

With Customer Insights - Data, organizations can build a deeper understanding of their customer base. You do this by ingesting data from various transactional, behavioral, and observational sources to create a 360-degree customer view. After you create unified customer profiles, your organization can:

  • define which important KPIs they want to track,

  • build segments to better understand who their customers are,

  • and enrich the data to identify brand affiliations.

This module examined how Customer Insights - Data can help provide your organization with a 360-degree view of your customer. It can help you to better drive actions by:

  • Examining the components that are included with Customer Insights - Data and learning how to work with the application.

  • Learning how to define search and filter indexes to help make locating customer information quick and easy.

  • Exploring the role of table relationships and activities and how they're used in the application.

  • Reviewing how Customer Insights data enrichment capabilities can provide a deeper understanding of customer demographics and brand affiliations.

  • Learning about what measures are used in Customer Insights - Data, the different measure types that are available, and how you can define them.

  • Exploring the customer segmentation capabilities and how to create them.

  • Determining how Customer Insights - Data can be combined with other applications such as Power Apps, Dynamics 365 Sales, and Power BI to create a complete solution.

The next step would be building a complete solution. These steps might include looking into further training such as a workshop, where you build out the solution that we discussed in this course.