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Selecting and Configuring Affected Objects (OracleToSQL)

At this page you can select tables and foreign keys, changes in which should be compared when SSMA verifies the results of execution for the objects chosen in the previous step. Also, you can customize the verification parameters.

Selection of Affected Objects

In the Oracle object tree located on the left side of the window, check the tables and foreign keys, changes in which should be compared for being identical.

If SSMA Tester cannot verify any of these objects, you will see the link labeled Some selected objects contain errors under the objects tree. Click this link to view the reasons why these objects cannot be compared and to clear the selection of wrong objects.


The Table tab contains the grid view of the table selected. The grid contains the following information about the selected table:

  • Column Name

  • Data Type

  • Precision

  • Scale

  • Rule

  • Default

  • Identity

  • Nullable


SQL tab contains the "Create table" SQL of the table selected.


Data tab displays data present in the table selected.


Properties tab displays Properties of the selected table. The following fields are present under the Properties tab:

  • Created or Last Modified

  • Object Name

Columns Comparison Settings

Establish the comparison rules for table columns on Columns Comparison page. You can make the following settings.

Use During Test Comparisons

Determine if this column will participate in test results verification.

  • If you choose True, SSMA will compare the contents of this column after executing the test on Oracle with the contents of the column in SQL Server.

  • If you chooseFalse, the column will be excluded from results verification.

Use Custom Scale

For columns of numeric data type, you can set a custom scale for the comparison.

  • If you choose True, numeric values will be rounded according to the Comparing Scale value before they are compared.

  • If you chooseFalse, the numeric comparison will be exact.

Comparing Scale

  • Available only if the Use Custom Scale option is set to True. This is the precision for numeric comparison.

Date Time Comparing

Defines how date/time values are compared.

  • If you select Compare Whole Date, full comparison of values from both platforms will be performed.

  • If you select Compare Only Date, the time part will be ignored.

  • If you select Compare Only Time, the date part will be ignored.

  • If you select Ignore Milliseconds, the results will be compared up to seconds.

  • If you select Ignore Date and Milliseconds, the result will be compared only by time part and ignoring fractional parts of a second.

Ignore Strings Case

Controls the comparison's case sensitivity.

  • If you choose True, the comparison will be case insensitive.

  • If you choose False, the comparison will account for letter case.

Comparing SQL

You can view the SELECT statements generated by SSMA Tester on the Comparing SQL page. The Tester will compare the result sets of these statements on a row-by-row basis. Each next row of an Oracle result set should be equal to the next row of the result set produced in SQL Server.

You can edit those SELECT statements to provide custom verification. To save the changes in Oracle and in SQL Server statements, use the Apply buttons under the source and target SQL, correspondingly.

Next Step

Customizing Calls Order (OracleToSQL)

See Also

Finishing Test Case Preparation (OracleToSQL)
Running Test Cases (OracleToSQL)
Testing Migrated Database Objects (OracleToSQL)