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Export Project Content Definition

Page describes the output format and definition of JSON when using the ExportProjectContent tool.

Property name Type Description
/project JSONObject Project level values
/project/fields JSONArray Definition of project level properties
/project/assignments JSONArray List of assignments and their values
/project/assignments/fields JSONArray Definition of assignment properties
/project/attachments JSONArray List of attachments and their values
/project/attachments/fields JSONArray Definition of attachment properties
/project/buckets JSONArray List of buckets and their values
/project/buckets/fields JSONArray Definition of bucket properties
/project/calendars JSONArray List of calendar and their values
/project/calendars/fields JSONArray Definition of calendar properties
/project/checklistItems JSONArray List of checklist items and their values
/project/checklistItems/fields JSONArray Definition of checklist item properties
/project/conditionalColoringRules JSONArray List of conditional coloring rules and their values
/project/conditionalColoringRules/fields JSONArray Definition of conditional coloring rule properties
/project/conversations JSONArray List of conversation and their values
/project/conversations/fields JSONArray Definition of conversation properties
/project/goalAssociations JSONArray List of goal associations and their values
/project/goalAssociations/fields JSONArray Definition of goal associations
/project/goals JSONArray List of goals and their values
/project/goals/fields JSONArray Definition of goal properties
/project/labelassociations JSONArray List of label associations and their values
/project/labelassociations/fields JSONArray Definition of label association properties
/project/labels JSONArray List of labels and their values
/project/labels/fields JSONArray Definition of label properties
/project/links JSONArray List of links and their values
/project/links/fields JSONArray Definition of link properties
/project/resources JSONArray List of resources and their values
/project/resources/fields JSONArray Definition of resource properties
/project/sprints JSONArray List of sprints and their values
/project/sprints/fields JSONArray Definition of sprint properties
/project/tasks JSONArray List of tasks and their values
/project/tasks/fields JSONArray Definition of task properties
/project/views/grid JSONArray List of grid view properties
/project/views/grid/fields JSONArray Definition of grid view and their values

Project Level Properties

Reference /project/fields

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
projectStart datetime The start date of the project.
name string Name of the project.
calendarId guid Dataverse Calendar ID used for the project.
durationInDays double The duration of the project (days).
projectManagerId guid Dataverse Project Team Member ID of the project manager.
workTemplateId guid Dataverse Work Template ID used to create the project calendar.
timezoneOffset timezoneOffset Project's timezone offset in +/-HH:MM:SS format.
timezoneName string Project's timezone name.
projectManagerResourceId guid Dataverse Bookable Resource ID of the project manager.
officeGroupId guid Microsoft Entra Microsoft 365 Group ID linked to the project.
projectState enum State of the project. Active, Inactive
projectManagerAadId guid Microsoft Entra user ID of the project manager.
hasCustomCalendar bool Indicates if the project has a custom calendar.
defaultSprintCreated bool Has the default sprint been created.
ignoreResourceCalendars bool Scheduling uses the project calendar over resource calendars.
work double Total work for the project in seconds.
actualWork double Completed work for the project in seconds.
remainingWork double Remaining work for the project in seconds.
duration duration The duration of the project in seconds.
percentComplete percent The percentage of the project duration completed.
percentWorkComplete percent The percentage of the project work completed.
earliestTaskStart datetime Earliest task start date.
latestTaskFinish datetime Latest task finish date.

Assignment Properties

Reference /project/assignments/fields. They're part of a task record.

Property name Type Description
units double The number of units for which a resource is assigned to a task, expressed as a percentage, assuming a resource's MaxUnits value is 100%.
work double The total amount of work scheduled to be performed by a resource on a task in seconds.
actualWork double Amount of work that has already been done by a resource on a task in seconds.
remainingWork double The amount of time required by a resource assigned to a task to complete an assignment in seconds.
start datetime The date and time that an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.
finish datetime The date and time this assignment is scheduled to be completed.
actualStart datetime Date and time that an assignment actually began.
actualFinish datetime Date and time when an assignment was actually completed.
resume datetime The date that the assignment was resumed.
delay duration The amount of time a resource is to wait after the task start date before starting work on an assignment in seconds.
percentWorkComplete percent Current status of an assignment, expressed as the percentage of the assignment's work that has been completed.
remainingWorkContour contour Indicates how remaining work is to be distributed across the duration of the assignment. Represented as a start date and arrays of offset, duration, and work for each segment. For more information, see for more information on Contour structure.
actualWorkContour contour Indicates how actual work is to be distributed across the duration of the assignment. Represented as a start date and arrays of offset, duration, and work for each segment. For more information, see for more information on Contour structure.
overallocated bool Indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task than can be done within the resource's normal working capacity.
stop datetime The date the assignment was stopped.
taskId guid Dataverse Project Task ID for this assignment.
resourceId guid Dataverse Project Team Member ID.
totalWorkContour contour Indicates how total work is to be distributed across the duration of the assignment. Represented as a start date and arrays of offset, duration, and work for each segment. For more information, see for more information on Contour structure.

Contour Structure

Property name Type Description
start datetime Start date of the contour.
offsets JSONArray The number of seconds to add to the start of the contour to indicate the start of the segment.
durations JSONArray Duration in seconds of each segment.
work JSONArray Work in seconds of each segment.


        "remainingWorkContour": {
            "start": "2022-12-08T09:00:00Z",
            "offsets": [ 0, 54000 ],
            "durations": [ 54000, 3600 ],
            "work": [ 27000.0, 1800.0 ]

Segment X

  • Start = "start" + X offset in seconds
  • Duration = duration of segment X in seconds
  • Work = work of segment X in seconds

The contour starts on 2023-02-13T09:00:00Z

  • Segment 1:
    • Start = 2022-12-08T09:00:00Z + 0 seconds -> 2022-12-08T09:00:00Z
    • Duration = 54000 seconds -> 900 Minutes -> 15 hours is the length of the segment
    • Work = 27000 seconds -> 450 Minutes -> 7.5 hours of work in the segment
  • Segment 2:
    • Start = 2023-02-13T18:00:00Z + 54000 seconds (15 hours) -> 2022-12-09T00:00:00Z
    • Duration = 3600 seconds -> 60 Minutes -> 1 hours is the length of the segment
    • Work = 1800 seconds -> 30 Minutes -> 0.5 hours of work in the segment

Attachment Properties

Reference /project/attachments/fields.

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
taskId guid Dataverse Project Task ID.
name string Alias for the attachment.
uri string Location where attachment is stored.
type enum Type of the link. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Project, Visio, Pdf, ExternalLink, Other
showOnCard bool Indicates if the link is shown on the card in board view.

Bucket Properties

Reference /project/buckets/fields

Property name Type Description
order integer Display order of bucket in Project.
name string Name of the bucket.
color integer Color index assigned to the bucket.

Calendar Properties

Reference /project/calendar/fields

Property name Type Description
name string Name of the calendar.
data calendarData Describes a calendar by defining the times when a resource can work. defaultWorkWeek has the default working times for each day of the week. overrideWorkWeeks is a collection of workweek definitions which override defaultWorkWeek along with when that override is effective. exceptions is an array of day level overrides along with when that exception is effective. exceptions take priority over overrideWorkWeeks, which take priority over defaultWorkWeek.
baseCalendarId guid Dataverse Calendar ID for the base calendar. Empty guid means there's no base calendar.
timezoneOffset timezoneOffset Offset of the timezone in +/-HH:MM:SS format.
timezoneName string Name of the timezone.

Checklist Properties

Reference /project/checklistItems/fields

Property name Type Description
taskId guid Dataverse Project Task ID.
name string Name of the checklist item.
completed bool Indicates if the item is checked off.
order double Display order of the checklist item within the name task.

Conditional Coloring Rule Properties

Reference /project/conditionalColoringRules/fields

Property name Type Description
order integer Rule order.
expression conditionalRules A formal description of the rule used to color field cells.
color integer Color index set on this field on tasks gridColor property if this rule evaluates to true.
columnId column The column the color will be applied to when the expression is true.

Conversations Properties

Reference /project/conversations/fields

Property name Type Description
teamsChannelId string Teams Channel ID containing the conversation.
teamsConversationId string Teams Conversation ID.

Goal Associations Properties

Reference /project/goalAssociations/fields

Property name Type Description
taskId guid Project Task ID.
goalId guid Project Goal ID.
taskOrder string Goal association order for ordering tasks

Goals Properties

Reference /project/goals/fields

Property name Type Description
name string The name of the project goal.
color integer Color index of the goal.
priority integer Priority of the goal.
status integer Status of the goal.
startDate datetime Start date of the goal.
finishDate datetime Finish date of the goal.
notes HTML Goal notes formatted in HTML.
unformattednotes HTML Goal notes with all HTML stripped out.
order string Goal order

Label Association Properties

Reference /project/labelassociations/fields

Property name Type Description
taskId guid Dataverse Project Task ID.
labelId guid Dataverse Project Label ID.

Label Properties

Reference /project/labels/fields

Property name Type Description
text string The name of the project label.
index integer Color index of the label.

Reference /project/links/fields

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
linkType enum The type of the dependency. FinishToFinish, FinishToStart, StartToFinish, StartToStart
delay duration How long before the task should start.
delayUnits enum The unit the delay is in. Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months
predecessorId guid Dataverse Project Task ID of the predecessor task.
successorId guid Dataverse Project Task ID of the successor task.
driver bool Indicates if the link drives the critical path.

Resource Properties

Reference /project/resources/fields

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
name string Name of the team member.
overallocated bool If the team member is overallocated on this project.
userPrincipalName string Microsoft Entra user Principal Name for the user.
bookableResourceId guid Bookable Resource ID for this team member.
aadId guid Microsoft Entra user ID of the Bookable Resource.
generic bool Indicates that this is a generic resource.
type enum Bookable resource type. XrmUser, XrmContact, XrmAccount, XrmEquipment, XrmGeneric, AadUser, AadUserTypeNull, AadUserTypeMember, XrmBookableResource
jobTitle string Job title of the bookable resource.
aadUserType enum If the bookable resource is a Microsoft Entra member or guest. Member, Guest

Sprint Properties

Reference /project/sprints/fields

Property name Type Description
name string Name of the sprint.
start datetime Date when sprint starts.
finish datetime Date when sprint ends.

Task Properties

Reference /project/tasks/fields

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
work double The total amount of work scheduled to be performed on a task by all assigned resources.
actualWork double The amount of work that has already been done by the resources assigned to a task.
remainingWork double The total amount of non-overtime work scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task.
name string Name of the task.
constraintType enum The constraint on the start or finish date of the task. AsSoonAsPossible, AsLateAsPossible, MustStartOn, MustFinishOn, StartNoEarlierThan, StartNoLaterThan, FinishNoEarlierThan, FinishNoLaterThan
constraintDate datetime Indicates the constrained start or finish date as defined in the task ConstraintType. Required unless the constraint type is set to As late as possible or As soon as possible.
critical bool Indicates whether a task has room in the schedule to slip, or if it is on the critical path.
freeSlack duration The actual amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. If a task has zero successor tasks, free slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the entire project.
totalSlack duration The amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying a project's finish date.
index integer Integer order of the task.
milestone bool Indicates whether a task is a milestone.
actualDuration duration The span of actual working time for a task so far, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percent complete. Actual duration can be calculated in two ways, either based on percent complete or remaining duration.
scheduledDuration duration The total span of active working time.
remainingDuration duration The amount of time required to complete the unfinished portion of a task.
percentComplete percent The percentage of the task duration completed.
scheduledStart datetime Start date and time as calculated by Project.
scheduledFinish datetime Finish date and time as calculated by Project.
earlyStart datetime The earliest date that a task can begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints.
earlyFinish datetime The earliest date that a task can finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay.
lateStart datetime The latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
lateFinish datetime The latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
actualStart datetime The date and time that a task actually began.
actualFinish datetime The date and time that a task actually finished.
outlineLevel integer The number that indicates the level of a task in the project outline hierarchy.
cdsEffortCompleted double Amount of work done on this task as reported in Project Operations timesheets.
cdsEffortRemaining double Amount of work remaining on this task as reported in Project Operations timesheets.
cdsEffortEstimateAtComplete double Forecast of total effort to complete the task as reported in Project Operations timesheets.
cdsPercentComplete double Percentage of work completed as reported in Project Operations timesheets.
cdsScheduleVariance double Variance between the estimated work and the forecasted work based on the estimate at completion as reported in Project Operations timesheets.
summary bool Indicates whether the task is a summary task.
resume datetime The date the remaining portion of a task is scheduled to resume.
stop datetime The date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task.
outlineNumber string Indicates the exact position of a task in the outline. For example, "7.2" indicates that a task is the second subtask under the seventh top-level summary task.
completeThrough datetime The date and time for end of actual duration.
type enum Type of task. FixedUnits, FixedDuration, FixedWork
durationDisplayFormat enum The display format the duration is displayed in. Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months
collapsed bool Indicates whether the task is collapsed in the view.
deadline datetime The date entered as a deadline for the task.
startSlack duration Difference between earlyStart and lateStart dates.
finishSlack duration Difference between earlyFinish and lateFinish dates.
order double Order of the task represented as a double.
parentId guid Dataverse Project Task ID of the parent task.
scheduleDrivers stringArray Describes why a task is scheduled to start on its start date. Can contain any of Actual, LevelingDelay, Constraint, Predecessor, ProjectStart, Calendar, Child, Parent, Deadline, Link.
start datetime Date and time that a task is scheduled to begin.
finish datetime The date and time that a task is scheduled to be completed.
duration duration The total span of active working time.
bucketId guid Dataverse Project Bucket ID the task is part of.
bucketOrder string The order of the task within the bucket.
sprintOrder string The order of the task within the sprint.
notes HTML Notes entered about a task formatted in HTML.
unformattednotes HTML Notes with all HTML stripped out.
manual bool Whether this task is blank or has dates.
showNotesOnCard bool Indicates if the note will be shown on the card in the board view.
showChecklistOnCard bool Indicates if the checklist items will be shown on the card in the board view.
priority integer Indicates the level of importance assigned to a task, with 5 being standard priority; the lower the number, the more urgent the task.
sprintId guid Property name of the sprint the task is assigned to.
gridColor gridColor Color indexes for each field on this task where a conditionalColoringRule has evaluated to true. See for the color index mapping.
[guid] enum Task custom field definition. See Task Custom Field Properties for definition. stringOption, datetime, double, bool, string

Task Custom Field Properties

Property name Type Description Enumeration Values
id guid Unique ID for the task custom field.
type enum Type of Custom Field stringOption, datetime, double, bool, string
custom bool true if it's a local custom field
name string name of the custom field
rollup enum Rollup type if type=double max, min, sum, average
values JSONArray Values for options if type=stringOption. see Choice Type

Custom Field Types

Custom Field Type Enum Type
Text string
Date datetime
Number double
Yes/No bool
Choice stringOption

Choice Type

For Custom Fields of type 'stringOption'

Property name Type Description
ID guid Unique ID for choice
value string Display value of the choice
order double Display order of choices
color integer Color index assigned to the value.

View Properties

Reference /project/views/grid/fields

Property name Type Description
name string Name of the grid view.
columns columns Array of columns shown in the view and their width.