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FilterColumn, FilterCriterion, FilterValue, SortColumn, and SortDirection Properties and Reset Method Example (VBScript)


Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, RDS server components are no longer included in the Windows operating system (see Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Compatibility Cookbook for more detail). RDS client components will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applications that use RDS should migrate to WCF Data Service.

The following code shows how to set the RDS.DataControl Server parameter at designtime and bind it to a data-aware HTML table using a data source. Cut and paste the following code to Notepad or another text editor and save it as FilterColumnVBS.asp.

<!-- BeginFilterColumnVBS -->  
<META name="VI60_DefaultClientScript" Content="VBScript">  
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">  
<TITLE>FilterColumn, FilterCriterion, FilterValue, SortColumn, and SortDirection   
Properties and Reset Method Example (VBScript)</TITLE>  
<h1>FilterColumn, FilterCriterion, FilterValue, SortColumn, and SortDirection   
Properties and Reset Method Example (VBScript)</h1>  
<OBJECT classid="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33"  
   <PARAM NAME="SQL" VALUE="Select FirstName, LastName, Title, ReportsTo, Extension from Employees">  
   <PARAM NAME="SERVER" VALUE="<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>">  
   <PARAM NAME="CONNECT" VALUE="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI">  
Sort Column: <SELECT NAME="cboSortColumn">   
              <OPTION VALUE=""></OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=ID>ID</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=FirstName>FirstName</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=LastName>LastName</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Title>Title</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Title>ReportsTo</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Phone>Extension</OPTION>  
Sort Direction: <SELECT NAME="cboSortDir">   
              <OPTION VALUE=""></OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=TRUE>Ascending</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=FALSE>Descending</OPTION>  
<HR WIDTH="25%">  
Filter Column: <SELECT NAME="cboFilterColumn">   
              <OPTION VALUE=""></OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=FirstName>FirstName</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=LastName>LastName</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Title>Title</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Room>ReportsTo</OPTION>  
                  <OPTION VALUE=Phone>Extension</OPTION>  
Filter Criterion: <SELECT NAME="cboCriterion">   
                    <OPTION VALUE=""></OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE="=">=</OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE=">">></OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE="<"><</OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE=">=">>=</OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE="<="><=</OPTION>  
                    <OPTION VALUE="<>"><></OPTION>  
Filter Value: <INPUT NAME="txtFilterValue">  
<HR WIDTH="25%">  
    <TH>Reports To</TH>  
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="FirstName"></SPAN></TD>  
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="LastName"></SPAN></TD>  
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="Title"></SPAN></TD>  
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="ReportsTo"></SPAN></TD>  
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="Extension"></SPAN></TD>  
<Script Language="VBScript">  
Const adFilterNone = 0  
Sub SortFilter_OnClick  
   Dim vCriterion  
   Dim vSortDir  
   Dim vSortCol  
   Dim vFilterCol  
   ' The value of SortColumn will be the   
   ' value of what the user picks in the  
   ' cboSortColumn box.  
   vSortCol = cboSortColumn.options(cboSortColumn.selectedIndex).value  
   If(vSortCol <> "") then  
      RDS.SortColumn = vSortCol  
   End If  
   ' The value of SortDirection will be the   
   ' value of what the user specifies in the  
   ' cboSortdirection box.  
   If (vSortCol <> "") then  
      vSortDir = cboSortDir.options(cboSortDir.selectedIndex).value  
      If (vSortDir = "") then  
         MsgBox "You must select a direction for the sort."  
         Exit Sub  
         If vSortDir = "Ascending" Then vSortDir = "TRUE"  
         If vSortDir = "Descending" Then vSortDir = "FALSE"  
         RDS.SortDirection = vSortDir  
      End If  
   End If  
   ' The value of FilterColumn will be the   
   ' value of what the user specifies in the  
   ' cboFilterColumn box.  
   vFilterCol = cboFilterColumn.options(cboFilterColumn.selectedIndex).value  
   If(vFilterCol <> "") then  
      RDS.FilterColumn = vFilterCol  
   End If  
   ' The value of FilterCriterion will be the   
   ' text value of what the user specifies in the  
   ' cboCriterion box.  
   vCriterion = cboCriterion.options(cboCriterion.selectedIndex).value  
   If (vCriterion <> "") Then  
      RDS.FilterCriterion = vCriterion  
   End If  
   ' txtFilterValue is a rich text box  
   ' control. The value of FilterValue will be the   
   ' text value of what the user specifies in the  
   ' txtFilterValue box.  
   If (txtFilterValue.value <> "") Then  
      RDS.FilterValue = txtFilterValue.value  
   End If  
   ' Execute the sort and filter on a client-side  
   ' Recordset based on the specified sort and filter  
   ' properties. Calling Reset refreshes the result set  
   ' that is displayed in the data-bound controls to  
   ' display the filtered, sorted recordset.  
End Sub  
Sub Clear_onClick()  
   'clear the HTML input controls  
   cboSortColumn.selectedIndex = 0  
   cboSortDir.selectedIndex = 0  
   cboFilterColumn.selectedIndex = 0  
   cboCriterion.selectedIndex = 0  
   txtFilterValue.value = ""  
   'clear the filter  
   RDS.FilterCriterion = ""  
End Sub  
<!-- EndFilterColumnVBS -->  

See Also

DataControl Object (RDS)
FilterColumn Property (RDS)
FilterCriterion Property (RDS)
FilterValue Property (RDS)
Reset Method (RDS)
SortColumn Property (RDS)
SortDirection Property (RDS)