Download user files


A list of files with no way to download them is sure to disappoint users, so we need to add a download feature. You might think those files would have simple hyperlinks, but remember that Microsoft 365 is a secure environment, so the download needs to be secured. Microsoft Graph provides a short-lived download URL that has the security built right in, but it needs to be used immediately.

When you retrieve a list of files, instead of retrieving URLs that would be invalid before a user could select them, the code requests the ID of each file. The file ID is exchanged for a download URL at the instant the user selects the link. Here's that call again for your reference:

const response = await graphClient

When a user selects a file link, an onClick event sends the user to the downloadFile() function that retrieves the short-lived URL and downloads the file immediately.

async function downloadFile(file) {
  try {
    const response = await graphClient
    const downloadUrl = response["@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl"];, "_self");
  } catch (error) {

The /me/drive/items/<file ID> call retrieves metadata about the specified file. Notice the select() option that requests @microsoft.graph.downloadUrl. This property must be explicitly requested for the short-lived download URL because it isn't returned by default.

The call with a target of _self instructs the browser to download the file instead of navigating to it.