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Working with query notifications

Applies to: SQL Server

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Query notifications were introduced in SQL Server 2005 (9.x) and OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. Built on the SQL Service Broker infrastructure introduced in SQL Server 2005 (9.x), query notifications allow applications to be notified when data has changed. This feature is useful for applications that provide a cache of information from a database, such as a web application, and need to be notified when the source data is changed.

By using query notifications, you can request notifications within a specified timeout period when the underlying data of a query changes. The request specifies the notification options, which include the service name, message text, and timeout value to the server. Notifications are delivered through a Service Broker queue that applications can poll for available notifications.

The syntax of the query notifications options string is:

service=<service-name>[;(local database=<database> | broker instance=<broker instance>)]

For example:

service=mySSBService;local database=mydb

Notification subscriptions outlive the process that starts them. That's because an application can create a notification subscription and then end. The subscription stays valid, and the notification occurs if the data changes within the specified timeout period. A notification is identified by the query executed, the notification options, and the message text. You can cancel it by setting its timeout value to zero.

Notifications are sent only once. To be continually notified of data changes, create a new subscription by re-executing the query after each notification is processed.

OLE DB Driver for SQL Server applications typically receives notifications by using the Transact-SQL RECEIVE command. It uses this command to read notifications from the queue that is associated with the service specified in the notification options.


Table names must be qualified in queries for which notification is required. For example, dbo.myTable. Table names must be qualified with two-part names. Subscription is invalid if three- or four-part names are used.

The notification infrastructure is built on top of a queuing feature introduced in SQL Server 2005 (9.x). In general, notifications generated at the server are sent through these queues, to be processed later.

To use query notifications, a queue and a service must exist on the server. These items can be created by using the Transact-SQL command, similar to the following ones:



The service must use the predefined contract, as shown above.

OLE DB Driver for SQL Server

The OLE DB Driver for SQL Server supports consumer notifications upon rowset modification. The consumer receives a notification at every phase of rowset modification and on any attempted change.


Passing a notifications query to the server with ICommand::Execute is the only valid way to subscribe to query notifications with the OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.


To support query notifications through OLE DB, the OLE DB Driver for SQL Server adds the following new properties to the DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERROWSET property set.

Name Type Description
SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT VT_UI4 The number of seconds that the query notification is to remain active.

The default is 432,000 seconds (5 days). The minimum value is 1 second, and the maximum value is 2^31-1 seconds.
SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT VT_BSTR The message text of the notification. This text is user-defined and has no predefined format.

By default, the string is empty. Specify a message by using 1 to 2000 characters.
SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS VT_BSTR The query notification options. These options are specified in a string with name=value syntax. The user is responsible for creating the service and reading notifications off of the queue.

The default is an empty string.

The notification subscription is always committed. It happens regardless of whether the statement ran in a user transaction or in autocommit or whether the transaction in which the statement ran committed or rolled back. The server notification fires upon any of the following invalid notification conditions: change of underlying data or schema, or when the timeout period is reached; whichever is first.

Notification registrations are deleted as soon as they're fired. So, upon receiving notifications, the application must subscribe again if you want to get further updates.

Another connection or thread can check the destination queue for notifications. For example:

WAITFOR (RECEIVE * FROM MyQueue); -- Where MyQueue is the queue name.


SELECT * doesn't delete the entry from the queue. However, RECEIVE * FROM does. This stalls a server thread if the queue is empty. If there are queue entries at the time of the call, they're returned immediately. Otherwise, the call waits until a queue entry is made.


This statement immediately returns an empty result set if the queue is empty. Otherwise, it returns all queue notifications.

If SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT and SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS are non-null and non-empty, the query notifications TDS header that contains the three properties defined above are sent to the server. This header is sent with each execution of the command. If either of them is null (or empty), the header isn't sent and DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED is raised (or DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED is raised, if the properties are both marked as optional). The status value is then set to DBPROPSTATUS_BADVALUE. The validation occurs upon execute and prepare. Similarly, DB_S_ERRORSOCCURED is raised when the query notification properties are set for connections to SQL Server versions before SQL Server 2005 (9.x). The status value in this case is DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSUPPORTED.

Starting a subscription doesn't guarantee that future messages will be successfully delivered. Also, no check is made as to the validity of the service name specified.


Preparing statements will never cause the subscription to be initiated. Only statement execution will achieve initiation. Query notifications aren't affect by the use of OLE DB core services.

For more information about the DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERROWSET property set, see Rowset Properties and Behaviors.

See also

OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Features