
Aracılığıyla paylaş


Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

Returns the character representation (JSON) of the edge ID for a given object ID and graph ID.


EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS ( object_id, graph_id )



An int representing the object ID for the edge table.


A bigint value for the graph ID for an edge.

Return value

Returns an nvarchar(1000) character representation (JSON) of the edge ID. The return value can be NULL if any of the supplied arguments are invalid.


  • The character representation (JSON) of the edge ID returned by EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS is an implementation specific detail, and is subject to change.
  • EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS is the only supported way to construct a suitable character representation (JSON) of the edge ID.
  • EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS is useful in cases involving bulk insert of data into an edge table, when the source data has a suitable natural or surrogate key with an integer data type.
  • The value returned from EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS can be used to populate the $edge_id column in an edge table.
  • For EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS to return valid character representation (JSON) of an edge ID, the object_id parameter must correspond to an existing edge table. The graph_id parameter can be any valid integer, but it need not exist in that edge table. If any of these checks fail, EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS returns NULL.


The following example uses the OPENROWSET Bulk Rowset Provider to retrieve the dataset_key and rating columns from a CSV file stored on an Azure Storage account. It then uses EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS to create the character representation of $edge_id, using the dataset_key from the CSV file. It also uses NODE_ID_FROM_PARTS twice to create the appropriate character representations of $from_id (for the Person node table) and $to_id values (for the Restaurant node table) respectively. This transformed data is then (bulk) inserted into the likes edge table.

INSERT INTO likes($edge_id, $from_id, $to_id, rating)
SELECT EDGE_ID_FROM_PARTS(OBJECT_ID('likes'), dataset_key) as from_id
, NODE_ID_FROM_PARTS(OBJECT_ID('Person'), ID) as from_id
, NODE_ID_FROM_PARTS(OBJECT_ID('Restaurant'), ID) as to_id
, rating
FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'person_likes_restaurant.csv',
    DATA_SOURCE = 'staging_data_source',
    FORMATFILE = 'format-files/likes.xml',
    FORMATFILE_DATA_SOURCE = 'format_files_source',
    FIRSTROW = 2) AS staging_data;

See also