Create a zero touch Azure Cosmos account and Azure Web App
This template creates an Azure Cosmos DB account and Azure Web App, then automatically deploys the Cosmos DB sample To-Do ASP MVC web app hosted on GitHub and injects the Cosmos DB endpoint and auth key into the Web App's Application Settings allowing it to connect automatically upon first run.
This sample is useful where you want to deploy these resources and have the web app automatically connect to Cosmos DB in a single operation without having to manually add connection information to Application Settings in the portal.
Below are the parameters which can be user configured in the parameters file including:
- Application Name: Pick a name that will be used for the Cosmos account, App Plan and Web App.
- Location: Azure region for all the resources.
- App Service Plan Tier: App Service Plan's pricing tier.
- App Service Plan Instances: App Service Plan's instance count.
- Repository URL: The URL for the GitHub repository that contains the project to deploy.
- Branch: The branch of the GitHub repository to use.
- Database Name: The Cosmos DB database name.
- Container Name: The Cosmos DB container name.
Tags: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts, Microsoft.Web/serverfarms, Microsoft.Web/sites, Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols