This section contains information about programming elements used with rebar controls.
Topic | Contents |
Rebar Controls | Rebar controls act as containers for child windows. |
Using Rebar Controls | This section contains example code showing how to implement rebar controls. |
Topic | Contents |
RB_BEGINDRAG | Puts the rebar control in drag-and-drop mode. This message does not cause a RBN_BEGINDRAG notification to be sent. |
RB_DELETEBAND | Deletes a band from a rebar control. |
RB_DRAGMOVE | Updates the drag position in the rebar control after a previous RB_BEGINDRAG message. |
RB_ENDDRAG | Terminates the rebar control's drag-and-drop operation. This message does not cause an RBN_ENDDRAG notification to be sent. |
RB_GETBANDBORDERS | Retrieves the borders of a band. The result of this message can be used to calculate the usable area in a band. |
RB_GETBANDCOUNT | Retrieves the count of bands currently in the rebar control. |
RB_GETBANDINFO | Retrieves information about a specified band in a rebar control. |
RB_GETBANDMARGINS | Retrieves the margins of a band. |
RB_GETBARHEIGHT | Retrieves the height of the rebar control. |
RB_GETBARINFO | Retrieves information about the rebar control and the image list it uses. |
RB_GETBKCOLOR | Retrieves a rebar control's default background color. |
RB_GETCOLORSCHEME | Retrieves the color scheme information from the rebar control. |
RB_GETDROPTARGET | Retrieves a rebar control's IDropTarget interface pointer. |
RB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE | Gets the extended style. |
RB_GETPALETTE | Retrieves the rebar control's current palette. |
RB_GETRECT | Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given band in a rebar control. |
RB_GETROWCOUNT | Retrieves the number of rows of bands in a rebar control. |
RB_GETROWHEIGHT | Retrieves the height of a specified row in a rebar control. |
RB_GETTEXTCOLOR | Retrieves a rebar control's default text color. |
RB_GETTOOLTIPS | Retrieves the handle to any tooltip control associated with the rebar control. |
RB_GETUNICODEFORMAT | Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. |
RB_HITTEST | Determines which portion of a rebar band is at a given point on the screen, if a rebar band exists at that point. |
RB_IDTOINDEX | Converts a band identifier to a band index in a rebar control. |
RB_INSERTBAND | Inserts a new band in a rebar control. |
RB_MAXIMIZEBAND | Resizes a band in a rebar control to either its ideal or largest size. |
RB_MINIMIZEBAND | Resizes a band in a rebar control to its smallest size. |
RB_MOVEBAND | Moves a band from one index to another. |
RB_PUSHCHEVRON | Sent to a rebar control to programmatically push a chevron. |
RB_SETBANDINFO | Sets characteristics of an existing band in a rebar control. |
RB_SETBANDWIDTH | Sets the width for a docked band. |
RB_SETBARINFO | Sets the characteristics of a rebar control. |
RB_SETBKCOLOR | Sets a rebar control's default background color. |
RB_SETCOLORSCHEME | Sets the color scheme information for the rebar control. |
RB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE | Sets the extended style. This message is not implemented. |
RB_SETPALETTE | Sets the rebar control's current palette. |
RB_SETPARENT | Sets a rebar control's parent window. |
RB_SETTEXTCOLOR | Sets a rebar control's default text color. |
RB_SETTOOLTIPS | Associates a tooltip control with the rebar control. |
RB_SETUNICODEFORMAT | Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. This message allows you to change the character set used by the control at run time rather than having to re-create the control. |
RB_SETWINDOWTHEME | Sets the visual style of a rebar control. |
RB_SHOWBAND | Shows or hides a given band in a rebar control. |
RB_SIZETORECT | Attempts to find the best layout of the bands for the given rectangle. |
Topic | Contents |
NM_CUSTOMDRAW (rebar) | Sent by the rebar control to notify its parent window about drawing operations. This notification is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
NM_NCHITTEST (rebar) | Sent by a rebar control when the control receives a WM_NCHITTEST message. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE (rebar) | Notifies a rebar control's parent window that the control is releasing mouse capture. This notification is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_AUTOBREAK | Notifies a rebar's parent that a break will appear in the bar. The parent determines whether to make the break. |
RBN_AUTOSIZE | Sent by a rebar control created with the RBS_AUTOSIZE style when the rebar automatically resizes itself. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_BEGINDRAG | Sent by a rebar control when the user begins dragging a band. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED | Sent by a rebar control when a chevron is pushed. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_CHILDSIZE | Sent by a rebar control when a band's child window is resized. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_DELETEDBAND | Sent by a rebar control after a band has been deleted. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_DELETINGBAND | Sent by a rebar control when a band is about to be deleted. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_ENDDRAG | Sent by a rebar control when the user stops dragging a band. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_GETOBJECT | Sent by a rebar control created with the RBS_REGISTERDROP style when an object is dragged over a band in the control. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE | Sent by a rebar control when its height has changed. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED | Sent by a rebar control when the user changes the layout of the control's bands. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_MINMAX | Sent by a rebar control prior to maximizing or minimizing a band. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
RBN_SPLITTERDRAG | Sent by a rebar control when the user drags a splitter. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. |
Topic | Contents |
NMRBAUTOSIZE | Contains information used in handling the RBN_AUTOSIZE notification codes. |
NMREBAR | Contains information used in handling various rebar notification codes. |
NMREBARAUTOBREAK | Contains information used with the RBN_AUTOBREAK notification. |
NMREBARCHEVRON | Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED notification code. |
NMREBARCHILDSIZE | Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHILDSIZE notification code. |
NMREBARSPLITTER | Contains information used to handle an RBN_SPLITTERDRAG notification code. |
RBHITTESTINFO | Contains information specific to a hit test operation. This structure is used with the RB_HITTEST message. |
REBARBANDINFO | Contains information that defines a band in a rebar control. |
REBARINFO | Contains information that describes rebar control characteristics. |
Topic | Contents |
Rebar Control Styles | Rebar controls support a variety of control styles in addition to standard window styles. |