Disables the Windows status messages during device startup, sign-in, and shut down.
Value | Description |
0 | Do not suppress the Windows status messages during device startup, sign-in, and shut down. This is the default value. |
1 | Suppress the Windows status messages during device startup, sign-in, and shut down. |
Parent Hierarchy
Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-EmbeddedLogon | UIVerbosityLevel
Valid Configuration Passes
Applies To
For a list of the Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-EmbeddedLogon.
XML Example
<settings pass="specialize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-EmbeddedLogon" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">