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Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AccessKeyConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class AccessKeyRemovingConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class AccessKeyUnderliningConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class AndBooleanConverter Microsoft internal use only..
Public class AreEqualConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class AutomatableTextBlock Implements a TextBlock control visible to automation.
Public class BindableHyperlink Microsoft internal use only.
Public class BindableRun Microsoft internal use only.
Public class BindableValidationRule Microsoft internal use only.
Public class BooleanToFlowDirectionConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class BooleanToHiddenVisibilityConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class Boxes Defines common boxed values.
Public class BrushToColorConverter Converts a brush to a color.
Public class ColorBrushValueConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ContentLoadError Microsoft internal use only.
Public class DataSourceToEnumerableDataSourceConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class DeviceToLogicalPixelConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class DialogButton Used for buttons that are displayed in Visual Studio WPF dialogs
Public class DialogWindow The base class for all Visual Studio WPF (non-Gel) dialogs. When you implement a WPF dialog, you should derive from this class in order to have consistent styling with other Visual Studio dialogs, as well as help support. To display the dialog, call the ShowModal method, which correctly parents the dialog in the shell, puts the shell in a modal state while the dialog is displayed, and other features.
Public class DialogWindowBase The base class for WPF dialog windows in Visual Studio 10 and later.
Public class DisposableObject Infrastructure. Microsoft internal use only.
Public class DpiHelper Microsoft internal use only.
Public class DragDropHelper Microsoft internal use only.
Public class EnvironmentColors
Public class EnvironmentRenderCapabilities Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ExtensionMethods Microsoft internal use only.
Public class FailIfEmptyAccessKeyRemovingConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class FocusHelper Manages focus tasks.
Public class FontScaling Microsoft internal use only.
Public class GrayscaleImageConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class HeaderColors Defines the resource keys generated by the Visual Studio theme editor.
Public class HelperMethods Microsoft internal use only.
Public class HoursToTimeSpanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class HwndWrapper Represents a disposable wrapper around an HWND that can construct the WNDCLASS and HWND, run the WndProc and dispose of the WNDCLASS and HWND.
Public class IfElseConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ImageButton Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ImageCheckBox Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ImageConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ImageListValueConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ImageSourceExtension Extends ImageSource
Public class ImageSourceValueConverter Microsoft internal use only. Manages conversion of image source values.
Public class ImageThemingUtilities Microsoft internal use only.
Public class Int32Extension Extends MarkupExtension
Public class IsEqualConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class IsNullOrEmptyConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class LayoutDoubleUtil Contains utilities for making layout comparisons.
Public class LayoutSynchronizedContentControl Microsoft internal use only.
Public class LayoutSynchronizedItemsControl Microsoft internal use only.
Public class LayoutSynchronizedTabControl Microsoft internal use only.
Public class LayoutSynchronizedWindow Microsoft internal use only.
Public class LayoutSynchronizer Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MillisecondsToTimeSpanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MinutesToTimeSpanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MruListBox Represents the Most Recently Used list.
Public class MruListDataSourceSchema Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MultiplicationConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MultiValueConverter<TSource1, TSource2, TTarget> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MultiValueConverter<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TTarget> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MultiValueConverter<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TTarget> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class MultiValueConverter<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TTarget> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class NegateBooleanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class NotNullConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class NullToEmptyStringConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class OrBooleanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class PendingFocusHelper Helper to send focus to the FrameworkElement immediately or delay focusing until the FrameworkElement is loaded.
Public class ProgressBarColors Defines the progress bar colors resource keys generated by the Visual Studio theme.
Public class RangeValidationRule Microsoft internal use only.
Public class RssDataSourceSchema Microsoft internal use only.
Public class RssPubDateToLocalTimeConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SafeIUnknown Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SearchBooleanOptionButton Represents a CheckBox option button for Boolean search options in the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchCommandOptionButton Represents the button for commands search options in the Visual Studiocommon search control.
Public class SearchControl Represents the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchControlAutomationPeer Exposes UI automation support for the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchControlColors
Public class SearchControlDataSource Represents the data source class for the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchControlDataSource.PropertyNames Represents the names of the search control data source properties.
Public class SearchControlDataSource.VerbNames
Public class SearchControlPopup Implements the popup used by the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchFilterButton Implements the filter button of the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchFilterDataSource Implements the data source for the filter of the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchFilterDataSource.PropertyNames Represents the names of the properties of the search filter data source.
Public class SearchFilterDataSource.VerbNames Represents the names of the actions of the search filter data source.
Public class SearchMRUItemDataSource Represents a data source for the most-recently-used (MRU) item for the search control.
Public class SearchMRUItemDataSource.PropertyNames Represents the names of the properties for the data source for search most-recently-used (MRU) items.
Public class SearchMRUItemDataSource.VerbNames Represents the names of the actions of the search most-recently-used (MRU) item data source.
Public class SearchMRUListBox The list box control that contains the most recently used (MRU) list for the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchMRUListBoxItem Implements an item in the most recently used (MRU) items list for the Visual Studio Common Search Control.
Public class SearchOptionButton Implements attached events used for options buttons for the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchOptionDataSource Represents a data source for a search option for the search control.
Public class SearchOptionDataSource.PropertyNames Represents the names of the attributes of a search option data source.
Public class SearchOptionDataSource.VerbNames Represents the names of the actions of a search option data source.
Public class SearchOptionItemTemplates Implements the DataTemplate that describes the visual structure of the search option buttons.
Public class SearchOptionsItemTemplateSelector Selects the template for a specified search option item.
Public class SearchPopupNavigationService Provides navigation support and tracking of the current location, at one the navigable child controls, in a search control’s popup.
Public class SearchProgressTypeConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SearchProviderSettingsDataSource This class represents the search provider settings data source used by the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchProviderSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames Identifies the names of the search provider settings properties of the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchSettingsDataSource This class represents the search settings used by the Visual Studio common search control.
Public class SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames
Public class SearchStatusConverter
Public class SearchTextBox Implements selecting all the text in the Visual Studio Common Search Control when the edit box is focused.
Public class SearchUtilities Represents the search utilities for the Visual Studio search control.
Public class SecondsToTimeSpanConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SingleElementToEnumerableConverter<T> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SmoothProgressBar Represents the progress bar to use for progress controls displayed in Visual Studio WPF dialogs.
Public class SplitterGrip Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterItem Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterItemsControl Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterLengthConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterMeasureData Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterPanel Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SplitterResizePreviewWindow Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StartPageDataSourceSchema Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StartPageGuidList Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StartPageHelper Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StartPageRelativeExtension Represents a markup extension that enables custom start pages to use paths relative to the XAML file on any property expecting a Uri, an ImageSource, or a string.
Public class StringConcatenatingConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StringToStringWithoutHypertextTagsConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StringToXmlDataProviderConverter Converts an XML string to an XmlDataProvider.
Public class StringUppercaseConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class StyleKey<T> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class SystemDropShadowChrome Microsoft internal use only.
Public class TextToolTipService
Public class ThemeChangedEventArgs Contains arguments for the event fired when the theme is changed.
Public class ThemedImageConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ThemedImageSourceConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ToBooleanValueConverter<TSource> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class TreeViewColors Defines the TreeView colors resource keys generated by the Visual Studio theme.
Public class Unbox Unboxes an object that contains a value type into a specific, possibly different value type.
Public class ValueConverter<TSource, TTarget> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class ValueExtension<T> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class VisibleIfNotEmptyCollectionConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class VisibleIfNotNullConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class VisibleIfNotNullOrEmptyConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class VSColorTheme Helper to get colors from the current Visual Studio theme and provide notifications when the theme or colors change.
Public class VsUIDialogWindow Use this class as the base class for Visual Studio dialogs used with IVsUIDataSource objects.
Public class WeakCollection<T> Microsoft internal use only.
Public class WindowResizeGrip Extends Thumb to resize any item that implements the IResizable interface.
Public class WindowResizeGripDirectionExtensions
Public class WindowSearchBooleanOption Represents a Boolean option for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchCommandOption Represents a command option for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchCustomFilter Represents a base class from which users can derive classes to implement advanced search filters for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchFilter Represents a search filter for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchFilterEnumerator Represents an enumerated set of search filters for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchOption Represents an option for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchOptionEnumerator Represents an enumerated set of search options for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowSearchSimpleFilter Represents a search filter with a default value and a filter field for use by the search control for window search.
Public class WindowStateConverter Microsoft internal use only.
Public class WindowStyleHelper Microsoft internal use only.


  Structure Description
Public structure SearchFilterDataSource.FilterData Represents a text string, or a selected portion of a text string with start and end positions specified.
Public structure SplitterLength Microsoft internal use only.


  Interface Description
Public interface IResizable Represents an element that can be resized and moved through deltas.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ThemeChangedEventHandler Implements the handler for the theme changed event.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration CurrentLocationSetMode Defines how the current location was set.
Public enumeration SearchOptionType Represents the type of a search option for the search control.
Public enumeration SearchStatus Enumerates the values of search status of the Visual Studio search control.
Public enumeration SplitterUnitType Microsoft internal use only.
Public enumeration StartPageHelper.DataSourceId Microsoft internal use only.
Public enumeration WindowResizeGripDirection Defines direction values for ResizeGripDirectionProperty dependency property.
Public enumeration WindowResizeGripMode Determines the mode of the current resize operation.