Aracılığıyla paylaş


Starts localization of environment variables in a batch file. Localization continues until a matching endlocal command is encountered or the end of the batch file is reached.


setlocal {enableextensions | disableextensions} {enabledelayedexpansion | disabledelayedexpansion}


enableextensions : Enables the command extensions until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.

disableextensions : Disables the command extensions until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.

enabledelayedexpansion : Enables the delayed environment variable expansion until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.

disabledelayedexpansion : Disables the delayed environment variable expansion until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.

/? : Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Using setlocal 

    When you use setlocal outside of a script or batch file, it has no effect.

  • Changing environmental variables

    Use setlocal to change environment variables when you run a batch file. Environment changes made after you run setlocal are local to the batch file. Cmd.exe restores previous settings when it either encounters an endlocal command or reaches the end of the batch file.

  • You can have more than one setlocal or endlocal command in a batch program (that is, nested commands).

  • Testing for command extensions in batch files

    The setlocal command sets the ERRORLEVEL variable. If you pass either {enableextensions | disableextensions} or {enabledelayedexpansion | disabledelayedexpansion}, the ERRORLEVEL variable is set to zero (0). Otherwise, it is set to one (1). You can use this in batch scripts to determine whether the extensions are available, for example:

verify other 2>nul setlocal enableextensions if errorlevel 1 echo Unable to enable extensions

Because **cmd** does not set the ERRORLEVEL variable when command extensions are disabled, the **verify** command initializes the ERRORLEVEL variable to a nonzero value when you use it with an invalid argument. Also, if you use the **setlocal** command with arguments {**enableextensions** | **disableextensions**} or {**enabledelayedexpansion** | **disabledelayedexpansion**} and it does not set the ERRORLEVEL variable to one (1), command extensions are not available.

For more information about enabling and disabling command extensions, see **cmd** in Related Topics.


You can localize environment variables in a batch file, as follows:

rem *******Begin Comment************** 
  rem This program starts the superapp batch program on the network, 
  rem directs the output to a file, and displays the file 
  rem in Notepad. 
  rem *******End Comment************** 
      @echo off 
      call superapp>c:\superapp.out 
      start notepad c:\superapp.out

Formatting legend




Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output





Command-line reference A-Z