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Functions (Windows Property System)

This section describes the Windows Property System functions.

Topic Contents
PROPVARIANT and VARIANT Functions This section describes a set of Windows Property System conversion and helper functions used with PROPVARIANT and VARIANT types.
Property Bag Functions This section describes a set of Windows helper functions used with IPropertyBag objects.
PifMgr_CloseProperties Closes application properties that were opened with PifMgr_OpenProperties.
PifMgr_GetProperties Returns a specified block of data from a .pif file.
PifMgr_OpenProperties Opens the .pif file associated with a Microsoft MS-DOS application, and returns a handle to the application's properties.
PifMgr_SetProperties Assigns values to a block of data from a .pif file.
PSCoerceToCanonicalValue Converts the value of a property to the canonical value, according to the property description.
PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore Creates an adapter from an IPropertyStore.
PSCreateDelayedMultiplexPropertyStore Creates a read-only, delayed-binding property store that contains multiple property stores.
PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore Creates an in-memory property store.
PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore Creates a read-only property store that contains multiple property stores, each of which must support either IPropertyStore or IPropertySetStorage.
PSCreatePropertyChangeArray Creates a container for a set of IPropertyChange objects. This container can be used with IFileOperation to apply a set of property changes to a set of files.
PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject Accepts the IUnknown interface of an object that supports IPropertyStore or IPropertySetStorage. If the object supports IPropertySetStorage, it is wrapped so that it supports IPropertyStore.
PSCreatePropertyStoreFromPropertySetStorage Wraps an IPropertySetStorage interface in an IPropertyStore interface.
PSCreateSimplePropertyChange Creates a simple property change.
PSEnumeratePropertyDescriptions A wrapper API that calls the schema subsystem's IPropertySystem::EnumeratePropertyDescriptions. This function retrieves an instance of the subsystem object that implements IPropertyDescriptionList, to obtain either the entire list or a partial list of property descriptions in the system.
PSFormatForDisplay Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a PROPVARIANT structure. The caller is responsible for allocating the output buffer.
PSFormatForDisplayAlloc Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a PROPVARIANT structure. This function allocates memory for the output string.
PSFormatPropertyValue Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a property store. This function allocates memory for the output string.
PSGetImageReferenceForValue Gets an instance of a property description interface for a specified property.
PSGetItemPropertyHandler Retrieves a property handler for a Shell item.
PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject Retrieves a property handler for a Shell item.
PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage Gets a value from serialized property storage by property name.
PSGetNameFromPropertyKey Retrieves the canonical name of the property, given its PROPERTYKEY.
PSGetPropertyDescription Gets an instance of a property description interface for a property specified by a PROPERTYKEY structure.
PSGetPropertyDescriptionByName Gets an instance of a property description interface for a specified property name.
PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString Gets an instance of a property description list interface for a specified property list.
PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage Gets the value of a property as stored in serialized property storage.
PSGetPropertyKeyFromName Gets the property key for a canonical property name.
PSGetPropertySystem Gets an instance of the subsystem object that implements IPropertySystem.
PSGetPropertyValue Gets a property value from a property store.
PSLookupPropertyHandlerCLSID Gets the class identifier (CLSID) of a per-computer, registered file property handler.
PSPropertyBag_Delete Deletes a property from a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadBOOL Reads the BOOL data value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadBSTR Reads a BSTR data value from a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadDWORD Reads a DWORD data value from property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadGUID Reads the GUID data value from a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadInt Reads a int data value from a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadLONG Reads a long data value from a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL Retrieves the coordinates stored in a property contained in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS Retrieves the coordinates stored in a property contained in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey Reads the property key of a property in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadRECTL Retrieves the coordinates of a rectangle stored in a property contained in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadSHORT Reads the SHORT data value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadStr Reads the string data value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc Retrieves details about the allocation or releasing of memory for a string that is stored in a property contained in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadStream Reads the data stream stored in a given property contained in a specified property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadType Reads the type of data value of a property that is stored in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadULONGLONG Reads a ULONGLONG data value from a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_ReadUnknown Reads a given property of an unknown data value in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteBOOL Sets the BOOL value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteBSTR Sets the BSTR value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteDWORD Sets the DWORD value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteGUID Sets the GUID value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteInt Sets the int value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteLONG Sets the long value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTL Stores the coordinates of a point in a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTS Stores the coordinates of a point in a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey Sets the property key value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteRECTL Stores the coordinates of a rectangle in a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteSHORT Sets the SHORT value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteStr Sets the string value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteStream Writes a data stream to a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG Sets the ULONGLONG value of a property in a property bag.
PSPropertyBag_WriteUnknown Reads a property of an unknown data value in a property bag.
PSPropertyKeyFromString Converts a string to a PROPERTYKEY structure.
PSRefreshPropertySchema Not currently supported.
PSRegisterPropertySchema Informs the schema subsystem of the addition of a property description schema file.
PSSetPropertyValue Sets the value of a property in a property store.
PSStringFromPropertyKey Creates a string that identifies a property from that property's key.
PSUnregisterPropertySchema Informs the schema subsystem of the removal of a property description schema file.
SHAddDefaultPropertiesByExt Adds default properties to the property store as registered for the specified file extension.
SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow Retrieves an object that represents a specific window's collection of properties, which allows those properties to be queried or set.
SHGetPropertyStoreFromIDList Retrieves an object that supports IPropertyStore or related interfaces from a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL).
SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName Returns a property store for an item, given a path or parsing name.
SHPropStgCreate Ensures proper handling of code page retrieval or assignment for the requested property set operation.
SHPropStgReadMultiple Wraps the IPropertyStorage::ReadMultiple function to ensure that ANSI and Unicode translations are handled properly for deprecated property sets.
SHPropStgWriteMultiple Wraps the IPropertyStorage::WriteMultiple function to ensure that ANSI and Unicode translations are handled properly for deprecated property sets.


Windows Properties

Property Description Schema

Property Sets



Constants, Enumerations, and Flags