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Project Settings (Type Mapping) (AccessToSQL)

The Type Mapping project settings let you set default type mappings for the SSMA project. You can also specify type mappings for individual database objects. For more information, see Mapping Source and Target Data Types.

Type mapping is available in the Project Settings and Default Project Settings dialog boxes:

  • Use the Project Settings dialog box to set configuration options for the current project. To access the type mapping settings, on the Tools menu, select Project Settings, and then click Type Mapping in the left pane.

  • Use the Default Project Settings dialog box to set configuration options for all projects. To access the type mapping settings, on the Tools menu, select Default Project Settings, select migration project type for which settings are required to be viewed /changed from Migration Target Version drop down and then click Type Mapping in the left pane.


Source Type
The Access data type to map.

Target Type
The target SQL Server or SQL Azure data type for the specified Access data type.

The following table shows the default mapping between source and target data types.

Access Data Type SQL Server Data Type
binary[*..*] varbinary[*]
boolean bit
byte tinyint
currency money
date datetime
decimal float
double float
guid uniqueidentifier
integer smallint
long int
longbinary varbinary(max)
memo nvarchar(max)
memo - for Access 97 varchar(max)
single real
text[*..*] nvarchar[*]
text[*..*] - for Access 97 varchar[*]

Click to add a data type to the mapping list.

Click to edit a data type in the mapping list.

Click to remove the selected data type mapping from the mapping list.

Reset to Default
Click to reset all data type mappings to the SSMA defaults.

See Also

Mapping Source and Target Data Types
User Interface Reference(Access)