
Aracılığıyla paylaş

Database Engine events and errors (41400 to 49999)

This article contains error message numbers (between the range 41,400 and 49,999) and their description, which is the text of the error message from the sys.messages catalog view. Where applicable, the error number is a link to further information.

For the full range of error numbers, see the list on Database Engine events and errors.

You can query the Database Engine to see a full list of all errors, by running the following query against the sys.messages catalog view:

SELECT message_id AS Error,
    severity AS Severity,
    [Event Logged] = CASE is_event_logged
        WHEN 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes'
    [text] AS [Description]
FROM sys.messages
WHERE language_id = 1040 /* replace 1040 with the desired language ID, such as 1033 for US English */
ORDER BY message_id;

SQL Server version

This article shows events and errors (between the range 41,400 and 49,999) for SQL Server 2016 (13.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 41,400 and 49,999) for SQL Server 2017 (14.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 41,400 and 49,999) for SQL Server 2019 (15.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 41,400 and 49,999) for SQL Server 2022 (16.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

Errors and events (41400 to 49999)

Error Severity Event logged Description
41401 16 No WSFC cluster service is offline.
41402 16 No The WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster.
41403 16 No Availability group is offline.
41404 16 No The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline.
41405 16 No Availability group is not ready for automatic failover.
41406 16 No The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavailable, or its data synchronization state is currently not in the SYNCHRONIZED synchronization state.
41407 16 No Some availability replicas are not synchronizing data.
41408 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
41409 16 No Some synchronous replicas are not synchronized.
41410 16 No In this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING.
41411 16 No Some availability replicas do not have a healthy role.
41412 16 No In this availability group, at least one availability replica does not currently have the primary or secondary role.
41413 16 No Some availability replicas are disconnected.
41414 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41415 16 No Availability replica does not have a healthy role.
41416 16 No The role of this availability replica is unhealthy. The replica does not have either the primary or secondary role.
41417 16 No Availability replica is disconnected.
41418 16 No This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41419 16 No Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy.
41420 16 No At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41421 16 No Availability database is suspended.
41422 16 No Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database.
41423 16 No Secondary database is not joined.
41424 16 No This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41425 16 No Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy.
41426 16 No The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41427 16 No Availability replica is not joined.
41428 16 No This secondary replica is not joined to the availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about how-to join a secondary replica to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41500 10 No An error (0x%08x) occurred when asynchronous operations administrator attempted to notify the client (ID %ls) of the completion of an operation. This is an information message only. No user action is required.
41501 16 No Failed to register client (ID %ls) with asynchronous operations administrator. A client with this ID has already been registered. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation. To re-register a client, the client must first be deregistered.
41502 16 No Failed to deregister client (ID %ls) from asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41503 16 No Client (ID %ls) failed to submit work to asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41504 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to allocate a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41505 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to queue a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls) (internal error %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41600 16 No An error has occurred while executing an asynchronous operation for a database replica (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls, operation %d, error 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41601 16 No Valid state transition is not found for local replica with partition ID %ls (current state %ls, trigger %ls, current epoch [%I64d,%I64d], triggering epoch [%I64d,%I64d]). The replica is not in the correct state to accept the Windows Fabric command. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41602 16 No An error has occurred while attempting to access replica publisher's subscriber list (partition ID %ls, SQL OS error code 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41603 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the build secondary replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41604 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the configuration change replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41605 16 No Cannot associate replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X) with the specified Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). The replica is already associated with a Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41606 16 No Replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, current state '%ls') cannot process configuration-update command for Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). Configuration updates can be process by the primary replica only. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41607 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41608 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls, SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41609 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the list of replica controller objects. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41610 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the list of replica controller objects (SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41611 16 No Replica controller for the local replica (Availability Group ID %ls) cannot be found. Make sure the specified Availability Group ID is correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41612 16 No An error has occurred while %ls %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41613 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on '%ls' database (ID %d). The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41614 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41615 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41616 16 No SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls). Make sure the specified Windows Fabric partition ID and replica ID are correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41617 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' is unable to find out start of log and end of log LSN for '%ls' database. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41618 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized Windows Fabric partition '%ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the Windows Fabric service is getting initialized or it is getting destroyed.
41619 16 No Windows Fabric '%ls' (partition ID '%ls')encountered transient error %d while waiting for build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41620 10 No Build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has been cancelled by Windows Fabric. Windows Fabric cancelled build replica operation. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41621 10 No Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error '%ls' and is reporting '%ls' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41622 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is trying to update primary replica information for local replica %ls which is neither ACTIVE_SECONDARY nor IDLE_SECONDARY (current role %ls). SQL Server cannot update primary replica information in invalid state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41623 20 No The Database Mirroring endpoint port is unavailable. Verify that the DBM endpoint is created.
41624 16 No Drop database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has failed. SQL Server has failed to drop the database. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41625 20 No The internal buffer for the replication URL is insufficient.
41626 10 No Failed to retrieve service desription from Windows Fabric for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41627 10 No An error has occurred while Dropping %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41628 10 No Drop database Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41629 10 No Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d, State: %d) while publishing event '%ls' to subscriber of type '%ls' on Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID: '%ls'). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41630 10 No Failed to update primary replica information for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41631 16 No Fabric service '%ls' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the cluster manifest to ensure a valid SKU is defined for this node type. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41632 10 No The system encountered SQL Error %d (severity: %d, state: %d), which has no corresponding error text. Refer to the SQL Error number for more information regarding the cause and corrective action.
41633 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41634 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' has been cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41635 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' failed. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41636 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41637 16 No The database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') is not currently participating in a GeoDR relationship.
41638 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica storage configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41639 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41640 10 No Database '%ls' encountered a transient error (error code: 0x%08X) while performing task '%ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41641 16 No Could not send global cluster action '%ls' request 0x%x.
41642 10 No Undo of redo is run in Active Secondary role on database '%ls' (ID %d). Recovery lsn: '%S_LSN', Hardened lsn: '%S_LSN'. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41643 16 No Could not retrieve the Layered AG Configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41644 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on database '%ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41645 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while querying for Fabric property '%ls'.
41646 16 No Invalid Fabric property '%ls' received for partition '%ls'.
41647 17 No Failed to start the report fault thread during replica manager startup.
41648 10 No Get current progress was called on '%ls' database (ID %d) which had undo of redo pending. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41649 10 No Could not submit Change Role completion tasks for %ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41650 10 No Waiting for replica catchup for AGID '%ls' and ReplicaID '%ls' Failed.
41651 16 No Invalid partition id in replica manager
41652 17 No The replica manager is unavailable or not ready.
41653 21 No Database '%.*ls' encountered an error (error type: %d '%.*ls') causing failure of the availability group '%.*ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41654 17 No Failed to start the clean up nonexistant DBs thread during replica manager startup.
41655 10 No Could not submit logical reseeding task for '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition id: '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41656 17 No Failed to start the windows fabric load balancer reporting thread during replica manager startup.
41657 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') failed the call to UseDB.
41658 16 No Failed to automatically enable Query Store in Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') .
41659 16 No Checkpoint for Database '%ls' (ID %d) failed. Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41660 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') received a primary replica information message from remote replica '%ls' with an epoch [%I64d,%I64d] which is less than the local epoch [%I64d,%I64d]. SQL Server cannot update primary replica information from a replica with a smaller epoch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41661 16 No There are no waiters on the DataLossEvent for Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41700 16 No System views related to Windows Fabric partitions and replicas are not available at this time, because replica manager has not yet started. Wait for replica manager to start, then retry the system view query.
41701 20 No The Activation Context is unavailable at this time. The Windows Fabric Runtime is unavailable at this time, retry later. Wait for the activation context to become available, then retry.
41702 20 No The requested Configuration Package is unavailable at this time. The Configuration Package is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Configuration Package name exists and is properly formatted.
41703 20 No The requested Service Endpoint is unavailable at this time. The Service Endpoint is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Service Endpoint name exists and is properly formatted.
41704 20 No The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to defined format. Verify that the datasource is name is fewer than MAX_PATH characters in length is properly formatted.
41705 20 No The computer name is unavailable. The computer name was not returned.
41706 20 No Unable to get Fabric NodeContext.
41801 16 No Failed to drop the memory optimized container '%.*ls'.
41802 16 No Cannot drop the last memory-optimized container '%.*ls'.
41803 16 No An In-Memory OLTP physical database was restarted while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41804 16 No Internal error for database '%.*ls' (lookup for HkTruncationLsn failed). The operation will be retried. No user action is required. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
41805 16 No There is insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls' to run this operation on memory-optimized tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=614951' for more information.
41807 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a unique constraint violation on a memory optimized table.
41808 16 No The current MARS batch attempted to update a record that has been updated by another batch within the same transaction.
41809 16 No Natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41810 16 No Stored procedures called from natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41811 16 No XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41812 16 No ALTER TABLE on memory-optimized tables is not supported with concurrent MARS transactions.
41813 16 No XTP database '%.*ls' was undeployed. No further action is necessary.
41814 16 No The procedure '%.*ls' cannot be called from a user transaction.
41815 16 No Data migration on table id %d cannot be performed because the table is already in the process of migration.
41816 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' for procedure '%.*ls' cannot be NULL.
41817 16 No Invalid object id %d provided as input for procedure '%.*ls'. The object id must refer to a memory-optimized table with a column store index.
41818 23 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls' attempting to upgrade the XTP component from version %u.%u to version %u.%u. Check the error log for further details.
41819 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch deleted or updated a row that was referenced by a foreign key row inserted by the failed batch.
41820 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch inserted a row that references the row that was deleted by the failed batch.
41821 16 No Stored procedure 'sp_xtp_merge_checkpoint_files' is no longer needed and therefore not allowed. SQL Server will automatically merge the files based on an internal merge policy.
41822 17 No There is insufficient disk space to generate checkpoint files and as a result the database is in delete-only mode. In this mode, only deletes and drops are allowed.
41823 16 No Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41824 16 No The transaction was killed by a concurrent ALTER operation or by a write-write conflict.
41825 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' cannot be used to increase the user memory limit on the database.
41826 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' tried to set a lower limit to the user memory quota. The operation failed because the user memory consumption is larger than the specified target, delete some user data and try the operation again.
41827 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41828 16 No Creation of memory-optimized tables is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.
41829 16 No The database cannot proceed with SLO update as it has memory-optimized tables. Please drop such tables and try again.
41830 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' restarted XTP engine.
41831 16 No Data migration on table id %d failed either fully or partially. See errorlog for details.
41832 16 No Index '%.*ls' cannot be created on table '%.*ls', because at least one key column is stored off-row. Index key columns memory-optimized tables must fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Simplify the index key or reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41833 16 No Columnstore index '%.*ls' cannot be created, because table '%.*ls' has columns stored off-row. Columnstore indexes can only be created on memory-optimized table if the columns fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41834 16 No ALTER TABLE has failed for '%.*ls' with error code %d.
41835 21 No An error (error code: 0x%08lx) occured while adding encryption keys to XTP database '%.*ls'.
41836 16 No Rebuilding log is not supported for databases containing files belonging to MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41837 16 No Boot-page adjustment of XTP database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41839 16 No Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.
41872 10 No Warning: Article with '%ls' data type column is not supported with memory optimized tables on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier.
42001 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The operating system returned error %ls.
42002 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The parser returned error %.*ls
42003 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
42004 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required element '%ls' is missing.
42005 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
42006 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a valid path.
42007 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
42008 16 No ODBC error: State: %ls: Error: %d Message:'%ls'.
42009 16 No Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
42010 16 No Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
42011 16 No ODBC initialization error: : %d.
42012 16 No XodbcWrapper Enforced Retry For Testing.
42013 16 No HTTP initialization error: : %d.
42014 16 No Cannot retrieve server admin credential configuration.
42015 20 No Error occurred while attempting to authenticate user remotely. Error %d, State %d.
42016 16 No Error occurred in the DosGuard.
42017 16 No Error occurred in the Redirector's proxy while parsing a packet. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.
42018 16 No Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
42019 16 No %ls operation failed. %ls
42020 16 No Updating name to '%.*ls' failed.
42021 16 No Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42022 16 No Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42023 16 No Updating userdb properties on copy termination failed.
42024 16 No Switching to logical master database failed.
42025 16 No The extended recovery fork stack in the metadata of FCB is either corrupted or in an unexpected format.
42026 16 No Loading the Active Directory Library failed.
42027 16 No Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
42028 16 No The database '%.*ls' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
42029 16 No An internal error happened while generating a new DBTS for database "%.*ls". Please retry the operation.
42030 16 No Updating logical master's sys.databases on seeding completion failed.
42031 16 No This functionality is not supported for A/B test isolated instances.
42032 16 No XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
45001 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist.
45002 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
45003 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution.
45004 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45005 16 No Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
45006 16 No The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
45007 16 No %ls cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %.*ls and member with id %d.
45008 16 No A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member.
45014 16 No %ls is not supported on %S_MSG.
45015 16 No Specified federation operation id is already in use.
45016 16 No Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
45017 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
45018 16 No Specified federation operation id is invalid for %ls operation.
45019 16 No %ls operation failed. Federation is in invalid state.
45020 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation id.
45021 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation member id.
45022 16 No A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%.*ls', table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
45023 16 No %ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
45024 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45025 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45026 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45027 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
45028 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member.
45029 16 No %ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
45030 15 No The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
45031 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled.
45032 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context.
45033 16 No Federation member %d is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it.
45034 16 No Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE.
45035 16 No Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
45036 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
45037 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
45038 16 No CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %S_MSG is not supported.
45039 16 No Federation member database cannot be restored.
45040 16 No Service objective for federation member database cannot be changed using ALTER DATABASE.
45041 16 No Federation member database options cannot be changed.
45042 16 No Federation root database options cannot be changed.
45043 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH %ls is not supported on %ls members.
45044 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %.*ls is not a valid database that can be switched in.
45045 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %ls of the federation key in %.*ls doesn't match with the correponding property of federation %.*ls.
45046 16 No %ls operation failed. The specified value for federation %.*ls does not correspond to a present member.
45101 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain all configurable dimension properties.
45102 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
45103 16 No Cannot reset the last setting for a dimension to non-default.
45104 16 No The default setting cannot be deleted for a dimension.
45105 16 No Cannot assign a deprecated setting as successor.
45106 16 No Cannot create new item. The max provision count has been reached.
45107 16 No Cannot reset service objective to draft from enabled or disabled state.
45108 16 No Default service objective cannot be disabled.
45109 16 No Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
45110 16 No Parameter %s value cannot be applied to service objective in non-draft mode.
45111 16 No Cannot reset the last service objective to non-default.
45112 16 No Cannot delete the default service objective.
45113 16 No Cannot set the service objective as default in draft mode.
45114 16 No Cannot edit setting marked as deprecated.
45115 16 No Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
45116 16 No Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
45117 16 No Cannot delete a system service objective.
45118 16 No Cannot assign a system service objective to user database.
45119 16 No Property selections contain conflicting values.
45120 16 No The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
45121 16 No Server '%ls' does not support memory-optimized data. Make sure both source and target servers are enabled for memory-optimized data.
45125 16 No Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
45126 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45127 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45128 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45129 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45130 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45131 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45132 16 No Every database must be assigned a service objective.
45133 17 No A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status in the master database for current job status.
45134 16 No The remote partner server name '%ls' could not be resolved.
45135 16 No Only continuous database copies can be updated.
45136 16 No Only continuous database copies can be terminated.
45137 16 No Insufficient permission to create a database copy on server '%ls'.
45138 16 No The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45139 16 No The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
45140 16 No Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
45141 16 No Database copies can only be initiated on the source server.
45142 16 No IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
45143 16 No The source database '%ls' does not exist.
45144 16 No Continuous copy cannot be initiated on source database '%ls' because it is a federation root member.
45145 16 No Only continuous database copies can be created.
45146 16 No Database copy property '%ls' is required.
45147 16 No Database copy property '%ls' cannot be changed.
45148 16 No '%ls' is not supported for entity '%ls'.
45149 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on 'master' database.
45150 16 No Feature is disabled.
45151 16 No Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
45152 16 No Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%ls' is unavailable or the database copy does not exist on the destination server. Try forced termination instead.
45153 16 No Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%ls'.
45154 16 No A free database already exists for subscription '%ld' for the selected region. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45155 16 No A free database operation is already in progress for subscription '%ld'. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45156 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45157 16 No Server '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45158 16 No Cannot move server '%.*ls' from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls'. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45159 16 No Cannot move servers from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls' since both subscriptions have free databases. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45160 16 No Subscription '%ls' doesn't have any servers to move.
45162 16 No Operation failed because subscription '%ls' is disabled.
45163 16 No Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' property to 'True'.
45164 16 No Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
45165 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
45166 16 No Database '%.*ls' was %.*ls successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
45167 16 No An invalid state transition was attempted.
45168 16 No The server '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45169 16 No The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45170 16 No A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
45171 16 No Secondary database must be created in the same server as primary database unless 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45172 16 No The 'MaximumLag' parameter requires that 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45173 16 No Source server not found for subscription: %ls, resource group: %ls, server name: %ls.
45174 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. There is a pending migration request for the server.
45175 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. A migration is already in progress.
45176 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
45177 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. Failed to find a target cluster for migration.
45178 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported.
45179 16 No The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
45180 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' already exists. To continue, specify a different resource name.
45181 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
45182 16 No Database '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45183 16 No There is an import or export operation in progress on the database '%ls'.
45184 16 No Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
45185 16 No The change role completion notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls' was ignored as freshness number did not match. Expected '%d'.
45186 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported in state '%ls'.
45187 16 No The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls', partner database id '%ls' was ignored as current replication mode did not match expected value '%ls'.
45188 16 No The operation has been cancelled by user.
45189 16 No Insufficient permission to add secondary on server '%ls'.
45190 16 No '%ls' is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.
45191 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls.' Set the 'replace' parameter to proceed anyway.
45192 16 No The value specified for 'allow_connections' does not match the value for the existing replication relation for database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45193 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already the target in another replication relationship.
45194 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45195 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is the source in another replication relationship.
45196 16 No The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
45197 17 No A system maintenance operation is in progress on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls.' Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
45198 16 No MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
45199 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
45200 16 No The server '%ls' are not associated with the tenant '%ls'.
45201 16 No SQL Server Agent service is not running.
45202 16 No Timed out after %ld seconds waiting for Smart Admin job to complete. Please run the stored procedure again.
45203 16 No The parameter @state cannot be NULL, and should be 1 or 0. Specify 1 to start SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure, or 0 to pause.
45204 16 No The parameter %ls cannot be NULL or empty. Provide a valid %ls.
45205 16 No No backup setting is supplied. Please specify at least one backup setting to be configured.
45206 16 No The value specified for parameter @type is invalid. The @type parameter value should either be 'Database' or 'Log'.
45207 16 No %ls
45208 16 No SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
45209 16 No The parameter value for notification email is not specified or is NULL. Please specify a valid email to enable notifications for Smart Admin.
45210 16 No Database Mail is not enabled for SQL Agent to use for Notifications. Enable Database Mail as the mail system for alerts.
45211 16 No Database mail profile is not setup for SQL Agent notifications.
45212 16 No The value specified for parameter %ls is invalid. Provide a valid %ls.
45213 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'Custom'
45214 16 No @days_of_week must be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Weekly'
45215 16 No Local caching is not yet supported.
45216 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must not be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'System'
45217 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must not be specified if @encryption_algorithm is set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45218 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45219 16 No @days_of_week must not be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Daily'
45301 17 No The resource has been moved to another location
45302 17 No SLO '%ls' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '%ls' exceeds the quota.
45303 17 No Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.
45304 16 No Elastic pool estimate '%.*ls' was not found for server '%.*ls'
45305 16 No Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request: '%.*ls'
45306 16 No The external admin cannot be set because the user or group already exists in the 'master' database.
45307 16 No Advisor '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource
45308 16 No Recommended action '%.*ls' was not found for advisor '%.*ls'
46501 15 No External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
46502 15 No Type with name '%.*ls' already exists.
46503 15 No Invalid format for option '%S_MSG'.
46504 15 No External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
46505 15 No Missing required external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46506 15 No Invalid set of options specified for '%S_MSG'.
46507 15 No Cannot perform DML on external tables.
46508 15 No Incorrect syntax on external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46509 15 No FILE_FORMAT must be specified for HADOOP data source.
46510 15 No FILE_FORMAT cannot be specified for RDBMS data source.
46511 15 No EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46512 15 No %S_MSG cannot be used with %S_MSG data source.
46513 15 No A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
46514 15 No DISTRIBUTION must be specified when using a SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source.
46515 15 No The specified sharding column name does not match any column in the external table definition.
46516 15 No The specified credential cannot be found.
46517 17 No XML Parse error when de-serializing PDW Metadata.
46518 15 No The %S_MSG '%ls' is not supported with %S_MSG.
46519 15 No %ls are not supported with %S_MSG.
46520 15 No The external DDL statement contained an unrecognized option.
46521 15 No Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
46522 10 No Failed to update '%S_MSG'.
46523 15 No A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
46524 15 No An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
46525 15 No External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
46526 15 No The %S_MSG operation is not supported with %S_MSG data source type.
46601 16 No REJECT_TYPE
46602 16 No FILE_FORMAT
46603 16 No REJECT_VALUE
46605 16 No LOCATION
46606 16 No DATA_SOURCE
46607 16 No PERCENTAGE
46610 16 No SERDE_METHOD
46611 16 No ENCODING
46613 16 No DATE_FORMAT
46615 16 No FORMAT_TYPE
46618 16 No HADOOP
46619 16 No RDBMS
46624 16 No SHARD_MAP_NAME
46625 16 No CREDENTIAL
46643 16 No external tables
46644 16 No external tables for sharded data
46645 16 No Remote Data Archive
46646 16 No provided
46647 16 No seconds
46648 16 No minutes
46649 16 No hours
46650 16 No days
46651 16 No weeks
46652 16 No months
46653 16 No years
46701 16 No Query notifications is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46702 16 No Remote RPC requests are not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46703 16 No Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
46704 16 No Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
46705 16 No Unsupported parameter type found while parsing RPC request. The request has been terminated.
46706 16 No Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46707 16 No The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46709 16 No Default parameter support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46710 16 No Unsupported transaction manager request %d encountered. SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint only supports local transaction request for 'begin/commit/rollback'.
46711 16 No Unsupported TDS request packet of type %d encountered on SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint. Only batch, rpc and transaction requests are supported.
46712 16 No Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
46713 16 No Integrated authentication is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46716 16 No Attach Database File is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46717 16 No Login as Replication or Remote user is not supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46718 16 No Only 'us_english' or 'English' language is supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46719 16 No Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
46720 16 No Parallel query execution on the same connection is not supported.
46721 16 No Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.
46722 16 No Client driver version is not supported.
46801 16 No GlobalQuery operations
46802 16 No Failed to load module for global query.
46803 16 No Failed to locate entry point for global query module.
46804 16 No Failed to initialize the global query module.
46805 16 No Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
46806 16 No An error occured while executing GlobalQuery operation: %.*ls
46807 16 No An access violation occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46808 16 No An entry corresponding to given Global Query request could not be located. Execution has been aborted.
46809 16 No An error occurred while writing the response to Global Query request. Error Code: %d, State: %d.
46810 16 No An unhandled exception occured while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46811 16 No An unexpected error with code 0x%x occured while executing GlobalQuery operation.
46812 16 No %.*ls
46813 16 No %.*ls
46814 16 No %.*ls
46815 16 No %.*ls
46816 16 No %.*ls
46817 16 No %.*ls
46818 16 No %.*ls
46819 16 No %.*ls
46820 16 No %.*ls
46821 16 No %.*ls
46822 16 No %.*ls
46823 16 No %.*ls
46824 16 No %.*ls
46825 16 No %.*ls
46826 16 No Output parameters are not supported with %.*ls.
46827 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46828 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46901 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is disabled. Please restart Polybase DMS service.
46902 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
46903 10 No This stored procedure is not available because Polybase feature is not enabled.
46904 16 No Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46905 10 No Head node cannot be removed from a Polybase computational group.
46906 16 No Unable to retrieve registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46907 16 No Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46908 16 No Unable to update registry value '%ls' in Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46909 16 No Unable to open registry key '%ls': %ls.
46910 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
46911 16 No Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
46912 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46913 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46914 16 No INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
46915 16 No Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
46916 16 No Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace flag 9481 is not enabled, the database compatibility level is at least 120 and the legacy cardinality estimator is not explicitly enabled through a database scoped configuration setting.
46920 16 No An internal error occured while attempting to find the currently executing process.
46921 16 No An internal error occured due to a Polybase dll path being too long.
46922 16 No The current edition is suitable for Polybase usage, however, the Polybase dlls are not up to date. Please apply the latest patch again.
47000 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
47001 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
47002 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when initializing the RPS COM object.
47003 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSAuth object.
47004 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSPropBag object.
47005 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during IRPS::Authenticate.
47006 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSValidatedPropertyBag object.
47007 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during SetAuthPolicy.
47008 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during ValidateTicketWithAuthPolicy.
47009 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching Session Key.
47010 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47011 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when computing HMAC Hash Signature.
47012 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when comparing HMAC Hash Signature with the one sent by the client.
47013 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId Low.
47014 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
47015 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberName.
47016 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when opening Certificate Store.
47017 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to find ceritificate in store.
47018 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to initialize Error object for service proxy.
47019 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to create service proxy.
47020 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to open service proxy.
47021 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
47022 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Error object.
47023 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
47024 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during validation of federated context.
47025 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed due to unknown reason.
47026 10 No Reason: Failure occured when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47027 10 No Reason: This was a non-Microsoft domain login attempt in a Non-SDS session.
47028 10 No Reason: This FedAuth library is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47029 10 No Reason: This FedAuth Ticket type is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47030 10 No Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
47031 10 No Reason: There was a failure in acquiring the max heap memory limit from config during AAD group expansion.
47032 10 No Reason: There is a user error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47033 10 No Reason: There is a System error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47034 10 No Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
47035 10 No Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
47036 10 No Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
47037 10 No Reason: Login failed because Deny External Connections flags is on.
47038 10 No Reason: Login failed because client disconnected when fedauth specific processing was going on during login.
47039 10 No Reason: Login failed because the client is attempting to use certificate authentication without correct permissions.
47040 10 No Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
47041 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is not present.
47042 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
47043 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47044 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47045 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47046 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47047 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47048 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47500 16 No Manual seeding is not supported option for secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47501 16 No Synchronous commit is not supported option for the initial secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47502 16 No Cannot create distributed availability group '%.*ls' when local AG '%.*ls' contains more than one database in cases when secondary participant is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47503 16 No AG '%.*ls' already contains one database and adding more is not supported because AG participates in distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47504 16 No Error related to distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary participant on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
49701 10 No Server override on DB RG is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49702 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49703 10 No Failed to parse server override on server '%.*ls'. The category name is: '%.*ls' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
49704 10 No Failed to apply server override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49705 10 No Failed to merge server override into property bag on physical db or instance '%.*ls' of server '%.*ls'. The override string is: '%.*ls'.
49801 10 No Dynamic Deactivation Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49802 10 No Database is unavailable at the moment, please retry connection at later time.
49803 10 No Resource Pool Data Space Usage Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49804 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49805 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is off for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49806 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is not enabled for all remote storage DB: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49807 10 No DynamicActivation is only supported for remote storage DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49808 10 No Deactivated database cannot be deactivated again: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49809 10 No Database Operation failed for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.
49810 10 No Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49811 10 No Deactivation is not supported on Disabled database: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49812 10 No EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49813 10 No Deactivation is not supported on databases part of servers in global transaction partnership: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49901 10 No The number of max worker threads that is configured %u is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %u will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49902 10 No There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49903 10 Yes Detected %I64d MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49904 10 Yes The service account is '%.*ls'. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49905 10 Yes Error %u occurred while opening parameters file '%s'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file.
49906 10 Yes Error %u occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters.
49907 10 Yes Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %.*ls
49908 10 Yes The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %.*ls
49909 10 Yes Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start.
49910 10 No Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
49911 10 No Software Usage Metrics failed to start.
49912 10 No Software Usage Metrics is enabled.
49913 10 No The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
49914 10 No %ls Trace: %ls
49915 10 Yes Invalid, incomplete, or deprecated parameters were found in the command line or in the registry. Normally those would be ignored but the '%s' parameter was specified which cause SQL Server to exit. Remove the offending parameters. Check the error log for further details.
49916 10 Yes UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
49917 10 Yes Default collation: %ls (%ls %u)
49918 16 No Cannot process request. Not enough resources to process request. Please retry you request later.
49919 16 No Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_stats for pending operations. Wait till pending create/update requests are complete or delete one of your pending create/update requests and retry your request later.
49920 16 No Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_stats for pending operations and wait till the operation is complete or delete one of the pending requests and retry later.
49922 16 No Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
49924 16 No Subscription '%ld' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%ls'. Try creating a database with different service level objective.
49925 16 No Databases cannot be updated to free service level objective.
Error Severity Event logged Description
41401 16 No WSFC cluster service is offline.
41402 16 No The WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster.
41403 16 No Availability group is offline.
41404 16 No The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline.
41405 16 No Availability group is not ready for automatic failover.
41406 16 No The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavailable, or its data synchronization state is currently not in the SYNCHRONIZED synchronization state.
41407 16 No Some availability replicas are not synchronizing data.
41408 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
41409 16 No Some synchronous replicas are not synchronized.
41410 16 No In this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING.
41411 16 No Some availability replicas do not have a healthy role.
41412 16 No In this availability group, at least one availability replica does not currently have the primary or secondary role.
41413 16 No Some availability replicas are disconnected.
41414 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41415 16 No Availability replica does not have a healthy role.
41416 16 No The role of this availability replica is unhealthy. The replica does not have either the primary or secondary role.
41417 16 No Availability replica is disconnected.
41418 16 No This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41419 16 No Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy.
41420 16 No At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41421 16 No Availability database is suspended.
41422 16 No Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database.
41423 16 No Secondary database is not joined.
41424 16 No This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41425 16 No Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy.
41426 16 No The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41427 16 No Availability replica is not joined.
41428 16 No This secondary replica is not joined to the availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about how-to join a secondary replica to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41500 10 No An error (0x%08x) occurred when asynchronous operations administrator attempted to notify the client (ID %ls) of the completion of an operation. This is an information message only. No user action is required.
41501 16 No Failed to register client (ID %ls) with asynchronous operations administrator. A client with this ID has already been registered. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation. To re-register a client, the client must first be deregistered.
41502 16 No Failed to deregister client (ID %ls) from asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41503 16 No Client (ID %ls) failed to submit work to asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41504 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to allocate a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41505 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to queue a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls) (internal error %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41600 16 No An error has occurred while executing an asynchronous operation for a database replica (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls, operation %d, error 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41601 16 No Valid state transition is not found for local replica with partition ID %ls (current state %ls, trigger %ls, current epoch [%I64d,%I64d], triggering epoch [%I64d,%I64d]). The replica is not in the correct state to accept the Windows Fabric command. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41602 16 No An error has occurred while attempting to access replica publisher's subscriber list (partition ID %ls, SQL OS error code 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41603 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the build secondary replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41604 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the configuration change replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41605 16 No Cannot associate replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X) with the specified Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). The replica is already associated with a Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41606 16 No Replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, current state '%ls') cannot process configuration-update command for Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). Configuration updates can be process by the primary replica only. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41607 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41608 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls, SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41609 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the list of replica controller objects. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41610 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the list of replica controller objects (SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41611 16 No Replica controller for the local replica (Availability Group ID %ls) cannot be found. Make sure the specified Availability Group ID is correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41612 16 No An error has occurred while %ls %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41613 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on '%ls' database (ID %d). The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41614 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41615 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41616 16 No SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls). Make sure the specified Windows Fabric partition ID and replica ID are correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41617 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' is unable to find out start of log and end of log LSN for '%ls' database. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41618 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized Windows Fabric partition '%ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the Windows Fabric service is getting initialized or it is getting destroyed.
41619 16 No Windows Fabric '%ls' (partition ID '%ls')encountered transient error %d while waiting for build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41620 10 No Build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has been cancelled by Windows Fabric. Windows Fabric cancelled build replica operation. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41621 10 No Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error '%ls' and is reporting '%ls' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41622 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is trying to update primary replica information for local replica %ls which is neither ACTIVE_SECONDARY nor IDLE_SECONDARY (current role %ls). SQL Server cannot update primary replica information in invalid state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41623 20 No The Database Mirroring endpoint port is unavailable. Verify that the DBM endpoint is created.
41624 16 No Drop database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has failed. SQL Server has failed to drop the database. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41625 20 No The internal buffer for the replication URL is insufficient.
41626 10 No Failed to retrieve service desription from Windows Fabric for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41627 10 No An error has occurred while Dropping %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41628 10 No Drop database Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41629 10 No Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d, State: %d) while publishing event '%ls' to subscriber of type '%ls' on Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID: '%ls'). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41630 10 No Failed to update primary replica information for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41631 16 No Fabric service '%ls' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the cluster manifest to ensure a valid SKU is defined for this node type. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41632 10 No The system encountered SQL Error %d (severity: %d, state: %d), which has no corresponding error text. Refer to the SQL Error number for more information regarding the cause and corrective action.
41633 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41634 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' has been cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41635 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' failed. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41636 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41637 16 No The database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') is not currently participating in a GeoDR relationship.
41638 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica storage configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41639 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41640 10 No Database '%ls' encountered a transient error (error code: 0x%08X) while performing task '%ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41641 16 No Could not send global cluster action '%ls' request 0x%x.
41642 10 No Undo of redo is run in Active Secondary role on database '%ls' (ID %d). Recovery lsn: '%S_LSN', Hardened lsn: '%S_LSN'. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41643 16 No Could not retrieve the Layered AG Configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41644 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on database '%ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41645 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while querying for Fabric property '%ls'.
41646 16 No Invalid Fabric property '%ls' received for partition '%ls'.
41647 17 No Failed to start the report fault thread during replica manager startup.
41648 10 No Get current progress was called on '%ls' database (ID %d) which had undo of redo pending. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41649 10 No Could not submit Change Role completion tasks for %ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41650 10 No Waiting for replica catchup for AGID '%ls' and ReplicaID '%ls' Failed.
41651 16 No Invalid partition id in replica manager
41652 17 No The replica manager is unavailable or not ready.
41653 21 No Database '%.*ls' encountered an error (error type: %d '%.*ls') causing failure of the availability group '%.*ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41654 17 No Failed to start the clean up nonexistant DBs thread during replica manager startup.
41655 10 No Could not submit logical reseeding task for '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition id: '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41656 17 No Failed to start the windows fabric load balancer reporting thread during replica manager startup.
41657 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') failed the call to UseDB.
41658 16 No Failed to automatically enable Query Store in Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') .
41659 16 No Checkpoint for Database '%ls' (ID %d) failed. Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41660 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') received a primary replica information message from remote replica '%ls' with an epoch [%I64d,%I64d] which is less than the local epoch [%I64d,%I64d]. SQL Server cannot update primary replica information from a replica with a smaller epoch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41661 16 No There are no waiters on the DataLossEvent for Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41662 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in Generic Subscriber.
41663 10 No Failed to parse datawarehouse columnar cache settings during replica manager startup.
41700 16 No System views related to Windows Fabric partitions and replicas are not available at this time, because replica manager has not yet started. Wait for replica manager to start, then retry the system view query.
41701 20 No The Activation Context is unavailable at this time. The Windows Fabric Runtime is unavailable at this time, retry later. Wait for the activation context to become available, then retry.
41702 20 No The requested Configuration Package is unavailable at this time. The Configuration Package is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Configuration Package name exists and is properly formatted.
41703 20 No The requested Service Endpoint is unavailable at this time. The Service Endpoint is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Service Endpoint name exists and is properly formatted.
41704 20 No The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to defined format. Verify that the datasource is name is fewer than MAX_PATH characters in length is properly formatted.
41705 20 No The computer name is unavailable. The computer name was not returned.
41706 20 No Unable to get Fabric NodeContext.
41801 16 No Failed to drop the memory optimized container '%.*ls'.
41802 16 No Cannot drop the last memory-optimized container '%.*ls'.
41803 16 No An In-Memory OLTP physical database was restarted while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41804 16 No Internal error for database '%.*ls' (lookup for HkTruncationLsn failed). The operation will be retried. No user action is required. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
41805 16 No There is insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls' to run this operation on memory-optimized tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=614951' for more information.
41806 16 No Parameter "%ls" specified for procedure or function "%ls" is not valid.
41807 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a unique constraint violation on a memory optimized table.
41808 16 No The current MARS batch attempted to update a record that has been updated by another batch within the same transaction.
41809 16 No Natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41810 16 No Stored procedures called from natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41811 16 No XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41812 16 No ALTER TABLE on memory-optimized tables is not supported with concurrent MARS transactions.
41813 16 No XTP database '%.*ls' was undeployed. No further action is necessary.
41814 16 No The procedure '%.*ls' cannot be called from a user transaction.
41815 16 No Data migration on table id %d cannot be performed because the table is already in the process of migration.
41816 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' for procedure '%.*ls' cannot be NULL.
41817 16 No Invalid object id %d provided as input for procedure '%.*ls'. The object id must refer to a memory-optimized table with a column store index.
41818 23 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls' attempting to upgrade the XTP component from version %u.%u to version %u.%u. Check the error log for further details.
41819 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch deleted or updated a row that was referenced by a foreign key row inserted by the failed batch.
41820 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch inserted a row that references the row that was deleted by the failed batch.
41822 17 No There is insufficient disk space to generate checkpoint files and as a result the database is in delete-only mode. In this mode, only deletes and drops are allowed.
41823 16 No Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41824 16 No The transaction was killed by a concurrent ALTER operation or by a write-write conflict.
41825 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' cannot be used to increase the user memory limit on the database.
41826 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' tried to set a lower limit to the user memory quota. The operation failed because the user memory consumption is larger than the specified target, delete some user data and try the operation again.
41827 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41828 16 No Creation of memory-optimized tables is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.
41829 16 No The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.
41830 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' restarted XTP engine.
41831 16 No Data migration on table id %d failed either fully or partially. See errorlog for details.
41832 16 No Index '%.*ls' cannot be created on table '%.*ls', because at least one key column is stored off-row. Index key columns memory-optimized tables must fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Simplify the index key or reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41833 16 No Columnstore index '%.*ls' cannot be created, because table '%.*ls' has columns stored off-row. Columnstore indexes can only be created on memory-optimized table if the columns fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41834 16 No ALTER TABLE has failed for '%.*ls' with error code %d.
41835 21 No An error (error code: 0x%08lx) occurred while adding encryption keys to XTP database '%.*ls'.
41836 16 No Rebuilding log is not supported for databases containing files belonging to MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41837 16 No Boot-page adjustment of XTP database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41838 16 No Failed to retrieve size for this file due to an internal error. Please try again later.
41839 16 No Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.
41840 16 No Could not perform the operation because the elastic pool has reached its quota for in-memory tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41841 23 No Found inconsistent boot-page for database '%.*ls'.
41842 16 No Too many rows inserted or updated in this transaction. You can insert or update at most 4,294,967,294 rows in memory-optimized tables in a single transaction.
41843 16 No Unable to construct segment for segment table.
41844 15 No Clustered columnstore indexes are not supported on memory optimized tables with computed columns.
41845 16 No Checksum verification failed for memory optimized checkpoint file %.*ls.
41846 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not have unique recoverLsn. PrevLSN = (%I64d:%hu), CurrLSN = (%I64d:%hu).
41847 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not point to a transaction segment definition record.
41848 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not have ascending recoverLsn. PrevLSN = (%I64d:%hu), CurrLSN = (%I64d:%hu).
41849 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not contiguous in logical space. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41850 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not well formed for Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41851 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment definition ordering does not match the (strict) logical ordering. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41852 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment has a NullHkLsn. CkptId = %I64d, Segment LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu)
41853 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Current segment goes backward further than the definition record of the N-2 segment. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41854 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. An in use file with FileId %.*ls is referenced by the Checkpoint File Table but is not accounted for in the Storage Interface.
41855 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. Could not find a file with FileId %.*ls in the File Watermark Table visible by checkpoint ID %u.
41856 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A file with FileId %.*ls of size %I64d bytes is smaller than expected %I64d bytes.
41857 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A presumably in use file with FileId %.*ls was not found in the Checkpoint File Table.
41858 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A presumably in use file with FileId %.*ls was not found in the File Watermark Table.
41859 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A presumably in use file with FileId %.*ls of size %I64d bytes is smaller than expected (%I64d bytes)
41860 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A presumably unused file with FileId %.*ls was found in the Checkpoint File Table.
41861 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. File Id is %.*ls. Corresponding LSN range is not ascending. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41862 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. Corresponding File %.*ls not found in File Table. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41863 16 No Checkpoint %I64d points to a root file %.*ls which was in use by a more recent checkpoint.
41864 16 No Checkpoint %I64d has a file %.*ls which has a watermark (%I64d) larger than the more recent checkpoints watermark (%I64d).
41865 16 No File %.*ls does not have a pair file %.*ls
41866 16 No Unprocessed File %.*ls does not have a pair file which is also unprocessed. Processed pair file is %.*ls.
41867 16 No Consistency errors detected in the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See preceding error messages for details. Consult https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845604 for details on how to recover from the errors.
41868 16 No Memory optimized filegroup checks could not be completed because of system errors. See errorlog for more details.
41870 10 No Dropped %d Orphan Internal Table(s).
41872 10 No Warning: Article with varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data type column(s) are not supported with memory optimized tables on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier.
41901 16 No One or more of the options (%ls) are not supported for this statement in SQL Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
41902 16 No Unsupported device type. SQL Managed Instance supports database restore from URI backup device only.
41903 16 No CREATE DATABASE failed. Cannot create filename %ls. Local file paths are not supported.
42001 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The operating system returned error %ls.
42002 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The parser returned error %.*ls
42003 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
42004 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required element '%ls' is missing.
42005 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
42006 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a valid path.
42007 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
42008 16 No ODBC error: State: %ls: Error: %d Message:'%ls'.
42009 16 No Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
42010 16 No Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
42011 16 No ODBC initialization error: : %d.
42012 16 No XodbcWrapper Enforced Retry For Testing.
42013 16 No HTTP initialization error: : %d.
42014 16 No Cannot retrieve server admin credential configuration.
42015 20 No Error occurred while attempting to authenticate user remotely. Error %d, State %d.
42016 16 No Error occurred in the DosGuard.
42017 16 No Error occurred in the Redirector's proxy while parsing a packet. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.
42018 16 No Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
42019 16 No %ls operation failed. %ls
42020 16 No Updating name to '%.*ls' failed.
42021 16 No Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42022 16 No Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42023 16 No Updating userdb properties on copy termination failed.
42024 16 No Switching to logical master database failed.
42025 16 No The extended recovery fork stack in the metadata of FCB is either corrupted or in an unexpected format.
42026 16 No Loading the Active Directory Library failed.
42027 16 No Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
42028 16 No The database '%.*ls' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
42029 16 No An internal error happened while generating a new DBTS for database "%.*ls". Please retry the operation.
42030 16 No Updating logical master's sys.databases on seeding completion failed.
42031 16 No This functionality is not supported for A/B test isolated instances.
42032 16 No XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
42033 16 No Updating Layered AG Configuration failed.
43001 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name.
43002 16 No Storage in MB %d exceeds the maximum limit %d.
43003 16 No More than one firewall rules have the same name '%.*ls'.
43004 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid firewall rule name because it contains invalid characters.
43005 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database name because it contains invalid characters.
43006 16 No Database name '%.*ls' is too long.
43007 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database charset.
43008 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database collation.
43009 16 No Storage in MB %d is below the minimum limit.
43010 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be updated.
43011 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid version.
43012 16 No The configuration name cannot be empty.
43013 16 No The value for configuration '%.*ls' cannot be empty.
43014 16 No The same configuration '%.*ls' cannot be updated more than once.
43015 16 No The configuration '%.*ls' does not exist for %.*ls server version %.*ls.
43016 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid. The allowed values are '%.*ls'.
43017 16 No The configuration names you defined are not consistent.
43018 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not consistent with default value '%.*ls'.
43019 16 No The source '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid.
45001 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist.
45002 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
45003 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution.
45004 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45005 16 No Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
45006 16 No The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
45007 16 No %ls cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %.*ls and member with id %d.
45008 16 No A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member.
45014 16 No %ls is not supported on %S_MSG.
45015 16 No Specified federation operation id is already in use.
45016 16 No Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
45017 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
45018 16 No Specified federation operation id is invalid for %ls operation.
45019 16 No %ls operation failed. Federation is in invalid state.
45020 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation id.
45021 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation member id.
45022 16 No A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%.*ls', table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
45023 16 No %ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
45024 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45025 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45026 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45027 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
45028 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member.
45029 16 No %ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
45030 15 No The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
45031 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled.
45032 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context.
45033 16 No Federation member %d is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it.
45034 16 No Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE.
45035 16 No Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
45036 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
45037 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
45038 16 No CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %S_MSG is not supported.
45039 16 No Federation member database cannot be restored.
45040 16 No Service objective for federation member database cannot be changed using ALTER DATABASE.
45041 16 No Federation member database options cannot be changed.
45042 16 No Federation root database options cannot be changed.
45043 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH %ls is not supported on %ls members.
45044 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %.*ls is not a valid database that can be switched in.
45045 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %ls of the federation key in %.*ls doesn't match with the correponding property of federation %.*ls.
45046 16 No %ls operation failed. The specified value for federation %.*ls does not correspond to a present member.
45101 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain all configurable dimension properties.
45102 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
45103 16 No Cannot reset the last setting for a dimension to non-default.
45104 16 No The default setting cannot be deleted for a dimension.
45105 16 No Cannot assign a deprecated setting as successor.
45106 16 No Cannot create new item. The max provision count has been reached.
45107 16 No Cannot reset service objective to draft from enabled or disabled state.
45108 16 No Default service objective cannot be disabled.
45109 16 No Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
45110 16 No Parameter %s value cannot be applied to service objective in non-draft mode.
45111 16 No Cannot reset the last service objective to non-default.
45112 16 No Cannot delete the default service objective.
45113 16 No Cannot set the service objective as default in draft mode.
45114 16 No Cannot edit setting marked as deprecated.
45115 16 No Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
45116 16 No Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
45117 16 No Cannot delete a system service objective.
45118 16 No Cannot assign a system service objective to user database.
45119 16 No Property selections contain conflicting values.
45120 16 No The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
45121 16 No Server '%ls' does not support memory-optimized data. Make sure both source and target servers are enabled for memory-optimized data.
45122 16 No '%ls'
45125 16 No Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
45126 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45127 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45128 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45129 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45130 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45131 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45132 16 No Every database must be assigned a service objective.
45133 17 No A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status in the master database for current job status.
45134 16 No The remote partner server name '%ls' could not be resolved.
45135 16 No Only continuous database copies can be updated.
45136 16 No Only continuous database copies can be terminated.
45137 16 No Insufficient permission to create a database copy on server '%ls'.
45138 16 No The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45139 16 No The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
45140 16 No Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
45141 16 No Database copies can only be initiated on the source server.
45142 16 No IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
45143 16 No The source database '%ls' does not exist.
45144 16 No Continuous copy cannot be initiated on source database '%ls' because it is a federation root member.
45145 16 No Only continuous database copies can be created.
45146 16 No Database copy property '%ls' is required.
45147 16 No Database copy property '%ls' cannot be changed.
45148 16 No '%ls' is not supported for entity '%ls'.
45149 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on 'master' database.
45150 16 No Feature is disabled.
45151 16 No Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
45152 16 No Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%ls' is unavailable or the database copy does not exist on the destination server. Try forced termination instead.
45153 16 No Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%ls'.
45154 16 No A free database already exists for subscription '%ld' for the selected region. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45155 16 No A free database operation is already in progress for subscription '%ld'. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45156 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45157 16 No Server '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45158 16 No Cannot move server '%.*ls' from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls'. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45159 16 No Cannot move servers from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls' since both subscriptions have free databases. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45160 16 No Subscription '%ls' doesn't have any servers to move.
45162 16 No Operation failed because subscription '%ls' is disabled.
45163 16 No Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' property to 'True'.
45164 16 No Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
45165 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
45166 16 No Database '%.*ls' was %.*ls successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
45167 16 No An invalid state transition was attempted.
45168 16 No The server '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45169 16 No The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45170 16 No A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
45171 16 No Secondary database must be created in the same server as primary database unless 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45172 16 No The 'MaximumLag' parameter requires that 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45173 16 No Source server not found for subscription: %ls, resource group: %ls, server name: %ls.
45174 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. There is a pending migration request for the server.
45175 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. A migration is already in progress.
45176 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
45177 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. Failed to find a target cluster for migration.
45178 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported.
45179 16 No The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
45180 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' already exists. To continue, specify a different resource name.
45181 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
45182 16 No Database '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45183 16 No There is an import or export operation in progress on the database '%ls'.
45184 16 No Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
45185 16 No The change role completion notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls' was ignored as freshness number did not match. Expected '%d'.
45186 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported in state '%ls'.
45187 16 No The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls', partner database id '%ls' was ignored as current replication mode did not match expected value '%ls'.
45188 16 No The operation has been cancelled by user.
45189 16 No Insufficient permission to add secondary on server '%ls'.
45190 16 No '%ls' is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.
45191 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls.' Set the 'replace' parameter to proceed anyway.
45192 16 No The value specified for 'allow_connections' does not match the value for the existing replication relation for database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45193 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already the target in another replication relationship.
45194 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45195 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is the source in another replication relationship.
45196 16 No The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
45197 17 No A system maintenance operation is in progress on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls.' Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
45198 16 No MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
45199 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
45200 16 No The server '%ls' are not associated with the tenant '%ls'.
45201 16 No SQL Server Agent service is not running.
45202 16 No Timed out after %ld seconds waiting for Smart Admin job to complete. Please run the stored procedure again.
45203 16 No The parameter @state cannot be NULL, and should be 1 or 0. Specify 1 to start SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure, or 0 to pause.
45204 16 No The parameter %ls cannot be NULL or empty. Provide a valid %ls.
45205 16 No No backup setting is supplied. Please specify at least one backup setting to be configured.
45206 16 No The value specified for parameter @type is invalid. The @type parameter value should either be 'Database' or 'Log'.
45207 16 No %ls
45208 16 No SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
45209 16 No The parameter value for notification email is not specified or is NULL. Please specify a valid email to enable notifications for Smart Admin.
45210 16 No Database Mail is not enabled for SQL Agent to use for Notifications. Enable Database Mail as the mail system for alerts.
45211 16 No Database mail profile is not setup for SQL Agent notifications.
45212 16 No The value specified for parameter %ls is invalid. Provide a valid %ls.
45213 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'Custom'
45214 16 No @days_of_week must be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Weekly'
45215 16 No Local caching is not yet supported.
45216 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must not be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'System'
45217 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must not be specified if @encryption_algorithm is set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45218 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45219 16 No @days_of_week must not be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Daily'
45220 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45221 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45301 17 No The resource has been moved to another location
45302 17 No SLO '%ls' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '%ls' exceeds the quota.
45303 17 No Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.
45304 16 No Elastic pool estimate '%.*ls' was not found for server '%.*ls'
45305 16 No Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request: '%.*ls'
45306 16 No The external admin cannot be set because the user or group already exists in the 'master' database.
45307 16 No Advisor '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource
45308 16 No Recommended action '%.*ls' was not found for advisor '%.*ls'
45309 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is recovering from a geo-replication role change and is not currently eligible to become a primary or standalone database. Wait until the relationship leaves the 'SUSPENDED' replication state and try again.
45310 16 No Unable to return metrics. Request would return too much data.
45311 16 No The server key '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a different server key name.
45312 16 No The server key URI '%.*ls' already exists as another server key.
45313 16 No The server key '%.*ls' cannot be deleted because it is currently in use by '%.*ls'.
45314 16 No Server key '%.*ls' does not exist. Make sure that the server key name is entered correctly.
45315 16 No The operation could not be completed because a service objective assignment is in progress for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls.' Wait for the service objective assignment to complete and try again.
45316 16 No MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. Please query sys.database_files and use DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the file size first.
45317 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not exist in resource group '%.*ls' in subscription '%.*ls'.
45318 16 No Service Fabric Application Version is not available.
45319 16 No The service objective assignment for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' could not be completed as the database is too busy. Reduce the workload before initiating another service objective update.
45320 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' is disabled.
45321 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault '%.*ls' have failed
45322 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' expiration date is invalid.
45323 16 No Unable to start a copy because the source database '%ls' is being updated.
45324 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.
45325 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name is null or empty.
45326 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' does not exist.
45327 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' is currently set as server encryption protector.
45328 16 No The server identity is not correctly configured on server '%ls'. Please contact support.
45329 16 No An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.
45330 16 No The server '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permisions: '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the service principal with ID '%ls'.
45331 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is not supported for a '%ls' database.
45332 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is invalid.
45333 16 No The service request timed out. %ls.
45334 16 No Server edition '%ls' is invalid.
45335 16 No Server type '%ls' is invalid.
45336 16 No The operation could not be completed because '%ls' is an invalid Server Key name. Please provide a key name in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901, then the Server Key Name should be formatted as: YourVaultName_YourKeyName_01234567890123456789012345678901.
45337 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because database '%ls' could not be synchronized with its remote partner. This may be due to a service outage, or to a high volume of write traffic. Consider using forced failover.
45338 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because the remote server '%ls' could not be reached. This may be due to a service outage. Consider using forced failover.
45339 16 No The max size update on the geo-secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls' failed with reason '%ls'.
45340 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45341 16 No The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information for '%ls' from server '%ls'. The encountered error message is '%ls'.
45342 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. Please ensure the server '%ls' and key vault '%ls' belong to the same tenant. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library is '%ls'.
45343 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the uri contains the vault, key, and key version information. An example valid uri looks like 'https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901'. Please ensure the vault belongs to an endpoint from the list of supported endpoints available at '%ls'.
46501 15 No External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
46502 15 No Type with name '%.*ls' already exists.
46503 15 No Invalid format for option '%S_MSG'.
46504 15 No External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
46505 15 No Missing required external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46506 15 No Invalid set of options specified for '%S_MSG'.
46507 15 No Cannot perform DML on external tables.
46508 15 No Incorrect syntax on external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46509 15 No FILE_FORMAT must be specified for HADOOP data source.
46510 15 No FILE_FORMAT cannot be specified for RDBMS data source.
46511 15 No EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46512 15 No %S_MSG cannot be used with %S_MSG data source.
46513 15 No A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
46514 15 No DISTRIBUTION must be specified when using a SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source.
46515 15 No The specified sharding column name does not match any column in the external table definition.
46516 15 No The specified credential cannot be found or the user does not have permission to perform this action.
46517 17 No XML Parse error when de-serializing PDW Metadata.
46518 15 No The %S_MSG '%ls' is not supported with %S_MSG.
46519 15 No %ls are not supported with %S_MSG.
46520 15 No The external DDL statement contained an unrecognized option.
46521 15 No Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
46522 10 No Failed to update '%S_MSG'.
46523 15 No A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
46524 15 No An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
46525 15 No External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
46526 15 No The %S_MSG operation is not supported with %S_MSG data source type.
46527 15 No Altering the '%S_MSG' property is not permitted for an external data source of type %ls.
46601 16 No REJECT_TYPE
46602 16 No FILE_FORMAT
46603 16 No REJECT_VALUE
46605 16 No LOCATION
46606 16 No DATA_SOURCE
46607 16 No PERCENTAGE
46610 16 No SERDE_METHOD
46611 16 No ENCODING
46613 16 No DATE_FORMAT
46615 16 No FORMAT_TYPE
46618 16 No HADOOP
46619 16 No RDBMS
46624 16 No SHARD_MAP_NAME
46625 16 No CREDENTIAL
46643 16 No external tables
46644 16 No external tables for sharded data
46645 16 No Remote Data Archive
46646 16 No provided
46647 16 No seconds
46648 16 No minutes
46649 16 No hours
46650 16 No days
46651 16 No weeks
46652 16 No months
46653 16 No years
46654 16 No database scoped credential
46701 16 No Query notifications is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46702 16 No Remote RPC requests are not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46703 16 No Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
46704 16 No Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
46705 16 No Unsupported parameter type found while parsing RPC request. The request has been terminated.
46706 16 No Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46707 16 No The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46709 16 No Default parameter support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46710 16 No Unsupported transaction manager request %d encountered. SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint only supports local transaction request for 'begin/commit/rollback'.
46711 16 No Unsupported TDS request packet of type %d encountered on SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint. Only batch, rpc and transaction requests are supported.
46712 16 No Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
46713 16 No Integrated authentication is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46716 16 No Attach Database File is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46717 16 No Login as Replication or Remote user is not supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46718 16 No Only 'us_english' or 'English' language is supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46719 16 No Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
46720 16 No Parallel query execution on the same connection is not supported.
46721 16 No Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.
46722 16 No Client driver version is not supported.
46723 16 No Large object column in Global Query is not supported for types other than Nvarchar(MAX), Varchar(MAX), Varbinary(MAX) and Image.
46801 16 No GlobalQuery operations
46802 16 No Failed to load module for global query.
46803 16 No Failed to locate entry point for global query module.
46804 16 No Failed to initialize the global query module.
46805 16 No Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
46806 16 No An error occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation: %.*ls
46807 16 No An access violation occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46808 16 No An entry corresponding to given Global Query request could not be located. Execution has been aborted.
46809 16 No An error occurred while attempting to execute the Global Query request. Error Code: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d.
46810 16 No An unhandled exception occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46811 16 No An unexpected error with code 0x%x occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation.
46812 16 No %.*ls
46813 16 No %.*ls
46814 16 No %.*ls
46815 16 No %.*ls
46816 16 No %.*ls
46817 16 No %.*ls
46818 16 No %.*ls
46819 16 No %.*ls
46820 16 No %.*ls
46821 16 No %.*ls
46822 16 No %.*ls
46823 16 No %.*ls
46824 16 No %.*ls
46825 16 No %.*ls
46826 16 No Output parameters are not supported with %.*ls.
46827 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute queries referencing external tables.
46828 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46829 16 No The proc %.*ls is only supported for external data sources of type SHARD_MAP_MANAGER or RDBMS.
46830 16 No Internal column references are not supported for external tables.
46901 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is disabled. Please restart Polybase DMS service.
46902 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
46903 10 No This stored procedure is not available because Polybase feature is not enabled.
46904 16 No Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46905 10 No Head node cannot be removed from a Polybase computational group.
46906 16 No Unable to retrieve registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46907 16 No Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46908 16 No Unable to update registry value '%ls' in Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46909 16 No Unable to open registry key '%ls': %ls.
46910 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
46911 16 No Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
46912 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46913 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46914 16 No INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
46915 16 No Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
46916 16 No Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace flag 9481 is not enabled, the database compatibility level is at least 120 and the legacy cardinality estimator is not explicitly enabled through a database scoped configuration setting.
46917 16 No An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46918 16 No An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46919 16 No An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46920 10 No Polybase feature disabled.
47000 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
47001 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
47002 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when initializing the RPS COM object.
47003 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSAuth object.
47004 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSPropBag object.
47005 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during IRPS::Authenticate.
47006 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSValidatedPropertyBag object.
47007 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during SetAuthPolicy.
47008 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during ValidateTicketWithAuthPolicy.
47009 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching Session Key.
47010 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47011 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when computing HMAC Hash Signature.
47012 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when comparing HMAC Hash Signature with the one sent by the client.
47013 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId Low.
47014 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
47015 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberName.
47016 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when opening Certificate Store.
47017 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to find ceritificate in store.
47018 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to initialize Error object for service proxy.
47019 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to create service proxy.
47020 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to open service proxy.
47021 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
47022 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Error object.
47023 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
47024 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during validation of federated context.
47025 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed due to unknown reason.
47026 10 No Reason: Failure occurred when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47027 10 No Reason: This was a non-Microsoft domain login attempt in a Non-SDS session.
47028 10 No Reason: This FedAuth library is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47029 10 No Reason: This FedAuth Ticket type is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47030 10 No Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
47031 10 No Reason: There was a failure in acquiring the max heap memory limit from config during AAD group expansion.
47032 10 No Reason: There is a user error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47033 10 No Reason: There is a System error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47034 10 No Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
47035 10 No Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
47036 10 No Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
47037 10 No Reason: Login failed because Deny External Connections flags is on.
47038 10 No Reason: Login failed because client disconnected when fedauth specific processing was going on during login.
47039 10 No Reason: Login failed because the client is attempting to use certificate authentication without correct permissions.
47040 10 No Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
47041 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is not present.
47042 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
47043 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47044 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47045 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47046 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47047 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47048 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47049 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall Rule has rejected the login.
47050 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while copying the VNET IPv6 address.
47051 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while parsing the VNET IPv6.
47052 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while extracting VNET metadata info from the IPv6 (VNET parsing).
47053 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup.
47054 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table COUNT lookup.
47055 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall rejected the login due to a the source of a login being outside a VNET
47056 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login attempt because VNET firewall rules are not database-level, only server-level.
47057 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login because an IPv6 attempt was received when not expected
47058 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup while looking up the IPv4 Allow All rule.
47068 10 No fulltext stoplist
47100 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' doesn't match its primary configuration. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47101 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports MANUAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47102 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports EXTERNAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47103 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports AUTOMATIC and MANUAL failover modes. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47104 16 No This operation cannot be performed on the availability group '%.*ls' because it has EXTERNAL cluster type. Use the cluster management tools to perform the operation.
47105 16 No The Always On Availability Groups feature must be enabled for this server instance before you can perform availability group operations. Please enable the feature, then retry the operation.
47106 16 No Cannot join availability group '%.*ls'. Download configuration timeout. Please check primary configuration, network connectivity and firewall setup, then retry the operation.
47107 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports one relica which has configuration-only availability mode. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47108 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports two synchronous mode replicas and required_syncrhonized_secondaries_to_commit is zero when configuration-only mode replica is specified. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47109 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot failover to this replica. Configuration-only replica cannot become primary. An attempt to fail over an availability group failed. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot become a primary.
47110 15 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica as it is a configuration-only. Remove this option, then retry the operation
47111 16 No Local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be granted permission to create databases. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot host databases inside the availability group.
47112 16 No Only the SESSION_TIMEOUT property can be modified for a configuration-only replica.
47113 16 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica for modification. Remove this option, then retry the operation.
47114 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. Configuration-only replicas can only be added to availability groups with CLUSTER_TYPE = EXTERNAL. Verify that the AVAILABILITY_MODE setting of the replica spec, then retry the operation.
47115 16 No The '%ls' option is not valid for WSFC availability group '%.*ls'. Remove the option or set the 'CLUSTER_TYPE' option to a different value, then retry the operation.
47116 16 No The external lease cannot be set on availability group '%.*ls'. External Lease updates are not enabled for this availability group.
47117 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid time value when updating the Availability Group's external write lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47118 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid value when updating the external lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47119 16 No The current write lease of the availability group '%.*ls' is still valid. The lease expiration time cannot be set to an earlier time than its current value.
47122 16 No Cannot failover an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' since it has CLUSTER_TYPE = NONE. Only force failover is supported in this version of SQL Server.
47145 16 No Failed to obtain the resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. Cluster service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
47201 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters.
47202 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters and '%u' for _ex version.
47203 16 No Procedure expects atleast '%u' parameters and '%u' max.
49401 16 Yes Database backup not supported on this database as it has foreign files attached.
49501 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. Sbs flat files are not supported
49502 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an sbs flat file page or the destination is an sbs flat file page.
49600 22 No SQL tiered storage table schema is corrupt.
49601 16 No SBS Flat File Access not fully initialized, when function '%ls' was called.
49602 16 No Failure waiting for %ls latch in '%ls'.
49701 10 No Server override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49702 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49703 10 No Failed to parse server override on server '%.*ls'. The category name is: '%.*ls' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
49704 10 No Failed to apply server override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49705 10 No Failed to merge server override into property bag on physical db or instance '%.*ls' of server '%.*ls'. The override string is: '%.*ls'.
49801 10 No Dynamic Deactivation Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49802 10 No Database is unavailable at the moment, please retry connection at later time.
49803 10 No Resource Pool Data Space Usage Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49804 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49805 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is off for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49806 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is not enabled for all remote storage DB: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49807 10 No DynamicActivation is only supported for remote storage DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49808 10 No Deactivated database cannot be deactivated again: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49809 10 No Database Operation failed for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.
49810 10 No Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49811 10 No Deactivation is not supported on Disabled database: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49812 10 No EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49813 10 No Deactivation is not supported on databases part of servers in global transaction partnership: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49814 10 No DynamicActivation is not supported for GeoDR DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49815 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49816 10 No Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' cannot be online as BlockingMode is set
49817 10 No Failed to query CMS for thottling on database '%.*ls', '%.*ls' due to the exception: '%.*ls'
49818 10 No Cannot deactivate a database when it is already getting deactivated, Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49819 10 No Deflation Monitor Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49901 10 No The number of max worker threads that is configured %u is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %u will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49902 10 No There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49903 10 Yes Detected %I64d MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49904 10 Yes The service account is '%.*ls'. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49905 10 Yes Error %u occurred while opening parameters file '%s'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file.
49906 10 Yes Error %u occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters.
49907 10 Yes Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %.*ls
49908 10 Yes The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %.*ls
49909 10 Yes Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start.
49910 10 No Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
49911 10 No Software Usage Metrics failed to start.
49912 10 No Software Usage Metrics is enabled.
49913 10 No The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
49914 10 No %ls Trace: %ls
49915 10 Yes Invalid, incomplete, or deprecated parameters were found in the command line or in the registry. Normally those would be ignored but the '%s' parameter was specified which cause SQL Server to exit. Remove the offending parameters. Check the error log for further details.
49916 10 Yes UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
49917 10 Yes Default collation: %ls (%ls %u)
49918 16 No Cannot process request. Not enough resources to process request. Please retry you request later.
49919 16 No Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations. Wait till pending create/update requests are complete or delete one of your pending create/update requests and retry your request later.
49920 16 No Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations and wait till the operation is complete or delete one of the pending requests and retry later.
49922 16 No Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
49924 16 No Subscription '%ld' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%ls'. Try creating a database with different service level objective.
49925 16 No Databases cannot be updated to free service level objective.
49926 10 No Server setup is starting
49927 10 No An error occurred while setting the server administrator (SA) password: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49928 10 No An error occurred during server setup. See previous errors for more information.
49929 10 No Server setup completed successfully.
49930 10 Yes Parallel redo is %ls for database '%.*ls' with worker pool size [%d].
49931 10 No An error occurred while configuring engine telemetry: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49932 10 No An error occurred while initializing security. %ls.
49933 10 No ERROR: The MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable must be set when using the --reset-sa-password option.
49934 10 Yes Error %u occurred while reading the RbIo configuration parameters. Verify that the sqlservr.ini or registry entries exist.
49936 10 No ERROR: The provided PID [%s] is invalid. The PID must be in the form #####-#####-#####-#####-##### where '#' is a number or letter.
49937 10 No ERROR: A failure occurred in the licensing subsystem. Error [%d].
49938 10 No The licensing PID was successfully processed. The new edition is [%s].
49939 16 No Unable to initialize user-specified certificate configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the certificate is correctly configured. Error[%d]. State[%d].
49940 16 No Unable to open one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) exist with read permissions for the user and group running SQL Server.
49941 16 No Unable to load one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) are of a supported format.
49942 16 No Internal error occurred initializing user-specified certificate configuration. Error code [%08X].
49943 10 No The certificate [Certificate File:'%hs', Private Key File:'%hs'] was successfully loaded for encryption.
49944 16 No The allowed TLS protocol version list ['%hs'] is invalid. Verify that the supplied TLS version numbers are supported by SQL Server and separated by spaces in the configuration.
49945 16 No The allowed TLS cipher list ['%hs'] is invalid. See docs.microsoft.com for more information on creating a cipher list.
49946 16 No Internal error occurred initializing the TLS configuration. Error code [%d].
49947 16 No Unable to initialize the TLS configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the allowed TLS protocol and cipher lists are configured correctly. Error state [%d].
49948 10 No Successfully initialized the TLS configuration. Allowed TLS protocol versions are ['%hs']. Allowed TLS ciphers are ['%hs'].
49949 10 No ERROR: Unable to set system administrator password: %s.
49950 10 No The SQL Server End-User License Agreement (EULA) must be accepted before SQL
49951 10 No Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
49952 10 No http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746388.
49953 10 No You can accept the EULA by specifying the --accept-eula command line option,
49954 10 No setting the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, or using the mssql-conf tool.
49955 10 No Environment Variable Startup Parameters:%.*ls
49956 10 No The default language (LCID %d) has been set for engine and full-text services.
49957 10 No The default language (LCID %d) failed to be set for engine and full-text services.
49958 21 No The server collation cannot be changed with user databases attached. Please detach user databases before changing server collation.
49959 10 No ERROR: The environment variable MSSQL_COLLATION contains an invalid collation '%.*ls'.
49960 10 No Did not find an existing master data file %s, copying the missing default master and other system database files. If you have moved the database location, but not moved the database files, startup may fail. To repair: shutdown SQL Server, move the master database to configured location, and restart.
49961 10 No Setup step is %scopying system data file '%s' to '%s'.
49962 10 No ERROR: Setup FAILED copying system data file '%s' to '%s': %s
49963 10 No ERROR: '%s' is a directory. Cannot continue.
49964 10 No ERROR: Setup failed to create the system data directory '%s': %s
Error Severity Event logged Description
41401 16 No WSFC cluster service is offline.
41402 16 No The WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster.
41403 16 No Availability group is offline.
41404 16 No The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline.
41405 16 No Availability group is not ready for automatic failover.
41406 16 No The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavailable, or its data synchronization state is currently not in the SYNCHRONIZED synchronization state.
41407 16 No Some availability replicas are not synchronizing data.
41408 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
41409 16 No Some synchronous replicas are not synchronized.
41410 16 No In this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHRONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING.
41411 16 No Some availability replicas do not have a healthy role.
41412 16 No In this availability group, at least one availability replica does not currently have the primary or secondary role.
41413 16 No Some availability replicas are disconnected.
41414 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41415 16 No Availability replica does not have a healthy role.
41416 16 No The role of this availability replica is unhealthy. The replica does not have either the primary or secondary role.
41417 16 No Availability replica is disconnected.
41418 16 No This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41419 16 No Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy.
41420 16 No At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41421 16 No Availability database is suspended.
41422 16 No Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database.
41423 16 No Secondary database is not joined.
41424 16 No This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41425 16 No Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy.
41426 16 No The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41427 16 No Availability replica is not joined.
41428 16 No This secondary replica is not joined to the availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about how-to join a secondary replica to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41500 10 No An error (0x%08x) occurred when asynchronous operations administrator attempted to notify the client (ID %ls) of the completion of an operation. This is an information message only. No user action is required.
41501 16 No Failed to register client (ID %ls) with asynchronous operations administrator. A client with this ID has already been registered. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation. To re-register a client, the client must first be deregistered.
41502 16 No Failed to deregister client (ID %ls) from asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41503 16 No Client (ID %ls) failed to submit work to asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41504 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to allocate a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41505 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to queue a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls) (internal error %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41600 16 No An error has occurred while executing an asynchronous operation for a database replica (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls, operation %d, error 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41601 16 No Valid state transition is not found for local replica with partition ID %ls (current state %ls, trigger %ls, current epoch [%I64d,%I64d], triggering epoch [%I64d,%I64d]). The replica is not in the correct state to accept the Windows Fabric command. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41602 16 No An error has occurred while attempting to access replica publisher's subscriber list (partition ID %ls, SQL OS error code 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41603 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the build secondary replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41604 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the configuration change replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41605 16 No Cannot associate replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X) with the specified Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). The replica is already associated with a Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41606 16 No Replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, current state '%ls') cannot process configuration-update command for Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). Configuration updates can be process by the primary replica only. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41607 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41608 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls, SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41609 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the list of replica controller objects. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41610 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the list of replica controller objects (SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41611 16 No Replica controller for the local replica (Availability Group ID %ls) cannot be found. Make sure the specified Availability Group ID is correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41612 16 No An error has occurred while %ls %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41613 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on '%ls' database (ID %d). The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41614 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41615 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41616 16 No SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls). Make sure the specified Windows Fabric partition ID and replica ID are correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41617 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' is unable to find out start of log and end of log LSN for '%ls' database. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41618 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized Windows Fabric partition '%ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the Windows Fabric service is getting initialized or it is getting destroyed.
41619 16 No Windows Fabric '%ls' (partition ID '%ls')encountered transient error %d while waiting for build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41620 10 No Build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has been cancelled by Windows Fabric. Windows Fabric cancelled build replica operation. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41621 10 No Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error '%ls' and is reporting '%ls' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41622 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is trying to update primary replica information for local replica %ls which is neither ACTIVE_SECONDARY nor IDLE_SECONDARY (current role %ls). SQL Server cannot update primary replica information in invalid state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41623 20 No The Database Mirroring endpoint port is unavailable. Verify that the DBM endpoint is created.
41624 16 No Drop database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has failed. SQL Server has failed to drop the database. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41625 20 No The internal buffer for the replication URL is insufficient.
41626 10 No Failed to retrieve service desription from Windows Fabric for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41627 10 No An error has occurred while Dropping %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41628 10 No Drop database Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41629 10 No Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d, State: %d) while publishing event '%ls' to subscriber of type '%ls' on Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID: '%ls'). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41630 10 No Failed to update primary replica information for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41631 16 No Fabric service '%ls' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the cluster manifest to ensure a valid SKU is defined for this node type. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41632 10 No The system encountered SQL Error %d (severity: %d, state: %d), which has no corresponding error text. Refer to the SQL Error number for more information regarding the cause and corrective action.
41633 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41634 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' has been cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41635 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' failed. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41636 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41637 16 No The database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') is not currently participating in a GeoDR relationship.
41638 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica storage configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41639 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41640 10 No Database '%ls' encountered a transient error (error code: 0x%08X) while performing task '%ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41641 16 No Could not send global cluster action '%ls' request 0x%x.
41642 10 No Undo of redo is run in Active Secondary role on database '%ls' (ID %d). Recovery lsn: '%S_LSN', Hardened lsn: '%S_LSN'. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41643 16 No Could not retrieve the Distributed AG Configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41644 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on database '%ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41645 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while querying for Fabric property '%ls'.
41646 16 No Invalid Fabric property '%ls' received for partition '%ls'.
41647 17 No Failed to start the report fault thread during replica manager startup.
41648 10 No Get current progress was called on '%ls' database (ID %d) which had undo of redo pending. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41649 10 No Could not submit Change Role completion tasks for %ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41650 10 No Waiting for replica catchup for AGID '%ls' and ReplicaID '%ls' Failed.
41651 16 No Invalid partition id in replica manager
41652 17 No The replica manager is unavailable or not ready.
41653 21 No Database '%.*ls' encountered an error (error type: %d '%.*ls') causing failure of the availability group '%.*ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41654 17 No Failed to start the clean up nonexistant DBs thread during replica manager startup.
41655 10 No Could not submit logical reseeding task for '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition id: '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41656 17 No Failed to start the windows fabric load balancer reporting thread during replica manager startup.
41657 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') failed the call to UseDB.
41658 16 No Failed to automatically enable Query Store in Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') .
41659 16 No Checkpoint for Database '%ls' (ID %d) failed. Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41660 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') received a primary replica information message from remote replica '%ls' with an epoch [%I64d,%I64d] which is less than the local epoch [%I64d,%I64d]. SQL Server cannot update primary replica information from a replica with a smaller epoch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41661 16 No There are no waiters on the DataLossEvent for Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41662 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in Generic Subscriber.
41663 10 No Failed to parse datawarehouse columnar cache settings during replica manager startup.
41664 10 No Failed to refresh remote replica configuration for fabric service '%ls'.
41665 10 No Failed to resolve DW logical node id for physical database '%ls', which is hosted by compute service: '%ls'.
41666 16 No Waiting for replica catchup before GeoDR role change failed for with error %d for database '%ls', DBID %d, AGID '%ls', and ReplicaID '%ls'.
41667 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while setting Fabric property '%ls'.
41668 16 No Failed to transition to forwarder role for physical database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41669 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in RbIo Subscriber.
41670 16 No Cannot retrieve tempdb remote file lease order id.
41700 16 No System views related to Windows Fabric partitions and replicas are not available at this time, because replica manager has not yet started. Wait for replica manager to start, then retry the system view query.
41701 20 No The Activation Context is unavailable at this time. The Windows Fabric Runtime is unavailable at this time, retry later. Wait for the activation context to become available, then retry.
41702 20 No The requested Configuration Package is unavailable at this time. The Configuration Package is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Configuration Package name exists and is properly formatted.
41703 20 No The requested Service Endpoint is unavailable at this time. The Service Endpoint is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Service Endpoint name exists and is properly formatted.
41704 20 No The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to defined format. Verify that the datasource is name is fewer than MAX_PATH characters in length is properly formatted.
41705 20 No The computer name is unavailable. The computer name was not returned.
41706 20 No Unable to get Fabric NodeContext.
41801 16 No Failed to drop the memory optimized container '%.*ls'.
41802 16 No Cannot drop the last memory-optimized container '%.*ls'.
41803 16 No An In-Memory OLTP physical database was restarted while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41804 16 No Internal error for database '%.*ls' (lookup for HkTruncationLsn failed). The operation will be retried. No user action is required. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
41805 16 No There is insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls' to run this operation on memory-optimized tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=614951' for more information.
41806 16 No Parameter "%ls" specified for procedure or function "%ls" is not valid.
41807 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a unique constraint violation on a memory optimized table.
41808 16 No The current MARS batch attempted to update a record that has been updated by another batch within the same transaction.
41809 16 No Natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41810 16 No Stored procedures called from natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41811 16 No XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41812 16 No ALTER TABLE on memory-optimized tables is not supported with concurrent MARS transactions.
41813 16 No XTP database '%.*ls' was undeployed. No further action is necessary.
41814 16 No The procedure '%.*ls' cannot be called from a user transaction.
41815 16 No Data migration on table id %d cannot be performed because the table is already in the process of migration.
41816 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' for procedure '%.*ls' cannot be NULL.
41817 16 No Invalid object id %d provided as input for procedure '%.*ls'. The object id must refer to a memory-optimized table with a column store index.
41818 23 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls' attempting to upgrade the XTP component from version %u.%u to version %u.%u. Check the error log for further details.
41819 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch deleted or updated a row that was referenced by a foreign key row inserted by the failed batch.
41820 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch inserted a row that references the row that was deleted by the failed batch.
41822 17 No There is insufficient disk space to generate checkpoint files and as a result the database is in delete-only mode. In this mode, only deletes and drops are allowed.
41823 16 No Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables. This error may be transient. Please retry the operation. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41824 16 No The transaction was killed by a concurrent ALTER operation or by a write-write conflict.
41825 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' cannot be used to increase the user memory limit on the database.
41826 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' tried to set a lower limit to the user memory quota. The operation failed because the user memory consumption is larger than the specified target, delete some user data and try the operation again.
41827 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41828 16 No Creation of memory-optimized tables is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.
41829 16 No The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.
41830 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' restarted XTP engine.
41831 16 No Data migration on table id %d failed either fully or partially. See errorlog for details.
41832 16 No Index '%.*ls' cannot be created on table '%.*ls', because at least one key column is stored off-row. Index key columns memory-optimized tables must fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Simplify the index key or reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41833 16 No Columnstore index '%.*ls' cannot be created, because table '%.*ls' has columns stored off-row. Columnstore indexes can only be created on memory-optimized table if the columns fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41834 16 No ALTER TABLE has failed for '%.*ls' with error code %d.
41835 21 No An error (error code: 0x%08lx) occurred while adding encryption keys to XTP database '%.*ls'.
41836 16 No Rebuilding log is not supported for databases containing files belonging to MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41837 16 No Boot-page adjustment of XTP database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41838 16 No Failed to retrieve size for this file due to an internal error. Please try again later.
41839 16 No Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.
41840 16 No Could not perform the operation because the elastic pool has reached its quota for in-memory tables. This error may be transient. Please retry the operation. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41841 23 No Found inconsistent boot-page for database '%.*ls'.
41842 16 No Too many rows inserted or updated in this transaction. You can insert or update at most 4,294,967,294 rows in memory-optimized tables in a single transaction.
41843 16 No Unable to construct segment for segment table.
41844 15 No Clustered columnstore indexes are not supported on memory optimized tables with computed columns.
41845 16 No Checksum verification failed for memory optimized checkpoint file %.*ls.
41846 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not have unique recoverLsn. PrevLSN = (%I64d:%hu), CurrLSN = (%I64d:%hu).
41847 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not point to a transaction segment definition record.
41849 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not contiguous in logical space. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41850 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not well formed for Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41851 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment definition ordering does not match the (strict) logical ordering. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41852 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment has a NullHkLsn. CkptId = %I64d, Segment LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu)
41853 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Current segment goes backward further than the definition record of the N-2 segment. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41854 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. An in use file with FileId %.*ls is referenced by the Checkpoint File Table but is not accounted for in the Storage Interface.
41855 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. Could not find a file with FileId %.*ls in the File Watermark Table visible by checkpoint ID %u.
41856 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A file with FileId %.*ls of size %I64d bytes is smaller than expected %I64d bytes.
41861 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. File Id is %.*ls. Corresponding LSN range is not ascending. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41862 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. Corresponding File %.*ls not found in File Table. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41863 16 No Checkpoint %I64d points to a root file %.*ls which was in use by a more recent checkpoint.
41864 16 No Checkpoint %I64d has a file %.*ls which has a watermark (%I64d) larger than the more recent checkpoints watermark (%I64d).
41865 16 No File %.*ls does not have a pair file %.*ls
41866 16 No Unprocessed File %.*ls does not have a pair file which is also unprocessed. Processed pair file is %.*ls.
41867 16 No Consistency errors detected in the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See preceding error messages for details. Consult https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845604 for details on how to recover from the errors.
41868 16 No Memory optimized filegroup checks could not be completed because of system errors. See errorlog for more details.
41869 21 No In-memory OLTP version %u.%u is not supported on this platform.
41870 10 No Dropped %d Orphan Internal Table(s).
41871 16 No Failed to recreate XTP non-durable tables during recovery of the database '%.*ls'.
41872 10 No Warning: Articles with varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max) data type columns are not supported with memory optimized tables on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier.
41901 16 No One or more of the options (%ls) are not supported for this statement in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
41902 16 No Unsupported device type. SQL Database Managed Instance supports database restore from URI backup device only.
41903 16 No FILENAME option is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41904 16 No BACKUP DATABASE failed. SQL Database Managed Instance supports only COPY_ONLY full database backups which are initiated by user.
41905 16 No Stored procedure %ls is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41906 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41907 16 No Unsupported file type during restore on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41908 16 No Only 'local' routes are supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41909 16 No Modifying logical file name is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41910 16 No Add/remove/modify of log files is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41911 16 No Adding or removing XTP file or filegroup is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41912 16 No Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.
41913 16 No Multiple filestream files are not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41914 16 No SQL Server Agent feature %ls is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
41915 16 No Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on the current tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.
41916 16 No Maximum number of %u files for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.
41917 16 No Dropping local instance via sp_dropserver is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41918 16 No Specifying files and filegroups in CREATE DATABASE statement is not supported on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41919 16 No Multiple backup sets in a single backup file are not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41920 16 No This feature is not supported through T-SQL on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41921 16 No Restoring from a backup that contains multiple log files is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41922 16 No The backup operation for a database with service-managed transparent data encryption is not supported on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41923 16 No Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '%.*ls'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.
41924 16 No All files need to be smaller or equal to %d MB in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld. Size: %I64d bytes.
41925 16 No If DB has multiple data files, all files need to have max size larger than %d MB in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld. Size: %I64d bytes.
41926 16 No Secondary filegroup is not supported in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld.
41927 16 No The file name 'XTP' is reserved for the files containing In-Memory OLTP data.
41928 16 No The filegroup name 'XTP' is reserved for the filegroup containing In-Memory OLTP data.
41929 16 No One or more files are not in online state after the restore.
41930 16 No Modifying number of files and max size for TempDb is not yet supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41931 10 No Warning: New name of managed database '%.*ls' is same as the old one.
41932 16 No Cannot rename managed database '%.*ls' because it's currently in use.
41933 21 No Failed to initialize detours and local time for Managed Instance. %ls
41934 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in the current version of the server.
41935 16 No Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.
41936 16 No This feature is not supported in the Hyperscale edition of SQL Database Managed Instance.
41978 16 No The parameters (%ls) are not supported for this stored procedure in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported parameters.
42001 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The operating system returned error %ls.
42002 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The parser returned error %.*ls
42003 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
42004 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required element '%ls' is missing.
42005 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
42006 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a valid path.
42007 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
42008 16 No ODBC error: State: %ls: Error: %d Message:'%ls'.
42009 16 No Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
42010 16 No Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
42011 16 No ODBC initialization error: : %d.
42012 16 No XodbcWrapper Enforced Retry For Testing.
42013 16 No HTTP initialization error: : %d.
42014 16 No Cannot retrieve server admin credential configuration.
42015 20 No Error occurred while attempting to authenticate user remotely. Error %d, State %d.
42016 16 No Error occurred in the DosGuard.
42017 16 No Error occurred in the Redirector's proxy while parsing a packet. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.
42018 16 No Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
42019 16 No %ls operation failed. %ls
42020 16 No Updating name to '%.*ls' failed.
42021 16 No Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42022 16 No Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42023 16 No Updating userdb properties on copy termination failed.
42024 16 No Switching to logical master database failed.
42025 16 No The extended recovery fork stack in the metadata of FCB is either corrupted or in an unexpected format.
42026 16 No Loading the Active Directory Library failed.
42027 16 No Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
42028 16 No The database '%.*ls' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
42029 16 No An internal error happened while generating a new DBTS for database "%.*ls". Please retry the operation.
42030 16 No Updating logical master's sys.databases on seeding completion failed.
42031 16 No This functionality is not supported for A/B test isolated instances.
42032 16 No XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
42033 16 No Updating Distributed AG Configuration failed.
42034 16 No Boot of federation host failed with error 0x%08X.
43001 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name.
43002 16 No The storage size of %d MB exceeds the maximum allowed storage of %d MB.
43003 16 No More than one firewall rules have the same name '%.*ls'.
43004 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid firewall rule name because it contains invalid characters.
43005 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database name because it contains invalid characters.
43006 16 No Database name '%.*ls' is too long.
43007 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database charset.
43008 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database collation.
43009 16 No The storage size of %d MB does not meet the minimum required storage of %d MB.
43010 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be updated.
43011 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid version.
43012 16 No The configuration name cannot be empty.
43013 16 No The value for configuration '%.*ls' cannot be empty.
43014 16 No The same configuration '%.*ls' cannot be updated more than once.
43015 16 No The configuration '%.*ls' does not exist for %.*ls server version %.*ls.
43016 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid. The allowed values are '%.*ls'.
43017 16 No The configuration names you defined are not consistent.
43018 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not consistent with default value '%.*ls'.
43019 16 No The source '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid.
43020 16 No The storage size of %d MB is not a valid configuration. Valid storage sizes range from minimum of %d MB and additional increments of %d MB up to maximum of %d MB.
43021 16 No The point in time %S_DATE is not valid. Valid point in time range from %d days early to now and not before source server creation time.
43022 16 No The edition %.*ls is not a valid edition. Edition cannot be changed by restoring.
43023 16 No The storage size of %d MB is lower than the source storage size.
43024 16 No The version %.*ls is not a valid version. Version cannot be changed by restoring.
43025 16 No Input parameter is incorrect. Please double check the input.
43026 16 No Cannot drop system database '%.*ls', skipping.
43027 16 No Geo Restore is not supported.
43028 16 No The replication feature is not supported.
43029 16 No Edition %.*ls must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.
43030 16 No Version %.*ls must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.
43031 16 No The storage size of %d MB is lower than the primary server's storage size.
43032 16 No No available primary server %.*ls is found when creating a replica server.
43033 16 No The primary server %.*ls already has the maximum of replica servers.
43034 16 No The replica server is not in ready state when promoting.
43035 16 No '%.*ls' and '%.*ls' cannot be updated together.
43036 16 No Input parameter is incorrect when creating a replica server. Please double check the input.
43037 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Message is '%.*ls', and details are '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID/Message/Details to customer support when you need assistance.
45001 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist.
45002 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
45003 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution.
45004 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45005 16 No Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
45006 16 No The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
45007 16 No %ls cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %.*ls and member with id %d.
45008 16 No A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member.
45014 16 No %ls is not supported on %S_MSG.
45015 16 No Specified federation operation id is already in use.
45016 16 No Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
45017 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
45018 16 No Specified federation operation id is invalid for %ls operation.
45019 16 No %ls operation failed. Federation is in invalid state.
45020 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation id.
45021 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation member id.
45022 16 No A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%.*ls', table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
45023 16 No %ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
45024 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45025 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45026 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45027 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
45028 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member.
45029 16 No %ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
45030 15 No The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
45031 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled.
45032 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context.
45033 16 No Federation member %d is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it.
45034 16 No Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE.
45035 16 No Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
45036 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
45037 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
45038 16 No CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %S_MSG is not supported.
45039 16 No Federation member database cannot be restored.
45040 16 No Service objective for federation member database cannot be changed using ALTER DATABASE.
45041 16 No Federation member database options cannot be changed.
45042 16 No Federation root database options cannot be changed.
45043 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH %ls is not supported on %ls members.
45044 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %.*ls is not a valid database that can be switched in.
45045 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %ls of the federation key in %.*ls doesn't match with the correponding property of federation %.*ls.
45046 16 No %ls operation failed. The specified value for federation %.*ls does not correspond to a present member.
45101 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain all configurable dimension properties.
45102 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
45103 16 No Cannot reset the last setting for a dimension to non-default.
45104 16 No The default setting cannot be deleted for a dimension.
45105 16 No Cannot assign a deprecated setting as successor.
45106 16 No Cannot create new item. The max provision count has been reached.
45107 16 No Cannot reset service objective to draft from enabled or disabled state.
45108 16 No Default service objective cannot be disabled.
45109 16 No Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
45110 16 No Parameter %s value cannot be applied to service objective in non-draft mode.
45111 16 No Cannot reset the last service objective to non-default.
45112 16 No Cannot delete the default service objective.
45113 16 No Cannot set the service objective as default in draft mode.
45114 16 No Cannot edit setting marked as deprecated.
45115 16 No Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
45116 16 No Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
45117 16 No Cannot delete a system service objective.
45118 16 No Cannot assign a system service objective to user database.
45119 16 No Property selections contain conflicting values.
45120 16 No The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
45121 16 No Server '%ls' does not support memory-optimized data. Make sure both source and target servers are enabled for memory-optimized data.
45122 16 No '%ls'
45123 16 No Updating max size is not supported for database '%ls'. Database size will grow automatically as more data is inserted.
45125 16 No Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
45126 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45127 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45128 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45129 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45130 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45131 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45132 16 No Every database must be assigned a service objective.
45133 17 No A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status in the master database for current job status.
45134 16 No The remote partner server name '%ls' could not be resolved.
45135 16 No Only continuous database copies can be updated.
45136 16 No Only continuous database copies can be terminated.
45137 16 No Insufficient permission to create a database copy on server '%ls'.
45138 16 No The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45139 16 No The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
45140 16 No Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
45141 16 No Database copies can only be initiated on the source server.
45142 16 No IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
45143 16 No The source database '%ls' does not exist.
45144 16 No Continuous copy cannot be initiated on source database '%ls' because it is a federation root member.
45145 16 No Only continuous database copies can be created.
45146 16 No Database copy property '%ls' is required.
45147 16 No Database copy property '%ls' cannot be changed.
45148 16 No '%ls' is not supported for entity '%ls'.
45149 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on 'master' database.
45150 16 No Feature is disabled.
45151 16 No Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
45152 16 No Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%ls' is unavailable or the database copy does not exist on the destination server. Try forced termination instead.
45153 16 No Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%ls'.
45154 16 No A free database already exists for subscription '%ld' for the selected region. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45155 16 No A free database operation is already in progress for subscription '%ld'. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45156 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45157 16 No Server '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45158 16 No Cannot move server '%.*ls' from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls'. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45159 16 No Cannot move servers from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls' since both subscriptions have free databases. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45160 16 No Subscription '%ls' doesn't have any servers to move.
45161 16 No Managed instance '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45162 16 No Operation failed because subscription '%ls' is disabled.
45163 16 No Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' property to 'True'.
45164 16 No Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
45165 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
45166 16 No Database '%.*ls' was %.*ls successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
45167 16 No An invalid state transition was attempted.
45168 16 No The server '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45169 16 No The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45170 16 No A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
45171 16 No Secondary database must be created in the same server as primary database unless 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45172 16 No The 'MaximumLag' parameter requires that 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45173 16 No Source server not found for subscription: %ls, resource group: %ls, server name: %ls.
45174 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. There is a pending migration request for the server.
45175 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. A migration is already in progress.
45176 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
45177 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. Failed to find a target cluster for migration.
45178 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported.
45179 16 No The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
45180 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' already exists. To continue, specify a different resource name.
45181 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
45182 16 No Database '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45183 16 No There is an import or export operation in progress on the database '%ls'.
45184 16 No Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
45185 16 No The change role completion notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls' was ignored as freshness number did not match. Expected '%d'.
45186 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported in state '%ls'.
45187 16 No The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls', partner database id '%ls' was ignored as current replication mode did not match expected value '%ls'.
45188 16 No The operation has been cancelled by user.
45189 16 No Insufficient permission to add secondary on server '%ls'.
45190 16 No '%ls' is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.
45191 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls.' Set the 'replace' parameter to proceed anyway.
45192 16 No The value specified for 'allow_connections' does not match the value for the existing replication relation for database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45193 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already the target in another replication relationship.
45194 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45195 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is the source in another replication relationship.
45196 16 No The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
45197 17 No A system maintenance operation is in progress on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls.' Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
45198 16 No MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
45199 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
45200 16 No The server '%ls' are not associated with the tenant '%ls'.
45201 16 No SQL Server Agent service is not running.
45202 16 No Timed out after %ld seconds waiting for Smart Admin job to complete. Please run the stored procedure again.
45203 16 No The parameter @state cannot be NULL, and should be 1 or 0. Specify 1 to start SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure, or 0 to pause.
45204 16 No The parameter %ls cannot be NULL or empty. Provide a valid %ls.
45205 16 No No backup setting is supplied. Please specify at least one backup setting to be configured.
45206 16 No The value specified for parameter @type is invalid. The @type parameter value should either be 'Database' or 'Log'.
45207 16 No %ls
45208 16 No SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
45209 16 No The parameter value for notification email is not specified or is NULL. Please specify a valid email to enable notifications for Smart Admin.
45210 16 No Database Mail is not enabled for SQL Agent to use for Notifications. Enable Database Mail as the mail system for alerts.
45211 16 No Database mail profile is not setup for SQL Agent notifications.
45212 16 No The value specified for parameter %ls is invalid. Provide a valid %ls.
45213 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'Custom'
45214 16 No @days_of_week must be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Weekly'
45215 16 No Local caching is not yet supported.
45216 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must not be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'System'
45217 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must not be specified if @encryption_algorithm is set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45218 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45219 16 No @days_of_week must not be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Daily'
45220 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45221 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45301 17 No The resource has been moved to another location
45302 17 No SLO '%ls' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '%ls' exceeds the quota.
45303 17 No Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.
45304 16 No Elastic pool estimate '%.*ls' was not found for server '%.*ls'
45305 16 No Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request: '%.*ls'
45306 16 No The external admin cannot be set because the user or group already exists in the 'master' database.
45307 16 No Advisor '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource
45308 16 No Recommended action '%.*ls' was not found for advisor '%.*ls'
45309 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is recovering from a geo-replication role change and is not currently eligible to become a primary or standalone database. Wait until the relationship leaves the 'SUSPENDED' replication state and try again.
45310 16 No Unable to return metrics. Request would return too much data.
45311 16 No The server key '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a different server key name.
45312 16 No The server key URI '%.*ls' already exists as another server key.
45313 16 No The server key '%.*ls' cannot be deleted because it is currently in use by '%.*ls'.
45314 16 No Server key '%.*ls' does not exist. Make sure that the server key name is entered correctly.
45315 16 No The operation could not be completed because a service objective assignment is in progress for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls.' Wait for the service objective assignment to complete and try again.
45316 16 No MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. Please query sys.database_files and use DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the file size first.
45317 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not exist in resource group '%.*ls' in subscription '%.*ls'.
45318 16 No Service Fabric Application Version is not available.
45319 16 No The service objective assignment for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' could not be completed as the database is too busy. Reduce the workload before initiating another service objective update.
45320 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' is disabled.
45321 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault '%.*ls' have failed
45322 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' expiration date is invalid. The Azure Key Vault key can not have an expiration date.
45323 16 No Unable to start a copy because the source database '%ls' is being updated.
45324 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.
45325 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name is null or empty.
45326 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' does not exist.
45327 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' is currently set as server encryption protector.
45328 16 No The server identity is not correctly configured on server '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksetup)
45329 16 No An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.
45330 16 No The server '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permissions: '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the service principal with ID '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksetup)
45331 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is not supported for a '%ls' database.
45332 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is invalid.
45333 16 No The service request timed out. %ls.
45334 16 No Server edition '%ls' is invalid.
45335 16 No Server type '%ls' is invalid.
45336 16 No The operation could not be completed because '%ls' is an invalid Server Key name. Please provide a key name in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/YourKeyVersion, then the Server Key Name should be formatted as: YourVaultName_YourKeyName_YourKeyVersion.
45337 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because database '%ls' could not be synchronized with its remote partner. This may be due to a service outage, or to a high volume of write traffic. Consider using forced failover.
45338 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because the remote server '%ls' could not be reached. This may be due to a service outage. Consider using forced failover.
45339 16 No The max size update on the geo-secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls' failed with reason '%ls'.
45340 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45341 16 No The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information for '%ls' from server '%ls'. The encountered error message is '%ls'.
45342 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. Please ensure the server '%ls' and key vault '%ls' belong to the same tenant. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library is '%ls'.
45343 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the uri contains the vault, key, and key version information. An example valid uri looks like 'https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/YourKeyVersion'. Please ensure the vault belongs to an endpoint from the list of supported endpoints available at '%ls'.
45344 16 No Catalog DB creation failed.
45345 16 No Cannot cancel database management operation '%ls' in the current state.
45346 16 No Subnet resource ID '%ls' is invalid. Please provide a correct resource Id for the target subnet.
45347 16 No LongTermRetentionBackup is enabled for server '%ls'. Move server cross subscription is not allowed.
45348 16 No LongTermRetentionBackup is enabled for server '%ls'. Move server cross resource group is not allowed.
45349 16 No The operation could not be completed because certificate rotation is in progress for server '%ls'.
45350 16 No MODIFY MAXSIZE failed. To reduce the database size, the database first needs to reclaim unused space by running DBCC SHRINKDATABASE. Note that this operation can impact performance while it is running and may take several hours to complete. Refer to the following article for details of using T-SQL to run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852312'
45351 16 No MODIFY MAXSIZE failed. The requested database size is smaller than the amount of data storage used.
45352 16 No Create Managed Instance failed. Provided virtual network subnet is located in %ls, which is a different region than the one you are provisioning Managed Instance in (%ls). To create a VNET-joined Managed Instance, the instance and the virtual network have to be located in the same region.
45353 16 No This private cluster is associated with TR %ls. You specified TR %ls as a parameter.
45354 16 No Tenant ring %d already has positive placement weight set(%d) and can't be used for private cluster for subscription %ls. Please ensure that the ring is actually not used, reset weight back to 0 or -1 and re-run the SignalPrivateTenantRingReady CAS.
45355 16 No The storage account %ls is not valid or does not exist.
45356 16 No The storage account credentials are not valid.
45357 16 No Auditing cannot be configured on secondary databases.
45358 16 No Server auditing settings are being updated for server '%ls'. Please wait for the existing operation to complete.
45359 16 No Database name validation failed. The database name is not allowed because it contains trailing whitespace characters.
45360 16 No The operation could not be completed because app config deployment is in progress for the app '%ls'.
45361 16 No Invalid subnet address range (%ls). Address range has to be in CIDR format (IP/MASK) where IP is a valid IPv4 address and MASK is a number between 0 and 28.
45362 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45363 16 No Server automatic tuning settings from previous request have not propagated to all databases yet. Please try again in few minutes.
45364 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is currently unavailable. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
45365 16 No vCore value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.
45366 16 No The retention days of %d is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between %d and %d.
45367 16 No Invalid virtual network configuration. This is not allowed: %ls.
45368 16 No The given rule ID: %s is invalid. You can find valid rule ids in scan results file.
45369 16 No No baseline is set for rule ID: %d. You should first set a baseline for this rule.
45370 16 No Vulnerability Assessment scan on the resource '%ls' is in progress. Please wait for the existing operation to complete.
45371 16 No Cannot cancel management operation '%ls' in the current state.%ls
45372 16 No Automatic tuning option '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource.
45373 16 No Automatic tuning is not supported for SQL Data Warehouse.
45374 16 No HardwareGeneration '%ls' is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.
45375 16 No vCore value (%d) and HardwareGeneration '%ls' is not a valid combination. Please specify a valid vCore and HardwareGeneration value.
45376 16 No Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network. Please provide a Resource Manager vnet to join.
45377 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the key vault has been configured with soft-delete and purge protection. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksoftdelete)
45378 16 No geo-redundant-backup not supported for the current edition.
45379 16 No geo-redundant-backup value is not allowed to update
45380 16 No The edition %.*ls is not a valid edition. Edition cannot be changed by update.
45381 16 No SKU Name '%ls' is not valid. Please specify a valid SKU Name.
45382 16 No Read or write operations are not allowed on the storage account '%ls'.
45383 16 No The storage account '%ls' is disabled.
45384 16 No The encryption protectors for all servers linked by GeoDR must be in the same region as their respective servers. Please upload key '%ls' to a Key Vault in the region '%ls' as server '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokgeodr)
45385 16 No Unexpected Key Vault region found in the response for Key Vault '%ls' associated with server '%ls'. Expected region: '%ls', Region receieved in response: '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokgeodr)
45386 16 No The key vault provided '%ls' on server '%ls' uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA Key Size is 2048 and Key Type is RSA and RSA-HSM.
45387 16 No Invalid hardware generation. It isn't allowed to have both Gen4 and Gen5.
45388 16 No Target subnet has associated Network Security Group (NSG). Remove %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45389 16 No Target subnet has no associated Route Table. Associate Route Table with single User Defined Route (UDR): Name: default, Address prefix:, Next hop type: Internet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45390 16 No Target subnet has associated Route Table with invalid configuration %ls. Associate Route Table with single User Defined Route (UDR): Name: default, Address prefix:, Next hop type: Internet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45391 16 No Invalid virtual network configuration %ls. Add Azure recursive resolver virtual IP address at the end of your custom DNS list: %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45392 16 No SQL service endpoint is currently not allowed on Managed Instance. Remove SQL service endpoint from %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45393 16 No Target subnet is not empty. Remove all resources from %ls or use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45394 16 No Virtual network for the target subnet is locked. Remove the lock from %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45395 16 No Gateway subnet cannot be used for deploying managed instance. Use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45396 16 No Target subnet %ls does not exist. Use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45397 16 No Managed Instance deployment failed due to conflict with the following network requirements: %ls. Information about the network requirements and how to set them could be found at (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071). You can find more details about this error in the virtual network Activity log.
45398 16 No The specified edition %ls is not consistent with the specified SKU %ls.
45399 16 No The specified license type %ls is not valid.
45400 16 No Invalid storage size: %ls GB. Storage size must be specified between %ls and %ls gigabytes, in increments of %ls GB.
45401 16 No Ring buildout '%ls' has no support for small VM roles, role: '%ls'.
45402 16 No Ring buildout '%ls' does not support multiple DB roles.
45403 16 No The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '%.*ls.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.
45404 16 No The operation failed because update SLO safety checks could not be completed. Details: '%ls'.
45405 16 No The operation failed because a long running transaction was found on the SQL instance. Please wait for the transaction to finish execution and try again.
45406 16 No Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
45407 16 No The operation timed out and failed: '%ls'
45408 16 No Resource not found: '%ls'.
45409 16 No Network resource provider returned following error: '%ls'.
45410 16 No Network resource provider denied access: '%ls'.
45411 16 No Virtual network firewall rules are not currently supported on servers with failover groups configured with automatic failover policy. Please configure the failover groups on the server with manual failover policy.
45412 16 No Failover Groups configured with an automatic failover policy are currently not supported on servers configured with virtual network firewall rules. Please configure the failover group with manual failover policy.
45413 16 No Only one Interface endpoint profile is allowed.
45414 16 No The instance collation cannot be changed on Managed Instance.
45415 16 No Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).
45416 16 No Cannot create a Managed Instance with collation '%.*ls'. Please use collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' instead.
45417 16 No Vulnerability Assessment storage container path must be supplied
45418 16 No The operation failed because the SQL instance had high CPU usage of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45419 16 No The operation failed because the SQL instance had high log write rate of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45420 16 No The operation failed because update elastic pool safety checks could not be completed. Details: '%ls'.
45421 16 No The operation failed because a long running transaction was found on the elastic pool. Please wait for the transaction to finish execution and try again.
45422 16 No The operation failed because the elastic pool had high CPU usage of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45423 16 No The operation failed because the elastic pool had high log write rate of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45424 16 No The operation could not be completed because %ls operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.
45425 16 No The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed %ls. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.
45426 16 No The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.
45427 16 No Hardware generation of the source is '%.*ls' while that of the PITR target is '%.*ls'.
45428 16 No The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet '%.*ls' in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.
45429 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a custom maintenance window database. This is prohibited by default. Please try again with a switch to disable this check if the instance needs to be updated.
45430 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a custom maintenance window database outside of its maintenance window. Please try again within the next maintenance window (%ls - %ls).
45431 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a database during the default business hours in the region (%ls - %ls). Please try again once they end.
45432 16 No Invalid storage size: Storage size limit (%ls GB) is less that current storage used (%ls GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.
45433 16 No The specified family %ls is not consistent with the specified SKU %ls.
45434 16 No The point in time '%.*ls' for restoration can't be later than now.
45435 16 No The operation could not be completed. The requested sku update would cause the master server to have a larger max_connections value than its replica(s).
45436 16 No The operation could not be completed. The requested storage update would cause the master server to have a larger storage size than its replica(s).
45437 16 No The operation could not be completed. Replication is not enabled for the server.
45438 16 No The timezone cannot be changed on Managed Instance.
45439 16 No Cannot create a Managed Instance with timezone '%.*ls'. Please use timezone 'UTC' instead.
45440 16 No Cannot create a Managed Instance as there are not enough available ip addresses in the selected subnet.
45441 16 No Elastic server restore verification is not supported.
45442 16 No The operation failed because the requested update mode '%ls' did not match the chosen one '%ls'. Please try again later or use a different update mode specification.
45443 16 No Storage Auto Grow is not supported .
45444 16 No Provisioning of Zone Redundant server is not supported .
45445 16 No Storage Auto Grow is not supported for Primary and Replica Servers.
45446 16 No Geo Redundant Backup not supported for Zone Redundant Server.
45447 16 No Database cannot be paused because it is not supported on a '%ls' database.
45448 16 No Database with '%ls' feature cannot be paused. Operation failed for Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
45449 16 No The database is already paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', Paused Time '%.*ls'.
45450 16 No The database is already resumed. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'.
45451 16 No Database operation failed because database is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45452 16 No Database operation failed because database is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45453 10 No The operation failed due to throttling. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45454 16 No The operation failed because it is not supported on disabled database. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45455 16 No The operation failed because it is not supported on geo replicated databases. Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
45456 16 No The request failed because there is an ongoing '%.*ls' operation. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'.
45457 16 No The request failed because there is an ongoing migration on server '%.*ls', database '%.*ls'.
45458 16 No Chosen subnet is delegated and cannot be used for deploying managed instance. Remove delegation from subnet.
46501 15 No External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
46502 15 No Type with name '%.*ls' already exists.
46503 15 No Invalid format for option '%S_MSG'.
46504 15 No External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
46505 15 No Missing required external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46506 15 No Invalid set of options specified for '%S_MSG'.
46507 15 No Cannot perform DML on external tables.
46508 15 No Incorrect syntax on external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46509 15 No FILE_FORMAT must be specified for HADOOP data source.
46510 15 No FILE_FORMAT cannot be specified for RDBMS data source.
46511 15 No EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46512 15 No %S_MSG cannot be used with %S_MSG data source.
46513 15 No A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
46514 15 No DISTRIBUTION must be specified when using a SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source.
46515 15 No The specified sharding column name does not match any column in the external table definition.
46516 15 No The specified credential cannot be found or the user does not have permission to perform this action.
46517 17 No XML Parse error when de-serializing PDW Metadata.
46518 15 No The %S_MSG '%ls' is not supported with %S_MSG.
46519 15 No %ls are not supported with %S_MSG.
46520 15 No The external DDL statement contained an unrecognized option.
46521 15 No Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
46522 10 No Failed to update '%S_MSG'.
46523 15 No A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
46524 15 No An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
46525 15 No External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
46526 15 No The %S_MSG operation is not supported with %S_MSG data source type.
46527 15 No Altering the '%S_MSG' property is not permitted for an external data source of type %ls.
46528 15 No SHARDED DISTRIBUTION is allowed for SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source only.
46529 15 No Allowed integer values for FIRST_ROW are between and including 1-101
46530 15 No External data sources are not supported with type %S_MSG.
46531 15 No Support for external data sources of type HADOOP is not enabled. To enable, set 'hadoop connectivity' to desired value.
46532 15 No Sp_rename is not supported for data pool external table.
46533 15 No Internal error occurred during distributed operation.
46534 15 No A maximum of three NULL_VALUES are allowed in the list.
46535 15 No Unable to retrieve secret [%s] from the secret store.
46536 15 No Unable to process secret [%s] from the secret store.
46537 16 No An unexpected internal error, failed to communicate with controller service, HRESULT 0x%x.
46538 16 No An unexpected internal error received from controller service error code [%i].
46539 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. At least one partitioning column is required when distribution type is '%S_MSG'.
46540 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. Partitioning columns can be specified only if distribution type is '%S_MSG'.
46541 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. The column name '%.*ls' specified in the '%S_MSG' option does not match any columns specified in the external table definition.
46542 15 No %S_MSG statement failed. One or more errors occurred while executing the statement. %s
46543 15 No %S_MSG statement failed. Invalid URI provided.
46545 15 No Creating external data source over data pools is not supported in a system database.
46546 15 No Alter database name is not supported in Big Data Cluster if the database contains external data pool tables. Drop the tables to perform the operation.
46601 16 No REJECT_TYPE
46602 16 No FILE_FORMAT
46603 16 No REJECT_VALUE
46605 16 No LOCATION
46606 16 No DATA_SOURCE
46607 16 No PERCENTAGE
46610 16 No SERDE_METHOD
46611 16 No ENCODING
46613 16 No DATE_FORMAT
46615 16 No FORMAT_TYPE
46618 16 No HADOOP
46619 16 No RDBMS
46624 16 No SHARD_MAP_NAME
46625 16 No CREDENTIAL
46629 16 No EXTRACTOR
46643 16 No external tables
46644 16 No external tables for sharded data
46645 16 No Remote Data Archive
46646 16 No provided
46647 16 No seconds
46648 16 No minutes
46649 16 No hours
46650 16 No days
46651 16 No weeks
46652 16 No months
46653 16 No years
46654 16 No database scoped credential
46655 16 No rejected rows location
46657 16 No PUSHDOWN
46658 16 No GENERIC
46659 16 No BLOB_STORAGE
46660 16 No GENERIC
46662 16 No HASH
46663 16 No PARTITION
46701 16 No Query notifications is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46702 16 No Remote RPC requests are not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46703 16 No Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
46704 16 No Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
46705 16 No Unsupported parameter type found while parsing RPC request. The request has been terminated.
46706 16 No Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46707 16 No The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46709 16 No Default parameter support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46710 16 No Unsupported transaction manager request %d encountered. SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint only supports local transaction request for 'begin/commit/rollback'.
46711 16 No Unsupported TDS request packet of type %d encountered on SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint. Only batch, rpc and transaction requests are supported.
46712 16 No Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
46713 16 No Integrated authentication is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46716 16 No Attach Database File is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46717 16 No Login as Replication or Remote user is not supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46718 16 No Only 'us_english' or 'English' language is supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46719 16 No Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
46720 16 No Parallel query execution on the same connection is not supported.
46721 16 No Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.
46722 16 No Client driver version is not supported.
46723 16 No Large object column in Global Query is not supported for types other than Nvarchar(MAX), Varchar(MAX), Varbinary(MAX) and Image.
46724 16 No Communication error during bulk copy operation.
46801 16 No GlobalQuery operations
46802 16 No Failed to load module for global query.
46803 16 No Failed to locate entry point for global query module.
46804 16 No Failed to initialize the global query module.
46805 16 No Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
46806 16 No An error occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation: %.*ls
46807 16 No An access violation occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46808 16 No An entry corresponding to given Global Query request could not be located. Execution has been aborted.
46809 16 No An error occurred while attempting to execute the Global Query request. Error Code: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d.
46810 16 No An unhandled exception occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46811 16 No An unexpected error with code 0x%x occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation.
46812 16 No %.*ls
46813 16 No %.*ls
46814 16 No %.*ls
46815 16 No %.*ls
46816 16 No %.*ls
46817 16 No %.*ls
46818 16 No %.*ls
46819 16 No %.*ls
46820 16 No %.*ls
46821 16 No %.*ls
46822 16 No %.*ls
46823 16 No %.*ls
46824 16 No %.*ls
46825 16 No %.*ls
46826 16 No Output parameters are not supported with %.*ls.
46827 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute queries referencing external tables.
46828 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46829 16 No The proc %.*ls is only supported for external data sources of type SHARD_MAP_MANAGER or RDBMS.
46830 16 No Internal column references are not supported for external tables.
46831 16 No Provided argument exceeds the current size limit of %u bytes for procedure %.*ls.
46901 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is disabled. Please restart Polybase DMS service.
46902 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
46903 10 No This stored procedure is not available because Polybase feature is not enabled.
46904 16 No Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46905 10 No Head node cannot be removed from a Polybase computational group.
46906 16 No Unable to retrieve registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46907 16 No Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46908 16 No Unable to update registry value '%ls' in Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46909 16 No Unable to open registry key '%ls': %ls.
46910 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
46911 16 No Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
46912 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46913 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46914 16 No INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
46915 16 No Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
46916 16 No Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace flag 9481 is not enabled, the database compatibility level is at least 120 and the legacy cardinality estimator is not explicitly enabled through a database scoped configuration setting.
46917 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46918 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46919 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46920 10 No Polybase feature disabled.
46921 16 No The EXECUTE AT DATA_SOURCE command is not supported for this external data source type.
46922 21 No PolyBase provisioning script performing on master database failed. This is a serious error which might prevent the SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the steps run to completion.
46923 16 No PolyBase feature is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
46924 16 No SQL Server failed to start PolyBase processes due to error 0x%lx.
46925 16 No SQL Server failed to start PolyBase request due to error 0x%lx.
46926 16 No Failed to get PolyBase service account due to error '%ls'.
46927 16 No SQL Server failed to get memory for PolyBase startup.
46928 16 No The specified operation is not supported for this external data source type.
46929 16 No The value '%ld' is not within range for the parameter '%ls'.
46930 16 No PolyBase is not enabled because reading of PolyBase registry entries failed.
46931 16 No PolyBase is not enabled due to error code 0x%lx.
46932 16 No Unable to read PolyBase registry entries.
46933 16 No PolyBase configuration is invalid or corrupt. Re-run PolyBase setup.
47000 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
47001 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
47002 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when initializing the RPS COM object.
47003 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSAuth object.
47004 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSPropBag object.
47005 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during IRPS::Authenticate.
47006 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSValidatedPropertyBag object.
47007 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during SetAuthPolicy.
47008 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during ValidateTicketWithAuthPolicy.
47009 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching Session Key.
47010 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47011 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when computing HMAC Hash Signature.
47012 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when comparing HMAC Hash Signature with the one sent by the client.
47013 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId Low.
47014 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
47015 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberName.
47016 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when opening Certificate Store.
47017 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to find ceritificate in store.
47018 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to initialize Error object for service proxy.
47019 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to create service proxy.
47020 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to open service proxy.
47021 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
47022 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Error object.
47023 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
47024 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during validation of federated context.
47025 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed due to unknown reason.
47026 10 No Reason: Failure occurred when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47027 10 No Reason: This was a non-Microsoft domain login attempt in a Non-SDS session.
47028 10 No Reason: This FedAuth library is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47029 10 No Reason: This FedAuth Ticket type is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47030 10 No Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
47031 10 No Reason: There was a failure in acquiring the max heap memory limit from config during AAD group expansion.
47032 10 No Reason: There is a user error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a separate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual error code
47033 10 No Reason: There is a System error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a separate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual error code
47034 10 No Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
47035 10 No Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
47036 10 No Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
47037 10 No Reason: Login failed because Deny External Connections flags is on.
47038 10 No Reason: Login failed because client disconnected when fedauth specific processing was going on during login.
47039 10 No Reason: Login failed because the client is attempting to use certificate authentication without correct permissions.
47040 10 No Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
47041 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is not present.
47042 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
47043 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47044 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47045 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47046 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47047 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47048 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47049 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall Rule has rejected the login.
47050 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while copying the VNET IPv6 address.
47051 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while parsing the VNET IPv6.
47052 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while extracting VNET metadata info from the IPv6 (VNET parsing).
47053 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup.
47054 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table COUNT lookup.
47055 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall rejected the login due to the source of a login being outside a VNET
47056 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login attempt because VNET firewall rules are not database-level, only server-level.
47057 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login because an IPv6 attempt was received when not expected
47058 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup while looking up the IPv4 Allow All rule.
47059 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while swapping the session peer address with the VNET CA.
47060 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on TDS readhandler, payload length > sni packet buf size
47061 10 No Reason: Replicated Master is not ready at this point and user connections are disallowed.
47062 10 No Reason: lock timeout expired while looking up interface endpoints list
47063 10 No Reason: lock timeout expired while looking up interface endpoints list
47064 10 No Reason: The incoming login VNET metadata was not found in the list of interface endpoints configured
47065 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on Interface Endpoints access lockdown check
47066 10 No Reason: Allow All Azure rule can't be evaluated at DB level Firewall Rule for Interface Endpoints connections
47067 10 No Reason: Internal error. Unexpected frontend connection to Vldb page server.
47068 10 No fulltext stoplist
47100 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' doesn't match its primary configuration. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47101 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports MANUAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47102 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports EXTERNAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47103 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports AUTOMATIC and MANUAL failover modes. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47104 16 No This operation cannot be performed on the availability group '%.*ls' because it has EXTERNAL cluster type. Use the cluster management tools to perform the operation.
47105 16 No The Always On Availability Groups feature must be enabled for this server instance before you can perform availability group operations. Please enable the feature, then retry the operation.
47106 16 No Cannot join availability group '%.*ls'. Download configuration timeout. Please check primary configuration, network connectivity and firewall setup, then retry the operation.
47107 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports one replica which has configuration-only availability mode. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47108 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports two synchronous mode replicas and required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit is zero when configuration-only mode replica is specified. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47109 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot failover to this replica. Configuration-only replica cannot become primary. An attempt to fail over an availability group failed. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot become a primary.
47110 15 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica as it is a configuration-only. Remove this option, then retry the operation
47111 16 No Local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be granted permission to create databases. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot host databases inside the availability group.
47112 16 No Only the SESSION_TIMEOUT property can be modified for a configuration-only replica.
47113 16 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica for modification. Remove this option, then retry the operation.
47114 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. Configuration-only replicas can only be added to availability groups with CLUSTER_TYPE = EXTERNAL. Verify that the AVAILABILITY_MODE setting of the replica spec, then retry the operation.
47115 16 No The '%ls' option is not valid for WSFC availability group '%.*ls'. Remove the option or set the 'CLUSTER_TYPE' option to a different value, then retry the operation.
47116 16 No The external lease cannot be set on availability group '%.*ls'. External Lease updates are not enabled for this availability group.
47117 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid time value when updating the Availability Group's external write lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47118 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid value when updating the external lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47119 16 No The current write lease of the availability group '%.*ls' is still valid. The lease expiration time cannot be set to an earlier time than its current value.
47120 16 No The READ_WRITE_ROUTING_URL '%.*ls' specified for availability replica '%.*ls' is not valid. It does not follow the required format of 'TCP://system-address:port'. For information about the correct routing URL format, see the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP documentation in SQL Server Books Online.
47121 16 No The replica spec for the local replica '%.*ls' has an invalid availability mode. Valid values are SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT and ASYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT.
47122 16 No Cannot failover an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' since it has CLUSTER_TYPE = NONE. Only force failover is supported in this version of SQL Server.
47123 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. No other availability groups can exist before creating contained availability group. Verify specified availability group availability options are correct, then retry the operation.
47124 16 No Creation of contained availability group master database failed. Only contained availability group can create contained availability group master database. Verify availability group availability options are correct, then retry the operation.
47125 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' has failed. Verify there is no other availability group existed, then retry the operation.
47126 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. Verify that user databases are not present, then retry the operation.
47127 16 No Joining or creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. The SQL Server instance is not enabled to create or join contained availability group.
47129 16 No Creating Distributed availability group '%.*ls' has failed. Cannot create Distributed Availability Group on top of Contained Availability Group. Verify Availability Group's name, then retry the operation.
47130 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. When creating contained availability group, both master database and msdb database must be included in contained availability group. Include master and msdb in CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement and retry the operation.
47131 16 No Creating or joining availability group '%.*ls' failed because there is a contained availability group. Remove contained availability group, then retry the operation.
47132 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with rebuilding contained system DB has failed because rebuilding contained MSDB has failed. This is caused by contained MSDB is still used. Retry the operation later.
47133 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with rebuilding contained system databases has failed because rebuilding contained availability group master database has failed. This is caused by contained availability group master database still being used. Reconnect to master database at SQL Server instance level and retry the operation later.
47134 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with 'REBUILD_SYSTEM_DATABASES' has failed. 'REBUILD_SYSTEM_DATABASES' is only valid for joining contained availability group. Remove the option and retry the operation.
47135 16 No Contained availability group system database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from contained availability group '%.*ls'.
47136 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to contained availability group '%.*ls' because it is in the exclusion list. Remove the excluded database from the database list and retry the operation.
47137 16 No Cannot create contained system databases in contained availability group '%.*ls' It might be caused by temporary condition. Retry the operation.
47138 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' without rebuilding contained system DB has failed because availability group master '%.*ls' had incorrect db id '%ld'. Please use rebuild_system_databases option or remove availability group contained master manually, then retry the operation again.
47139 16 No Join contained availability group '%.*ls' failed to create group master '%.*ls' Database ID. Please retry the operation again.
47140 16 No Starting contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. Contained availability group system database '%.*ls' (id = %d) failed to load during startup.
47141 16 No Starting contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. One of contained system databases (masterdbid = %d, msdbid = %d) failed to load during startup.
47142 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. One of contained system database '%.*ls' already exists. Remove it or add 'reuse_system_databases' option, then retry the operation again.
47143 16 No Option 'reuse_system_databases' is invalid for creating availability group '%.*ls'. Option 'reuse_system_databases' can only be used with contained availability group. Correct the option and retry the operation.
47145 16 No Failed to obtain the resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. Cluster service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
47146 16 No Invalid characters '%ls' found in name '%.*ls' for contained availability group. Remove invalid characters and retry the operation.
47147 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. When creating contained availability group, neither master database nor msdb database can be included in the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement. They will be automatically included in the availability group. Remove master database name and msdb database name in CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement and retry the operation.
47148 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to contained availability group '%.*ls'. Before joining other databases to contained availability group, contained availability group master database has to be joined and recovered. Make sure contained availability group master database has been joined and recovered, then retry the operation.
47149 16 No Cannot start the job "%s" because this is secondary replica of contained availability group. Start the job in the primary replica of this contained availability group.
47152 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' that has EXTERNAL or NONE cluster type contains too many databases. Remove some databases from the availability group and retry the operation.
47201 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters.
47202 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters and '%u' for _ex version.
47203 16 No Procedure expects at least '%u' parameters and '%u' max.
47500 16 No Manual seeding is not supported option for secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47501 16 No Synchronous commit is not supported option for the initial secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47502 16 No Cannot create distributed availability group '%.*ls' when local AG '%.*ls' contains more than one database in cases when secondary participant is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47503 16 No AG '%.*ls' already contains one database and adding more is not supported because AG participates in distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47504 16 No Error related to distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary participant on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47505 16 No Endpoint with type %d does not exist or user does not have permission to view it.
47506 16 No Certificate for endpoint with type %d does not exist or user does not have permission to view it.
47507 16 No Adding memory optimized files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because its service tier does not support In-memory OLTP capabilities. Consider replicating database to managed instance service tier supporting In-memory OLTP capabilities.
47508 16 No Adding multiple log files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support multiple log files.
47509 16 No Adding FileStream or FileTables to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support FileStream or FileTables.
47510 16 No Adding multiple memory optimized files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support multiple memory optimized files.
49401 16 Yes Database backup not supported on this database as it has foreign files attached.
49402 16 Yes Failed to initialize the covering resilient buffer pool extension for foreign file '%.*ls' with HRESULT 0x%x.
49403 17 Yes Database '%.*ls' does not allow autostart operations. An explicit ONLINE database operation is required.
49404 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49405 17 Yes Skipping the default startup of vldb database '%.*ls'. The database will be started by the fabric. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
49406 16 Yes Recovery modes other than full are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49407 16 No Error: %ls.
49408 16 No Error: %ls. Error code: %d.
49409 16 No Special procedure is not available on the current SQL instance.
49410 16 Yes Change tracking is currently not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49411 16 Yes Couldn't register the database in the page server database map.
49501 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. Sbs flat files are not supported
49502 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an sbs flat file page or the destination is an sbs flat file page.
49503 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an off-row persistent version store page. Page holdup reason: %ls. Page holdup timestamp: %I64d.
49504 10 No Error updating failover proc.
49505 16 No Registering extended stored procedure failed because it is not valid to use UNC path for DLL name. Use local path for DLL name instead.
49506 16 No The DBCC operation failed because it is not supported in an explicit transaction when Accelerated Database Recovery is enabled on the database. Commit or rollback the current transaction and run the operation again.
49507 16 No Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d: Row is aborted.
49508 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for data files is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49509 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for PMM files is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49510 16 No Managed instance is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
49511 10 No Unable to set one or more trace flags. Unsupported trace flag(s): %ls%ls%ls.
49512 10 No Session level trace flags are not supported on managed instance.
49513 10 No %lsDBCC %ls for databese id %d terminated abnormally due to error state %d. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. %.*ls
49514 10 No %lsDBCC %ls for databese id %d found %d errors and repaired %d errors. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. %.*ls
49600 22 No SQL tiered storage table schema is corrupt.
49602 16 No Failure waiting for %ls latch in '%ls'.
49603 16 No CREATE FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to copy the physical file '%.*ls'.
49701 10 No Server override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49702 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49703 10 No Failed to parse server override on server '%.*ls'. The category name is: '%.*ls' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
49704 10 No Failed to apply server override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49705 10 No Failed to merge server override into property bag on physical db or instance '%.*ls' of server '%.*ls'. The override string is: '%.*ls'.
49716 10 No Database override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Database: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49717 10 No Failed to apply database override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49718 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. Database: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49801 10 No Dynamic Deactivation Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49802 10 No Database is unavailable at the moment, please retry connection at later time.
49803 10 No Resource Pool Data Space Usage Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49804 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49805 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is off for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49806 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is not enabled for all remote storage DB: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49807 10 No DynamicActivation is only supported for remote storage DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49808 10 No Deactivated database cannot be deactivated again: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49809 10 No Database Operation failed for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.
49810 10 No Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49811 10 No Deactivation is not supported on Disabled database: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49812 10 No EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49813 10 No Deactivation is not supported on databases part of servers in global transaction partnership: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49814 10 No DynamicActivation is not supported for GeoDR DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49815 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49816 10 No Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' cannot be online as BlockingMode is set
49817 10 No Failed to query CMS for throttling on database '%.*ls', '%.*ls' due to the exception: '%.*ls'
49818 10 No Cannot deactivate a database when it is already getting deactivated, Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49819 10 No Deflation Monitor Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49820 10 No Managed Server Resource Stats Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49821 10 No Rg Metrics Reporting Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49822 10 No Move Cost Calculation and Reporting Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49901 10 No The number of max worker threads that is configured %u is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %u will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49902 10 No There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49903 10 Yes Detected %I64d MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49904 10 Yes The service account is '%.*ls'. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49905 10 Yes Error %u occurred while opening parameters file '%s'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file.
49906 10 Yes Error %u occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters.
49907 10 Yes Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %.*ls
49908 10 Yes The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %.*ls
49909 10 Yes Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start.
49910 10 No Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
49911 10 No Software Usage Metrics failed to start.
49912 10 No Software Usage Metrics is enabled.
49913 10 No The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
49914 10 No %ls Trace: %ls
49915 10 Yes Invalid, incomplete, or deprecated parameters were found in the command line or in the registry. Normally those would be ignored but the '%s' parameter was specified which cause SQL Server to exit. Remove the offending parameters. Check the error log for further details.
49916 10 Yes UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
49917 10 Yes Default collation: %ls (%ls %u)
49918 16 No Cannot process request. Not enough resources to process request. Please retry your request later.
49919 16 No Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations. Wait till pending create/update requests are complete or delete one of your pending create/update requests and retry your request later.
49920 16 No Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations and wait till the operation is complete or delete one of the pending requests and retry later.
49921 10 Yes Total Log Writer threads: %ld. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49922 16 No Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
49924 16 No Subscription '%ld' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%ls'. Try creating a database with different service level objective.
49925 16 No Databases cannot be updated to free service level objective.
49926 10 No Server setup is starting
49927 10 No An error occurred while setting the server administrator (SA) password: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49928 10 No An error occurred during server setup. See previous errors for more information.
49929 10 No Server setup completed successfully.
49930 10 Yes Parallel redo is %ls for database '%.*ls' with worker pool size [%d].
49931 10 No An error occurred while configuring engine telemetry: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49932 10 No An error occurred while initializing security. %ls.
49933 10 No ERROR: The MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable must be set when using the --reset-sa-password option.
49934 10 Yes Error %u occurred while reading the RbIo configuration parameters. Verify that the sqlservr.ini or registry entries exist.
49935 10 Yes Enclave of type %d initialized successfully.
49936 10 No ERROR: The provided PID [%s] is invalid. The PID must be in the form #####-#####-#####-#####-##### where '#' is a number or letter.
49937 10 No ERROR: A failure occurred in the licensing subsystem. Error [%d].
49938 10 No The licensing PID was successfully processed. The new edition is [%s].
49939 16 No Unable to initialize user-specified certificate configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the certificate is correctly configured. Error[%d]. State[%d].
49940 16 No Unable to open one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) exist with read permissions for the user and group running SQL Server.
49941 16 No Unable to load one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) are of a supported format.
49942 16 No Internal error occurred initializing user-specified certificate configuration. Error code [%08X].
49943 10 No The certificate [Certificate File:'%hs', Private Key File:'%hs'] was successfully loaded for encryption.
49944 16 No The allowed TLS protocol version list ['%hs'] is invalid. Verify that the supplied TLS version numbers are supported by SQL Server and separated by spaces in the configuration.
49945 16 No The allowed TLS cipher list ['%hs'] is invalid. See docs.microsoft.com for more information on creating a cipher list.
49946 16 No Internal error occurred initializing the TLS configuration. Error code [%d].
49947 16 No Unable to initialize the TLS configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the allowed TLS protocol and cipher lists are configured correctly. Error state [%d].
49948 10 No Successfully initialized the TLS configuration. Allowed TLS protocol versions are ['%hs']. Allowed TLS ciphers are ['%hs'].
49949 10 No ERROR: Unable to set system administrator password: %s.
49950 10 No The SQL Server End-User License Agreement (EULA) must be accepted before SQL
49951 10 No Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
49952 10 No http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746388.
49953 10 No You can accept the EULA by specifying the --accept-eula command line option,
49954 10 No setting the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, or using the mssql-conf tool.
49955 10 No Environment Variable Startup Parameters:%.*ls
49956 10 No The default language (LCID %d) has been set for engine and full-text services.
49957 10 No The default language (LCID %d) failed to be set for engine and full-text services.
49958 21 No The server collation cannot be changed with user databases attached. Please detach user databases before changing server collation.
49959 10 No ERROR: The environment variable MSSQL_COLLATION contains an invalid collation '%.*ls'.
49960 10 No Did not find an existing master data file %s, copying the missing default master and other system database files. If you have moved the database location, but not moved the database files, startup may fail. To repair: shutdown SQL Server, move the master database to configured location, and restart.
49961 10 No Setup step is %scopying system data file '%s' to '%s'.
49962 10 No ERROR: Setup FAILED copying system data file '%s' to '%s': %s
49963 10 No ERROR: '%s' is a directory. Cannot continue.
49964 10 No ERROR: Setup failed to create the system data directory '%s': %s
49965 10 No Unable to load cluster root CA certificate due to OSError:'%s'.
49972 16 No Cannot add tempdb remote file to local tempdb filegroup in transition to primary.
49973 16 No Cannot remove tempdb remote file to local tempdb filegroup in transition to primary.
49975 10 No Unable to load controller client certificate due to OSError:'%s'.
Error Severity Event logged Description
41401 16 No WSFC cluster service is offline.
41402 16 No The WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster.
41403 16 No Availability group is offline.
41404 16 No The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline.
41405 16 No Availability group is not ready for automatic failover.
41406 16 No The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavailable, or its data synchronization state is currently not in the SYNCHRONIZED synchronization state.
41407 16 No Some availability replicas are not synchronizing data.
41408 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
41409 16 No Some synchronous replicas are not synchronized.
41410 16 No In this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHRONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING.
41411 16 No Some availability replicas do not have a healthy role.
41412 16 No In this availability group, at least one availability replica does not currently have the primary or secondary role.
41413 16 No Some availability replicas are disconnected.
41414 16 No In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41415 16 No Availability replica does not have a healthy role.
41416 16 No The role of this availability replica is unhealthy. The replica does not have either the primary or secondary role.
41417 16 No Availability replica is disconnected.
41418 16 No This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
41419 16 No Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy.
41420 16 No At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41421 16 No Availability database is suspended.
41422 16 No Either a database administrator or the system has suspended data synchronization on this availability database.
41423 16 No Secondary database is not joined.
41424 16 No This secondary database is not joined to the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41425 16 No Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy.
41426 16 No The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41427 16 No Availability replica is not joined.
41428 16 No This secondary replica is not joined to the availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about how-to join a secondary replica to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.
41429 16 No Adding another database to an existing Azure SQL Managed Instance link is not supported, as a single link can contain only one user database. Create a new link for each additional database.
41500 10 No An error (0x%08x) occurred when asynchronous operations administrator attempted to notify the client (ID %ls) of the completion of an operation. This is an information message only. No user action is required.
41501 16 No Failed to register client (ID %ls) with asynchronous operations administrator. A client with this ID has already been registered. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation. To re-register a client, the client must first be deregistered.
41502 16 No Failed to deregister client (ID %ls) from asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41503 16 No Client (ID %ls) failed to submit work to asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the administrator. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation.
41504 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to allocate a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41505 16 No Asynchronous operations administrator failed to queue a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %ls) (internal error %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41600 16 No An error has occurred while executing an asynchronous operation for a database replica (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls, operation %d, error 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41601 16 No Valid state transition is not found for local replica with partition ID %ls (current state %ls, trigger %ls, current epoch [%I64d,%I64d], triggering epoch [%I64d,%I64d]). The replica is not in the correct state to accept the Windows Fabric command. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41602 16 No An error has occurred while attempting to access replica publisher's subscriber list (partition ID %ls, SQL OS error code 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41603 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the build secondary replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41604 16 No The transport subscriber failed to process the configuration change replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41605 16 No Cannot associate replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X) with the specified Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). The replica is already associated with a Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41606 16 No Replica (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, current state '%ls') cannot process configuration-update command for Windows Fabric partition (ID %ls). Configuration updates can be process by the primary replica only. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41607 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41608 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the cached information in the replica controller (Windows Fabric replica ID 0x%08X, partition ID %ls, SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41609 16 No Operation timed out while waiting for %ls access to the list of replica controller objects. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41610 16 No Failed to obtain %ls access to the list of replica controller objects (SQL OS error %d). The operation may have been aborted. Refer to the SQL OS error number for details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41611 16 No Replica controller for the local replica (Availability Group ID %ls) cannot be found. Make sure the specified Availability Group ID is correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41612 16 No An error has occurred while %ls %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41613 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on '%ls' database (ID %d). The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41614 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41615 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41616 16 No SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls). Make sure the specified Windows Fabric partition ID and replica ID are correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41617 10 No Fabric Service '%ls' is unable to find out start of log and end of log LSN for '%ls' database. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41618 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized Windows Fabric partition '%ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the Windows Fabric service is getting initialized or it is getting destroyed.
41619 16 No Windows Fabric '%ls' (partition ID '%ls')encountered transient error %d while waiting for build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41620 10 No Build replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has been cancelled by Windows Fabric. Windows Fabric cancelled build replica operation. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41621 10 No Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error '%ls' and is reporting '%ls' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41622 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is trying to update primary replica information for local replica %ls which is neither ACTIVE_SECONDARY nor IDLE_SECONDARY (current role %ls). SQL Server cannot update primary replica information in invalid state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41623 20 No The Database Mirroring endpoint port is unavailable. Verify that the DBM endpoint is created.
41624 16 No Drop database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has failed. SQL Server has failed to drop the database. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41625 20 No The internal buffer for the replication URL is insufficient.
41626 10 No Failed to retrieve service desription from Windows Fabric for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41627 10 No An error has occurred while Dropping %ls database (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41628 10 No Drop database Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41629 10 No Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d, State: %d) while publishing event '%ls' to subscriber of type '%ls' on Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID: '%ls'). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41630 10 No Failed to update primary replica information for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41631 16 No Fabric service '%ls' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the cluster manifest to ensure a valid SKU is defined for this node type. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41632 10 No The system encountered SQL Error %d (severity: %d, state: %d), which has no corresponding error text. Refer to the SQL Error number for more information regarding the cause and corrective action.
41633 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41634 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' has been cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41635 10 No Open replica operation on database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%ls' failed. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41636 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41637 16 No The database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') is not currently participating in a GeoDR relationship.
41638 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica storage configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41639 16 No Could not retrieve remote replica configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
41640 10 No Database '%ls' encountered a transient error (error code: 0x%08X) while performing task '%ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41641 16 No Could not send global cluster action '%ls' request 0x%x.
41642 10 No Undo of redo is run in Active Secondary role on database '%ls' (ID %d). Recovery lsn: '%S_LSN', Hardened lsn: '%S_LSN'. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41643 16 No Could not retrieve the Distributed AG Configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41644 17 No Fabric Service '%ls' failed to perform database operation '%ls' on database '%ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41645 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while querying for Fabric property '%ls'.
41646 16 No Invalid Fabric property '%ls' received for partition '%ls'.
41647 17 No Failed to start the report fault thread during replica manager startup.
41648 10 No Get current progress was called on '%ls' database (ID %d) which had undo of redo pending. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41649 10 No Could not submit Change Role completion tasks for %ls' (URI: '%ls', partition ID '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41650 10 No Waiting for replica catchup for AGID '%ls' and ReplicaID '%ls' Failed. [MakeLogUnavailable: %d]
41651 16 No Invalid partition id in replica manager
41652 17 No The replica manager is unavailable or not ready.
41653 21 No Database '%.*ls' encountered an error (error type: %d '%.*ls') causing failure of the availability group '%.*ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41654 17 No Failed to start the clean up nonexistant DBs thread during replica manager startup.
41655 10 No Could not submit logical reseeding task for '%ls' (URI: '%ls', partition id: '%ls') . Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41656 17 No Failed to start the windows fabric load balancer reporting thread during replica manager startup.
41657 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') failed the call to UseDB.
41658 16 No Failed to automatically enable Query Store in Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') .
41659 16 No Checkpoint for Database '%ls' (ID %d) failed. Encountered error (error code: 0x%08X).
41660 16 No Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') received a primary replica information message from remote replica '%ls' with an epoch [%I64d,%I64d] which is less than the local epoch [%I64d,%I64d]. SQL Server cannot update primary replica information from a replica with a smaller epoch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41661 16 No There are no waiters on the DataLossEvent for Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41662 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in Generic Subscriber.
41663 10 No Failed to parse datawarehouse columnar cache settings during replica manager startup.
41664 10 No Failed to refresh remote replica configuration for fabric service '%ls'.
41665 10 No Failed to resolve DW logical node id for physical database '%ls', which is hosted by compute service: '%ls'.
41666 16 No Waiting for replica catchup before GeoDR role change failed for with error %d for database '%ls', DBID %d, AGID '%ls', and ReplicaID '%ls'.
41667 16 No Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error (error code: 0x%08X) while setting Fabric property '%ls'.
41668 16 No Failed to transition to forwarder role for physical database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41669 16 No Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in RbIo Subscriber.
41670 16 No Cannot retrieve tempdb remote file lease order id.
41671 10 No Failed to transition to secondary role for physical database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41672 17 No Failed to obtain if the application is the VLDB reverse migration target. Application name: '%ls'. HRESULT [%d].
41673 17 No Failed to start up the log replica for physical database '%ls'. HRESULT [%d].
41674 17 No HyperScale Storage V1 to V2 migration source database '%ls' is already Storage V2.
41675 17 No HyperScale Storage V1 to V2 migration for source database '%ls' is already started.
41676 17 No Source database '%ls' is in geo relationship and is not supported for migration.
41677 17 No Source database '%ls' does not match the logical database id provided.
41678 16 No Failed to transition to PRIMARY role for physical database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
41679 16 No Transition to PRIMARY role for physical database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has been aborted.
41681 16 No SQL Server cannot generate grip tds redirection url of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls).
41700 16 No System views related to Windows Fabric partitions and replicas are not available at this time, because replica manager has not yet started. Wait for replica manager to start, then retry the system view query.
41701 20 No The Activation Context is unavailable at this time. The Windows Fabric Runtime is unavailable at this time, retry later. Wait for the activation context to become available, then retry.
41702 20 No The requested Configuration Package is unavailable at this time. The Configuration Package is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Configuration Package name exists and is properly formatted.
41703 20 No The requested Service Endpoint is unavailable at this time. The Service Endpoint is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Service Endpoint name exists and is properly formatted.
41704 20 No The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to defined format. Verify that the datasource is name is fewer than MAX_PATH characters in length is properly formatted.
41705 20 No The computer name is unavailable. The computer name was not returned.
41706 20 No Unable to get Fabric NodeContext.
41801 16 No Failed to drop the memory optimized container '%.*ls'.
41802 16 No Cannot drop the last memory-optimized container '%.*ls'.
41803 16 No An In-Memory OLTP physical database was restarted while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41804 16 No Internal error for database '%.*ls' (lookup for HkTruncationLsn failed). The operation will be retried. No user action is required. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
41805 16 No There is insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls' to run this operation on memory-optimized tables. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=614951' for more information.
41806 16 No Parameter "%ls" specified for procedure or function "%ls" is not valid.
41807 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a unique constraint violation on a memory optimized table.
41808 16 No The current MARS batch attempted to update a record that has been updated by another batch within the same transaction.
41809 16 No Natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41810 16 No Stored procedures called from natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
41811 16 No XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
41812 16 No ALTER TABLE on memory-optimized tables is not supported with concurrent MARS transactions.
41813 16 No XTP database '%.*ls' was undeployed. No further action is necessary.
41814 16 No The procedure '%.*ls' cannot be called from a user transaction.
41815 16 No Data migration on table id %d cannot be performed because the table is already in the process of migration.
41816 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' for procedure '%.*ls' cannot be NULL.
41817 16 No Invalid object id %d provided as input for procedure '%.*ls'. The object id must refer to a memory-optimized table with a column store index.
41818 23 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls' attempting to upgrade the XTP component from version %u.%u to version %u.%u. Check the error log for further details.
41819 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch deleted or updated a row that was referenced by a foreign key row inserted by the failed batch.
41820 16 No A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch inserted a row that references the row that was deleted by the failed batch.
41822 17 No There is insufficient disk space to generate checkpoint files and as a result the database is in delete-only mode. In this mode, only deletes and drops are allowed.
41823 16 No Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables. This error may be transient. Please retry the operation. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41824 16 No The transaction was killed by a concurrent ALTER operation or by a write-write conflict.
41825 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' cannot be used to increase the user memory limit on the database.
41826 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' tried to set a lower limit to the user memory quota. The operation failed because the user memory consumption is larger than the specified target, delete some user data and try the operation again.
41827 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41828 16 No Creation of memory-optimized tables is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.
41829 16 No The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.
41830 16 No Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' restarted XTP engine.
41831 16 No Data migration on table id %d failed either fully or partially. See errorlog for details.
41832 16 No Index '%.*ls' cannot be created on table '%.*ls', because at least one key column is stored off-row. Index key columns memory-optimized tables must fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Simplify the index key or reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41833 16 No Columnstore index '%.*ls' cannot be created, because table '%.*ls' has columns stored off-row. Columnstore indexes can only be created on memory-optimized table if the columns fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
41834 16 No ALTER TABLE has failed for '%.*ls' with error code %d.
41835 21 No An error (error code: 0x%08lx) occurred while adding encryption keys to XTP database '%.*ls'.
41836 16 No Rebuilding log is not supported for databases containing files belonging to MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41837 16 No Boot-page adjustment of XTP database '%.*ls' requires restart of XTP engine.
41838 16 No Failed to retrieve size for this file due to an internal error. Please try again later.
41839 16 No Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.
41840 16 No Could not perform the operation because the elastic pool or managed instance has reached its quota for in-memory tables. This error may be transient. Please retry the operation. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623028' for more information.
41841 23 No Found inconsistent boot-page for database '%.*ls'.
41842 16 No Too many rows inserted or updated in this transaction. You can insert or update at most 4,294,967,294 rows in memory-optimized tables in a single transaction.
41843 16 No Unable to construct segment for segment table.
41844 15 No Clustered columnstore indexes are not supported on memory optimized tables with computed columns.
41845 16 No Checksum verification failed for memory optimized checkpoint file %.*ls.
41846 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not have unique recoverLsn. PrevLSN = (%I64d:%hu), CurrLSN = (%I64d:%hu).
41847 16 No Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not point to a transaction segment definition record.
41849 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not contiguous in logical space. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41850 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not well formed for Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41851 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment definition ordering does not match the (strict) logical ordering. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41852 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment has a NullHkLsn. CkptId = %I64d, Segment LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu)
41853 16 No Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Current segment goes backward further than the definition record of the N-2 segment. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
41854 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. An in use file with FileId %.*ls is referenced by the Checkpoint File Table but is not accounted for in the Storage Interface.
41855 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. Could not find a file with FileId %.*ls in the File Watermark Table visible by checkpoint ID %u.
41856 16 No Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A file with FileId %.*ls of size %I64d bytes is smaller than expected %I64d bytes.
41861 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. File Id is %.*ls. Corresponding LSN range is not ascending. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41862 16 No Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. Corresponding File %.*ls not found in File Table. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
41863 16 No Checkpoint %I64d points to a root file %.*ls which was in use by a more recent checkpoint.
41864 16 No Checkpoint %I64d has a file %.*ls which has a watermark (%I64d) larger than the more recent checkpoints watermark (%I64d).
41865 16 No File %.*ls does not have a pair file %.*ls
41866 16 No Unprocessed File %.*ls does not have a pair file which is also unprocessed. Processed pair file is %.*ls.
41867 16 No Consistency errors detected in the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See preceding error messages for details. Consult https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845604 for details on how to recover from the errors.
41868 16 No Memory optimized filegroup checks could not be completed because of system errors. See errorlog for more details.
41869 21 No In-memory OLTP version %u.%u is not supported on this platform.
41870 10 No Dropped %d orphaned internal table(s).
41871 16 No Failed to recreate XTP non-durable tables during recovery of the database '%.*ls'.
41872 10 No Warning: Articles with varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max) data type columns are not supported with memory optimized tables on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier.
41873 16 No File in memory-optimized filegroup must have MAXSIZE set to be UNLIMITED.
41874 10 No There are %d orphaned internal table(s) eligible for removal. Investigate the error log for the table identifiers. CHECKPOINT the database, create a full database backup, and re-run DBCC CHECKCATALOG with trace flag 9947 enabled to remove these tables.
41875 16 No The operation on database '%ls' cannot complete because XTP engine is running in checkpoint-only mode due to insufficient memory. Memory-optimized tables are not accessible in this mode. Consider changing database service level objective to increase available memory.
41876 16 Yes CREATE TABLE has failed for '%.*ls' with error code 0x%x. This may be a transient condition, please retry.
41899 20 Yes The operation caused an undefined internal error (HRESULT: %X).
41901 16 No One or more of the options (%ls) are not supported for this statement in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
41902 16 No Unsupported device type. SQL Database Managed Instance supports database restore from URI backup device only.
41903 16 No FILENAME option is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41904 16 No BACKUP DATABASE failed. SQL Database Managed Instance supports only COPY_ONLY full database backups which are initiated by user.
41905 16 No Stored procedure %ls is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41906 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41907 16 No Unsupported file type during restore on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41908 16 No Only 'local' routes are supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41909 16 No Modifying logical file name is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41910 16 No Add/remove/modify of log files is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41911 16 No Adding or removing XTP file or filegroup is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41912 16 No Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.
41913 16 No Multiple filestream files are not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41914 16 No SQL Server Agent feature %ls is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
41915 16 No Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on the current tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.
41916 16 No Maximum number of %u files for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.
41917 16 No Dropping local instance via sp_dropserver is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41918 16 No Specifying files and filegroups in CREATE DATABASE statement is not supported on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41919 16 No Multiple backup sets in a single backup file are not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41920 16 No This feature is not supported through T-SQL on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41921 16 No Restoring from a backup that contains multiple log files is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41922 16 No The backup operation for a database with service-managed transparent data encryption is not supported on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41923 16 No Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '%.*ls'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.
41924 16 No All files need to be smaller or equal to %d MB in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld. Size: %I64d bytes.
41925 16 No If DB has multiple data files, all files need to have max size larger than %d MB in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld. Size: %I64d bytes.
41926 16 No Secondary filegroup is not supported in this edition of Managed Instance. File id: %ld.
41927 16 No The file name 'XTP' is reserved for the files containing In-Memory OLTP data.
41928 16 No The filegroup name 'XTP' is reserved for the filegroup containing In-Memory OLTP data.
41929 16 No One or more files are not in online state after the restore.
41930 16 No Modifying number of files and max size for TempDb is not yet supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41931 10 No Warning: New name of managed database '%.*ls' is same as the old one.
41932 16 No Cannot rename managed database '%.*ls' because it's currently in use.
41933 21 No Failed to initialize detours and local time for Managed Instance. %ls
41934 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in the current version of the server.
41935 16 No Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.
41936 16 No This feature is not supported in the Hyperscale edition of SQL Database Managed Instance.
41937 16 No BACKUP WITH COPY_ONLY cannot be performed until after the next automatic BACKUP LOG operation
41938 16 No BACKUP WITH COPY_ONLY cannot be performed since database encryption key for the database '%.*ls' still exists. Retry command after you drop database encryption key.
41939 16 No The Persistent Version Store filegroup must be set to the PRIMARY filegroup in order to be restored on SQL Database Managed Instance.
41940 16 No Cross-db xact outcome cleanup failed due to unavailable/inaccessible databases.
41941 10 No Changing recovery model for database with ID %lu is not supported and corresponding error has been suppressed as per server configuration. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2112920 for more information.
41942 16 No Renaming local instance is not allowed in SQL Database Managed Instance.
41943 16 No SQL Database Managed Instance does not support creating route with TRANSPORT or MIRROR address.
41944 16 No Cannot change the recovery model in Managed Instance Azure Arc environment
41945 16 No Cannot rename managed database '%.*ls' to an empty name.
41946 16 No SQL Database Managed Instance does not support modifying default size of TempDb files.
41947 16 No Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty on the SQL Server source database when replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance with service tier not supporting In-memory OLTP capabilities. Consider using Managed Instance service tier that supports In-memory OLTP capabilities.
41948 16 No Azure SQL Managed Instance link data replication requires source database on SQL Server to have a single log file instead of multiple log files. Consider using a single log file on the source database and try again.
41949 16 No Managed Instance link cannot replicate data because maximum number of %u files were reached on Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider reducing the number of files on the source and try again.
41950 16 No Source database on SQL Server must not use FileStream or FileTables for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider removing FileStream and FileTables on the source database on SQL Server and try again.
41951 16 No Azure SQL Managed Instance link cannot be created with source database '%.*ls' on SQL Server, because the database contains files in DEFUNCT state. Remove the faulty files and retry again.
41952 16 No Azure SQL Managed Instance link cannot be created with source database '%.*ls' on SQL Server, bacause the database contains unsupported feature '%.*ls'.
41953 16 No Functionality cannot be used as it is not available on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41954 21 No Transient error occurred on database '%.*ls' while trying to change managed instance role to primary. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41955 21 No Transient error occurred while trying to retrieve backup metadata for database '%.*ls'. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41956 21 No Transient error occurred while trying to retrieve backup URIs property for database '%.*ls'. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41957 21 No Backup URIs property for database '%.*ls' contains invalid data. Consider engaging Microsoft support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41958 21 No Transient error occurred as backup metadata is unavailable for database '%.*ls' due to error %u. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41959 21 No Transient error occurred while reading from backup metadata for database '%.*ls' due to error %u. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41960 21 No Transient error occurred while writing to backup metadata for database '%.*ls' due to error %u. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41961 21 No Transient error occurred during the instance role change to primary. The system will automatically retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.
41962 16 No Operation was aborted as replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance did not start within %u minutes since it was initiated. Please verify the network connectivity and firewall rules are configured according to the guidelines described at https://aka.ms/mi-link-troubleshooting, and retry the operation.
41963 16 No Certificate cannot be created as it is already used with '%.*ls' feature. Consider using a different certificate.
41964 16 No The '%.*ls' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in the process of creation through Azure SQL Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or alternatively delete the link and retry the operation again.
41965 16 No Setting the role cannot be applied as Azure SQL Managed Instance is already in the requested role.
41966 16 No The '%.*ls' operation cannot be completed as '%.*ls' server configuration option is not supported.
41967 16 No The '%.*ls' operation cannot be completed as incorrect value was specified for '%.*ls' server configuration option.
41968 16 No Changing the server role cannot be executed at this time as there exist a previous role change in progress on Azure SQL Managed Instance. Only when the previous role change completes, a new request could be submitted. Please wait for the previous role change to complete and retry again.
41969 16 No Setting the role has failed due to an unknown reason. Please check the error log file. If the issue persists, contact Azure support.
41970 16 No Switching to Primary role in planned fashion is not supported.
41973 16 No The link cannot be established because the endpoint certificate from SQL Server has not been imported to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Please import the endpoint certificate from SQL Server to Managed Instance, and retry the link creation again. Please see online documentation for Managed Instance link for more information.
41974 16 No The link cannot be established because the endpoint certificate from SQL Azure SQL Managed Instance has not been imported to SQL Server. Please download the endpoint certificate from Managed Instance and import it to SQL Server, and retry the link creation again. Please see online documentation for Managed Instance link for more information.
41975 16 No Unsupported storage type. Azure SQL Managed Instance does not support database backup to the provided storage type.
41976 16 No Connection with availability group '%.*ls' on the server with endpoint '%.*ls' cannot be established as it is not responding. Possible causes could be nonexistence of availability group or distributed availability group on the partner server, incorrectly specified names or configuration parameters. Please check the log file on the partner server for the exact error cause.
41977 16 No Connection with availability group '%.*ls' on the server with endpoint '%.*ls' is established, but there is no response from the target database. Possible causes could be errors with creating a database on the partner server, incorrectly specified names or configuration parameters. Please check the log file on the partner server for the exact error cause.
41978 16 No The parameters (%ls) are not supported for this stored procedure in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported parameters.
41986 16 No Azure SQL Managed Instance link creation failed because either connection to SQL Server failed, or the server did not respond after a prolonged period of time. Verify the network connectivity and firewall rules between SQL Server and Managed Instance are properly configured and retry again.
41988 16 No The link supporting bi-directional failover requires matching database formats on source and target server.
41989 16 No The parameters (%ls) can only be set/updated on SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported parameters.
41990 16 No %s cannot be null or empty when %s is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication).
42001 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The operating system returned error %ls.
42002 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. The parser returned error %.*ls
42003 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
42004 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. A required element '%ls' is missing.
42005 16 No Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
42006 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a valid path.
42007 16 No The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
42008 16 No ODBC error: State: %ls: Error: %d Message:'%ls'.
42009 16 No Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
42010 16 No Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
42011 16 No ODBC initialization error: : %d.
42012 16 No XodbcWrapper Enforced Retry For Testing.
42013 16 No HTTP initialization error: : %d.
42014 16 No Cannot retrieve server admin credential configuration.
42015 20 No Error occurred while attempting to authenticate user remotely. Error %d, State %d.
42016 16 No Error occurred in the DosGuard.
42017 16 No Error occurred in the Redirector's proxy while parsing a packet. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.
42018 16 No Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
42019 16 No %ls operation failed. %ls
42020 16 No Updating name to '%.*ls' failed.
42021 16 No Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42022 16 No Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42023 16 No Updating userdb properties on copy termination failed.
42024 16 No Switching to logical master database failed.
42025 16 No The extended recovery fork stack in the metadata of FCB is either corrupted or in an unexpected format.
42026 16 No Loading the Active Directory Library failed.
42027 16 No Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
42028 16 No The database '%.*ls' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
42029 16 No An internal error happened while generating a new DBTS for database "%.*ls". Please retry the operation.
42030 16 No Updating logical master's sys.databases on seeding completion failed.
42031 16 No This functionality is not supported for A/B test isolated instances.
42032 16 No XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
42033 16 No Updating Distributed AG Configuration failed.
42034 16 No Boot of federation host failed with error 0x%08X.
42035 16 No %ls operation timed out. Request was sent to the service resulting in response timeout. The operation might start anyway.
42036 16 No %ls operation has been cancelled.
42101 10 No Reason: Unable to create or update firewall rules since Deny Public Network Access is set to Yes. Please set Deny Public Network Access to No and retry the operation (https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/database/connectivity-settings#deny-public-network-access).
42102 10 No Reason: Unable to set Deny Public Network Access to Yes since there is no private endpoint enabled to access the server. Please set up private endpoints and retry the operation (https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/sql-database/sql-database-private-endpoint-overview#how-to-set-up-private-link-for-azure-sql-database).
42103 16 No The SQL Pool '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a new name.
42104 16 No Could not create SQL Pool '%.*ls'. Please try again later.
42105 16 No The server role '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a new name.
42106 16 No Could not create Server Role '%.*ls'. Please try again later.
42107 16 No Could not create SQL Pool '%.*ls', it must be less than %d characters.
42108 16 No Can not connect to the SQL pool since it is paused. Please resume the SQL pool and try again.
42109 16 No The SQL pool is warming up. Please try again.
42110 16 No The IPv6 firewall rule name cannot be empty.
42111 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid IPv6 address.
42112 16 No The IPv6 address that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
42113 16 No Start IPv6 address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IPv6 address.
42114 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of 128 IPv6 firewall rules.
42115 16 No IPv6 Feature Support is not Enabled
42116 11 No Cannot open database "%.*ls" requested by the login because this database is currently being dropped. The login failed.
42117 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' has reached its active database count limit. The active database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) for the current service tier.
42118 16 No Login failed because the network security perimeter denied inbound access.
43001 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name.
43002 16 No The storage size of %d MB exceeds the maximum allowed storage of %d MB.
43003 16 No More than one firewall rules have the same name '%.*ls'.
43004 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid firewall rule name because it contains invalid characters.
43005 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database name because it contains invalid characters.
43006 16 No Database name '%.*ls' is too long.
43007 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database charset.
43008 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database collation.
43009 16 No The storage size of %d MB does not meet the minimum required storage of %d MB.
43010 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be updated.
43011 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid version.
43012 16 No The configuration name cannot be empty.
43013 16 No The value for configuration '%.*ls' cannot be empty.
43014 16 No The same configuration '%.*ls' cannot be updated more than once.
43015 16 No The configuration '%.*ls' does not exist for %.*ls server version %.*ls.
43016 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid. The allowed values are '%.*ls'.
43017 16 No The configuration names you defined are not consistent.
43018 16 No The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not consistent with default value '%.*ls'.
43019 16 No The source '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid.
43020 16 No The storage size of %d MB is not a valid configuration. Valid storage sizes range from minimum of %d MB and additional increments of %d MB up to maximum of %d MB.
43021 16 No The point in time %S_DATE is not valid. Valid point in time range from %d days early to now and not before source server creation time.
43022 16 No The edition %.*ls is not a valid edition. Edition cannot be changed by restoring.
43023 16 No The storage size of %d MB is lower than the source storage size.
43024 16 No The version %.*ls is not a valid version. Version cannot be changed by restoring.
43025 16 No Input parameter is incorrect. Please double check the input.
43026 16 No Cannot drop system database '%.*ls', skipping.
43027 16 No Geo Restore is not supported.
43028 16 No The replication feature is not supported.
43029 16 No Edition %.*ls must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.
43030 16 No Version %.*ls must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.
43031 16 No The storage size of %d MB is lower than the primary server's storage size.
43032 16 No No available primary server %.*ls is found when creating a replica server.
43033 16 No The primary server %.*ls already has the maximum of replica servers.
43034 16 No The replica server is not in ready state when promoting.
43035 16 No '%.*ls' and '%.*ls' cannot be updated together.
43036 16 No Input parameter is incorrect when creating a replica server. Please double check the input.
43037 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Message is '%.*ls', and details are '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID/Message/Details to customer support when you need assistance.
43101 16 No The specified endpoint returned an unexpected number of rows. The number of rows in the endpoint response must match the number of rows in the request.
43102 16 No Output column '%.*ls' specified in the WITH clause uses the %ls data type which is not supported by the runtime.
43103 16 No Error converting JSON value '%.*ls' to the %ls data type.
43104 16 No Could not parse the JSON package since it does not conform to the defined format.
43105 16 No Error converting a JSON value to %ls. The result would be truncated.
43107 16 No Unexpected status code received from the external endpoint. HTTP Status Code: %d.
45001 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist.
45002 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
45003 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution.
45004 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45005 16 No Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
45006 16 No The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
45007 16 No %ls cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %.*ls and member with id %d.
45008 16 No A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member.
45014 16 No %ls is not supported on %S_MSG.
45015 16 No Specified federation operation id is already in use.
45016 16 No Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
45017 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
45018 16 No Specified federation operation id is invalid for %ls operation.
45019 16 No %ls operation failed. Federation is in invalid state.
45020 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation id.
45021 16 No %ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation member id.
45022 16 No A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%.*ls', table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
45023 16 No %ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
45024 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45025 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45026 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45027 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
45028 16 No %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member.
45029 16 No %ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
45030 15 No The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
45031 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled.
45032 16 No The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context.
45033 16 No Federation member %d is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it.
45034 16 No Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE.
45035 16 No Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
45036 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
45037 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
45038 16 No CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %S_MSG is not supported.
45039 16 No Federation member database cannot be restored.
45040 16 No Service objective for federation member database cannot be changed using ALTER DATABASE.
45041 16 No Federation member database options cannot be changed.
45042 16 No Federation root database options cannot be changed.
45043 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH %ls is not supported on %ls members.
45044 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %.*ls is not a valid database that can be switched in.
45045 16 No ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %ls of the federation key in %.*ls doesn't match with the correponding property of federation %.*ls.
45046 16 No %ls operation failed. The specified value for federation %.*ls does not correspond to a present member.
45101 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain all configurable dimension properties.
45102 16 No Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
45103 16 No Cannot reset the last setting for a dimension to non-default.
45104 16 No The default setting cannot be deleted for a dimension.
45105 16 No Cannot assign a deprecated setting as successor.
45106 16 No Cannot create new item. The max provision count has been reached.
45107 16 No Cannot reset service objective to draft from enabled or disabled state.
45108 16 No Default service objective cannot be disabled.
45109 16 No Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
45110 16 No Parameter %s value cannot be applied to service objective in non-draft mode.
45111 16 No Cannot reset the last service objective to non-default.
45112 16 No Cannot delete the default service objective.
45113 16 No Cannot set the service objective as default in draft mode.
45114 16 No Cannot edit setting marked as deprecated.
45115 16 No Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
45116 16 No Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
45117 16 No Cannot delete a system service objective.
45118 16 No Cannot assign a system service objective to user database.
45119 16 No Property selections contain conflicting values.
45120 16 No The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
45121 16 No Target server '%ls' does not support memory-optimized data. Make sure both source and target servers are enabled for memory-optimized data.
45122 16 No %ls
45123 16 No Updating max size is not supported for database '%ls'. Database size will grow automatically as more data is inserted.
45124 16 No Destination instance does not have sufficient storage space to '%ls'. Please make sufficient storage space available at the destination and try again.
45125 16 No Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
45126 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45127 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45128 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45129 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45130 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45131 16 No Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45132 16 No Every database must be assigned a service objective.
45133 17 No A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status in the master database for current job status.
45134 16 No The remote partner server name '%ls' could not be resolved. Please provide valid partner server name.
45135 16 No Only continuous database copies can be updated.
45136 16 No Only continuous database copies can be terminated.
45137 16 No Insufficient permission to create a database copy on server '%ls'. Ensure that the user login '%ls' has the correct permissions on the source and target servers.
45138 16 No The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45139 16 No The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
45140 16 No Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
45141 16 No Database copies can only be initiated on the source server.
45142 16 No IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
45143 16 No The source database '%ls' does not exist.
45144 16 No Continuous copy cannot be initiated on source database '%ls' because it is a federation root member.
45145 16 No Only continuous database copies can be created.
45146 16 No Database copy property '%ls' is required.
45147 16 No Database copy property '%ls' cannot be changed.
45148 16 No '%ls' is not supported for entity '%ls'.
45149 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on 'master' database.
45150 16 No Feature is disabled.
45151 16 No Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
45152 16 No Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%ls' is unavailable or the database copy does not exist on the destination server. Try forced termination instead.
45153 16 No Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%ls'.
45154 16 No A free database already exists for subscription '%ld' for the selected region. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45155 16 No A free database operation is already in progress for subscription '%ld'. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45156 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45157 16 No Server '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45158 16 No Cannot move server '%.*ls' from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls'. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45159 16 No Cannot move servers from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls' since both subscriptions have free databases. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45160 16 No Subscription '%ls' doesn't have any servers to move.
45161 16 No Managed instance '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45162 16 No Operation failed because subscription '%ls' is disabled.
45163 16 No Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' property to 'True'.
45164 16 No Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
45165 16 No Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
45166 16 No Database '%.*ls' was %.*ls successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
45167 16 No An invalid state transition was attempted.
45168 16 No The server '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45169 16 No The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45170 16 No A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
45171 16 No Secondary database must be created in the same server as primary database unless 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45172 16 No The 'MaximumLag' parameter requires that 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45173 16 No Source server not found for subscription: %ls, resource group: %ls, server name: %ls.
45174 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. There is a pending migration request for the server.
45175 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. A migration is already in progress.
45176 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
45177 16 No Unable to queue server %ls for migration. Failed to find a target cluster for migration.
45178 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported.
45179 16 No The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
45180 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' already exists. To continue, specify a different resource name.
45181 16 No Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
45182 16 No Database '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45183 16 No There is an import or export operation in progress on the database '%ls'.
45184 16 No Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
45185 16 No The change role completion notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls' was ignored as freshness number did not match. Expected '%d'.
45186 16 No Database create mode '%ls' is not supported in state '%ls'.
45187 16 No The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls', partner database id '%ls' was ignored as current replication mode did not match expected value '%ls'.
45188 16 No The operation has been cancelled by user.
45189 16 No Insufficient permission to add secondary on server '%ls'. Ensure that the user login '%ls' has the correct permissions on the source and target servers.
45190 16 No '%ls' is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.
45191 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls.' Set the 'replace' parameter to proceed anyway.
45192 16 No The value specified for 'allow_connections' does not match the value for the existing replication relation for database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45193 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already the target in another replication relationship.
45194 16 No The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45195 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is the source in another replication relationship.
45196 16 No The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
45197 17 No A system maintenance operation is in progress on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls.' Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
45198 16 No MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
45199 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
45200 16 No The server '%ls' are not associated with the tenant '%ls'.
45201 16 No SQL Server Agent service is not running.
45202 16 No Timed out after %ld seconds waiting for Smart Admin job to complete. Please run the stored procedure again.
45203 16 No The parameter @state cannot be NULL, and should be 1 or 0. Specify 1 to start SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure, or 0 to pause.
45204 16 No The parameter %ls cannot be NULL or empty. Provide a valid %ls.
45205 16 No No backup setting is supplied. Please specify at least one backup setting to be configured.
45206 16 No The value specified for parameter @type is invalid. The @type parameter value should either be 'Database' or 'Log'.
45207 16 No %ls
45208 16 No SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
45209 16 No The parameter value for notification email is not specified or is NULL. Please specify a valid email to enable notifications for Smart Admin.
45210 16 No Database Mail is not enabled for SQL Agent to use for Notifications. Enable Database Mail as the mail system for alerts.
45211 16 No Database mail profile is not setup for SQL Agent notifications.
45212 16 No The value specified for parameter %ls is invalid. Provide a valid %ls.
45213 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'Custom'
45214 16 No @days_of_week must be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Weekly'
45215 16 No Local caching is not yet supported.
45216 16 No @full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must not be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'System'
45217 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must not be specified if @encryption_algorithm is set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45218 16 No @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45219 16 No @days_of_week must not be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Daily'
45220 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45221 10 No An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45301 17 No The resource has been moved to another location
45302 17 No SLO '%ls' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '%ls' exceeds the quota.
45303 17 No Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.
45304 16 No Elastic pool estimate '%.*ls' was not found for server '%.*ls'
45305 16 No Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request: '%.*ls'
45306 16 No The external admin cannot be set because the principal name '%ls' already exists in the 'master' database.
45307 16 No Advisor '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource
45308 16 No Recommended action '%.*ls' was not found for advisor '%.*ls'
45309 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is recovering from a geo-replication role change and is not currently eligible to become a primary or standalone database. Wait until the relationship leaves the 'SUSPENDED' replication state and try again.
45310 16 No Unable to return metrics. Request would return too much data.
45311 16 No The server key '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a different server key name.
45312 16 No The server key URI '%.*ls' already exists as another server key.
45313 16 No The server key '%.*ls' cannot be deleted because it is currently in use by '%.*ls'.
45314 16 No Server key '%.*ls' does not exist. Make sure that the server key name is entered correctly.
45315 16 No The operation could not be completed because a service objective assignment is in progress for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls.' Wait for the service objective assignment to complete and try again.
45316 16 No MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. Please query sys.database_files and use DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the file size first.
45317 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not exist in resource group '%.*ls' in subscription '%.*ls'.
45318 16 No Service Fabric Application Version is not available.
45319 16 No The service objective assignment for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' could not be completed as the database is too busy. Reduce the workload before initiating another service objective update.
45320 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' is disabled.
45321 16 No The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault '%.*ls' have failed
45322 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' expiration date is invalid. The Azure Key Vault key can not have an expiration date.
45323 16 No Unable to start a copy because the source database '%ls' is being updated.
45324 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.
45325 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name is null or empty.
45326 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' does not exist.
45327 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' is currently set as server encryption protector.
45328 16 No The server identity is not correctly configured on server '%ls'. Follow the steps in "Assign an Azure AD identity to your server" (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksetup)
45329 16 No An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.
45330 16 No The server '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permissions: '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the service principal with ID '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksetup)
45331 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is not supported for a '%ls' database.
45332 16 No The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is invalid.
45333 16 No The service request timed out. %ls.
45334 16 No Server edition '%ls' is invalid.
45335 16 No Server type '%ls' is invalid.
45336 16 No The operation could not be completed because '%ls' is an invalid Server Key name. Please provide a key name in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/YourKeyVersion, then the Server Key Name should be formatted as: YourVaultName_YourKeyName_YourKeyVersion.
45337 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because database '%ls' could not be synchronized with its remote partner. This may be due to a service outage, or to a high volume of write traffic. Consider using forced failover.
45338 16 No The planned failover operation has rolled back because the remote server '%ls' could not be reached. This may be due to a service outage. Consider using forced failover.
45339 16 No The max size update on the geo-secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls' failed with reason '%ls'.
45340 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45341 16 No The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information for '%ls' from server '%ls'. The encountered error message is '%ls'.
45342 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. Please ensure the server '%ls' and key vault '%ls' belong to the same tenant. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library is '%ls'.
45343 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the uri contains the vault, key, and key version information. An example valid uri looks like 'https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/YourKeyVersion'. Please ensure the vault belongs to an endpoint from the list of supported endpoints available at '%ls'.
45344 16 No Catalog DB creation failed.
45345 16 No Cannot cancel database management operation '%ls' in the current state.
45346 16 No Subnet resource ID '%ls' is invalid. Please provide a correct resource Id for the target subnet.
45347 16 No LongTermRetentionBackup is enabled for server '%ls'. Move server cross subscription is not allowed.
45348 16 No LongTermRetentionBackup is enabled for server '%ls'. Move server cross resource group is not allowed.
45349 16 No The operation could not be completed because certificate rotation is in progress for server '%ls'.
45350 16 No MODIFY MAXSIZE failed. To reduce the database size, the database first needs to reclaim unused space by running DBCC SHRINKDATABASE. Note that this operation can impact performance while it is running and may take several hours to complete. Refer to the following article for details of using T-SQL to run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852312'
45351 16 No MODIFY MAXSIZE failed. The requested database size is smaller than the amount of data storage used.
45352 16 No Create Managed Instance failed. Provided virtual network subnet is located in %ls, which is a different region than the one you are provisioning Managed Instance in (%ls). To create a VNET-joined Managed Instance, the instance and the virtual network have to be located in the same region.
45353 16 No This private cluster is associated with TR %ls. You specified TR %ls as a parameter.
45354 16 No Tenant ring %d already has positive placement weight set(%d) and can't be used for private cluster for subscription %ls. Please ensure that the ring is actually not used, reset weight back to 0 or -1 and re-run the SignalPrivateTenantRingReady CAS.
45355 16 No The storage account %ls is not valid or does not exist.
45356 16 No The storage account credentials are not valid.
45357 16 No Auditing cannot be configured on secondary databases.
45358 16 No Server auditing settings are being updated for server '%ls'. Please wait for the existing operation to complete.
45359 16 No Database name validation failed. The database name is not allowed because it contains trailing whitespace characters.
45360 16 No The operation could not be completed because app config deployment is in progress for the app '%ls'.
45361 16 No Invalid subnet address range (%ls). Address range has to be in CIDR format (IP/MASK) where IP is a valid IPv4 address and MASK is a number between 0 and 28.
45362 16 No The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45363 16 No Server automatic tuning settings from previous request have not propagated to all databases yet. Please try again in few minutes.
45364 16 No The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is currently unavailable. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
45365 16 No vCore value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.
45366 16 No The retention days of %d is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between %d and %d.
45367 16 No Invalid virtual network configuration. This is not allowed: %ls.
45368 16 No The given rule ID: %s is invalid. You can find valid rule ids in scan results file.
45369 16 No No baseline is set for rule ID: %d. You should first set a baseline for this rule.
45370 16 No Vulnerability Assessment scan on the resource '%ls' is in progress. Please wait for the existing operation to complete.
45371 16 No Cannot cancel management operation '%ls' in the current state.%ls
45372 16 No Automatic tuning option '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource.
45373 16 No Automatic tuning is not supported for SQL Data Warehouse.
45374 16 No HardwareGeneration '%ls' is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.
45375 16 No vCore value (%d) and HardwareGeneration '%ls' is not a valid combination. Please specify a valid vCore and HardwareGeneration value.
45376 16 No Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network. Please provide a Resource Manager vnet to join.
45377 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the key vault has been configured with soft-delete and purge protection. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyoksoftdelete)
45378 16 No geo-redundant-backup not supported for the current edition.
45379 16 No geo-redundant-backup value is not allowed to update
45380 16 No The edition %.*ls is not a valid edition. Edition cannot be changed by update.
45381 16 No SKU Name '%ls' is not valid. Please specify a valid SKU Name.
45382 16 No Read or write operations are not allowed on the storage account '%ls'.
45383 16 No The storage account '%ls' is disabled.
45384 16 No The encryption protectors for all servers linked by GeoDR must be in the same region as their respective servers. Please upload key '%ls' to a Key Vault in the region '%ls' as server '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokgeodr)
45385 16 No Unexpected Key Vault region found in the response for Key Vault '%ls' associated with server '%ls'. Expected region: '%ls', Region receieved in response: '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokgeodr)
45386 16 No The key vault provided '%ls' on server '%ls' uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA Key Size is 2048 and Key Type is RSA and RSA-HSM.
45387 16 No Invalid hardware generation. It isn't allowed to have both Gen4 and Gen5.
45388 16 No Target subnet has associated Network Security Group (NSG). Remove %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45389 16 No Target subnet has no associated Route Table. Associate Route Table with single User Defined Route (UDR): Name: default, Address prefix:, Next hop type: Internet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45390 16 No Target subnet has associated Route Table with invalid configuration %ls. Associate Route Table with single User Defined Route (UDR): Name: default, Address prefix:, Next hop type: Internet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45391 16 No Invalid virtual network configuration %ls. Add Azure recursive resolver virtual IP address at the end of your custom DNS list: %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45392 16 No SQL service endpoint is currently not allowed on Managed Instance. Remove SQL service endpoint from %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45393 16 No Target subnet is not empty. Remove all resources from %ls or use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45394 16 No Virtual network for the target subnet is locked. Remove the lock from %ls. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45395 16 No Gateway subnet cannot be used for deploying managed instance. Use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45396 16 No Target subnet %ls does not exist. Use a different empty subnet. (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071)
45397 16 No Managed Instance deployment failed due to conflict with the following network requirements: %ls. Information about the network requirements and how to set them could be found at (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071). You can find more details about this error in the virtual network Activity log.
45398 16 No The specified edition %ls is not consistent with the specified SKU %ls.
45399 16 No The specified license type %ls is not valid.
45400 16 No Invalid storage size: %ls GB. Storage size must be specified between %ls and %ls gigabytes, in increments of %ls GB.
45401 16 No Ring buildout '%ls' has no support for small VM roles, role: '%ls'.
45402 16 No Ring buildout '%ls' does not support multiple DB roles.
45403 16 No The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '%.*ls.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.
45404 16 No The operation failed because update SLO safety checks could not be completed. Details: '%ls'.
45405 16 No The operation failed because a long running transaction was found on the SQL instance. Please wait for the transaction to finish execution and try again.
45406 16 No Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
45407 16 No The operation timed out and failed: '%ls'
45408 16 No Resource not found: '%ls'.
45409 16 No Network resource provider returned following error: '%ls'.
45410 16 No Network resource provider denied access: '%ls'.
45411 16 No Virtual network firewall rules are not currently supported on servers with failover groups configured with automatic failover policy. Please configure the failover groups on the server with manual failover policy.
45412 16 No Failover Groups configured with an automatic failover policy are currently not supported on servers configured with virtual network firewall rules. Please configure the failover group with manual failover policy.
45413 16 No Only one Interface endpoint profile is allowed.
45414 16 No The instance collation cannot be changed on Managed Instance.
45415 16 No Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).
45416 16 No Cannot create a Managed Instance with collation '%.*ls'. Please use collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' instead.
45417 16 No Vulnerability Assessment storage container path must be supplied
45418 16 No The operation failed because the SQL instance had high CPU usage of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45419 16 No The operation failed because the SQL instance had high log write rate of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45420 16 No The operation failed because update elastic pool safety checks could not be completed. Details: '%ls'.
45421 16 No The operation failed because a long running transaction was found on the elastic pool. Please wait for the transaction to finish execution and try again.
45422 16 No The operation failed because the elastic pool had high CPU usage of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45423 16 No The operation failed because the elastic pool had high log write rate of %.*f%%. The current threshold is %.*f%%. Please wait for it to go down and try again.
45424 16 No The operation could not be completed because %ls operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.
45425 16 No The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed %ls. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.
45426 16 No The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.
45427 16 No Hardware generation of the source is '%.*ls' while that of the PITR target is '%.*ls'.
45428 16 No The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet '%.*ls' in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.
45429 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a custom maintenance window database. This is prohibited by default. Please try again with a switch to disable this check if the instance needs to be updated.
45430 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a custom maintenance window database outside of its maintenance window. Please try again within the next maintenance window (%ls - %ls).
45431 16 No The operation failed because it was issued on a database during the default business hours in the region (%ls - %ls). Please try again once they end.
45432 16 No Invalid storage size: Storage size limit (%ls GB) is less that current storage used (%ls GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.
45433 16 No The specified family %ls is not consistent with the specified SKU %ls.
45434 16 No The point in time '%.*ls' for restoration can't be later than now.
45435 16 No The operation could not be completed. The requested sku update would cause the master server to have a larger max_connections value than its replica(s).
45436 16 No The operation could not be completed. The requested storage update would cause the master server to have a larger storage size than its replica(s).
45437 16 No The operation could not be completed. Replication is not enabled for the server.
45438 16 No The timezone cannot be changed on Managed Instance.
45439 16 No Cannot create a Managed Instance with timezone '%.*ls'. Please use timezone 'UTC' instead.
45440 16 No Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation. For more details visit 'https://aka.ms/determine-subnet-size'.
45441 16 No Elastic server restore verification is not supported.
45442 16 No The operation failed because the requested update mode '%ls' did not match the chosen one '%ls'. Please try again later or use a different update mode specification.
45443 16 No Storage Auto Grow is not supported .
45444 16 No Provisioning of Zone Redundant server is not supported .
45445 16 No Storage Auto Grow is not supported for Primary and Replica Servers.
45446 16 No Geo Redundant Backup not supported for Zone Redundant Server.
45447 16 No Database cannot be paused because it is not supported on a '%ls' database.
45448 16 No Database with '%ls' feature cannot be paused. Operation failed for Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
45449 16 No The database is already paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', Paused Time '%.*ls'.
45450 16 No The database is already resumed. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'.
45451 16 No Database operation failed because database is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45452 16 No Database operation failed because database is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45453 10 No The operation failed due to throttling. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45454 16 No The operation failed because it is not supported on disabled database. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
45455 16 No The operation failed because it is not supported on geo replicated databases. Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
45456 16 No The request failed because there is an ongoing '%.*ls' operation. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'.
45457 16 No The request failed because there is an ongoing '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls', database '%.*ls'.
45458 16 No Chosen subnet is delegated and cannot be used for deploying managed instance. Remove delegation from subnet.
45459 16 No Chosen subnet has resource of different type.
45460 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' isn't enabled for a feature '%.*ls'.
45461 16 No Maintenance window parameters are not allowed in the instance update operation.
45462 16 No The specified maintenance window slot '%.*ls' isn't supported.
45463 16 No The server %ls no longer has access to the Azure Key Vault required for the current TDE configuration. In order to change the encryption setting for the server you must first re-establish access to the Key Vault. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2095036
45464 16 No The operation is not allowed because the current geo-replication configuration does not allow this combination of %ls. Change the setting on the geo-replication partner before applying the change on this instance.
45465 16 No Managed Instance deployment failed due to conflict with the following error related to preparation of network intent policy: %ls. Information about the network requirements and how to set them could be found at (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871071). You can find more details about this error in the virtual network Activity log.
45466 16 No Long Term Retention is not supported : %ls
45467 16 No Long Term Retention policy is invalid : %ls
45468 16 No Cannot fetch SQL Managed Instance available timezones because the functionality is not supported..
45469 16 No The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45470 16 No Managed instance deletion failed since there are resource(s) preventing its deletion: %ls (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2109712).
45471 16 No The server identity is incorrectly configured on server '%ls'. Follow steps in "Assign an Azure AD identity to your server" (https://aka.ms/'%ls'byoksetup)
45472 16 No The server '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permissions: '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the service principal with ID '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/'%ls'byoksetup)
45473 16 No The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the key vault has been configured with soft-delete and purge protection. (https://aka.ms/'%ls'byoksetup)
45474 16 No '%ls' server configuration does not support Data Encryption feature. For information about supported configurations please visit https://aka.ms/'%ls'byoksetup.
45475 16 No AAD login '%s' cannot be added because a non AAD login exists with the same name.
45476 16 No The operation could not be completed because managed instance %ls contains databases that are in the Inaccessible state. Please either drop inaccessible databases or fix the issues with access to the customer-managed TDE protector key for managed instance before retrying operation. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2111623
45477 16 No Changing the hardware generation to deprecated %ls generation is not possible.
45478 16 No '%ls'
45479 16 No Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.
45480 16 No The Azure SQL DB Service Management API surface has been deprecated. Please update callers to the Resource Management API surface. For more information, please see https://aka.ms/sqldbsmretirement.
45481 16 No The login for '%ls' was not able to be provisioned on sql instance '%ls'
45482 16 No The login for '%ls' was not able to be dropped on sql instance '%ls', it is currently in state '%ls'
45483 16 No The login for '%ls' was not able to be dropped on sql instance '%ls', rollback of drop is not supported.
45484 16 No Configuring backup storage account type to '%s' failed during Database create or update.
45485 16 No Managed Instance%ls deployment failed as provided subnet '%ls' was not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances. Information on how to set subnet delegation for Managed Instance could be found at (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2123307).
45486 16 No Submitted request could not be accepted as maximum number of '%ls' concurrent management operations would be exceeded. Terminate some of the ongoing operations or try again later. For more details check: (https://aka.ms/mierror-man-op-limit)
45487 16 No Vulnerability Assessment scan was canceled.
45488 16 No Vulnerability Assessment failed to read archived blob.
45489 16 No Vulnerability Assessment storage account is on VNET or have firewalls.
45490 16 No Vulnerability Assessment storage account type is unsupported.
45491 16 No Vulnerability Assessment Baseline file exceeds the size limit (10MB).
45492 16 No Vulnerability Assessment baseline file isn't in the right format.
45493 16 No The baseline received for Vulnerability Assessment is invalid
45494 16 No Unable to perform operation due to server '%.*ls' being in Inaccessible state. Please re-validate the Azure Key Vault Key (https://aka.ms/'%ls'byoksetup) before retrying
45495 16 No Data Encryption is not supported in the selected region.
45496 16 No Infrastructure Encryption is not supported in the selected region.
45497 16 No '%ls' server configuration does not support Infrastructure Encryption.
45498 16 No The differential backup interval hours of %d is not a valid configuration. Valid differential backup interval must be %ls hours.
45499 16 No Unable to perform operation due to server being in Stopped state. Please start the server first before retrying.
45500 16 No Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage account type.
45501 16 No Unable to perform operation due to server being in Upgrading state. Please wait the server to Ready before retrying.
45502 16 No Upgrade elastic server version to '%ls' failed: %s.
45503 16 No AKV host '%ls' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '%ls'.
45505 16 No Property with name zoneRedundant is specified but not supported in managed instance update operation. Please remove it from operation request and submit operation again.
45506 16 No Property with name zoneRedundant is specified but not supported in managed instance create operation. Please remove it from operation request and submit operation again.
45507 16 No The server in replication is not supported for stopping operation.
45508 16 No The requested storage account type of '%ls' is not supported for edition '%ls'.
45509 16 No Managed Instance Failover cannot be initiated. Automated backup needs to complete the first full backup for a new database. Please try again later.
45510 16 No A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.
45511 16 No The restored database is too large for '%s' edition. Select a target edition with sufficient storage for the allocated database size. After restore, perform a shrink database operation to reclaim unused space before scaling the DB size to '%s'.
45512 16 No This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet '%.*ls'. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.
45513 16 No Native restore file number limit was exceeded. The limit for SQL Managed Instance GP service tier is '%d' files. The restore request was initiated with '%d' files.
45514 16 No Specified public maintenance configuration '%ls' for the database '%ls' conflicts with the maintenance configuration '%ls' of the elastic pool '%ls'
45515 16 No The requested partner managed server '%ls' could not be resolved.
45516 16 No The service objective assignment for the resource has failed: the requested maintenance configuration '%ls' is temporarily unavailable. Try again later or choose another maintenance configuration.
45517 16 No Provided subnet cannot be used for deploying managed instance as it is not on allow list. Only subnets from allow list can be used.
45518 16 No Property with name DatabaseSurfaceAreaVersion cannot be changed from '%ls' to '%ls' because downgrade is not supported.
45519 16 No Property with name DatabaseSurfaceAreaVersion is specified but not available in managed instance update operation. Please remove it from operation request and submit operation again.
45520 16 No Property with name DatabaseSurfaceAreaVersion is specified but not available in managed instance create operation. Please remove it from operation request and submit operation again.
45521 16 No A user assigned managed identity must be specified when identity type is set to 'UserAssigned' or 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned'. Please specify the user assigned managed identity to be assigned to the server '%ls' or change the identity type to a different value.
45522 16 No The primary user assigned managed identity '%ls' must be a part of the managed identities being assigned to the server '%ls' or already assigned to the server.
45523 16 No One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again. For more details, go to https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokcreateserver
45524 16 No ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.
45525 16 No Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.
45526 16 No Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.
45527 16 No The operation %ls cannot be completed for the instance that has an active %ls configured.
45528 16 No The ImportExport operation with Request Id '%ls' failed due to '%ls'.
45529 16 No You have reached the maximum number of %ls active user certificates for the hybrid link. Please reduce the number of active certificates and try again.
45530 16 No The operation was not allowed because of the outbound firewall rule configuration for '%ls'.
45531 16 No The specified server name cannot be used. Name is available, but still present in the collection due to recent usage. It can take up to 7 days to remove the name from the collection. Please submit operation again using different server name or try again later.
45532 16 No The managed identity with ID '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permissions: '%ls' to the key '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the identity. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokcreateserver)
45533 16 No A primary user assigned managed identity has not been specified. Please specify the primary managed identity that you would like to use for the server '%ls'.
45534 16 No Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.
45535 16 No Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network '%ls'.
45536 16 No Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.
45537 16 No It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.
45538 16 No Please specify primary user-assigned managed identity having the following Azure Key Vault permissions '%ls' to access the key '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokcreateserver)
45539 16 No Please change identity type to 'UserAssigned' or 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned' and assign a primary user-assigned managed identity having the following Azure Key Vault permissions '%ls' to access the key '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokcreateserver)
45540 16 No Cross '%ls' '%ls' operation is not supported.
45541 16 No No restore point available
45542 16 No User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in checkpoint-only mode due to insufficient memory and so cannot enter the primary role. Consider upgrading the database service level objective of the geo-secondary to increase available memory.
45543 16 No The source database of a named replica cannot itself be a named replica.
45544 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is a named replica.
45545 16 No A named replica must be created in the same subscription and region as the source database.
45546 16 No Backup blob copy failed with exception '{0}'
45547 16 No The create operation has timed out in one of the backend workflows. Please retry the operation.
45548 16 No The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding General Purpose file size limit of %ls GB.
45549 16 No The backup storage redundancy type selected cannot be used with data in zone-redundant storage. When data is in zone-redundant storage, you can only backup the data using zone-redundant backup storage.
45550 16 No Database movement of database '{0}' from managed server '{1}' does not exist.
45551 16 No Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.
45552 16 No A user assigned managed identity must be specified when identity type is set to 'UserAssigned'. Please specify the user assigned managed identity to be assigned to the database '%ls' or change the identity type to None.
45553 16 No Only one identity delegation is supported at the Database Level.
45554 16 No User assigned managed identities are not supported on 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
45555 16 No Identity delegations are not supported on 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
45556 16 No Updating identities is not supported on this resource type.
45557 16 No %ls from the %ls service tier to the %ls service tier are not supported.
45558 16 No Operation cannot be executed as instance is in stopping/stopped state. Please start your instance and submit the request again.
45559 16 No Operation cannot be executed as instance is in starting state. Please wait for start operation to complete then try again.
45560 16 No You cannot start instance that is already started or in starting state.
45561 16 No You cannot stop instance that is already stopped or in stopping state.
45562 16 No You cannot stop the instance that has running operation on an instance or on one or more of its databases. Please wait for ongoing operation to finish or cancel ongoing operation, then try again.
45563 16 No Stop operation failed because it was interrupted with instance delete operation.
45564 16 No It is not possible to stop the instance with zone redundancy enabled. Refer to the following article for limits of managed instance start/stop feature: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2169085
45565 16 No It is not possible to stop the instance that is part of the failover group. Refer to the following article for limits of managed instance start/stop feature: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2169085
45566 16 No One or multiple schedule items are missing start and/or stop value. Schedule items must have all values populated. Please correct your schedule and submit again.
45567 16 No One or multiple schedule items have a time span overlap. Please correct your schedule and submit again.
45568 16 No A time span between two successive actions must be at least 1 hour. Please correct your schedule and submit again.
45569 16 No Managed instance '%.*ls' does not have start/stop schedule configured.
45570 16 No No managed service identities are associated with resource %ls.
45571 16 No Resource identifier internal_id %ls is invalid.
45572 16 No The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.
45573 16 No The backup storage redundancy type selected cannot be used with data stored in zone-redundant storage. When data is in zone-redundant storage, you can only backup the data using zone-redundant backup storage.
45574 16 No SQL Managed Instance cannot update the instance zone redundancy because the storage redundancy type is still updating. Complete these updates first, and then try to update the instance zone redundancy again.
45575 16 No SQL Managed Instance cannot update the instance zone redundancy and the backup storage redundancy for the same managed instance at the same time. Verify that your backup storage redundancy type has the same or more durability than your instance zone redundancy, and then update each consecutively.
45576 16 No The managed instance cannot be updated to a multi-availability zone because the backup storage redundancy must be either zone or geo-zone redundant. Update the backup storage redundancy type, and then update the instance redundancy.
45577 16 No SQL Managed Instance cannot complete the requested operation because another operation is in progress. Wait for the operation to complete and then try again.
45578 16 No The backup redundancy request cannot start because the update is already in progress.
45579 16 No Failed to update the backup storage. Contact Microsoft Support for assistance.
45580 16 Yes The elastic pool has reached its storage limit. The storage allocated for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) MB. (%d) MB storage has been allocated and the operation requires (%d) MB more storage to be allocated. See 'http://aka.ms/file-space-manage' for assistance.
45581 16 No Native restore backup contains files in forbidden states.
45582 16 No Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks.
45583 16 No Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.
45584 16 No Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
45585 16 No The parameter '%ls' is invalid. '%ls'
45586 16 No The restored database is too large for the requested service level objective '%s'. Submit a new restore request to a target service level objective which has sufficient storage larger than the the max size of the database, %s bytes. After restore, a shrink database operation can be performed to to reclaim unused space before scaling the DB size to the originally requested service level objective.
45587 16 No The attempted CRUD operation of Start/Stop schedule on the Azure SQL Managed Instance '%ls' cannot be executed. The schedule does not exist for a given managed instance.
45588 16 No Cannot create Managed Instance in the subnet '%ls' because subnet is too small. Minimal allowed size of a subnet is %d IP addresses. See https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance on how to move your instance to a larger subnet.
45589 16 No Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance.
45590 16 No Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance.
45591 16 No The database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool. The database required {0} bytes, while the pool has only {1} bytes of storage available. Please restore as a single database outside resource pool or increase resources for the pool.
45592 16 No The largest database file size of database '{0}' exceeds data file size limit {1} for General Purpose SQL Managed Instance service tier. See: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics.
45593 16 No Storage account limit {0} for General Purpose SQL Managed Instance '{1}' exceeded. See: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics.
45594 16 No Unable to add keys to the Azure SQL Server due to CryptographicException. Error details: Exponent: '%ls', Modulus: %ls'. For additional support, contact your system administrator or Microsoft Customer Support Services
45595 16 No The key vault provided '%ls' on server '%ls' uses unsupported RSA Key Exponent. Exponent value: '%ls'. For additional support, contact your system administrator or Microsoft Customer Support Services
45596 16 No Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.
45597 16 No Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition..
45598 16 No Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.
45599 16 Yes Standby replicas are not supported in DTU based purchasing models. Neither source nor target for standby replicas may be DTU based.
45600 16 No AKV endpoint '%ls' is not reachable from SQL, on server '%ls'.
45601 16 No DTC cannot be configured because it is not supported on the virtual cluster version hosting Azure SQL Managed Instance '%ls'.
45602 16 No Database recovery requests are invalid when issued against a database that is not configured to use geo-redundant backup storage.
45603 16 No Restoring a Hyperscale database backup to a non-Hyperscale service tier or vice versa is not supported.
45604 16 No The subscription '%ls' does not have access to the specified server(s) '%ls'
45605 16 No The specified recovery point '%ls' either does not exist or is not valid.
45606 16 No The specified long term retention backup '%ls' does not exist.
45607 16 No The specified point in time, '%ls', is not valid for database '%ls'. Valid points in time are between '%ls' and '%ls' inclusive.
45608 16 No Cannot resolve target cluster for server '%ls'
45609 16 No Specifying the target service level objective or edition is not supported when restoring to an elastic pool.
45610 16 No Point-in-time restore and database recovery operations are not supported on databases that are currently configured as geo-secondaries.
45620 16 No Invalid storage IOps limit: %ls IOps. Storage IOps limit must be specified between %ls IOps and %ls IOps, in increments of %ls IOps.
45621 16 No Invalid storage throughput limit: %ls MBps. Storage throughput limit must be specified between %ls MBps and %ls MBps, in increments of %ls MBps.
45650 16 No Storage IOps parameter is not allowed in the instance create/update operation.
45651 16 No Storage throughput MBps parameter is not allowed in the instance create/update operation.
45652 16 No Storage IOps parameter is not allowed in the instance create/update operation for the specified edition.
45653 16 No Storage throughput MBps parameter is not allowed in the instance create/update operation for the specified edition.
45701 16 No Specified public maintenance configuration '{0}' either doesn't exist, or not applicable to the resource or not supported in this region.
45702 16 No Maintenance window feature is not supported for the named replica.
45703 16 No Maintenance window feature is not available for '%ls' hardware generation.
45704 16 No Ring buildout '%ls' does not support deletion of seedNodes.
45705 16 Yes Standby replicas are not supported in Elastic Pools. Neither source nor target for standby replicas may be inside an Elastic Pool.
45706 16 Yes Read scale-out cannot be enabled on a standby replica.
45707 16 No Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.
45708 16 No Migration out of Hyperscale not supported '%ls'.
45709 16 No Specified Backup Storage Redundancy '%ls' is not supported in target region.
45710 16 No Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.
45711 16 No Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.
45712 16 No Database-level encryption protector does not exist.
45713 16 No Database-level encryption protector can only be reverted to the server level encryption when the server is configured with Microsoft Managed Key.
45761 16 No Certificate with provided name is not found.
45762 16 No The certificate is not authorized to identify application.
45763 16 No Application with provided client Id is not found.
45764 16 No Internal server error.
45765 16 No Internal server error. Please contact Microsoft support and provide '%ls' code.
45766 16 No '%ls' application doesn't have sufficient privileges to manage service principal. Please configure application's permissions.
45767 16 No Failed to create service principal. Another application found with the same identifier uris.
45768 16 No Requested restore details are not available, or have expired.
45769 16 No %ls
45770 16 No Failed to move the database into elastic pool due to internal resource constraints. This may be a transient condition, please retry.
46501 15 No External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
46502 15 No Type with name '%.*ls' already exists.
46503 15 No Invalid format for option '%S_MSG'.
46504 15 No External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
46505 15 No Missing required external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46506 15 No Invalid set of options specified for '%S_MSG'.
46507 15 No Cannot perform DML on external tables.
46508 15 No Incorrect syntax on external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46509 15 No FILE_FORMAT must be specified for HADOOP data source.
46510 15 No FILE_FORMAT cannot be specified for RDBMS data source.
46511 15 No EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46512 15 No %S_MSG cannot be used with %S_MSG data source.
46513 15 No A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
46514 15 No DISTRIBUTION must be specified when using a SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source.
46515 15 No The specified sharding column name does not match any column in the external table definition.
46516 15 No The specified credential cannot be found or the user does not have permission to perform this action.
46517 17 No XML Parse error when de-serializing PDW Metadata.
46518 15 No The %S_MSG '%ls' is not supported with %S_MSG.
46519 15 No %ls are not supported with %S_MSG.
46520 15 No The external DDL statement contained an unrecognized option.
46521 15 No Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
46522 10 No Failed to update '%S_MSG'.
46523 15 No A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
46524 15 No An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
46525 15 No External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
46526 15 No The %S_MSG operation is not supported with %S_MSG data source type.
46527 15 No Altering the '%S_MSG' property is not permitted for an external data source of type %ls.
46528 15 No SHARDED DISTRIBUTION is allowed for SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source only.
46529 15 No Allowed integer values for FIRST_ROW are between and including 1-101
46530 15 No External data sources are not supported with type %S_MSG.
46531 15 No Support for external data sources of type HADOOP is not enabled. To enable, set 'hadoop connectivity' to desired value.
46532 15 No Sp_rename is not supported for data pool external table.
46533 15 No Internal error occurred during distributed operation.
46534 15 No A maximum of three NULL_VALUES are allowed in the list.
46535 15 No Unable to retrieve secret [%s] from the secret store.
46536 15 No Unable to process secret [%s] from the secret store.
46537 16 No An unexpected internal error, failed to communicate with controller service, HRESULT 0x%x.
46538 16 No An unexpected internal error received from controller service error code [%i].
46539 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. At least one partitioning column is required when distribution type is '%S_MSG'.
46540 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. Partitioning columns can be specified only if distribution type is '%S_MSG'.
46541 15 No '%S_MSG' statement failed. The column name '%.*ls' specified in the '%S_MSG' option does not match any columns specified in the external table definition.
46542 15 No %S_MSG statement failed. One or more errors occurred while executing the statement. %s
46543 15 No %S_MSG statement failed. Invalid URI provided.
46544 15 No Temporary tables are not supported for this type of external tables.
46545 15 No Creating external data source over data pools is not supported in a system database.
46546 15 No Alter database name is not supported in Big Data Cluster if the database contains external data pool tables. Drop the tables to perform the operation.
46547 15 No CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE failed, because it attempted to set the %.*ls option multiple times.
46548 15 No '%ls' contains an unsupported prefix. Retry with supported connector prefix.
46549 15 No Use of external data source with '%ls' type and '%ls' connector prefix is not supported.
46550 15 No Connector specified in external data source location '%ls' requires FILE_FORMAT to be set.
46551 15 No %ls external table is either not supported or disabled on the server. See 'http://aka.ms/sqlsrvrerrmsg46551' for assistance.
46552 15 No Writing into an external table is disabled. See 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201073' for more information.
46553 15 No Create External Table as Select is disabled. See sp_configure 'allow polybase export' option to enable.
46601 16 No REJECT_TYPE
46602 16 No FILE_FORMAT
46603 16 No REJECT_VALUE
46605 16 No LOCATION
46606 16 No DATA_SOURCE
46607 16 No PERCENTAGE
46610 16 No SERDE_METHOD
46611 16 No ENCODING
46613 16 No DATE_FORMAT
46615 16 No FORMAT_TYPE
46618 16 No HADOOP
46619 16 No RDBMS
46624 16 No SHARD_MAP_NAME
46625 16 No CREDENTIAL
46629 16 No EXTRACTOR
46643 16 No external tables
46644 16 No external tables for sharded data
46645 16 No Remote Data Archive
46646 16 No provided
46647 16 No seconds
46648 16 No minutes
46649 16 No hours
46650 16 No days
46651 16 No weeks
46652 16 No months
46653 16 No years
46654 16 No database scoped credential
46655 16 No rejected rows location
46657 16 No PUSHDOWN
46658 16 No GENERIC
46659 16 No BLOB_STORAGE
46660 16 No GENERIC
46662 16 No HASH
46663 16 No PARTITION
46701 16 No Query notifications is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46702 16 No Remote RPC requests are not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46703 16 No Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
46704 16 No Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
46705 16 No Unsupported parameter type found while parsing RPC request. The request has been terminated.
46706 16 No Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46707 16 No The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46709 16 No Default parameter support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46710 16 No Unsupported transaction manager request %d encountered. SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint only supports local transaction request for 'begin/commit/rollback'.
46711 16 No Unsupported TDS request packet of type %d encountered on SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint. Only batch, rpc and transaction requests are supported.
46712 16 No Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
46713 16 No Integrated authentication is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46716 16 No Attach Database File is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46717 16 No Login as Replication or Remote user is not supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46718 16 No Only 'us_english' or 'English' language is supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46719 16 No Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
46720 16 No Parallel query execution on the same connection is not supported.
46721 16 No Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.
46722 16 No Client driver version is not supported.
46723 16 No Large object column in Global Query is not supported for types other than Nvarchar(MAX), Varchar(MAX), Varbinary(MAX) and Image.
46724 16 No Communication error during bulk copy operation.
46801 16 No GlobalQuery operations
46802 16 No Failed to load module for global query.
46803 16 No Failed to locate entry point for global query module.
46804 16 No Failed to initialize the global query module.
46805 16 No Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
46806 16 No An error occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation: %.*ls
46807 16 No An access violation occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46808 16 No An entry corresponding to given Global Query request could not be located. Execution has been aborted.
46809 16 No An error occurred while attempting to execute the Global Query request. Error Code: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d.
46810 16 No An unhandled exception occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46811 16 No An unexpected error with code 0x%x occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation.
46812 16 No %.*ls
46813 16 No %.*ls
46814 16 No %.*ls
46815 16 No %.*ls
46816 16 No %.*ls
46817 16 No %.*ls
46818 16 No %.*ls
46819 16 No %.*ls
46820 16 No %.*ls
46821 16 No %.*ls
46822 16 No %.*ls
46823 16 No %.*ls
46824 16 No %.*ls
46825 16 No %.*ls
46826 16 No Output parameters are not supported with %.*ls.
46827 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute queries referencing external tables.
46828 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46829 16 No The proc %.*ls is only supported for external data sources of type SHARD_MAP_MANAGER or RDBMS.
46830 16 No Internal column references are not supported for external tables.
46831 16 No Provided argument exceeds the current size limit of %u bytes for procedure %.*ls.
46832 16 No An error occurred while establishing connection to remote data source: %ls
46833 16 No An error occurred while executing query on remote server: %ls
46834 16 No An error occurred while retrieving data from remote server: %ls
46835 16 No An error occurred while initializing Global Query: %ls
46836 16 No External table schema does not match actual schema from remote table: %ls
46837 16 No An error occurred while fetching table metadata in Global Query: %ls
46838 16 No An error occurred while fetching data in Global Query: %ls
46839 16 No An error occurred while cancelling Global Query operation: %ls
46840 16 No An error occurred during Global Query cleanup: %ls
46841 16 No An error occurred while executing Global Query operation: %ls
46842 16 No Logical server %ls defined in the elastic query configuration is not in the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on the server. Please add this logical server name to the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on your %ls server and retry the operation.
46843 16 No External data sources of SHARD_MAP_MANAGER type cannot be queried when outbound firewall rules are set.
46901 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is disabled. Please restart Polybase DMS service.
46902 10 No Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
46903 10 No This stored procedure is not available because Polybase feature is not enabled.
46904 16 No Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46905 10 No Head node cannot be removed from a Polybase computational group.
46906 16 No Unable to retrieve registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46907 16 No Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46908 16 No Unable to update registry value '%ls' in Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46909 16 No Unable to open registry key '%ls': %ls.
46910 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
46911 16 No Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
46912 16 No The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46913 16 No The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46914 16 No INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
46915 16 No Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
46916 16 No Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace flag 9481 is not enabled, the database compatibility level is at least 120 and the legacy cardinality estimator is not explicitly enabled through a database scoped configuration setting.
46917 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46918 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46919 16 No An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46920 10 No Polybase feature disabled.
46921 16 No The EXECUTE AT DATA_SOURCE command is not supported for this external data source type.
46922 21 No PolyBase provisioning script performing on master database failed. This is a serious error which might prevent the SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the steps run to completion.
46923 16 No PolyBase feature is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
46924 16 No SQL Server failed to start PolyBase processes due to error 0x%lx.
46925 16 No SQL Server failed to start PolyBase request due to error 0x%lx.
46926 16 No Failed to get PolyBase service account due to error '%ls'.
46927 16 No SQL Server failed to get memory for PolyBase startup.
46928 16 No The specified operation is not supported for this external data source type.
46929 16 No The value '%ld' is not within range for the parameter '%ls'.
46930 16 No PolyBase is not enabled because reading of PolyBase registry entries failed.
46931 16 No PolyBase is not enabled due to error code 0x%lx.
46932 16 No Unable to read PolyBase registry entries.
46933 16 No PolyBase configuration is invalid or corrupt. Re-run PolyBase setup.
46934 16 No The option 'hadoop connectivity' cannot be enabled in this edition of SQL Server.
46935 16 No Cannot obtain S3 temporary credentials to access S3.
46936 16 No Unable to fetch Json Web Token due to insufficient memory.
46937 16 No Unable to fetch Json Web Token due to internal error.
46938 16 No Invalid ADFS endpoint. Please check ADFS %s endpoint specified in connection options for the external data source.
46939 16 No Unable to process response from ADFS endpoint %s.
46940 16 No Unable to send request to ADFS endpoint %s due to error %d.
46941 16 No Request to ADFS endpoint %s failed. Http response status code: %d.
46942 16 No Unable to obtain JSON Web Token from ADFS endpoint %s.
46943 16 No Unable to fetch S3 temporary credentials from STS due to insufficient memory.
46944 16 No Unable to fetch S3 temporary credentials from STS due to internal error.
46945 16 No Invalid STS endpoint. Please check STS endpoint %s specified in connection options for the external data source.
46946 16 No Unable to process response from STS endpoint %s.
46947 16 No Unable to send request to STS endpoint %s due to error %d.
46948 16 No Request to STS endpoint %s failed. Http response status code: %d.
46949 16 No Unable to obtain S3 temporary credentials from STS endpoint %s.
46950 16 No Invalid Json formatting of connection options specified in external data source.
46951 16 No Failure in getting '%s' element from connection options.
46952 16 No Failed to impersonate logged on user when trying to fetch Json Web Token.
46953 16 No Pass through authorization using S3 temporary credentials is not supported. Please use S3 credentials to access storage.
47000 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
47001 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
47002 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when initializing the RPS COM object.
47003 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSAuth object.
47004 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSPropBag object.
47005 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during IRPS::Authenticate.
47006 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSValidatedPropertyBag object.
47007 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during SetAuthPolicy.
47008 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during ValidateTicketWithAuthPolicy.
47009 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching Session Key.
47010 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47011 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when computing HMAC Hash Signature.
47012 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when comparing HMAC Hash Signature with the one sent by the client.
47013 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId Low.
47014 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
47015 10 No Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberName.
47016 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when opening Certificate Store.
47017 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to find ceritificate in store.
47018 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to initialize Error object for service proxy.
47019 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to create service proxy.
47020 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to open service proxy.
47021 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
47022 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Error object.
47023 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
47024 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during validation of federated context.
47025 10 No Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed due to unknown reason.
47026 10 No Reason: Failure occurred when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47027 10 No Reason: This was a non-Microsoft domain login attempt in a Non-SDS session.
47028 10 No Reason: This FedAuth library is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47029 10 No Reason: This FedAuth Ticket type is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47030 10 No Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
47031 10 No Reason: There was a failure in acquiring the max heap memory limit from config during AAD group expansion.
47032 10 No Reason: There is a user error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a separate XEvent called 'fedauth_webtoken_failure' which indicate the actual error code
47033 10 No Reason: There is a System error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a separate XEvent called 'fedauth_webtoken_failure' which indicate the actual error code
47034 10 No Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
47035 10 No Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
47036 10 No Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
47037 10 No Reason: Login failed because Deny External Connections flags is on.
47038 10 No Reason: Login failed because client disconnected when fedauth specific processing was going on during login.
47039 10 No Reason: Login failed because the client is attempting to use certificate authentication without correct permissions.
47040 10 No Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
47041 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is not present.
47042 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
47043 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47044 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47045 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47046 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47047 10 No Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47048 10 No Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47049 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall Rule has rejected the login.
47050 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while copying the VNET IPv6 address.
47051 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while parsing the VNET IPv6.
47052 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while extracting VNET metadata info from the IPv6 (VNET parsing).
47053 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup.
47054 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table COUNT lookup.
47055 10 No Reason: VNET Firewall rejected the login due to the source of a login being outside a VNET
47056 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login attempt because VNET firewall rules are not database-level, only server-level.
47057 10 No Reason: Firewall rejected the login because an IPv6 attempt was received when not expected
47058 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup while looking up the IPv4 Allow All rule.
47059 10 No Reason: Unexpected error while swapping the session peer address with the VNET CA.
47060 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on TDS readhandler, payload length > sni packet buf size
47061 10 No Reason: Replicated Master is not ready at this point and user connections are disallowed.
47062 10 No Reason: lock timeout expired while looking up interface endpoints list
47063 10 No Reason: lock timeout expired while looking up interface endpoints list
47064 10 No Reason: The incoming login VNET metadata was not found in the list of interface endpoints configured
47065 10 No Reason: Unexpected error on Interface Endpoints access lockdown check
47066 10 No Reason: Allow All Azure rule can't be evaluated at DB level Firewall Rule for Interface Endpoints connections
47067 10 No Reason: Internal error. Unexpected frontend connection to Vldb page server.
47068 10 No fulltext stoplist
47069 10 No Reason: Replicated Master is not online at this point and user connections are disallowed.
47070 10 No Reason: Azure Active Directory only authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.
47071 10 No Reason: Login failed because login token present in the feature extension is invalid.
47072 10 No Reason: Login failed due to client TLS version being less than minimal TLS version allowed by the server.
47073 10 No Reason: An instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Connection was denied since Deny Public Network Access is set to Yes (https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/database/connectivity-settings#deny-public-network-access). To connect to this server, use the Private Endpoint from inside your virtual network (https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/sql-database/sql-database-private-endpoint-overview#how-to-set-up-private-link-for-azure-sql-database).
47074 10 No The login was denied since the target is not part of a Network Security Perimeter.
47075 10 No Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
47076 10 No Server access failure due to RBAC Deny.
47077 10 No Login was denied since the token used was malformed.
47078 10 No Login was denied since an incorrect token type was used.
47081 14 No Cannot verify connect permissions on database '%ls'.
47082 14 No Cannot verify connect permissions on the default database.
47083 16 No Token is expired.
47084 16 No Incorrect or invalid token.
47085 14 No The server is not currently configured to accept this token.
47086 14 No Could not verify credentials on connected endpoint.
47087 10 No Reason: Azure Active Directory only authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.
47088 10 No Reason: Login failed because of invalid feature extension offset.
47089 10 No Reason: Login failed because Azure Dns Caching feature extension is malformed.
47090 10 No Internal API Error. Result %d, File Name %s, Line Number %d
47091 10 No Reason: Login failed because login does not have CONNECT permission on the specified SQL Pool.
47092 10 No Reason: Login failed because login to Datawarehouse Reserved Databases are not allowed.
47093 10 No Reason: Retrieving IPv6 address failed.
47094 10 No Reason: Retrieving IPv6 server firewall rules failed.
47095 10 No Reason: Retrieving IPv6 server database firewall rules failed.
47096 10 No Reason: Login to public IPv6 endpoint is disabled.
47097 10 No Reason: Login to public IPv6 endpoint from an IPv4 source is disabled.
47098 10 No Reason: Retrieving IPv4 address from IPv4 mapped IPv6 address failed.
47100 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' doesn't match its primary configuration. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47101 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports MANUAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47102 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports EXTERNAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47103 16 No The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports AUTOMATIC and MANUAL failover modes. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47104 16 No This operation cannot be performed on the availability group '%.*ls' because it has EXTERNAL cluster type. Use the cluster management tools to perform the operation.
47105 16 No The Always On Availability Groups feature must be enabled for this server instance before you can perform availability group operations. Please enable the feature, then retry the operation.
47106 16 No Cannot join availability group '%.*ls'. Download configuration timeout. Please check primary configuration, network connectivity and firewall setup, then retry the operation.
47107 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports one replica which has configuration-only availability mode. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47108 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports two synchronous mode replicas and required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit is zero when configuration-only mode replica is specified. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47109 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot failover to this replica. Configuration-only replica cannot become primary. An attempt to fail over an availability group failed. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot become a primary.
47110 15 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica as it is a configuration-only. Remove this option, then retry the operation
47111 16 No Local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be granted permission to create databases. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot host databases inside the availability group.
47112 16 No Only the SESSION_TIMEOUT property can be modified for a configuration-only replica.
47113 16 No The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica for modification. Remove this option, then retry the operation.
47114 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. Configuration-only replicas can only be added to availability groups with CLUSTER_TYPE = EXTERNAL. Verify that the AVAILABILITY_MODE setting of the replica spec, then retry the operation.
47115 16 No The '%ls' option is not valid for WSFC availability group '%.*ls'. Remove the option or set the 'CLUSTER_TYPE' option to a different value, then retry the operation.
47116 16 No The external lease cannot be set on availability group '%.*ls'. External Lease updates are not enabled for this availability group.
47117 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid time value when updating the Availability Group's external write lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47118 16 No The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid value when updating the external lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
47119 16 No The current write lease of the availability group '%.*ls' is still valid. The lease expiration time cannot be set to an earlier time than its current value.
47120 16 No The READ_WRITE_ROUTING_URL '%.*ls' specified for availability replica '%.*ls' is not valid. It does not follow the required format of 'TCP://system-address:port'. For information about the correct routing URL format, see the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP documentation in SQL Server Books Online.
47121 16 No The replica spec for the local replica '%.*ls' has an invalid availability mode. Valid values are SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT and ASYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT.
47122 16 No Cannot failover an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' since it has CLUSTER_TYPE = NONE. Only force failover is supported in this version of SQL Server.
47123 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. No other availability groups can exist before creating contained availability group. Verify specified availability group availability options are correct, then retry the operation.
47124 16 No Creation of contained availability group master database failed. Only contained availability group can create contained availability group master database. Verify availability group availability options are correct, then retry the operation.
47125 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' has failed. Verify there is no other availability group existed, then retry the operation.
47126 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. Verify that user databases are not present, then retry the operation.
47127 16 No Joining or creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. The SQL Server instance is not enabled to create or join contained availability group.
47129 16 No Creating Distributed availability group '%.*ls' has failed. Cannot create Distributed Availability Group on top of Contained Availability Group. Verify Availability Group's name, then retry the operation.
47130 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. When creating contained availability group, both master database and msdb database must be included in contained availability group. Include master and msdb in CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement and retry the operation.
47131 16 No Creating or joining availability group '%.*ls' failed because there is a contained availability group. Remove contained availability group, then retry the operation.
47132 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with rebuilding contained system DB has failed because rebuilding contained MSDB has failed. This is caused by contained MSDB is still used. Retry the operation later.
47133 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with rebuilding contained system databases has failed because rebuilding contained availability group master database has failed. This is caused by contained availability group master database still being used. Reconnect to master database at SQL Server instance level and retry the operation later.
47134 16 No Joining availability group '%.*ls' with 'REBUILD_SYSTEM_DATABASES' has failed. 'REBUILD_SYSTEM_DATABASES' is only valid for joining contained availability group. Remove the option and retry the operation.
47135 16 No Contained availability group system database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from contained availability group '%.*ls'.
47136 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to contained availability group '%.*ls' because it is in the exclusion list. Remove the excluded database from the database list and retry the operation.
47137 16 No Cannot create contained system databases in contained availability group '%.*ls' It might be caused by temporary condition. Retry the operation.
47138 16 No Joining contained availability group '%.*ls' without rebuilding contained system DB has failed because availability group master '%.*ls' had incorrect db id '%ld'. Please use rebuild_system_databases option or remove availability group contained master manually, then retry the operation again.
47139 16 No Join contained availability group '%.*ls' failed to create group master '%.*ls' Database ID. Please retry the operation again.
47140 16 No Starting contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. Contained availability group system database '%.*ls' (id = %d) failed to load during startup.
47141 16 No Starting contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. One of contained system databases (masterdbid = %d, msdbid = %d) failed to load during startup.
47142 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. One of contained system database '%.*ls' already exists. Remove it or add 'reuse_system_databases' option, then retry the operation again.
47143 16 No Option 'reuse_system_databases' is invalid for creating availability group '%.*ls'. Option 'reuse_system_databases' can only be used with contained availability group. Correct the option and retry the operation.
47144 16 No Option 'autoseeding_system_databases' is invalid for creating availability group '%.*ls'. Option 'autoseeding_system_databases' can only be used with contained availability group. Correct the option and retry the operation.
47145 16 No Failed to obtain the resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. Cluster service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
47146 16 No Invalid characters '%ls' found in name '%.*ls' for contained availability group. Remove invalid characters and retry the operation.
47147 16 No Creating contained availability group '%.*ls' failed. When creating contained availability group, neither master database nor msdb database can be included in the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement. They will be automatically included in the availability group. Remove master database name and msdb database name in CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement and retry the operation.
47148 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to contained availability group '%.*ls'. Before joining other databases to contained availability group, contained availability group master database has to be joined and recovered. Make sure contained availability group master database has been joined and recovered, then retry the operation.
47149 16 No Cannot start the job "%s" because this is secondary replica of contained availability group. Start the job in the primary replica of this contained availability group.
47150 16 No Option 'autoseeding_system_databases' and 'reuse_system_databases' cannot be set at same time for creating availability group '%.*ls'. remove one option and retry the operation.
47151 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls' with contained clause. It is invalid for this edition. Remove contained clause and retry the operation.
47152 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' that has EXTERNAL or NONE cluster type contains too many databases. Remove some databases from the availability group and retry the operation.
47201 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters.
47202 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters and '%u' for _ex version.
47203 16 No Procedure expects at least '%u' parameters and '%u' max.
47301 16 No Data Retention cleanup is disabled for this database. Data Retention cleanup must be enabled on a database to enable data cleanup.
47302 16 No Data Retention Cleanup cannot be applied on table '%.*ls' because it has infinite retention period.
47303 16 No Data retention cleanup on table(database id %lu, table id %ld) cannot be executed. Either data retention cleanup is disabled on the database, appropriate lock could not be obtained or the table does not exist anymore.
47304 16 No %ld is not a valid value for data retention period.
47305 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid period unit for data retention.
47306 16 No The period of %ld %S_MSG is too big for data retention.
47307 16 No Filter column '%.*ls' has unsupported datatype for data retention.
47308 16 No Filter column '%.*ls' does not exist in the target table or view.
47309 16 No Drop column operation failed on table '%.*ls' because the column is being used as a filter column for data retention.
47310 16 No '%.*ls' is being used as the filter column for data retention. Altering the filter column while data retention is 'on' is not supported.
47311 16 No FILTER_COLUMN for data retention has not been defined for table '%.*ls'.
47312 16 No Data retention cannot be set on temporal history table.
47313 16 No Data retention cannot be set on ledger tables or their history tables.
47314 16 No Policy based data retention is not supported for system databases.
47401 16 No Procedure expects '%u' parameters.
47402 16 No Procedure sp_manage_distributed_transaction was called with invalid operation.
47403 16 No MSDTC operation %s on transaction %s failed, %s
47404 16 No Resetting MSDTC log failed, %s.
47405 16 No MSDTC WMI Error, %ls.
47406 16 No WMI cannot connnect, it may not be installed.
47407 16 No Unexpected internal error related to MS DTC.
47500 16 No Manual seeding is not supported option for secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47501 16 No Synchronous commit is not supported option for the initial secondary AG '%.*ls' configuration when secondary participant in distributed availability group is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47502 16 No Cannot create distributed availability group '%.*ls' when local AG '%.*ls' contains more than one database in cases when secondary participant is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47503 16 No AG '%.*ls' already contains one database and adding more is not supported because AG participates in distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47504 16 No Error related to distributed availability group '%.*ls' with secondary participant on Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47505 16 No Endpoint with type %d does not exist or user does not have permission to view it.
47506 16 No Certificate for endpoint with type %d does not exist or user does not have permission to view it.
47507 16 No Adding memory optimized files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because its service tier does not support In-memory OLTP capabilities. Consider replicating database to managed instance service tier supporting In-memory OLTP capabilities.
47508 16 No Adding multiple log files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support multiple log files.
47509 16 No Adding FileStream or FileTables to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support FileStream or FileTables.
47510 16 No Adding multiple memory optimized files to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because managed instance does not support multiple memory optimized files.
47511 16 No Distributed availability group '%.*ls' is not part of the link with Azure SQL Managed Instance. Please create a link between SQL Server and Managed Instance and try again.
47512 16 No '%ls' cannot be changed during a failover operation in progress. Try again later when the failover is complete.
47513 16 No FAILOVER cannot be started as a previous failover operation is in progress. Try again later when the failover is complete.
47514 16 No Failover cannot be completed as the secondary is unable to catchup with the primary due to synchronization issues. Please check for and correct any link issues in the error log, and retry again.
47515 16 No Failover cannot be completed because the send queue is too large. Secondary cannot catch up with the primary most likely because workload on the primary is too demanding for the secondary. Consider retrying again when the workload on the primary is less busy.
47516 16 No Failover cannot be completed as the redo log is too large. Most likely secondary might be too busy, or the workload from the primary is too demanding. Consider reducing the workload on the primary, or retrying again when workload on the primary is less busy.
47517 16 No This type of failover can only be executed on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the operation again.
47518 16 No Adding memory optimized table to the database replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported because its service tier does not support In-memory OLTP capabilities. Consider replicating database to managed instance service tier supporting In-memory OLTP capabilities.
47519 16 No Cannot create distributed availability group '%.*ls' when local AG '%.*ls' does not contain database in cases when secondary participant is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47520 16 No Database cannot be removed from availability group which participates in distributed availability group in which secondary participant is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
47521 16 No Secondary replica could not be built as the replica request was not received from the primary, or not processed correctly. Check the state of the primary server and ensure that Availability Group on this server is not empty, and that it contains healthy databases.
47522 16 No Database '%.*ls' has been removed from availability group which participates in Azure SQL Managed Instance link.
47600 10 No Reason: Windows Authentication for Azure AD Principals is not enabled on this instance.
47601 10 No Reason: There was an internal error while attempting Windows Authentication for Azure AD Principals.
47602 16 No When auto-rotation of TDE Protector is enabled, both primary and secondary servers must be connected to the same key vault. Please add key '%ls' (from the same key vault connected to primary server) to the secondary server '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdeautorotation)
47603 16 No All servers linked by GeoDr should have the same key material as the encryption protector of the primary server. Please add the key '%ls' with the same key material to the secondary server '%ls'. (https://aka.ms/sqltdebyokgeodr)
47604 10 No Service principal is disabled.
47605 10 No Service principal has insufficient permissions.
47606 10 No Reason: There was an user error while attempting Windows Authentication for Azure AD Principals.
49301 16 No One or more errors occurred during a native external table operation. The last error code was 0x%08x. See previous error messages (if any) for further details.
49302 16 No One or more SQL Server host errors occurred during a native external table operation. The last error was %d. See previous error messages (if any) for further details.
49303 16 No Operation not implemented or not supported: '%s'. [0x%8x][%d] '%s'(), %s: %u.
49304 16 No File is invalid or corrupt: '%s'. [0x%08x][%d] '%s'(), %s: %u.
49305 16 No Internal failure: '%s'. [0x%08x][%d] '%s'(), %s: %u.
49306 16 No Internal SQL Server host failure: '%s' %s. [0x%08x][%d] '%s'(), %s: %u.
49307 16 Yes External Meson client operation failure: '%s'.
49308 11 No The object with name '%s' is not an external table.
49309 16 No Cannot find external table with id %d.
49310 16 No Cannot find column with id %d in object %d.
49311 16 No Column_id %d is already marked as partition column in object_id %d.
49312 16 No Column_id %d is already marked to be part of index_id %d in object_id %d.
49313 16 No Bad directory layout encountered when inferring partition information from path '%ls', starting at root '%ls'. Make sure your directories have column_name=value form or don't use '=' in them.
49314 16 No The passed in location path must end with '' or '/'. Please fix the location path '%ls' for object_id %d.
49315 16 No Cannot parse '%ls', directory '%ls' is not part of object_id %d.
49401 16 Yes Database backup not supported on this database as it has foreign files attached.
49402 16 Yes Failed to initialize the covering resilient buffer pool extension for foreign file '%.*ls' with HRESULT 0x%x.
49403 17 Yes Database '%.*ls' does not allow autostart operations. An explicit ONLINE database operation is required.
49404 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49405 17 Yes Skipping the default startup of vldb database '%.*ls'. The database will be started by the fabric. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
49406 16 Yes Recovery modes other than full are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49407 16 No Error: %ls.
49408 16 No Error: %ls. Error code: %d.
49409 16 No Special procedure is not available on the current SQL instance.
49410 16 Yes Change tracking is currently not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49411 16 Yes Couldn't register the database in the page server database map. Native error [%d].
49412 17 Yes Couldn't take snapshot due to XStore throttling for file "%ls".
49413 17 Yes Reporting transient fault for the database '%.*ls' because of an upgrade step on secondary compute.
49414 17 Yes Could not initialize %S_MSG configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls'), Native error [%d].
49415 16 Yes Planned failover on database '%.*ls' would take too long due to replication lag between the geo-primary and geo-secondary. Please reduce workload and try again later, or use forced failover if data loss is acceptable.
49416 16 Yes Grow file not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49417 16 Yes Hyperscale does not support database copy with elastic pools.
49418 16 Yes Fuzzing error: %ls
49419 16 Yes Striped file max size is not consistent with its range.
49420 16 Yes Page server manager initialization failed. Native error [%d].
49501 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. Sbs flat files are not supported
49502 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an sbs flat file page or the destination is an sbs flat file page.
49503 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an off-row persistent version store page. Page holdup reason: %ls. Page holdup timestamp: %I64d.
49504 10 No Error updating failover proc.
49505 16 No Registering extended stored procedure failed because it is not valid to use UNC path for DLL name. Use local path for DLL name instead.
49506 16 No The DBCC operation failed because it is not supported in an explicit transaction when Accelerated Database Recovery is enabled on the database. Commit or rollback the current transaction and run the operation again.
49507 16 No Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d: Row is aborted.
49508 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for data files is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49509 16 No DBCC SHRINKFILE for PMM files is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
49510 16 No Managed instance is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
49511 10 No Unable to set one or more trace flags. Unsupported trace flag(s): %ls%ls%ls.
49512 10 No Session level trace flags are not supported on managed instance.
49513 10 No %lsDBCC %ls for database id %d terminated abnormally due to error state %d. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. %.*ls
49514 10 No %lsDBCC %ls for database id %d found %d errors and repaired %d errors. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. %.*ls
49515 16 No Failed to execute AdhocXeventSession command for error: 0x%X, please check error log for details.
49516 16 No Shrink timeout waiting to acquire schema modify lock in WLP mode to process IAM pageID %d:%d on database ID %d
49517 15 No %lu is not a valid value for MAX_DURATION; MAX_DURATION must be equal to %lu.
49518 10 No %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because its marked for defer deallocation.
49600 22 No SQL tiered storage table schema is corrupt.
49602 16 No Failure waiting for %ls latch in '%ls'.
49603 16 No CREATE FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to copy the physical file '%.*ls'.
49701 10 No Server override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49702 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49703 10 No Failed to parse server override on server '%.*ls'. The category name is: '%.*ls' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
49704 10 No Failed to apply server override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49705 10 No Failed to merge server override into property bag on physical db or instance '%.*ls' of server '%.*ls'. The override string is: '%.*ls'.
49716 10 No Database override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Database: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49717 10 No Failed to apply database override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49718 10 No The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. Database: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49801 10 No Dynamic Deactivation Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49802 10 No Database is unavailable at the moment, please retry connection at later time.
49803 10 No Resource Pool Data Space Usage Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49804 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49805 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is off for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49806 10 No DynamicActivation feature switch is not enabled for all remote storage DB: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49807 10 No DynamicActivation is only supported for remote storage DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49808 10 No Deactivated database cannot be deactivated again: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49809 10 No Database Operation failed for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.
49810 10 No Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49811 10 No Deactivation is not supported on Disabled database: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49812 10 No EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49813 10 No Deactivation is not supported on databases part of servers in global transaction partnership: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49814 10 No DynamicActivation is not supported for GeoDR DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49815 10 No Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49816 10 No Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' cannot be online as BlockingMode is set
49817 10 No Failed to query CMS for throttling on database '%.*ls', '%.*ls' due to the exception: '%.*ls'
49818 10 No Cannot deactivate a database when it is already getting deactivated, Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49819 10 No Deflation Monitor Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49820 10 No Managed Server Resource Stats Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49821 10 No Rg Metrics Reporting Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49822 10 No Move Cost Calculation and Reporting Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49823 10 No Database cannot be paused due to missing first full backup: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'.
49824 10 No (De)activation workflow for database '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' failed because another (de)activation workflow is in progress. Please wait for the current workflow to complete before starting a new one.
49901 10 No The number of max worker threads that is configured %u is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %u will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49902 10 No There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49903 10 Yes Detected %I64d MB of RAM, %I64d MB of available memory, %I64d MB of available page file. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49904 10 Yes The service account is '%.*ls'. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49905 10 Yes Error %u occurred while opening parameters file '%s'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file.
49906 10 Yes Error %u occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters.
49907 10 Yes Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %.*ls
49908 10 Yes The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %.*ls
49909 10 Yes Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start.
49910 10 No Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
49911 10 No Software Usage Metrics failed to start.
49912 10 No Software Usage Metrics is enabled.
49913 10 No The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
49914 10 No %ls Trace: %ls
49915 10 Yes Invalid, incomplete, or deprecated parameters were found in the command line or in the registry. Normally those would be ignored but the '%s' parameter was specified which cause SQL Server to exit. Remove the offending parameters. Check the error log for further details.
49916 10 Yes UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
49917 10 Yes Default collation: %ls (%ls %u)
49918 16 No Cannot process request. Not enough resources to process request. Please retry your request later.
49919 16 No Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations. Wait till pending create/update requests are complete or delete one of your pending create/update requests and retry your request later.
49920 16 No Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations and wait till the operation is complete or delete one of the pending requests and retry later.
49921 10 Yes Total Log Writer threads: %ld. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49922 16 No Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
49924 16 No Subscription '%ld' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%ls'. Try creating a database with different service level objective.
49925 16 No Databases cannot be updated to free service level objective.
49926 10 No Server setup is starting
49927 10 No An error occurred while setting the server administrator (SA) password: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49928 10 No An error occurred during server setup. See previous errors for more information.
49929 10 No Server setup completed successfully.
49930 10 Yes Parallel redo is %ls for database '%.*ls' with worker pool size [%d].
49931 10 No An error occurred while configuring the LocalSystem login required for engine telemetry and clustering: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49932 10 No An error occurred while initializing security. %ls.
49933 10 No ERROR: The MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable must be set when using the --reset-sa-password option.
49934 10 Yes Error %u occurred while reading the RbIo configuration parameters. Verify that the sqlservr.ini or registry entries exist.
49935 10 Yes Enclave of type %d initialized successfully.
49936 10 No ERROR: The provided PID [%s] is invalid. The PID must be in the form #####-#####-#####-#####-##### where '#' is a number or letter.
49937 10 No ERROR: A failure occurred in the licensing subsystem. Error [%d].
49938 10 No The licensing PID was successfully processed. The new edition is [%s].
49939 16 No Unable to initialize user-specified certificate configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the certificate is correctly configured. Error[%d]. State[%d].
49940 16 No Unable to open one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) exist with read permissions for the user and group running SQL Server.
49941 16 No Unable to load one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) are of a supported format. Ensure there are no invalid tags or empty lines before tags in certificate file(s).
49942 16 No Internal error occurred initializing user-specified certificate configuration. Error code [%08X].
49943 10 No The certificate [Certificate File:'%hs', Private Key File:'%hs'] was successfully loaded for encryption.
49944 16 No The allowed TLS protocol version list ['%hs'] is invalid. Verify that the supplied TLS version numbers are supported by SQL Server and separated by spaces in the configuration.
49945 16 No The allowed TLS cipher list ['%hs'] is invalid. See docs.microsoft.com for more information on creating a cipher list.
49946 16 No Internal error occurred initializing the TLS configuration. Error code [%d].
49947 16 No Unable to initialize the TLS configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the allowed TLS protocol and cipher lists are configured correctly. Error state [%d].
49948 10 No Successfully initialized the TLS configuration. Allowed TLS protocol versions are ['%hs']. Allowed TLS ciphers are ['%hs'].
49949 10 No ERROR: Unable to set system administrator password: %s.
49950 10 No The SQL Server End-User License Agreement (EULA) must be accepted before SQL
49951 10 No Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
49952 10 No http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746388.
49953 10 No You can accept the EULA by specifying the --accept-eula command line option,
49954 10 No setting the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, or using the mssql-conf tool.
49955 10 No Environment Variable Startup Parameters:%.*ls
49956 10 No The default language (LCID %d) has been set for engine and full-text services.
49957 10 No The default language (LCID %d) failed to be set for engine and full-text services.
49958 21 No The server collation cannot be changed with user databases attached. Please detach user databases before changing server collation.
49959 10 No ERROR: The environment variable MSSQL_COLLATION contains an invalid collation '%.*ls'.
49960 10 No Did not find an existing master data file %s, copying the missing default master and other system database files. If you have moved the database location, but not moved the database files, startup may fail. To repair: shutdown SQL Server, move the master database to configured location, and restart.
49961 10 No Setup step is %scopying system data file '%s' to '%s'.
49962 10 No ERROR: Setup FAILED copying system data file '%s' to '%s': %s
49963 10 No ERROR: '%s' is a directory. Cannot continue.
49964 10 No ERROR: Setup failed to create the system data directory '%s': %s
49965 10 No Unable to load cluster root CA certificate due to OSError:'%s'.
49966 16 No Unable to install the AAD Cert. Verify that '%s' exists and is in the correct PFX format. Error state [%d].
49967 16 No Unable to install the AAD Cert. Cannot load cert path from registry. Error state [%d].
49972 16 No Cannot add tempdb remote file to local tempdb filegroup in transition to primary.
49973 16 No Cannot remove tempdb remote file to local tempdb filegroup in transition to primary.
49974 16 No CREATE DATABASE statement is not supported in a Synapse workspace. To create a SQL pool, use the Azure Synapse Portal or the Synapse REST API.
49975 10 No Unable to load controller client certificate due to OSError:'%s'.
49976 16 No Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription '%ls'.
49977 16 No The elastic pool '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please wait until the ongoing operation finishes and try again.
49978 16 No ALTER DATABASE NAME statement is not supported in a Synapse workspace. To update the name of a SQL pool, use the Azure Synapse Portal or the Synapse REST API.
49979 16 No DROP DATABASE statement is not supported in a Synapse workspace. To delete a SQL pool, use the Azure Synapse Portal or the Synapse REST API.
49980 10 No https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139274.
49981 16 No Server '%ls' requires permissions: '%ls' on Azure Key Vault for key '%ls'. Please grant the server both access and required permissions to key vault and retry.
49982 16 No Choose a different name for this workspace resource. A '%ls' with the name '%ls' already exists.
49983 16 No The '%ls' operation failed to complete. Retry the operation. Create a support request if the retry attempts do not succeed.
49984 16 No Select a different name for this server. A server with the name '%ls' already exists.
49985 16 No The data exfiltration upsert operation is already in progress.
49986 16 No Failed to perform data exfiltration operation.
49987 16 No The logical server extension '%ls' not found.
49988 16 No Before creating a resource. Grant the workspace Managed Identity required permissions in the Azure Key Vault of the workspace. Then activate your workspace after you have granted access.
49989 10 No Database is logically paused. Wait for physicalPauseDelay to expire to issue Physical pause (deactivation) of DB.
49990 16 No Choose a different name for this '%ls' resource. Deletion of a '%ls' with the name '%ls' is currently in progress. The selected name can be used when the operation is completed.
49991 16 No The requested service level objective for this pool exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49992 16 No The count of pools in this workspace exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49993 16 No The count of pools in this subscription exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49994 16 No The combined usage of pools on the workspace exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49995 16 No The combined usage of pools in this subscription exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49996 16 No The databases count on the workspace exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49997 16 No The databases count in this subscription exceeds the current limit. To increase the limit, please create support ticket.
49998 16 No Restore/GeoRestore very large database is blocked in this region. To enable it, please create support ticket.
49999 16 No Could not perform the operation because the subscription would exceed the allowed vCore quota of %d.