IWbemServices::PutInstanceAsync method (wbemcli.h)
The IWbemServices::PutInstanceAsync method asynchronously creates or updates an instance of an existing class. Update confirmation or error reporting is provided through the IWbemObjectSink interface implemented by the caller.
HRESULT PutInstanceAsync(
[in] IWbemClassObject *pInst,
[in] long lFlags,
[in] IWbemContext *pCtx,
[in] IWbemObjectSink *pResponseHandler
[in] pInst
Pointer to the instance to be written to the WMI repository. The caller cannot make assumptions about the reference count at the completion of this call.
[in] lFlags
Specifies whether the caller wants the instance created if the instance does not currently exist.
When implementing an instance provider, you can choose to support a limited number of the flags in lFlags by returning WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE.
This property can have one or more of the following values.
This flag causes this instance to be created if it does not exist or be overwritten if it exists already.
Updates an existing instance.
This flag is for instance creation only. The call fails if the class already exists.
This flag registers with Windows Management a request to receive intermediate status reports through the clients implementation of IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus. Provider implementation must support intermediate status reporting for this flag to change behavior.
If this flag is set, WMI does not store any qualifiers with the Amended flavor. If this flag is not set, it is assumed that this object is not localized, and all qualifiers are stored with this instance.
[in] pCtx
Pointer describing if the client is requesting a partial-instance update or full-instance update. A partial-instance update modifies a subset of the properties of the instance. In contrast, a full-instance update modifies all of the properties. If NULL, this parameter indicates that the caller application is requesting a full-instance update. Otherwise, this is a pointer to an IWbemContext object required by the dynamic class provider that is producing the class instances. For more information about this parameter, see Making Calls to WMI.
[in] pResponseHandler
Pointer to the caller's implementation of IWbemObjectSink. This handler receives the status of this call when it becomes available using the IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus method. If any error code is returned, then the supplied IWbemObjectSink pointer is not used. If WBEM_S_NO_ERROR is returned, then the user's IWbemObjectSink implementation is called to indicate the result of the operation. Windows Management only calls AddRef on the pointer in cases where WBEM_S_NO_ERROR returns. In cases where an error code returns, the reference count is the same as on entry. For more information about how to make asynchronous calls, see Calling a Method.
This method returns an HRESULT indicating the status of the method call. The following list lists the value contained within an HRESULT.
Note that if PutInstanceAsync returns WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, WMI waits for a result from the SetStatus method of the response handler. WMI waits indefinitely on a local connection or until a remote connection time-out occurs.
COM-specific error codes also may be returned if network problems cause you to lose the remote connection to Windows Management.
Clients that call PutInstanceAsync must always expect the results of the call to be reported using their IWbemObjectSink::Indicate method.
When the instance pointed to by pInst belongs to a class that is derived from other classes, the success of PutInstanceAsync depends on the success of the providers responsible for the parent classes. For example, if pInst belongs to ClassB and ClassB derives from ClassA, a call to the PutInstanceAsync method implemented by the provider for ClassA must succeed for the update operation on ClassB to succeed. For more information, see Remarks in IWbemServices::PutInstance.
When implementing an instance provider, if the instance has a key property set to NULL, PutInstanceAsync should choose a value guaranteed to be unique within the class. When WMI services a request to update an instance with a NULL key property, it internally generates a GUID and assigns it to the key property. Further, when the instance being updated belongs to a child class, the success of the operation is dependent on the success of a PutInstanceAsync call to each of the providers responsible for the classes higher in the hierarchy. Do not return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR until you are sure that all of the other providers have succeeded. For more information, see IWbemServices::PutInstance.
Instance providers supporting a partial update must check for the existence of the __PUT_EXTENSIONS context value. A system context value is a value defined by WMI to have specific meanings, is set by the client application, and is supported by an instance provider. The IWbemContext interface provides access to the system context values and other provider-specific context values. The following list lists the context values that support partial-instance update operations.
The IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus method is called to indicate the end of the result set. It may also be called with no intervening calls to IWbemObjectSink::Indicate if error conditions occur.
Because the call-back might not be returned at the same authentication level as the client requires, it is recommended that you use semisynchronous instead of asynchronous communication. If you require asynchronous communication, see Calling a Method.
For more information about using methods semisynchronously, see IWbemServices::PutInstance and Calling a Method.
System context value | Description |
The client application has set one or more of the other system context values to provide more information about the update operation. |
The instance provider must force the setting of properties to VT_NULL when appropriate and raise an error on failure. |
Contains a list of the properties to update. The instance provider should ignore all other properties. |
All updates must succeed or the instance provider must revert back. There can be no partial success. |
When implementing an instance provider, you should respond to a NULL property in pCtx in the following manner:
- If the property type is VT_NULL, the provider can either ignore the property without making a change or fail the operation.
- If the property type is not VT_NULL and the property cannot be updated, the provider should return an error, because the provider is obligated to update the property with the new value.
When implementing an async operation, the async operation not complete until you release any AddRef's you have performed on pResponseHandler. This is the case even if you call SetStatus on pResponseHander. If pResponseHandler is leaked, any sync or semi-sync clients will also not complete and possibly stop responding, depending on your implementation.
Even in catastrophic cases, you must release the references for decoupled providers. This is because in sync and semi-sync cases, the WMI service owns the implementation of pResponseHandler: even if your decoupled provider's process exits, the clients will still not be responding.
The following example describes how to structure PutInstanceAsync.
HRESULT CStdProvider::PutInstanceAsync(
/* [in] */ IWbemClassObject __RPC_FAR *pInst,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx,
/* [in] */ IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler
// You must implement the InstanceIsValid method
// to check to see if the instance in the pInst variable
// is valid.
if (InstanceIsValid(lFlags, pInst))
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows Vista |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2008 |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | wbemcli.h (include Wbemidl.h) |
Library | Wbemuuid.lib |
DLL | Fastprox.dll; Esscli.dll; FrameDyn.dll; FrameDynOS.dll; Ntevt.dll; Stdprov.dll; Viewprov.dll; Wbemcomn.dll; Wbemcore.dll; Wbemess.dll; Wbemsvc.dll; Wmipicmp.dll; Wmidcprv.dll; Wmipjobj.dll; Wmiprvsd.dll |