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Managing Hyper-V Extensible Switch Run-Time Data

This topic describes save and restore operations for Hyper-V extensible switch extensions. These operations allow an extension to save and restore run-time data for individual extensible switch network adapters(NICs). These operations are performed when a Hyper-V child partition that has a network adapter connection to an extensible switch port is being stopped or started.

Saving Hyper-V Extensible Switch Run-Time Data

This section describes the operation by which a Hyper-V Extensible Switch extension can save run-time data for individual network adapters (NICs). This operation is performed when a Hyper-V child partition with a network adapter connection to an extensible switch port is being stopped or its state is being saved.

Handling the OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE Request

When a Hyper-V child partition with a network adapter connection to an extensible switch port is stopped or its state is saved, the Hyper-V extensible switch interface is notified. This causes the protocol edge of the extensible switch to issue an object identifier (OID) method request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE down the extensible switch driver stack. When an extensible switch extension receives this OID request, it can save its run-time data for the specified network adapter connection that is attached to the child partition.

The InformationBuffer member of the NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure for the OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE request contains a pointer to an NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure. This structure is allocated by the protocol edge of the extensible switch and initialized in the following way:

  • The Header member is initialized to contain the current type, revision of the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure. Size is set to the full buffer size.

  • The PortId member contains the unique identifier of the extensible switch port for which the save operation is being performed.

When it receives the OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE method request, the extension does the following:

  1. The extension reads the PortId member of the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure.

  2. If the extension has run-time data to save for the specified NIC, it saves its data within the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure starting with SaveDataOffset bytes from the start of the structure. The extension then completes the OID method request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  3. If the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure does not provide a sufficient buffer to hold the runtime state, the extension the extension sets the method structure’s BytesNeeded field to NDIS_SIZEOF_NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE_REVISION_1 plus the amount of buffer necessary to hold the save data, and completes the OID with NDIS_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT. The OID will be re-issued with the required size.

  4. If the extension does not have run-time data to save for the specified NIC, it must call NdisFOidRequest. This forwards the OID method request to underlying drivers in the extensible switch driver stack. For more information about this procedure, see Filtering OID Requests in an NDIS Filter Driver.

If the extension has run-time port data to save, it must follow these guidelines when it saves run-time port data within the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure:

  1. The extension sets the ExtensionId member to the GUID value that uniquely identifies the driver.

  2. The extension sets the ExtensionFriendlyName member to the name of the driver.

    Note  The NDIS_SWITCH_EXTENSION_FRIENDLYNAME data type is type-defined by the IF_COUNTED_STRING structure. A string that is defined by this structure does not have to be null-terminated. However, the length of the string must be set in the Length member of this structure. If the string is NULL-terminated, the Length member must not include the terminating NULL character.

  3. If a feature class is associated with the saved run-time data, the extension sets the FeatureClassId with the GUID that uniquely identifies the class.

    Note  If a feature class is not associated with the saved run-time data, the extension sets the FeatureClassId to zero.

  4. The extension copies the run-time data to the SaveData member and sets the SaveDataSize member to the size, in bytes, of the run-time data.

Note  The extension must not change the Header or PortId members of the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure.

OID method requests of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE are ultimately handled by the underlying miniport edge of the extensible switch. Once this OID method request has been forwarded to the miniport driver through the extensible switch driver stack, the miniport driver completes the OID request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS. This notifies the protocol edge of the extensible switch that all extensions in the extensible switch driver stack have been queried for run-time port data. The protocol edge of the extensible switch then issues an OID set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE to complete the save operation.


When a Hyper-V child partition that has a network adapter connection to an extensible switch port is paused or its state is being saved, the Hyper-V extensible switch interface is notified. This causes the protocol edge of the extensible switch to issue an object identifier (OID) method request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE down the extensible switch driver stack.

When every Hyper-V extensible switch extension has saved its run-time data, the protocol edge of the extensible switch notifies underlying extensions that the save operation has completed. The protocol edge does this by issuing an OID set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE down the extensible switch driver stack.

Note  When a run-time save operation is started for an extensible switch network adapter connection, another save operation for the same network adapter connection will not be performed until the OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE request is issued. However, save operations for other network adapter connections could occur during this time.

The InformationBuffer member of the NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure for the OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE request contains a pointer to an NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure. This structure is allocated by the protocol edge of the extensible switch.

When it receives the OID set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE, the extension must follow these guidelines:

  • The extension must not modify the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure that is associated with the OID request.

  • The extension must call NdisFOidRequest to forward this OID request through the extensible switch extension stack. The extension must not fail the OID request.

    Note  The extension should monitor the completion status of this OID request. The extension does this to detect whether the save operation has completed successfully.

OID method requests of OID_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_COMPLETE are ultimately handled by the underlying miniport edge of the extensible switch. Once this OID method request has been received by the miniport edge, it completes the OID request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS. This notifies the protocol edge of the extensible switch that all extensions in the extensible switch driver stack have completed the save operation.

Restoring Hyper-V Extensible Switch Run-Time Data

When a Hyper-V child partition that has a network adapter connection to an extensible switch port is resumed from a pause, the Hyper-V extensible switch interface is notified. This causes the protocol edge of the extensible switch to issue an object identifier (OID) set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE down the extensible switch driver stack. When an extension receives this OID request, it can restore its run-time data for the extensible switch port that is used by the child partition.

The InformationBuffer member of the NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure for the OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE request contains a pointer to an NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure. This structure is allocated by the protocol edge of the extensible switch.

When it receives the OID set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE, the extensible switch extension must first determine whether it owns the run-time data. The extension does this by comparing the value of the ExtensionId member of the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure to the GUID value that the extension uses to identify itself.

If the extension owns the run-time data for an extensible switch NIC, it restores this data in the following way:

  1. The extension copies the run-time data in the SaveData member to driver-allocated storage.

    Note  The value of the PortId member of the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure may be different from the PortId value at the time that the run-time data was saved. This can occur if run-time data was saved during a Live Migration from one host to another. However, the configuration of the extensible switch NIC is retained during the Live Migration. This enables the extension to restore the run-time data to the extensible switch NIC by using the new PortId value.

  2. The extension completes the OID set request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

If the extension does not own the specified run-time data to save, the extension calls NdisFOidRequest. This forwards the OID set request to underlying drivers in the extensible switch driver stack. In this case, the extension must not modify the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure that is associated with the OID request. For more information on how to forward OID requests, see Filtering OID Requests in an NDIS Filter Driver.

If the OID set request of OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE is completed with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, the protocol edge of the extensible switch issues another OID set request. When it receives this new OID set request, the extension can do one of the following:

  • If it owns the run-time data in the new OID request, the extension restores the additional run-time data within the NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_SAVE_STATE structure. The extension then completes the OID request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • If it does not own the run-time data in the new OID request, the extension calls NdisFOidRequest to forward this OID set request to underlying drivers.

The extensible switch interface signals the protocol edge of the extensible switch to issue this OID at the completion of the restore operation of run-time data for an extensible switch network adapter.

This OID request notifies the extension that the restore operation has completed only for a specified extensible switch NIC.

For more information about this OID request, see OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE_COMPLETE.

Note  If the OID_SWITCH_NIC_RESTORE set request is received by the miniport edge of the extensible switch, it completes the OID request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS. This notifies the protocol edge of the extensible switch that no extension owns the run-time data. If this happens, the extensible switch interface logs an event that documents the ExtensionId and PortId member values for the extension that originally saved the run-time port data.