31 Mar 23 - 2 Nis 23
En büyük SQL, Fabric ve Power BI öğrenme etkinliği. 31 Mart – 2 Nisan. 400 ABD doları tasarruf etmek için FABINSIDER kodunu kullanın.
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Applies to:
SQL Server - Windows only
After the upgrading SQL Server complete, there are a number of additional steps that you may need to take. These include the following:
After upgrading the Database Engine, complete the following tasks:
Backup your databases: Perform a full backup of each database.
Enable new features: In SQL Server 2016, 2017 and 2019 some changes are only enabled once the DATABASE_COMPATIBILITY level for a database has been changed to 130 or greater. For more information and for the recommended workflow, see Change the Database Compatibility Mode and Use the Query Store. If your database has memory-optimized tables created in SQL Server 2014, review Statistics for Memory-Optimized Tables.
Integration Services:
Migrate Integration Services packages to the latest format. For more information, see Upgrade Integration Services Packages.
Reporting Services: For a new installation upgrade, restore the Reporting Services encryption Keys. For more information, see Back Up and Restore Reporting Services Encryption Keys.
Master Data Services: Upgrade the MDS database schema and create the SQL Server 2019 web application. For more information, see Upgrade Master Data Services.
Data Quality Services: Upgrade the DQS databases schema and verify the DQS databases schema upgrade. For more information, see Upgrade Data Quality Services.
Full Text Search: Re-populate full-text catalogs to ensure semantic consistency in query results. For more information, see Populate Full-Text Indexes.
31 Mar 23 - 2 Nis 23
En büyük SQL, Fabric ve Power BI öğrenme etkinliği. 31 Mart – 2 Nisan. 400 ABD doları tasarruf etmek için FABINSIDER kodunu kullanın.
Bugün kaydolunEğitim
Azure SQL'de geçiş sonrası görevleri gerçekleştirme - Training
Geçiş sonrası görevleri ve otomasyon, yüksek kullanılabilirlik ve olağanüstü durum kurtarma ile izlemeyi yapılandırmak için kullanılabilen araçları öğrenin.
Microsoft Sertifikalı: Azure Veritabanı Yöneticisi Uzmanlık - Certifications
Microsoft PaaS ilişkisel veritabanı tekliflerini kullanarak bulut, şirket içi ve karma ilişkisel veritabanları için SQL Server veritabanı altyapısını yönetme.
Choose a database Engine upgrade method - SQL Server
This article describes upgrade paths for the Database Engine in SQL Server, including upgrade in-place, migrate to a new installation, and a rolling upgrade.
Plan and test the Database Engine upgrade plan - SQL Server
This article describes planning before you begin your SQL Server upgrade, including a planning checklist and developing and testing an upgrade plan.
Upgrade the Database Engine - SQL Server
The article provides links to resources that help you upgrade the SQL Server Database Engine from a prior release of SQL Server to the latest version.