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ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges method (msctf.h)

Obtains an enumeration of ranges that contain unique values of the property within the given range.


HRESULT EnumRanges(
  [in]  TfEditCookie  ec,
  [out] IEnumTfRanges **ppEnum,
  [in]  ITfRange      *pTargetRange


[in] ec

Contains an edit cookie that identifies the edit context. This is obtained from ITfDocumentMgr::CreateContext or ITfEditSession::DoEditSession.

[out] ppEnum

Pointer to an IEnumTfRanges interface pointer that receives the enumerator object. The caller must release this object when it is no longer required.

[in] pTargetRange

Pointer to an ITfRange interface that specifies the range to scan for unique property values. This parameter is optional and can be NULL. For more information, see the Remarks section.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Value Description
The method was successful.
One or more parameters are invalid.
A memory allocation failure occurred.
An unspecified error occurred.
Note  If an application does not implement ITextStoreACP::FindNextAttrTransition, ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges fails with E_FAIL.
The edit context identified by ec does not have a read-only or read/write lock.


Note: If an application does not implement ITextStoreACP::FindNextAttrTransition, ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges fails with E_FAIL.

The enumerator obtained by this method will contain a range for each unique value, including empty values, of the specified property. For example, a hypothetical color property can be applied to the following marked up text:

TEXT:  this is some colored text

When ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges is called with pTargetRange set to this range, the enumerator will contain five ranges.

Range Index Color Property Value Range Text
0 <empty> "this "
1 R "is"
2 <empty> " some "
3 G "colored "
4 <empty> "text"

If pTargetRange is NULL, then the enumerator will begin and end with the first and last range that contains a non-empty property value in the context. Specifying NULL for pTargetRange in the above example would result in an enumerator with three ranges.

Range Index Color Property Value Text Within Range
0 R "is"
1 <empty> " some "
2 G "colored "

The enumerated ranges will begin and end with the start and end anchors of pTargetRange, even if either anchor is positioned in the middle of a property.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header msctf.h
DLL Msctf.dll
Redistributable TSF 1.0 on Windows 2000 Professional

See also




