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Represents a collection of Transform objects that can be individually accessed by index.

<TransformCollection   ...>

XAML Values




One or more of the following object elements that derive from Transform: RotateTransform, ScaleTransform, SkewTransform, TranslateTransform, MatrixTransform, or TransformGroup.

Managed Equivalent



TransformCollection is used by the TransformGroup object to store Transform child elements.

Transforms in a TransformCollection are applied in the order that they appear in the collection, so the index order of each transform in a TransformCollection is meaningful.

TransformCollection defines no methods or properties beyond the basic Collection methods and properties. Methods such as Add or GetItem will expect or return objects that are of type Transform. Transform itself is an abstract type, so this means that the items in the collection will be one of the following:

  • MatrixTransform

  • ScaleTransform

  • SkewTransform

  • TranslateTransform

  • TransformGroup (nesting TransformGroups is possible)

The XAML syntax for properties that use a TransformCollection is an example of implicit collection syntax, in which you can omit an actual TransformCollection object element, as well as the <TransformGroup.Children> property element. Instead, you generally include one or more Transform derived elements as child elements of a TransformGroup.