SQLSRV Driver API Reference
The API name for the SQLSRV driver in the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server is sqlsrv. All sqlsrv functions begin with sqlsrv_ and are followed by a verb or a noun. Those followed by a verb perform some action and those followed by a noun return some form of metadata.
In This Section
The SQLSRV driver contains the following functions:
Function | Description |
sqlsrv_begin_transaction | Begins a transaction. |
sqlsrv_cancel | Cancels a statement; discards any pending results for the statement. |
sqlsrv_client_info | Provides information about the client. |
sqlsrv_close | Closes a connection. Frees all resources associated with the connection. |
sqlsrv_commit | Commits a transaction. |
sqlsrv_configure | Changes error handling and logging configurations. |
sqlsrv_connect | Creates and opens a connection. |
sqlsrv_errors | Returns error and/or warning information about the last operation. |
sqlsrv_execute | Executes a prepared statement. |
sqlsrv_fetch | Makes the next row of data available for reading. |
sqlsrv_fetch_array | Retrieves the next row of data as a numerically indexed array, an associative array, or both. |
sqlsrv_fetch_object | Retrieves the next row of data as an object. |
sqlsrv_field_metadata | Returns field metadata. |
sqlsrv_free_stmt | Closes a statement. Frees all resources associated with the statement. |
sqlsrv_get_config | Returns the value of the specified configuration setting. |
sqlsrv_get_field | Retrieves a field in the current row by index. The PHP return type can be specified. |
sqlsrv_has_rows | Detects if a result set has one or more rows. |
sqlsrv_next_result | Makes the next result available for processing. |
sqlsrv_num_rows | Reports the number of rows in a result set. |
sqlsrv_num_fields | Retrieves the number of fields in an active result set. |
sqlsrv_prepare | Prepares a Transact-SQL query without executing it. Implicitly binds parameters. |
sqlsrv_query | Prepares and executes a Transact-SQL query. |
sqlsrv_rollback | Rolls back a transaction. |
sqlsrv_rows_affected | Returns the number of modified rows. |
sqlsrv_send_stream_data | Sends up to eight kilobytes (8 KB) of data to the server with each call to the function. |
sqlsrv_server_info | Provides information about the server. |
See Also
Overview of the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
Constants (Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server)
Programming Guide for the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
Getting Started with the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server