31 Mar 23 - 2 Nis 23
En büyük SQL, Fabric ve Power BI öğrenme etkinliği. 31 Mart – 2 Nisan. 400 ABD doları tasarruf etmek için FABINSIDER kodunu kullanın.
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The rsconfig.exe utility encrypts and stores connection and account values in the RSReportServer.config file. Encrypted values include report server database connection information and account values used for unattended report processing.
rsconfig {-?}
Term | Optional/Required | Definition |
-? | Optional. | Displays the syntax of Rsconfig.exe arguments. |
-c | Required if -e argument isn't used. | Specifies the connection string, credentials, and data source values used to connect a report server to the report server database. This argument doesn't take a value. However, other arguments must be specified with it to provide all of the required connection values. Arguments that you can specify with -c include -m, -s, -i,-d,-a,-u,-p, and-t. |
-e | Required if -c argument isn't used. | Specifies the unattended report execution account. This argument doesn't take a value. However, you must include other arguments on the command line to specify that values that are encrypted in the configuration file. Arguments that you can specify with -e include -u and -p. You can also set -t. |
-m computername | Required if you're configuring a remote report server instance. | Specifies the name of the computer that is hosting the report server. If this argument is omitted, the default is localhost. |
-s servername | Required. | Specifies the SQL Server instance that hosts the report server database. |
-i instancename | Required if you use named instances. | If you used a named Reporting Services instance, this value specifies the name of the Reporting Services instance. |
-d databasename | Required. | Specifies the name of the report server database. |
-a authmethod | Required. | Specifies the authentication method that the report server uses to connect to the report server database. Valid values are Windows or SQL (this argument isn't case-sensitive). Windows specifies that the report server use Windows Authentication. SQL specifies that the report server use SQL Server Authentication. |
-u [domain\]username | Required with -e Optional with -c. | Specifies a user account for the report server database connection or for the unattended account. For rsconfig -e, this argument is required. It must be a domain user account. For rsconfig -c and -a SQL, this argument must specify a SQL Server sign in. For rsconfig -c and -a Windows, this argument might specify a domain user, a built-in account, or service account credentials. If you're specifying a domain account, specify domain and username in the format domain\username. If you use a built-in account, this argument is optional. If you want to use service account credentials, omit this argument. |
-p password | Required if -u is specified. | Specifies the password to use with the username argument. You can set this argument to a blank value if the account doesn't require a password. This value is case-sensitive for domain accounts. |
-t | Optional. | Outputs error messages to the trace log. This argument doesn't take a value. For more information, see Report Server Service Trace Log. |
You must be a local administrator on the computer that hosts the report server you're configuring.
Rsconfig.exe is located in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn. You can run the utility from any folder on your file system.
Rsconfig.exe is used for two purposes:
To modify the connection information that a report server uses to connect to a report server database.
To configure a special account that the report server uses to, sign in to a remote database server when other credentials aren't available.
You can run the rsconfig utility on a local or remote instance of Reporting Services. You can't use the rsconfig utility to decrypt and view values that are already set.
Before you can run this utility, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) must be installed on the computer that you're configuring.
The following examples illustrate ways to use rsconfig.
This example shows how to configure a report server to use a domain user account when connecting to a local report server database.
rsconfig -c -s <SQLSERVERNAME> -d reportserver -a Windows -u <MYDOMAIN\MYACCOUNT> -p <PASSWORD>
This example shows how to configure a report server to use SQL Server sign in to connect to a remote report server database.
rsconfig -c -m <REMOTECOMPUTERNAME> -s <SQLSERVERNAME> -d reportserver -a SQL -u SA -p <SAPASSWORD>
This example shows how to configure a report server to use a built-in account when connecting to a local report server database. Notice that -u isn't used. Examples of supported built-in account values include NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for Local System and NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE for Network Service ( Microsoft Windows Server 2003 only).
rsconfig -c -s <SQLSERVERNAME> -d reportserver -a Windows "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"
This example demonstrates how to configure a report server to use the Report Server Windows service account. It also illustrates configuring the Web service account when connecting to a local report server database. Notice that -u isn't used and that no account information is specified. When you eliminate account values from the command, the rsconfig utility uses integrated security and the service account that each service runs under.
rsconfig -c -s <SQLSERVERNAME> -d reportserver -a Windows
This example shows how to configure the account used for unattended report execution for reports that don't pass credentials to the external data source. The account must be a Windows domain account. You can't specify a SQL Server sign in for the user name and password. The account is configured on a local report server instance. Error messages are captured in the trace logs in the ReportingServices\LogFiles folder.
rsconfig -e -u <DOMAIN\ACCOUNT> -p <PASSWORD> -t
This example shows how to configure the account on a remote report server instance that is the same version as Rsconfig.exe. For example, the report server and Rsconfig.exe are the SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Error message information is captured in the trace logs on the remote server.
31 Mar 23 - 2 Nis 23
En büyük SQL, Fabric ve Power BI öğrenme etkinliği. 31 Mart – 2 Nisan. 400 ABD doları tasarruf etmek için FABINSIDER kodunu kullanın.
Bugün kaydolunEğitim
Windows Server kullanıcı hesaplarının güvenliğini sağlama - Training
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RsReportServer.config yapılandırma dosyası - SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
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