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Add and Remove Publishers from Replication Monitor

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

The server from which you launch Replication Monitor is automatically added to the monitor if it is a Publisher. Additional Publishers can be added through the Add Publisher dialog box. After adding a Publisher, it is displayed in a group in the left pane of the monitor. The My Publishers group is included by default, but you can create new groups to manage one or more replication topologies. For information about starting Replication Monitor, see Start the Replication Monitor.

To add a SQL Server Publisher

  1. Right-click the Replication Monitor node or a Publisher group node in the left pane, and then click Add Publisher.

  2. In the Add Publisher dialog box, click Add, and then click Add SQL Server Publisher.

  3. In the Connect to Server dialog box:

    • If your Publisher server is standalone or part of a failover cluster instance, then in the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the name of the Publisher and select the authentication type.

    • If your Publisher is part of an availability group, then in the Connect to Server dialog box enter the listener of the Publisher availability Group. Since the active Publisher node may change, entering the listener ensures Replication Monitor directs traffic to the current primary replica of the availability group. Enter the same value for Replication Monitor as you're using for sp_redirect_publisher. Query the distribution database table MSRedirected_Publishers to determine what value is being passed to sp_redirect_publisher.

      Next, select the authentication type. If you select SQL Server Authentication, enter a login and password. Replication Monitor saves the credentials you enter and uses them to connect to this server in the future. The Windows account or SQL Server login specified must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or a member of the replmonitor fixed database role in the distribution database.

  4. Click Connect. If the Publisher uses a remote Distributor, you will be prompted to connect to the Distributor in the Connect to Server dialog box. The credentials you specify are saved by Replication Monitor to use when connecting to this server in the future. The Windows account or SQL Server login specified must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or a member of the replmonitor fixed database role in the distribution database.

  5. The name of the Publisher and Distributor are displayed in the Start monitoring the following Publisher(s) grid.

  6. To specify refresh and connection options for the Publisher, select the Publisher in the grid, and modify options as necessary. For more information about refresh options, see Caching, Refresh, and Replication Monitor Performance.

  7. Select the group under which the Publisher should be displayed in Replication Monitor. To create a new group, click New Group, and then enter a group name; select the group in the Show this Publisher(s) in the following group list.

  8. Select OK.


If you are having issues resolving connections from Replication Monitor to your availability groups, check the following:

  • You have properly set up redirection through sp_redirect_publisher. There should only be one record per publication and database, which should reference the original primary publisher in MSRedirected_Publishers.
  • Verify that you did not add the listener as a Publisher on the Distributor. You can verify this by running sp_helpdistpublisher on the Distributor instance.
  • Ensure the value you are passing as the Publisher for Replication Monitor is the value stored in distribution..MSRedirected_Publishers. For example, if the listener for your Publisher availability group uses a custom port, and redirection was configured with the custom port, then you need to include the port when you configure the Publisher in Replication Monitor. However, if your listener uses a custom port and you used an alias to configure redirection to the listener, then you will need to recreate the alias on the client that is launching Replication Monitor. Passing the port is the recommended method over relying on aliases.

To add an Oracle Publisher

  1. Right-click the Replication Monitor node or a Publisher group node in the left pane, and then click Add Publisher.

  2. In the Add Publisher dialog box, click Add, and then click Add Oracle Publisher.

  3. In the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the name of the Microsoft SQL Server Distributor associated with the Oracle Publisher, and then select the authentication type. If you select SQL Server Authentication, enter a login and password. The credentials you specify are saved by Replication Monitor to use when connecting to this server in the future. The Windows account or SQL Server login specified must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or a member of the replmonitor fixed database role in the distribution database.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. The name of the Publisher and Distributor are displayed in the Start monitoring the following Publisher(s) grid.

  6. To specify refresh and connection options for the Publisher, select the Publisher in the grid, and modify options as necessary. For more information about refresh options, see Caching, Refresh, and Replication Monitor Performance.

  7. Select the group under which the Publisher should be displayed in Replication Monitor. To create a new group, click New Group, and then enter a group name; select the group in the Show this Publisher(s) in the following group list.

  8. Select OK.

To add one or more Publishers that use the same Distributor

  1. Right-click the Replication Monitor node or a Publisher group node in the left pane, and then click Add Publisher.

  2. In the Add Publisher dialog box, click Add, and then click Specify a Distributor and Add Its Publishers.

  3. In the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the name of the Distributor, and then select the authentication type. If you select SQL Server Authentication, enter a login and password. The credentials you specify are saved by Replication Monitor to use when connecting to this server in the future. The Windows account or SQL Server login specified must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or a member of the replmonitor fixed database role in the distribution database.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. The name of the Distributor and each Publisher are displayed in the Start monitoring the following Publisher(s) grid. If a Publisher has already been added to Replication Monitor, it does not appear in the grid.

  6. To specify refresh and connection options for the Publisher, select the Publisher in the grid, and modify options as necessary. For more information about refresh options, see Caching, Refresh, and Replication Monitor Performance.

  7. Select the group under which Publishers should be displayed in Replication Monitor. To create a new group, click New Group, and then enter a group name; select the group in the Show this Publisher(s) in the following group list.

  8. Select OK.

To modify settings for the Publisher and Publisher Groups

  1. Right-click a Publisher in the left pane, and then click Publisher Settings.

  2. Make any changes in the Publisher Settings dialog box:

    • To change the credentials that Replication Monitor uses to connect to a server, click Publisher Connection or Distributor Connection, and then enter credentials in the Connect to Server dialog box.

    • To move a Publisher from one group to another, select the Publisher in the Start monitoring the following Publisher(s) grid, and then select the new group in the Show this Publisher(s) in the following group list.

  3. Select OK.

To remove a Publisher from Replication Monitor

  1. Right-click a Publisher in the left pane.

  2. Click Remove.

To add a Publisher group to Replication Monitor

  1. Publisher groups can be created only when adding a Publisher or modifying settings for a Publisher. See the how to procedures on adding a Publisher for more information.

To remove a Publisher group from Replication Monitor

  1. Move all Publishers to a different group or remove them from Replication Monitor. For more information, see previous procedures in this topic.

  2. Right-click the Publisher group, and then click Remove.