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VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID Enumeration

These constants make some basic menu commands available to managed code.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll)


<GuidAttribute("1496A755-94DE-11D0-8C3F-00C04FC2AAE2")> _
Public Enumeration VSStd2KCmdID
public enum VSStd2KCmdID


Member name Description
TYPECHAR Type character
BACKSPACE Delete Backwards; Delete the current selection, or if no selection, the previous character.
RETURN Break Line; Insert a line break at the current caret position.
TAB Insert Tab; Insert a tab character at the current caret position.
BACKTAB Tab Left; Move the caret back one tab stop.
DELETE Delete; Delete the current selection.
LEFT Char Left; Move the caret left one character.
LEFT_EXT Char Left Extend; Move the caret left one character, extending the selection..
RIGHT Char Right; Move the caret right one character.
RIGHT_EXT Char Right Extend; Move the caret right one character, extending the selection.
UP Line Up.
UP_EXT Line Up Extend; Move the caret up one line, extending the selection.
DOWN Line Down; Move the caret down one line.
DOWN_EXT Line Down Extend; Move the caret down one line, extending the selection.
HOME Document Start; Move the caret to the start of the document.
HOME_EXT Document Start Extend; Move the caret to the start of the document, extending the selection.
END Document End; Move the caret to the end of the document.
END_EXT Document End Extend; Move the caret to the end of the document, extending the selection.
BOL Line Start; Move the caret to the start of the line.
BOL_EXT Line Start Extend; Move the caret to the start of the line, extending the selection.
FIRSTCHAR Line Start After Indentation; Move the caret to first non-white space character on the line.
FIRSTCHAR_EXT Line Start After Indentation Extend; Move the caret to first non-white space character on the line, extending the selection.
EOL Line End; Move the caret to the end of the line..
EOL_EXT Line End Extend; Move the caret to the end of the line, extending the selection.
LASTCHAR Line Last Char; Move the caret after the last non-white space character on the line.
LASTCHAR_EXT Line Last Char Extend; Move the caret after the last non-white space character on the line, extending the selection..
PAGEUP Page Up; Move the caret up one page.
PAGEUP_EXT Page Up Extend; Move the caret up one page, extending the selection.
PAGEDN Page Down; Move the caret down one page.
PAGEDN_EXT Page Down Extend; Move the caret down one page, extending the selection.
TOPLINE View Top; Move the caret to the top line in view.
TOPLINE_EXT View Top Extend; Move the caret to the top line in view, extending the selection.
BOTTOMLINE View Bottom; Move the caret to the last line in view.
BOTTOMLINE_EXT View Bottom Extend; Move the caret to the last line in view, extending the selection.
SCROLLUP Scroll Line Up: Scroll the document up one line.
SCROLLDN Scroll Line Down; Scroll the document down one line.
SCROLLPAGEUP Scroll Page Up: Scroll the document up one page..
SCROLLPAGEDN Scroll Page Down: Scroll the document down one page.
SCROLLLEFT Scroll Column Left; Scroll the document left one column.
SCROLLRIGHT Scroll Column Right; Scroll the document right one column.
SCROLLBOTTOM Scroll Line Bottom; Scroll the current line to the bottom of the view.
SCROLLCENTER Scroll Line Center; Scroll the current line to the center of the view.
SCROLLTOP Scroll Line Top: Scroll the current line to the top of the view.
SELECTALL Select All; Select all of the document.
SELTABIFY Tabify Selection: Replace spaces in the current selection with tabs.
SELUNTABIFY Untabify Selection; Replace tabs in the current selection with spaces.
SELLOWCASE Make Lowercase; Change the text in the current selection to all lower case.
SELUPCASE Make Uppercase; Change the text in the current selection to all upper case.
SELTOGGLECASE Toggle Case: Toggle the case of the text in the current selection.
SELTITLECASE Capitalize; Capitalize the first letter of words in the selection.
SELSWAPANCHOR Swap Anchor; Swap the anchor and end points of the current selection.
GOTOLINE Go To Line; Go to the indicated line.
GOTOBRACE Goto Brace; Move the caret forward to the matching brace.
GOTOBRACE_EXT Goto Brace Extend; Move the caret forward to the matching brace, extending the selection.
GOBACK Go Back; Go back one character.
SELECTMODE Select Mode; Toggle the selection mode.
TOGGLE_OVERTYPE_MODE Overtype Mode; Toggle between insert and overtype insertion modes.
CUT Cut; Cut the current selection to the clipboard.
COPY Copy; Copy the current selection to the clipboard.
PASTE Paste; Paste the selection.
CUTLINE Line Cut; Cut all selected lines, or the current line if no selection, to the clipboard.
DELETELINE Delete Line; Delete all selected lines, or the current line if no selection.
DELETEBLANKLINES Delete Blank Lines; Delete all blank lines in the selection, or the current blank line if no selection.
DELETEWHITESPACE Delete Horizontal White Space; Collapse white space in the selection, or delete white space adjacent to the caret if no selection.
DELETETOEOL Delete To EOL; Delete from the caret position to the end of the line.
DELETETOBOL Delete To BOL; Delete from the caret position to the beginning of the line.
OPENLINEABOVE Line Open Above; Open a new line above the current line.
OPENLINEBELOW Line Open Below: Open a new line below the current line.
INDENT Increase Line Indent; Increase Indent.
UNINDENT Decrease Line Indent; Line Unindent.
UNDO Undo; Undo the last operation.
UNDONOMOVE Undo no move
REDO Redo; Repeat the operation.
REDONOMOVE Redo without move
DELETEALLTEMPBOOKMARKS Clear Bookmarks; Clear all unnamed bookmarks in the current document.
TOGGLETEMPBOOKMARK Toggle Bookmark; Toggle an unnamed bookmark on the current line.
GOTONEXTBOOKMARK Next Bookmark; Move the caret to the next unnamed bookmark.
GOTOPREVBOOKMARK Previous Bookmark; Move the caret to the previous unnamed bookmark.
FIND Find; Find the occurrence.
REPLACE Replace; Replace the occurrence.
REPLACE_ALL Replace All; Replace all instances of the occurrence.
FINDNEXT Find Next; Find the next occurrence
FINDNEXTWORD Find Next Word; Find the next occurrence of word.
FINDPREV Find Prev; Find the previous occurrence
FINDPREVWORD Find Prev Word; Find the previous occurrence of word.
FINDAGAIN Find Again; Repeat the find operation.
TRANSPOSECHAR Char Transpose: Transpose the characters on either side of the caret.
TRANSPOSEWORD Word Transpose; Transpose the words on either side of the caret.
TRANSPOSELINE Line Transpose; Transpose the current line and the line below.
SELECTCURRENTWORD Select Current Word; Select the word under the caret.
DELETEWORDRIGHT Word Delete To End; Delete the word to the right of the caret.
DELETEWORDLEFT Word Delete To Start; Delete the word to the left of the caret.
WORDPREV Word Previous; Move the caret left one word.
WORDPREV_EXT Word Previous Extend; Move the caret left one word, extending the selection.
WORDNEXT Word Next; Move the caret right one word.
WORDNEXT_EXT Word Next Extend; Move the caret right one word, extending the selection.
COMMENTBLOCK Comment Block; Comment out the selected block.
UNCOMMENTBLOCK Uncomment Block; Uncomment the selected block. If the block is not commented, make no change.
SETREPEATCOUNT Set repeat count
WIDGETMARGIN_LBTNDOWN Widget Margin Left Button Down; A left button down event in the widget margin. The widget margin is used to set breakpoints or bookmarks.
SHOWCONTEXTMENU Displays a context menu. If unhandled this most editors display a default context menu without any language-specific commands. If you want your own commands on this menu, handle the command and bring up a context menu yourself.
CANCEL Selection Cancel; Cancel the current selection moving the caret to the anchor point.
PARAMINFO Parameter Info; Display Parameter Info based on the current language.
TOGGLEVISSPACE View White Space; Toggle the visibility of white space characters.
TOGGLECARETPASTEPOS Paste Moves Caret; Toggle where the caret is positioned after a paste operation.
COMPLETEWORD Complete Word; Display Word Completion based on the current language.
SHOWMEMBERLIST Show Member List; Display an object Member List based on the current language.
FIRSTNONWHITEPREV Line Start After Indentation Next; Move the caret to the first non-white-space character on the previous line.
FIRSTNONWHITENEXT Line Start After Indentation Next; Move the caret to the first non-white-space character on the next line.
FORMATSELECTION Format Selection; Format the currently selected text.
OPENURL Open URL; Invoke the default browser and opens the URL under the caret.
INSERTFILE Insert File As Text; Insert a file into the current document.
TOGGLESHORTCUT Toggle Task List Shortcut; Toggle a task list shortcut on the current line.
QUICKINFO Quick Info; Display Quick Info based on the current language.
LEFT_EXT_COL Char Left Extend Column; Move the caret left one character, extending the column selection.
RIGHT_EXT_COL Char Right Extend Column; Move the caret right one character, extending the column selection.
UP_EXT_COL Line Up Extend Column; Move the caret up one line, extending the column selection.
DOWN_EXT_COL Line Down Extend Column; Move the caret down one line, extending the column selection.
TOGGLEWORDWRAP Toggle Word Wrap; Toggle Word Wrap mode.
ISEARCH Incremental Search; Reverse Incremental Search.
ISEARCHBACK Reverse Incremental Search.
BOL_EXT_COL Line Start Extend Column; Move the caret to the start of the line, extending the column selection.
EOL_EXT_COL Line End Extend Column; Move the caret to the end of the line, extending the column selection.
WORDPREV_EXT_COL Word Previous Extend Column; Move the caret left one word, extending the column selection.
WORDNEXT_EXT_COL Word Next Extend Column; Move the caret right one word, extending the column selection.
OUTLN_HIDE_SELECTION Hide Selection; Outline Hide Selection.
OUTLN_TOGGLE_CURRENT Toggle Outlining Expansion; Outline Toggle Current.
OUTLN_TOGGLE_ALL Toggle All Outlining; Toggle all hidden regions.
OUTLN_STOP_HIDING_ALL Stop Outlining; Outline Stop Hiding All.
OUTLN_STOP_HIDING_CURRENT Stop Hiding Current; Outline Stop Hiding Current.
OUTLN_COLLAPSE_TO_DEF Collapse to Definitions; Outline Collapse To Definitions.
EXTERNALLY_HANDLED_WIDGET_CLICK Externally handled widget click; A mouse click event in the widget margin passed to an external handler. The widget margin is used to set breakpoints or bookmarks.
COMMENT_BLOCK Comment Block; Comment out the selected block.
UNCOMMENT_BLOCK Uncomment Selection; Uncomment the selected lines.
OPENFILE Open File; Open file under caret.
NAVIGATETOURL Open URL; Invoke the default browser and opens the URL under the caret.
COMPLETION_HIDE_ADVANCED Completion hide advanced
FORMATDOCUMENT Format document
OUTLN_START_AUTOHIDING Start Autohiding outline
ECMD_DECREASEFILTER Editor command: Decrease filter
ECMD_COPYTIP Editor command: Copy tip
ECMD_PASTETIP Editor command: Paste tip
ECMD_LEFTCLICK Editor command: Left click
ECMD_GOTONEXTBOOKMARKINDOC Editor command: Go to next bookmark in document
ECMD_GOTOPREVBOOKMARKINDOC Editor command: Go to previous bookmark in document
ECMD_INVOKESNIPPETFROMSHORTCUT Editor command: Invoke snippet from shortcut
AUTOCOMPLETE Auto complete
ECMD_INVOKESNIPPETPICKER2 Editor command: Invoke snippet picker 2
ECMD_DELETEALLBOOKMARKSINDOC Editor command: Delete all bookmarks in document
ECMD_CONVERTTABSTOSPACES Editor command: Convert tabs to spaces
ECMD_CONVERTSPACESTOTABS Editor command: Convert spaces to tabs
ECMD_FINAL Editor command: Final
STOP STOP command created during CTC file rationalization
REVERSECANCEL Reverse Cancel command created during CTC file rationalization
SLNREFRESH Solution Refresh command created during CTC file rationalization
SAVECOPYOFITEMAS Save Copy of Item As command created during CTC file rationalization
NEWELEMENT HTML editor command: New element
NEWATTRIBUTE HTML editor command: New attribute
NEWCOMPLEXTYPE HTML editor command: New complex type
NEWSIMPLETYPE HTML editor command: New simple type
NEWGROUP HTML editor command: New group
NEWATTRIBUTEGROUP HTML editor command: New attribute group
NEWKEY HTML editor command: New key
NEWRELATION HTML editor command: New relation
EDITKEY HTML editor command: Edit key
EDITRELATION HTML editor command: Edit relation
MAKETYPEGLOBAL HTML editor command: Make type global
PREVIEWDATASET HTML editor command: Preview dataset
GENERATEDATASET HTML editor command: Generate data set
CREATESCHEMA HTML editor command: Create schema
LAYOUTINDENT HTML editor command: Layout indent
LAYOUTUNINDENT HTML editor command: Layout unindent
REMOVEHANDLER HTML editor command: Remove handler
EDITHANDLER HTML editor command: Edit handler
ADDHANDLER HTML editor command: Add handler
STYLE HTML editor command: Style
STYLEGETLIST Get style list
FONTSTYLE HTML editor command: Font style
FONTSTYLEGETLIST HTML editor command: Get font style list
PASTEASHTML HTML editor command: Paste as HTML
VIEWBORDERS HTML editor command: View borders
VIEWDETAILS HTML editor command: View details
EXPANDCONTROLS HTML editor command: Expand controls
COLLAPSECONTROLS HTML editor command: Collapse controls
SHOWSCRIPTONLY HTML editor command: Show script only
INSERTTABLE HTML editor command: Insert table
INSERTCOLLEFT HTML editor command: Insert column on the left
INSERTCOLRIGHT HTML editor command: Insert column on the right
INSERTROWABOVE HTML editor command: Insert row above
INSERTROWBELOW HTML editor command: Insert row below
DELETETABLE HTML editor command: Delete table
DELETECOLS HTML editor command: Delete columns
DELETEROWS HTML editor command: Delete rows
SELECTTABLE HTML editor command: Select table
SELECTTABLECOL HTML editor command: Select table column
SELECTTABLEROW HTML editor command: Select table row
SELECTTABLECELL HTML editor command: Select table cell
MERGECELLS HTML editor command: Merge cells
SPLITCELL HTML editor command: Split cell
INSERTCELL HTML editor command: Insert cell
DELETECELLS HTML editor command: Delete cells
SEAMLESSFRAME HTML editor command: Seamless frame
VIEWFRAME HTML editor command: View frame
DELETEFRAME HTML editor command: Delete frame
SETFRAMESOURCE HTML editor command: Set frame source
NEWLEFTFRAME HTML editor command: New left frame
NEWRIGHTFRAME HTML editor command: New right frame
NEWTOPFRAME HTML editor command: New top frame
NEWBOTTOMFRAME HTML editor command: New bottom frame
SHOWGRID HTML editor command: Show grid
SNAPTOGRID HTML editor command: Snap to grid
BOOKMARK HTML editor command: Bookmark
HYPERLINK HTML editor command: Hyperlink
IMAGE HTML editor command: Image
INSERTFORM HTML editor command: Insert form
INSERTSPAN HTML editor command: Insert span
DIV HTML editor command: Div
HTMLCLIENTSCRIPTBLOCK HTML editor command: HTML client script block
HTMLSERVERSCRIPTBLOCK HTML editor command: HTML server script block
BULLETEDLIST HTML editor command: Bulleted list
NUMBEREDLIST HTML editor command: Numbered list
EDITSCRIPT HTML editor command: Edit script
EDITCODEBEHIND HTML editor command: Edit code behind
DOCOUTLINEHTML HTML editor command: Document outline HTML
DOCOUTLINESCRIPT HTML editor command: Document outline script
RUNATSERVER HTML editor command: Run at server
WEBFORMSVERBS HTML editor command: Web forms verbs
WEBFORMSTEMPLATES HTML editor command: Web forms templates
ENDTEMPLATE HTML editor command: End template
EDITDEFAULTEVENT HTML editor command: Edit default event
SUPERSCRIPT HTML editor command: Superscript
SUBSCRIPT HTML editor command: Subscript
EDITSTYLE HTML editor command: Edit style
ADDIMAGEHEIGHTWIDTH HTML editor command: Add image height width
REMOVEIMAGEHEIGHTWIDTH HTML editor command: Remove image height and width
LOCKELEMENT HTML editor command: Lock element
VIEWSTYLEORGANIZER View style organizer
ECMD_AUTOCLOSEOVERRIDE Editor and HTML editor command: ECMD Auto-close override
NEWANY HTML editor command: New any
NEWANYATTRIBUTE HTML editor command: New any attribute
DELETEKEY HTML editor command: Delete key
AUTOARRANGE HTML editor command: Auto arrange
VALIDATESCHEMA HTML editor command: Validate schema
NEWFACET HTML editor command: New facet
VALIDATEXMLDATA HTML editor command: Validate XML data
DOCOUTLINETOGGLE HTML editor command: Document outline toggle
VALIDATEHTMLDATA HTML editor command: Validate HTML data
VIEWXMLSCHEMAOVERVIEW HTML editor command: View XML schema overview
SHOWDEFAULTVIEW HTML editor command: Show default view
EXPAND_CHILDREN HTML editor command: Expand children
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN HTML editor command: Collapse children
TOPDOWNLAYOUT HTML editor command: Top down layout
LEFTRIGHTLAYOUT HTML editor command: Left to right layout
INSERTCELLRIGHT HTML editor command: Insert cell on the right
EDITMASTER HTML editor command: Edit master
INSERTSNIPPET HTML editor command: Insert snippet
FORMATANDVALIDATION HTML editor command: Format and validation
COLLAPSETAG HTML editor command: Collapse tag
SELECT_TAG HTML editor command: Select tag
SELECT_TAG_CONTENT HTML editor command: Select tag content
CHECK_ACCESSIBILITY HTML editor command: Check accessibility
UNCOLLAPSETAG HTML editor command: expand tag
GENERATEPAGERESOURCE HTML editor command: Generate page resource
SHOWNONVISUALCONTROLS HTML editor command: Show only non-visual controls
RESIZECOLUMN HTML editor command: Resize column
RESIZEROW HTML editor command: Resize row
MAKEABSOLUTE HTML editor command: Make absolute
MAKERELATIVE HTML editor command: Make relative
MAKESTATIC HTML editor command: Make static
INSERTLAYER HTML editor command: Insert layer
UPDATEDESIGNVIEW HTML editor command: Update design view
UPDATESOURCEVIEW HTML editor command: Update source view
INSERTCAPTION HTML editor command: Insert caption
DELETECAPTION HTML editor command: Delete caption
MAKEPOSITIONNOTSET HTML editor command: Make position not set
AUTOPOSITIONOPTIONS HTML editor command: Auto position options
EDITIMAGE HTML editor command: Edit image
COMPILE Project command: Compile
PROJSETTINGS Project command: Project settings
LINKONLY Project command: Link only
REMOVE Project command: Remove
PROJSTARTDEBUG Project command: Project start debugging
PROJSTEPINTO Project command: Project step into
ECMD_UPDATEMGDRES Editor command: Update managed resources
UPDATEWEBREF Project command: Update web reference
ADDRESOURCE Project command: Add resource
WEBDEPLOY Project command: Web deployment
ECMD_PROJTOOLORDER Editor command: Project tool order
ECMD_PROJECTTOOLFILES Editor command: Project tool files
ECMD_OTB_PGO_INSTRUMENT Editor command: Object test bench / Profile guided optimization instrument
ECMD_OTB_PGO_OPT Editor command: Object test bench / Profile guided optimization optimize
ECMD_OTB_PGO_UPDATE Editor command: Object test bench / Profile guided optimization update
ECMD_OTB_PGO_RUNSCENARIO Editor command: Object test bench / Profile guided optimization run scenario
ADDHTMLPAGE Visual Basic Project command: Add HTML page
ADDHTMLPAGECTX Visual Basic Project command: Add HTML page control
ADDMODULE Visual Basic Project command: Add module
ADDMODULECTX Visual Basic Project command: Add module control
ADDWFCFORM Visual Basic Project command: Add WFC form
ADDWEBFORM Visual Basic Project command: Add web form
ECMD_ADDMASTERPAGE Editor command: Add master page
ADDUSERCONTROL Visual Basic Project command: Add user control
ECMD_ADDCONTENTPAGE Editor command: Add content page
ADDDHTMLPAGE Visual Basic Project command: Add DHTML page
ADDIMAGEGENERATOR Visual Basic Project command: Add image generator
ADDINHERWFCFORM Visual Basic Project command: Add inherited WCF form
ADDINHERCONTROL Visual Basic Project command: Add inherited control
ADDWEBUSERCONTROL Visual Basic Project command: Add web user control
BUILDANDBROWSE Visual Basic Project command: Build and browse
ADDTBXCOMPONENT Visual Basic Project command: Add tab grid component
ADDWEBSERVICE Visual Basic Project command: Add web service
ECMD_ADDSTYLESHEET Editor command: Add stylesheet
ECMD_SETBROWSELOCATION Editor command: Set browse location
ECMD_REFRESHFOLDER Editor command: Refresh folder
ECMD_SETBROWSELOCATIONCTX Editor command: Set browse location control
ECMD_VIEWMARKUP Editor command: View markup
ECMD_NEXTMETHOD Editor command: Next method
ECMD_PREVMETHOD Editor command: Previous method
ECMD_RENAMESYMBOL Editor command: Rename symbol
ECMD_SHOWREFERENCES Editor command: Show references
ECMD_CREATESNIPPET Editor command: Create snippet
ECMD_CREATEREPLACEMENT Editor command: Create replacement
ECMD_INSERTCOMMENT Editor command: Insert comment
VIEWCOMPONENTDESIGNER Refactoring command: View component designer
GOTOTYPEDEF Refactoring command: Go to type definition
SHOWSNIPPETHIGHLIGHTING Refactoring command: Show snippet highlighting
HIDESNIPPETHIGHLIGHTING Refactoring command: Hide snippet highlighting
ADDVFPPAGE Visual FoxPro Project command: Add Visual FoxPro page
SETBREAKPOINT Visual FoxPro Project command: Set breakpoint
SHOWALLFILES Help Workshop project command: Show all files
ADDTOPROJECT Help Workshop project command: Add to project
ADDBLANKNODE Help Workshop project command: Add blank node
ADDNODEFROMFILE Help Workshop project command: Add node from file
CHANGEURLFROMFILE Help Workshop project command: Change URL from file
EDITTOPIC Help Workshop project command: Edit topic
EDITTITLE Help Workshop project command: Edit title
MOVENODEUP Help Workshop project command: Move node up
MOVENODEDOWN Help Workshop project command: Move node down
MOVENODELEFT Help Workshop project command: Move node left
MOVENODERIGHT Help Workshop project command: Move node right
ADDOUTPUT Deploy project command: Add output
ADDFILE Deploy project command: Add file
MERGEMODULE Deploy project command: Merge module
ADDCOMPONENTS Deploy project command: Add components
LAUNCHINSTALLER Deploy project command: Launch installer
LAUNCHUNINSTALL Deploy project command: Launch uninstall
LAUNCHORCA Deploy project command: Launch Anchor A
FILESYSTEMEDITOR Deploy project command: File system editor
REGISTRYEDITOR Deploy project command: Registry editor
FILETYPESEDITOR Deploy project command: File types editor
USERINTERFACEEDITOR Deploy project command: User's Interface editor
CUSTOMACTIONSEDITOR Deploy project command: Custom actions editor
LAUNCHCONDITIONSEDITOR Deploy project command: Launch conditions editor
EDITOR Deploy project command: Editor
EXCLUDE Deploy project command: Exclude
REFRESHDEPENDENCIES Deploy project command: Refresh dependencies
VIEWOUTPUTS Deploy project command: View outputs
VIEWDEPENDENCIES Deploy project command: View dependencies
VIEWFILTER Deploy project command: View filter
KEY Deploy project command: Key
STRING Deploy project command: String
BINARY Deploy project command: Binary
DWORD Deploy project command: DWORD
KEYSOLO Deploy project command: Key solo
IMPORT Deploy project command: Import
FOLDER Deploy project command: Folder
PROJECTOUTPUT Deploy project command: Project output
FILE Deploy project command: File
ADDMERGEMODULES Deploy project command: Add merge modules
CREATESHORTCUT Deploy project command: Create shortcut
LARGEICONS Deploy project command: Large icons
SMALLICONS Deploy project command: Small icons
LIST Deploy project command: List
DETAILS Deploy project command: Details
ADDFILETYPE Add file type
ADDACTION Deploy project command: Add action
SETASDEFAULT Deploy project command: Set as default
MOVEUP Deploy project command:
MOVEDOWN Deploy project command: Move down
ADDDIALOG Add dialog
IMPORTDIALOG Deploy project command: Import dialog
ADDFILESEARCH Deploy project command: Add file search
ADDREGISTRYSEARCH Deploy project command: Add registry search
ADDCOMPONENTSEARCH Deploy project command: Add components search
ADDLAUNCHCONDITION Deploy project command: Add launch condition
ADDCUSTOMACTION Deploy project command: Add custom action
OUTPUTS Deploy project command: Outputs
DEPENDENCIES Deploy project command: Dependencies
FILTER Deploy project command: Filter
COMPONENTS Deploy project command: Components
ENVSTRING Deploy project command: Environment string
CREATEEMPTYSHORTCUT Deploy project command: Create empty shortcut
ADDFILECONDITION Deploy project command: Add file condition
ADDREGISTRYCONDITION Deploy project command: Add registry condition
ADDCOMPONENTCONDITION Deploy project command: Add component condition
ADDURTCONDITION Deploy project command: Add URT condition
ADDIISCONDITION Deploy project command: Add IIS condition
SPECIALFOLDERBASE Deploy project command: Base special folder
USERSAPPLICATIONDATAFOLDER Deploy project command: User's Application Data folder
COMMONFILES64FOLDER Deploy project command: Common files64 folder
COMMONFILESFOLDER Deploy project command: Common files folder
CUSTOMFOLDER Deploy project command: Custom folder
USERSDESKTOP Deploy project command: User's Desktop
USERSFAVORITESFOLDER Deploy project command: User's Favorites folder
FONTSFOLDER Deploy project command: Fonts folder
GLOBALASSEMBLYCACHEFOLDER Deploy project command: Global assembly cache folder
MODULERETARGETABLEFOLDER Deploy project command: Re-targetable module folder
USERSPERSONALDATAFOLDER Deploy project command: User's Personal Data folder
PROGRAMFILES64FOLDER Deploy project command: Program Files64 folder
PROGRAMFILESFOLDER Deploy project command: Program Files folder
USERSPROGRAMSMENU Deploy project command: User's Programs menu
USERSSENDTOMENU Deploy project command: User's send to menu
SHAREDCOMPONENTSFOLDER Deploy project command: Shared Components folder
USERSSTARTMENU Deploy project command: User's start menu
USERSSTARTUPFOLDER Deploy project command: User's startup folder
SYSTEM64FOLDER Deploy project command: System64 folder
SYSTEMFOLDER Deploy project command: System folder
APPLICATIONFOLDER Deploy project command: Application folder
USERSTEMPLATEFOLDER Deploy project command: User template folder
WEBCUSTOMFOLDER Deploy project command: Custom web folder
WINDOWSFOLDER Deploy project command: Windows folder
SPECIALFOLDERLAST Deploy project command: Last special folder
EXPORTEVENTS Analyzer project command: Export events
IMPORTEVENTS Analyzer project command: Import events
VIEWEVENT Analyzer project command: View event
VIEWEVENTLIST Analyzer project command: View event list
VIEWCHART Analyzer project command: View chart
VIEWMACHINEDIAGRAM Analyzer project command: View machine diagram
VIEWPROCESSDIAGRAM Analyzer project command: View process diagram
VIEWSOURCEDIAGRAM Analyzer project command: View source diagram
VIEWSTRUCTUREDIAGRAM Analyzer project command: View structure diagram
VIEWTIMELINE Analyzer project command: View timeline
VIEWSUMMARY Analyzer project command: View summary
APPLYFILTER Analyzer project command: Apply filter
CLEARFILTER Analyzer project command: Clear filter
STARTRECORDING Analyzer project command: Start recording
STOPRECORDING Analyzer project command: Stop recording
PAUSERECORDING Analyzer project command: Pause recording
ACTIVATEFILTER Analyzer project command: Activate filter
SHOWFIRSTEVENT Analyzer project command: Show first event
SHOWPREVIOUSEVENT Analyzer project command: Show previous event
SHOWNEXTEVENT Analyzer project command: Show next event
SHOWLASTEVENT Analyzer project command: Show last event
REPLAYEVENTS Analyzer project command: Replay events
STOPREPLAY Analyzer project command: Stop replay
INCREASEPLAYBACKSPEED Analyzer project command: Increase playback speed
DECREASEPLAYBACKSPEED Analyzer project command: Decrease playback speed
ADDMACHINE Analyzer project command: Add machine
ADDREMOVECOLUMNS Analyzer project command: Add or remove columns
SORTCOLUMNS Analyzer project command: Sort columns
SAVECOLUMNSETTINGS Analyzer project command: Save column settings
RESETCOLUMNSETTINGS Analyzer project command: Reset column settings
SIZECOLUMNSTOFIT Analyzer project command: Size columns to fit
AUTOSELECT Analyzer project command: Auto select
AUTOPLAYTRACK Analyzer project command: Autoplay track
GOTOEVENT Analyzer project command: Go to event
ZOOMTOFIT Analyzer project command: Zoom to fit
ADDGRAPH Analyzer project command: Add graph
REMOVEGRAPH Analyzer project command: Remove graph
CONNECTMACHINE Analyzer project command: Connect machine
DISCONNECTMACHINE Analyzer project command: Disconnect machine
EXPANDSELECTION Analyzer project command: Expand selection
COLLAPSESELECTION Analyzer project command: Collapse section
ADDFILTER Add filter
ADDPREDEFINED0 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 0
ADDPREDEFINED1 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 1
ADDPREDEFINED2 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 2
ADDPREDEFINED3 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 3
ADDPREDEFINED4 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 4
ADDPREDEFINED5 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 5
ADDPREDEFINED6 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 6
ADDPREDEFINED7 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 7
ADDPREDEFINED8 Analyzer project command: Add predefined item 8
TIMELINESIZETOFIT Analyzer project command: Timeline size to fit
FIELDVIEW Crystal Reports command: Field view
SELECTEXPERT Crystal Reports command: Select expert
TOPNEXPERT Crystal Reports command: Top N Expert
SORTORDER Crystal Reports command: Sort order
PROPPAGE Crystal Reports command: Property page
HELP Crystal Reports command: Help
SAVEREPORT Crystal Reports command: Save report
INSERTSUMMARY Crystal Reports command: Insert summary
INSERTGROUP Crystal Reports command: Insert group
INSERTSUBREPORT Crystal Reports command: Insert subreport
INSERTCHART Crystal Reports command: Insert chart
INSERTPICTURE Crystal Reports command: Insert picture
SETASSTARTPAGE Common project command: Set as Start page
RECALCULATELINKS Common project command: Recalculate links
WEBPERMISSIONS Common project command: Web permissions
COMPARETOMASTER Common project command: Compare to master
WORKOFFLINE Common project command: Work offline
SYNCHRONIZEFOLDER Common project command: Synchronize folder
SYNCHRONIZEALLFOLDERS Common project command: Synchronize all folders
COPYPROJECT Common project command: Copy project
IMPORTFILEFROMWEB Common project command: Import file from web
INCLUDEINPROJECT Common project command: Include in project
EXCLUDEFROMPROJECT Common project command: Exclude from project
BROKENLINKSREPORT Common project command: Broken links report
ADDPROJECTOUTPUTS Common project command: Add project outputs
ADDREFERENCE Common project command: Add reference
ADDWEBREFERENCE Common project command: Add web reference
ADDWEBREFERENCECTX Common project command: Add web reference control
UPDATEWEBREFERENCE Common project command: Update web reference
RUNCUSTOMTOOL Common project command: Run custom tool
SETRUNTIMEVERSION Common project command: Set runtime version
VIEWREFINOBJECTBROWSER Common project command: View reference in object browser
PUBLISH Common project command: Publish
PUBLISHCTX Common project command: Publish control
STARTOPTIONS Common project command: Start options
ADDREFERENCECTX Common project command: Add reference control
STARTOPTIONSCTX Common project command: Start options control
DETACHLOCALDATAFILECTX Common project command: Detach local data file control
ADDSERVICEREFERENCE Common project command: Add service reference
ADDSERVICEREFERENCECTX Common project command: Add service reference control
UPDATESERVICEREFERENCE Common project command: Update service reference
CONFIGURESERVICEREFERENCE Common project command: Configure service reference
DRAG_MOVE Right mouse button drag move
DRAG_COPY Right mouse button drag copy
DRAG_CANCEL Right mouse button drag cancel
TESTDIALOG Resource Editor command: Test dialog
SPACEACROSS Resource Editor command: Space across
SPACEDOWN Resource Editor command: Space down
TOGGLEGRID Resource Editor command: Toggle grid
TOGGLEGUIDES Resource Editor command: Toggle guides
SIZETOTEXT Resource Editor command: Size to text
CENTERVERT Resource Editor command: Center vertically
CENTERHORZ Resource Editor command: Center horizontally
FLIPDIALOG Resource Editor command: Flip dialog
SETTABORDER Resource Editor command: Set tab border
BUTTONRIGHT Resource Editor command: Right button
BUTTONBOTTOM Resource Editor command: Bottom button
AUTOLAYOUTGROW Resource Editor command: Enable auto layout grow
AUTOLAYOUTNORESIZE Resource Editor command: Disable auto layout resize
AUTOLAYOUTOPTIMIZE Resource Editor command: Enable auto layout optimization
GUIDESETTINGS Resource Editor command: GUID settings
RESOURCEINCLUDES Resource Editor command: Resource includes
RESOURCESYMBOLS Resource Editor command: Resource symbols
OPENBINARY Resource Editor command: Open as binary file
RESOURCEOPEN Resource Editor command: Resource open
RESOURCENEW Resource Editor command: Resource new
RESOURCENEWCOPY Resource Editor command: Resource copy
INSERT Resource Editor command: Insert
CTLMOVELEFT Resource Editor command: Move control left
CTLMOVEDOWN Resource Editor command: Move control down
CTLMOVERIGHT Resource Editor command: Move control right
CTLMOVEUP Resource Editor command: Move control up
CTLSIZEDOWN Resource Editor command: Resize control down
CTLSIZEUP Resource Editor command: Resize control up
CTLSIZELEFT Resource Editor command: Resize control left
CTLSIZERIGHT Resource Editor command: Resize control right
NEWACCELERATOR Resource Editor command: New accelerator
CAPTUREKEYSTROKE Resource Editor command: Capture keystroke
INSERTACTIVEXCTL Resource Editor command: Insert ActiveX control
INVERTCOLORS Resource Editor command: Invert colors
FLIPHORIZONTAL Resource Editor command: Flip horizontal
FLIPVERTICAL Resource Editor command: Flip vertical
ROTATE90 Resource Editor command: Rotate 90 degrees
SHOWCOLORSWINDOW Resource Editor command: Show color window
NEWSTRING Resource Editor command: New string
NEWINFOBLOCK Resource Editor command: New info block
DELETEINFOBLOCK Resource Editor command: Delete info block
ADJUSTCOLORS Resource Editor command: Adjust colors
LOADPALETTE Resource Editor command: Load palette
SAVEPALETTE Resource Editor command: Save palette
CHECKMNEMONICS Resource Editor command: Check Mnemonics
DRAWOPAQUE Resource Editor command: Draw opaque
TOOLBAREDITOR Resource Editor command: Toolbar editor
GRIDSETTINGS Resource Editor command: Grid settings
NEWDEVICEIMAGE Resource Editor command: New device image
OPENDEVICEIMAGE Resource Editor command: Open device image
DELETEDEVICEIMAGE Resource Editor command: Delete device image
VIEWASPOPUP Resource Editor command: View as pop-up
CHECKMENUMNEMONICS Resource Editor command: Check menu mnemonics
SHOWIMAGEGRID Resource Editor command: Show image grid
SHOWTILEGRID Resource Editor command: Show tile grid
MAGNIFY Resource Editor command: Magnify
ResProps Resource Editor command: Resource properties
IMPORTICONIMAGE Resource Editor command: Import icon image
EXPORTICONIMAGE Resource Editor command: Export icon image
OPENEXTERNALEDITOR Resource Editor command: Open external editor
PICKRECTANGLE Resource Editor command: Pick rectangle
PICKREGION Resource Editor command: Pick region
PICKCOLOR Resource Editor command: Pick color
ERASERTOOL Resource Editor command: Eraser tool
FILLTOOL Resource Editor command: Fill tool
PENCILTOOL Resource Editor command: Pencil tool
BRUSHTOOL Resource Editor command: Brush tool
AIRBRUSHTOOL Resource Editor command: Airbrush tool
LINETOOL Resource Editor command: Line tool
CURVETOOL Resource Editor command: Curve tool
TEXTTOOL Resource Editor command: Text tool
RECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Rectangle tool
OUTLINERECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Rectangle outline tool
FILLEDRECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Filled rectangle tool
ROUNDRECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Round rectangle tool
OUTLINEROUNDRECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Rounded rectangle outline tool
FILLEDROUNDRECTTOOL Resource Editor command: Filled round rectangle tool
ELLIPSETOOL Resource editor command: Ellipse tool
OUTLINEELLIPSETOOL Resource Editor command: Ellipse outline tool
FILLEDELLIPSETOOL Resource Editor command: Filled ellipse tool
SETHOTSPOT Resource Editor command: Set hotspot
ZOOMTOOL Resource Editor command: Zoom tool
ZOOM1X Resource Editor command: Zoom factor 1
ZOOM2X Resource Editor command: Zoom factor 2
ZOOM6X Resource Editor command: Zoom factor 6
ZOOM8X Resource Editor command: Zoom factor 8
TRANSPARENTBCKGRND Resource Editor command: Transparent background
OPAQUEBCKGRND Resource Editor command: Opaque background
ERASERSMALL Resource Editor command: Small eraser
ERASERMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Medium eraser
ERASERLARGE Resource Editor command: Large eraser
ERASERLARGER Resource Editor command: Larger eraser
CIRCLELARGE Resource Editor command: Large circle
CIRCLEMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Medium circle
CIRCLESMALL Resource Editor command: Small circle
SQUARELARGE Resource Editor command: Square large
SQUAREMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Square medium
SQUARESMALL Resource Editor command: Square small
LEFTDIAGLARGE Resource Editor command: Left diagonal large
LEFTDIAGMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Left diagonal medium
LEFTDIAGSMALL Resource Editor command: Left diagonal small
RIGHTDIAGLARGE Resource Editor command: Right diagonal large
RIGHTDIAGMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Right diagonal medium
RIGHTDIAGSMALL Resource Editor command: Right diagonal small
SPLASHSMALL Resource Editor command: Splash small
SPLASHMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Splash medium
SPLASHLARGE Resource Editor command: Splash large
LINESMALLER Resource Editor command: Line smaller
LINESMALL Resource Editor command: Line small
LINEMEDIUM Resource Editor command: Line medium
LINELARGE Resource Editor command: Line large
LINELARGER Resource Editor command: Line larger
LARGERBRUSH Resource Editor command: Larger brush
LARGEBRUSH Resource Editor command: Large brush
STDBRUSH Resource Editor command: Standard brush
SMALLBRUSH Resource Editor command: Small brush
SMALLERBRUSH Resource Editor command: Smaller brush
ZOOMIN Resource Editor command: Zoom in
ZOOMOUT Resource Editor command: Zoom out
PREVCOLOR Resource Editor command: Previous color
PREVECOLOR Resource Editor command: Previous extended palette color
NEXTCOLOR Resource Editor command: Next color
NEXTECOLOR Resource Editor command: Next extended palette color
IMG_OPTIONS Resource Editor command: Image options
STARTWEBADMINTOOL Start Web site administrator tool
NESTRELATEDFILES Nest related files
CANCELDRAG WinForm command: Cancel drag
DEFAULTACTION WinForm command: Default action
CTLMOVEUPGRID Resource Editor command: Move control up to grid
CTLMOVEDOWNGRID Resource Editor command: Move control down to grid
CTLMOVELEFTGRID Resource Editor command: Move control left to grit
CTLMOVERIGHTGRID Resource Editor command: Move control right to grid
CTLSIZERIGHTGRID Resource Editor command: Resize control right to grid
CTLSIZEUPGRID Resource Editor command: Resize control up to grid
CTLSIZELEFTGRID Resource Editor command: Resize control left to grid
CTLSIZEDOWNGRID Resource Editor command: Resize control down to grid
NEXTCTL WinForms command: Next control
PREVCTL WinForms command: Previous control
RENAME WinForms command: Rename
EXTRACTMETHOD WinForms command: Extract method
ENCAPSULATEFIELD WinForms command: Encapsulate field
EXTRACTINTERFACE WinForms command: Extract interface
PROMOTELOCAL WinForms command: Promote local
REMOVEPARAMETERS WinForms command: Remove parameters
REORDERPARAMETERS WinForms command: Re-order parameters
GENERATEMETHODSTUB WinForms command: Generate method stub
IMPLEMENTINTERFACEIMPLICIT WinForms command: Implement implicit interface
IMPLEMENTINTERFACEEXPLICIT WinForms command: Implement explicit interface
IMPLEMENTABSTRACTCLASS WinForms command: Implement abstract class
SURROUNDWITH WinForms command: Surround with
QUICKOBJECTSEARCH Quick object search
ToggleWordWrapOW Toggle word wrap OW
GotoNextLocationOW Go to next location OW
GotoPrevLocationOW Go to previous location OW
BuildOnlyProject Build only project
RebuildOnlyProject Rebuild only project
CleanOnlyProject Clean only project
SetBuildStartupsOnlyOnRun Set build startups only on run
UnhideAll Unhide all
HideFolder Hide folder
UnhideFolders Unhide folders
CopyFullPathName Copy full path name
SaveFolderAsSolution Save folder as solution
ManageUserSettings Manage user settings
NewSolutionFolder New solution folder
ClearPaneOW Clear Pane OW
GotoErrorTagOW Go to Error Tag OW
GotoNextErrorTagOW Go to next Error Tag OW
GotoPrevErrorTagOW Go to previous Error Tag OW
ClearPaneFR1 Clear Pane FR1
GotoErrorTagFR1 Go to Error Tag FR1
GotoNextErrorTagFR1 Go to next Error Tag FR1
GotoPrevErrorTagFR1 Go to previous Error Tag FR1
ClearPaneFR2 Clear Pane FR2
GotoErrorTagFR2 Go to Error Tag FR2
GotoNextErrorTagFR2 Go to next Error Tag FR2
GotoPrevErrorTagFR2 Go to previous Error Tag FR2
OutputPaneCombo Output pane combo
OutputPaneComboList Output pane combo list
DisableDockingChanges Disable docking changes
ToggleFloat Toggle float
ResetLayout Reset layout
NewSolutionFolderBar New solution folder bar
DataShortcut Data shortcut
NextToolWindow New tool window
PrevToolWindow Previous tool window
BrowseToFileInExplorer Browse to file in Explorer
ShowEzMDIFileMenu Show simple MDI file menu
PrevToolWindowNav Previous tool window navigator
StaticAnalysisOnlyProject Static analysis only project
ECMD_RUNFXCOPSEL Editor command: Run Analyzer on selection
CVShowInheritedMembers Class View command: Show inherited members
CVShowBaseTypes Class View command: Show base types
CVShowDerivedTypes Class View command: Show derived types
CVShowHidden Class View command: Show hidden
CVBack Class View command: Back
CVForward Class View command: Forward
CVSearchCombo Class View command: Search combo
CVSearch Class View command: Search
CVSortObjectsAlpha Class View command: Sort objects alphabetically
CVSortObjectsType Class View command: Sort objects by type
CVSortObjectsAccess Class View command: Sort objects by access
CVGroupObjectsType Class View command: Group objects type
CVSortMembersAlpha Class View command: Sort members alphabetically
CVSortMembersType Class View command: Sort members by type
CVSortMembersAccess Class View command: Sort members by access
CVTypeBrowserSettings Class View command: Type browser settings
CVViewMembersAsImplementor Class View command: View members as implementer
CVViewMembersAsSubclass Class View command: View members as subclass
CVViewMembersAsUser Class View command: View members as user
CVReserved1 Class View command: Reserved1
CVReserved2 Class View command: Reserved2
CVShowProjectReferences Class View command: Show project references
CVGroupMembersType Class View command: Group members by type
CVClearSearch Class View command: Clear search
CVFilterToType Class View command: Filter to type
CVSortByBestMatch Class View command: Sort by best match
CVSearchMRUList Class View command: Search MRU list
CVViewOtherMembers Class View command: View other members
CVSearchCmd Class View command: Search command
CVGoToSearchCmd Class View command: Go to search command
ControlGallery Control gallery
OBShowInheritedMembers Object Browser command: Show inherited members
OBShowBaseTypes Object Browser command: Show base types
OBShowDerivedTypes Object Browser command: Show derived types
OBShowHidden Object Browser command: Show hidden
OBBack Object Browser command: Back
OBForward Object Browser command: Forward
OBSearchCombo Object Browser command: Search combo
OBSearch Object Browser command: Search
OBSortObjectsAlpha Object Browser command: Sort objects alphabetically
OBSortObjectsType Object Browser command: Sort objects by type
OBSortObjectsAccess Object Browser command: Sort objects by access
OBGroupObjectsType Object Browser command: Group objects type
OBSortMembersAlpha Object Browser command: Sort members alphabetically
OBSortMembersType Object Browser command: Sort members by type
OBSortMembersAccess Object Browser command: Sort members by access
OBTypeBrowserSettings Object Browser command: Type browser settings
OBViewMembersAsImplementor Object Browser command: View members as implementer
OBViewMembersAsSubclass Object Browser command: View members as subclass
OBViewMembersAsUser Object Browser command: View members as user
OBNamespacesView Object Browser command: Namespaces View
OBContainersView Object Browser command: Containers View
OBReserved1 Object Browser command: Reserved1
OBGroupMembersType Object Browser command: Group members by type
OBClearSearch Object Browser command: Clear search
OBFilterToType Object Browser command: Filter to type
OBSortByBestMatch Object Browser command: Sort by best match
OBSearchMRUList Object Browser command: Search MRU list
OBViewOtherMembers Object Browser command: View other members
OBSearchCmd Object Browser command: Search command
OBGoToSearchCmd Object Browser command: Go to search command
OBShowExtensionMembers Object Browser command: Show extension members
FullScreen2 Full Screen 2
FSRSortObjectsAlpha Find symbol results command: Sort objects alphabetically
FSRSortByBestMatch Find symbol results command: Sort by best match
NavigateBack Navigate Back
NavigateForward Navigate Forward
ECMD_CORRECTION_1 Editor command: Correction 1
ECMD_CORRECTION_2 Editor command: Correction 2
ECMD_CORRECTION_3 Editor command: Correction 3
ECMD_CORRECTION_4 Editor command: Correction 4
ECMD_CORRECTION_5 Editor command: Correction 5
ECMD_CORRECTION_6 Editor command: Correction 6
ECMD_CORRECTION_7 Editor command: Correction 7
ECMD_CORRECTION_8 Editor command: Correction 8
ECMD_CORRECTION_9 Editor command: Correction 9
ECMD_CORRECTION_10 Editor command: Correction 10
OBAddReference OB add Reference
FindReferences Obsolete. Find References
CodeDefView Default code view
CodeDefViewGoToPrev Default code view Go To Next
CodeDefViewGoToNext Default code view Go To Next
CodeDefViewEditDefinition Default code view editor definition
CodeDefViewChooseEncoding Choose encoding for default code view
ViewInClassDiagram View in class diagram
ECMD_ADDDBTABLE Editor command: Add database table
ECMD_ADDDATATABLE Editor command: Add data table
ECMD_ADDFUNCTION Editor command: Add function
ECMD_ADDRELATION Editor command: Add relation
ECMD_ADDKEY Editor command: Add key
ECMD_ADDCOLUMN Editor command: Add column
ECMD_CONVERT_DBTABLE Editor command: Convert database table
ECMD_CONVERT_DATATABLE Editor command: Convert data table
ECMD_GENERATE_DATABASE Editor command: Generate database
ECMD_CONFIGURE_CONNECTIONS Editor command: Configure connections
ECMD_IMPORT_XMLSCHEMA Editor command: Import XML schema
ECMD_SYNC_WITH_DATABASE Editor command: Sync with database
ECMD_CONFIGURE Editor command: Configure
ECMD_CREATE_DATAFORM Editor command: Create dataform
ECMD_CREATE_ENUM Editor command: Create enumeration
ECMD_INSERT_FUNCTION Editor command: Insert function
ECMD_EDIT_FUNCTION Editor command: Edit function
ECMD_SET_PRIMARY_KEY Editor command: Set primary key
ECMD_INSERT_COLUMN Editor command: Insert column
ECMD_AUTO_SIZE Editor command: Auto size
ECMD_SHOW_RELATION_LABELS Editor command: Show relation labels
VSDGenerateDataSet Generate debugger dataset
VSDPreview Debugger preview
VSDConfigureAdapter Configure debugger adapter
VSDViewDatasetSchema Debugger view dataset schema
VSDDatasetProperties Debugger dataset properties
VSDParameterizeForm Debugger parameterize form
VSDAddChildForm Add debugger child form
ECMD_EDITCONSTRAINT Editor command: Edit constraint
ECMD_DELETECONSTRAINT Editor command: Delete constraint
ECMD_EDITDATARELATION Editor command: Edit data relation
CloseProject Close project
ReloadCommandBars Reload command bars
SolutionPlatform Solution platform
SolutionPlatformGetList Get Solution platform list
ECMD_DATAACCESSOR Editor command: Data accessor
ECMD_ADD_DATAACCESSOR Editor command: Add data accessor
ECMD_QUERY Editor command: Query
ECMD_ADD_QUERY Editor command: Add query
ECMD_PUBLISHSELECTION Editor command: Publish selection
ECMD_PUBLISHSLNCTX Editor command: Publish solution control
CallBrowserShowCallsTo Call browser show calls to
CallBrowserShowCallsFrom Call browser show calls from
CallBrowserShowNewCallsTo Call browser show new calls to
CallBrowserShowNewCallsFrom Call browser show new calls from
CallBrowser1ShowCallsTo Call browser 1 show calls to
CallBrowser2ShowCallsTo Call browser 2 show full names
CallBrowser3ShowCallsTo Call browser 3 show full names
CallBrowser4ShowCallsTo Call browser 4 show full names
CallBrowser5ShowCallsTo Call browser 5 show full names
CallBrowser6ShowCallsTo Call browser 6 show full names
CallBrowser7ShowCallsTo Call browser 7 show full names
CallBrowser8ShowCallsTo Call browser 8 show full names
CallBrowser9ShowCallsTo Call browser 9 show full names
CallBrowser10ShowCallsTo Call browser 10 show calls to
CallBrowser11ShowCallsTo Call browser 11 show calls to
CallBrowser12ShowCallsTo Call browser 12 show calls to
CallBrowser13ShowCallsTo Call browser 13 show calls to
CallBrowser14ShowCallsTo Call browser 14 show calls to
CallBrowser15ShowCallsTo Call browser 15 show calls to
CallBrowser16ShowCallsTo Call browser 16 show calls from
CallBrowser1ShowCallsFrom Call browser 1 show calls from
CallBrowser2ShowCallsFrom Call browser 2 show calls to
CallBrowser3ShowCallsFrom Call browser 3 show calls to
CallBrowser4ShowCallsFrom Call browser 4 show calls to
CallBrowser5ShowCallsFrom Call browser 5 show calls to
CallBrowser6ShowCallsFrom Call browser 6 show calls to
CallBrowser7ShowCallsFrom Call browser 7 show calls to
CallBrowser8ShowCallsFrom Call browser 8 show calls to
CallBrowser9ShowCallsFrom Call browser 9 show calls to
CallBrowser10ShowCallsFrom Call browser 10 show calls from
CallBrowser11ShowCallsFrom Call browser 11 show calls from
CallBrowser12ShowCallsFrom Call browser 12 show calls from
CallBrowser13ShowCallsFrom Call browser 13 show calls from
CallBrowser14ShowCallsFrom Call browser 14 show calls from
CallBrowser15ShowCallsFrom Call browser 15 show calls from
CallBrowser16ShowCallsFrom Call browser 16 settings
CallBrowser1ShowFullNames Call browser 1 show full names
CallBrowser2ShowFullNames Call browser 2 sort by access
CallBrowser3ShowFullNames Call browser 3 sort by access
CallBrowser4ShowFullNames Call browser 4 sort by access
CallBrowser5ShowFullNames Call browser 5 sort by access
CallBrowser6ShowFullNames Call browser 6 sort by access
CallBrowser7ShowFullNames Call browser 7 sort by access
CallBrowser8ShowFullNames Call browser 8 sort by access
CallBrowser9ShowFullNames Call browser 9 sort by access
CallBrowser10ShowFullNames Call browser 10 show full names
CallBrowser11ShowFullNames Call browser 11 show full names
CallBrowser12ShowFullNames Call browser 12 show full names
CallBrowser13ShowFullNames Call browser 13 show full names
CallBrowser14ShowFullNames Call browser 14 show full names
CallBrowser15ShowFullNames Call browser 15 show full names
CallBrowser16ShowFullNames Call browser 16 show calls to
CallBrowser1Settings Call browser 1 settings
CallBrowser2Settings Call browser 2 show calls from
CallBrowser3Settings Call browser 3 show calls from
CallBrowser4Settings Call browser 4 show calls from
CallBrowser5Settings Call browser 5 show calls from
CallBrowser6Settings Call browser 6 show calls from
CallBrowser7Settings Call browser 7 show calls from
CallBrowser8Settings Call browser 8 show calls from
CallBrowser9Settings Call browser 9 show calls from
CallBrowser10Settings Call browser 10 settings
CallBrowser11Settings Call browser 11 settings
CallBrowser12Settings Call browser 12 settings
CallBrowser13Settings Call browser 13 settings
CallBrowser14Settings Call browser 14 settings
CallBrowser15Settings Call browser 15 settings
CallBrowser16Settings Call browser 16 search combo list
CallBrowser1SortAlpha Call browser 1 refresh
CallBrowser2SortAlpha Call browser 2 search
CallBrowser3SortAlpha Call browser 3 search
CallBrowser4SortAlpha Call browser 4 search
CallBrowser5SortAlpha Call browser 5 search
CallBrowser6SortAlpha Call browser 6 search
CallBrowser7SortAlpha Call browser 7 search
CallBrowser8SortAlpha Call browser 8 search
CallBrowser9SortAlpha Call browser 9 search
CallBrowser10SortAlpha Call browser 10 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser11SortAlpha Call browser 11 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser12SortAlpha Call browser 12 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser13SortAlpha Call browser 13 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser14SortAlpha Call browser 14 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser15SortAlpha Call browser 15 sort alphabetically
CallBrowser16SortAlpha Call browser 16 sort by access
CallBrowser1SortAccess Call browser 1 sort by access
CallBrowser2SortAccess Call browser 2 refresh
CallBrowser3SortAccess Call browser 3 refresh
CallBrowser4SortAccess Call browser 4 refresh
CallBrowser5SortAccess Call browser 5 refresh
CallBrowser6SortAccess Call browser 6 refresh
CallBrowser7SortAccess Call browser 7 refresh
CallBrowser8SortAccess Call browser 8 refresh
CallBrowser9SortAccess Call browser 9 refresh
CallBrowser10SortAccess Call browser 10 sort by access
CallBrowser11SortAccess Call browser 11 sort by access
CallBrowser12SortAccess Call browser 12 sort by access
CallBrowser13SortAccess Call browser 13 sort by access
CallBrowser14SortAccess Call browser 14 sort by access
CallBrowser15SortAccess Call browser 15 sort by access
CallBrowser16SortAccess Call browser 16 show full names
ShowCallBrowser Show call browser
CallBrowser1 Call browser 1
CallBrowser2 Call browser 2 refresh
CallBrowser3 Call browser 3 refresh
CallBrowser4 Call browser 4 refresh
CallBrowser5 Call browser 5 refresh
CallBrowser6 Call browser 6 refresh
CallBrowser7 Call browser 7 refresh
CallBrowser8 Call browser 8 refresh
CallBrowser9 Call browser 9 refresh
CallBrowser10 Call browser 10
CallBrowser11 Call browser 11
CallBrowser12 Call browser 12
CallBrowser13 Call browser 13
CallBrowser14 Call browser 14
CallBrowser15 Call browser 15
CallBrowser16 Call browser 15
CallBrowser17 Call browser 17
GlobalUndo Global Undo
GlobalRedo Global Re-do
CallBrowserShowCallsToCmd Call browser show calls to command
CallBrowserShowCallsFromCmd Call browser show calls from command
CallBrowserShowNewCallsToCmd Call browser show new calls to command
CallBrowserShowNewCallsFromCmd Call browser show new calls from command
CallBrowser1Search Call browser 1 search
CallBrowser2Search Call browser 2 search combo
CallBrowser3Search Call browser 3 search combo
CallBrowser4Search Call browser 4 search combo
CallBrowser5Search Call browser 5 search combo
CallBrowser6Search Call browser 6 search combo
CallBrowser7Search Call browser 7 search combo
CallBrowser8Search Call browser 8 search combo
CallBrowser9Search Call browser 9 search combo
CallBrowser10Search Call browser 10 search
CallBrowser11Search Call browser 11 search
CallBrowser12Search Call browser 12 search
CallBrowser13Search Call browser 13 search
CallBrowser14Search Call browser 14 search
CallBrowser15Search Call browser 15 search
CallBrowser16Search Call browser 16 refresh
CallBrowser1Refresh Call browser 1 refresh
CallBrowser2Refresh Call browser 2 search
CallBrowser3Refresh Call browser 3 search
CallBrowser4Refresh Call browser 4 search
CallBrowser5Refresh Call browser 5 search
CallBrowser6Refresh Call browser 6 search
CallBrowser7Refresh Call browser 7 search
CallBrowser8Refresh Call browser 8 search
CallBrowser9Refresh Call browser 9 search
CallBrowser10Refresh Call browser 10 refresh
CallBrowser11Refresh Call browser 11 refresh
CallBrowser12Refresh Call browser 12 refresh
CallBrowser13Refresh Call browser 13 refresh
CallBrowser14Refresh Call browser 14 refresh
CallBrowser15Refresh Call browser 15 refresh
CallBrowser16Refresh Call browser 16
CallBrowser1SearchCombo Call browser 1 search combo
CallBrowser2SearchCombo Call browser 2 search combo list
CallBrowser3SearchCombo Call browser 3 search combo list
CallBrowser4SearchCombo Call browser 4 search combo list
CallBrowser5SearchCombo Call browser 5 search combo list
CallBrowser6SearchCombo Call browser 6 settings
CallBrowser7SearchCombo Call browser 7 search combo list
CallBrowser8SearchCombo Call browser 8 search combo list
CallBrowser9SearchCombo Call browser 9 search combo list
CallBrowser10SearchCombo Call browser 10 search combo
CallBrowser11SearchCombo Call browser 11 search combo
CallBrowser12SearchCombo Call browser 12 search combo
CallBrowser13SearchCombo Call browser 13 search combo
CallBrowser14SearchCombo Call browser 14 search combo
CallBrowser15SearchCombo Call browser 15 search combo
CallBrowser16SearchCombo Call browser 16 search
TaskListProviderCombo Task list provider combo
TaskListProviderComboList Task list provider combo list
CreateUserTask Create user task
ErrorListShowErrors Error list show errors
ErrorListShowWarnings Error list show warnings
ErrorListShowMessages Error list show messages
Registration Registration
CallBrowser1SearchComboList Call browser 1 search combo list
CallBrowser2SearchComboList Call browser 2 settings
CallBrowser3SearchComboList Call browser 3 settings
CallBrowser4SearchComboList Call browser 4 settings
CallBrowser5SearchComboList Call browser 5 settings
CallBrowser6SearchComboList Call browser 6 search combo list
CallBrowser7SearchComboList Call browser 7 settings
CallBrowser8SearchComboList Call browser 8 settings
CallBrowser9SearchComboList Call browser 9 settings
CallBrowser10SearchComboList Call browser 10 search combo list
CallBrowser11SearchComboList Call browser 11 search combo list
CallBrowser12SearchComboList Call browser 12 search combo list
CallBrowser13SearchComboList Call browser 13 search combo list
CallBrowser14SearchComboList Call browser 14 search combo list
CallBrowser15SearchComboList Call browser 15 search combo list
CallBrowser16SearchComboList Call browser 16 search combo
SnippetProp Snippet property
SnippetRef Snippet reference
SnippetRepl Snippet replace
StartPage Start page
EditorLineFirstColumn Editor line first column
EditorLineFirstColumnExtend Editor line first column extended
SEServerExplorer SE Server Explorer
SEDataExplorer SE Data explorer
ToggleConsumeFirstCompletionMode Toggle consume first completion mode
ECMD_VALIDATION_TARGET Editor command: Validation target
ECMD_VALIDATION_TARGET_GET_LIST Editor command: Get validation target list
ECMD_CSS_TARGET Editor command: CSS target
ECMD_CSS_TARGET_GET_LIST Editor command: Get CSS target list
Design Design
DesignOn Design on
SEDesign SE design
NewDiagram New diagram
NewTable New table
NewDBItem New database item
NewTrigger New trigger
Debug Debug
NewProcedure New package procedure
NewQuery New query
RefreshLocal Refresh local
DbAddDataConnection Add database data connection
DBDefDBRef Database ref
RunCmd Run command
RunOn Run on
NewDBRef New database reference
SetAsDef Set as definition
CreateCmdFile Create command file
Cancel Cancel
NewDatabase New database
NewUser New user
NewRole New role
ChangeLogin Change login
NewView New view
ModifyConnection Modify connection
Disconnect Disconnect
CopyScript Copy script
AddSCC Add source control
RemoveSCC Remove source control
GetLatest Get latest
CheckOut Check out
CheckIn Check in
UndoCheckOut Undo checkout
AddItemSCC Add source control item
NewPackageSpec New package specification
NewPackageBody New package body
InsertSQL Insert SQL
RunSelection Run selection
UpdateScript Update script
NewScript New script
NewFunction New function
NewTableFunction New table function
NewInlineFunction New inline function
AddDiagram Add diagram
AddTable Add table
AddSynonym Add synonym
AddView Add view
AddProcedure Add procedure
AddFunction Add function
AddTableFunction Add table function
AddInlineFunction Add inline function
AddPkgSpec Add package specification
AddPkgBody Add package body
AddTrigger Add Trigger
ExportData Export data
DbnsVcsAdd Database version control add
DbnsVcsRemove Database version control remove
DbnsVcsCheckout Database version control checkout
DbnsVcsUndoCheckout Database version control undo checkout
DbnsVcsCheckin Database version control checkin
SERetrieveData SE retrieve data
SEEditTextObject SE edit text object
DesignSQLBlock Design SQL block
RegisterSQLInstance Register SQL instance
UnregisterSQLInstance Unregister SQL instance
CommandWindowSaveScript Command window save script
CommandWindowRunScript Command window run script
CommandWindowCursorUp Command window cursor up
CommandWindowCursorDown Command window cursor down
CommandWindowCursorLeft Command window cursor left
CommandWindowCursorRight Command window cursor right
CommandWindowHistoryUp Command window history up
CommandWindowHistoryDown Command window history down


In most cases the format is label, then description of the command.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio Namespace