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IMoniker::IsSystemMoniker method (objidl.h)

Determines whether this moniker is one of the system-provided moniker classes.


HRESULT IsSystemMoniker(
  [out] DWORD *pdwMksys


[out] pdwMksys

A pointer to a variables that receives one of the values from the MKSYS enumeration and refers to one of the COM moniker classes. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Return value

This method returns S_OK to indicate that the moniker is a system moniker, and S_FALSE otherwise.


Notes to Callers

New values of the MKSYS enumeration may be defined in the future; therefore, you should explicitly test for each value you are interested in.

Notes to Implementers

Your implementation of this method must return MKSYS_NONE. You cannot use this function to identify your own monikers (for example, in your implementation of IMoniker::ComposeWith). Instead, you should use your moniker's implementation of IPersist::GetClassID or use QueryInterface to test for your own private interface.

Implementation-specific Notes

Implementation Notes
Anti-moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_ANTIMONIKER.
Class moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_CLASSMONIKER.
File moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_CLASSMONIKER.
Generic composite moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_GENERICCOMPOSITE.
Item moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_ITEMMONIKER.
OBJREF moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_OBJREFMONIKER.
Pointer moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_POINTERMONIKER.
URL moniker This method returns S_OK and passes back MKSYS_URLMONIKER.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header objidl.h

See also
