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Microsoft HPC Pack (Windows HPC Server)

Windows HPC is a high performance computing (HPC) solution built on Windows Server technology and Microsoft HPC Pack. The Windows HPC solution combines a comprehensive set of deployment, administration, job scheduling, and monitoring tools for your Windows HPC cluster environment, and a flexible platform for developing and running HPC applications.

The latest version of the HPC Pack is Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 Update 1. HPC Pack allows you to create, manage, and run HPC applications on Windows HPC clusters consisting of dedicated on-premises compute nodes, part-time servers, workstation computers, and dedicated or on-demand compute resources in Microsoft Azure.

The following resources provide information about evaluating and using Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 Update 1 and earlier versions of HPC Pack (Windows HPC Server).

In this library

Technical reference

See also

Recent HPC Hotfixes

