
Aracılığıyla paylaş

Output keywords

These keywords are used to describe the actual output processes for a given 3D manufacturing job.

4.1. Job3DQuality

Characteristic Details
Name psk3d:Job3DQuality
Valid for

PrintCapabilities documents

PrintTicket documents

Element type Feature
SelectionType psk:PickOne

Options defined by the Print Schema keywords for 3D manufacturing are as follows:

Child: Option psk3d:Draft

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD have the fastest output with the lowest resolution possible for the device.

Child: Option psk3d:Medium

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD give equal priority to speed of output and output resolution.

Child: Option psk3d:High

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD give highest priority to output resolution, regardless of speed.

Job3DQuality keyword usage

<psf:Feature name="psk3d:Job3DQuality">
    <psf:Property name="SelectionType">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:QName">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Draft" />
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Medium" />
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:High" />

4.2. Job3DDensity

Characteristic Details
Name psk3d:Job3DDensity
Valid for

PrintCapabilities documents

PrintTicket documents

Element type Feature
SelectionType psk:PickOne

Options defined by the Print Schema keywords for 3D manufacturing are as follows:

Child: Option psk3d:Hollow

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output jobs with no internal supports (hollow).

Child: Option psk3d:Low

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output jobs with approximately 10% infill supports.

Child: Option psk3d:Medium

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output jobs with approximately 25% infill supports.

Child: Option psk3d:High

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output jobs with approximately 50% infill supports.

Child: Option psk3d:Solid

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output jobs 100% filled.

Job3DDensity keyword usage

<psf:Feature name="psk3d:Job3DDensity">
    <psf:Property name="SelectionType">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:QName">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Hollow"/>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Low"/>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Medium"/>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:High"/>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Solid"/>

4.3. Job3DSliceHeight

This Parameter SHOULD be used to communicate the desired thickness of each slice, if the psk3d:Job3DQuality parameter is deemed insufficient.

Job3DSliceHeight keyword profile

Characteristic Details
Name psk3d:Job3DSliceHeight
Valid for PrintCapabilities documents
Element type ParameterDef

psk3d:Job3DSliceHeight is an IntegerParamType, as described in §, "<psf:ParameterDef>" in the Print Schema Specification.

Child: IntegerParamType


The psf:MinValue Property Value MUST be greater than 0.

The psf:MaxValue Property Value MAY be defined by vendors, and MUST be greater than or equal to the psf:MinValue Property Value.

The psf:Multiple Property Value MUST be 1.

The psf:Multiple Property Value MUST be 1.

The psf:UnitType Property Value MUST be microns.

Job3DSliceHeight initialization profile

Characteristic Details
Name psk3d:Job3DSliceHeight
Valid for PrintTicket documents
Element type ParameterInit

Contains exactly 1 <Value> child element as follows:

Child: Value

xsi:type: xsd:integer

Value: SliceHeight

Description: SliceHeight MUST contain a positive integer equal to desired slice height, in microns.

Job3DSliceHeight keyword usage

The Parameter definition is as follows:

<psf:ParameterDef name="psk3d:Job3DSliceHeight">
    <psf:Property name="psf:DataType">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:QName">xsd:integer</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:DefaultValue">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:integer">100</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:MaxValue">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:integer">3000</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:MinValue">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:integer">50</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:Multiple">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:integer">1</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:Mandatory">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:QName">psk:Optional</psf:Value>
    <psf:Property name="psf:UnitType">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:string">microns</psf:Value>

This Parameter is initialized as follows:

<psf:ParameterInit name="psk3d:Job3DSliceHeight">
    <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:integer">150</psf:Value>

4.4. Job3DOutputColor

The psk3d:Job3DOutputColor keyword specifies whether the model is to be reproduced in full color or with a single monochromatic material (the color of the base material).

Characteristic Details
Name psk3d:Job3DOutputColor
Valid for

PrintCapabilities documents

PrintTicket documents

Element type Feature
SelectionType psk:PickOne

Options defined by the Print Schema keywords for 3D manufacturing are as follows:

Child: Option psk3d:Color

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output a job in full color.

Child: Option psk3d:Monochrome

Description: This Option specifies that the device SHOULD output a job in a single color.

Job3DOutputColor keyword usage

<psf:Feature name="psk3d:Job3DOutputColor">
    <psf:Property name="SelectionType">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xsd:QName">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Color" />
    <psf:Option name="psk3d:Monochrome" />