public enumeration midlStructMemberAlignOption Used by the StructMemberAlignment property.
Public enumeration midlTargetEnvironment Used by the TargetEnvironment property.
Public enumeration midlWarningLevelOption Used by the WarnLevel property.
Public enumeration optFoldingType Used by the EnableCOMDATFolding property.
Public enumeration optimizeOption Used by the Optimization property.
Public enumeration optManagedIncrementalBuild (Deprecated) Specifies whether an incremental build is used to build a manageg project. An incremental build compiles only those methods that have changed since the last compilation.
Public enumeration optRefType Used by the OptimizeReferences property.
Public enumeration optWin98Type Used by the OptimizeForWindows98 property.
Public enumeration pchOption Used by the UsePrecompiledHeader property.
Public enumeration preprocessOption Used by the GeneratePreprocessedFile property.
Public enumeration RemoteDebuggerType Used by the Remote property.
Public enumeration runtimeLibraryOption Used by the RuntimeLibrary property.
Public enumeration structMemberAlignOption Used by the StructMemberAlignment property.
Public enumeration subSystemOption Used by the SubSystem property.
Public enumeration termSvrAwarenessType Used by the TerminalServerAware property.
Public enumeration TypeOfDebugger Used by the DebuggerType property. It specifies the debugger type to use.
Public enumeration useOfATL Used by the useOfATL property.
Public enumeration useOfMfc Used by the useOfMfc property.
Public enumeration warningLevelOption Used by the WarnLevel property.
Public enumeration WholeProgramOptimizationTypes Specifies that the program will be optimized across object boundaries