29 Nis 14 - 30 Nis 19
Ayrıntılı teknik oturumlar ve Microsoft mühendisleriyle canlı soru-cevap için 29-30 Nisan tarihleri arasında nihai Windows Server sanal etkinliğine katılın.
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In AD FS on Windows Server 2012 R2, we introduced a security feature called Extranet Lockout. With this feature, AD FS will "stop" authenticating the "malicious" user account from outside for a period of time. This prevents your user accounts from being locked out in Active Directory. In addition to protecting your users from an AD account lockout, AD FS extranet lockout also protects against brute force password guessing attacks.
This feature only works for the extranet scenario where the authentication requests come through the Web Application Proxy and only applies to username and password authentication.
Extranet lockout provides the following key advantages:
There are three settings in AD FS that you need to configure to enable this feature:
AD FS extranet lockout functions independently from the AD lockout policies. However, we strongly recommend that you set the ExtranetLockoutThreshold parameter value to a value that's less than the AD account lockout threshold. Failing to do so would result in AD FS being unable to protect accounts from being locked out in Active Directory.
An example of enabling Extranet Lockout feature with maximum of 15 number of bad password attempts and 30 mins soft-lockout duration is as follows:
Set-AdfsProperties -EnableExtranetLockout $true -ExtranetLockoutThreshold 15 -ExtranetObservationWindow (new-timespan -Minutes 30)
These settings will apply to all domains that the AD FS service can authenticate. The way that it works is that when AD FS receives an authentication request, it'll access the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) through an LDAP call and perform a lookup for the badPwdCount attribute for the user on the PDC. If AD FS finds the value of badPwdCount >= ExtranetLockoutThreshold setting and the time defined in the Extranet Observation Window has not passed yet, AD FS will reject the request immediately, which means no matter whether the user enters a good or bad password from extranet, the logon will fail because AD FS doesn't send the credentials to AD. AD FS doesn't maintain any state with regard to badPwdCount or locked out user accounts. AD FS uses AD for all state tracking.
When AD FS Extranet lockout on Server 2012 R2 is enabled all authentication requests through the WAP are validated by AD FS on the PDC. When the PDC is unavailable, users will be unable to authenticate from the extranet.
Server 2016 offers an additional parameter that allows AD FS to fallback to another domain controller when the PDC is unavailable:
You can use the following Windows PowerShell command to configure the AD FS extranet lockout on Server 2016:
Set-AdfsProperties -EnableExtranetLockout $true -ExtranetLockoutThreshold 15 -ExtranetObservationWindow (new-timespan -Minutes 30) -ExtranetLockoutRequirePDC $false
The Extranet Lockout feature in AD FS works independently from the AD lockout policy. However, you do need to make sure the settings for the Extranet Lockout is properly configured so that it can serve its security purpose with the AD lockout policy.
Let's take a look at AD lockout policy first. There are three settings regarding lockout policy in AD:
Let's take a look at two examples and see how badPwdCount changes over time based on different settings and states. Let's assume in both examples Account Lockout Threshold = 4 and ExtranetLockoutThreshold = 2. The red arrow represents bad password attempt, the green arrow represents a good password attempt. In example #1, ExtranetObservationWindow > Reset Account Lockout Counter After. In example #2, ExtranetObservationWindow < Reset Account Lockout Counter After.
As you can see from the above, there are two conditions when badPwdCount will be reset to 0. One is when there's a successful logon. The other is when it's time to reset this counter as defined in Reset Account Lockout Counter After setting. When Reset Account Lockout Counter After < ExtranetObservationWindow, an account doesn't have any risk of being locked out by AD. However, if Reset Account Lockout Counter After > ExtranetObservationWindow, there's a chance that an account may be locked out by AD but in a "delayed fashion". It may take a while to get an account locked out by AD depending on your configuration as AD FS will only allow one bad password attempt during its observation window until badPwdCount reaches Account Lockout Threshold.
For more information, see Configuring Account Lockout.
There's a known issue where the AD user account can't authenticate with AD FS because the badPwdCount attribute isn't replicated to the domain controller that ADFS is querying. See 2971171 for more details. You can find all AD FS QFEs that have been released so far here.
29 Nis 14 - 30 Nis 19
Ayrıntılı teknik oturumlar ve Microsoft mühendisleriyle canlı soru-cevap için 29-30 Nisan tarihleri arasında nihai Windows Server sanal etkinliğine katılın.
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Windows Server 2016'da Extranet Akıllı Kilitleme özelliği - Windows Server
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