The #pragma preprocessor command is similar to a command-line switch. However, you do not need to reenter a #pragma command each time you compile a MOF file. The following example illustrates #pragma command syntax:
#pragma [command]
You usually place a #pragma command at the beginning of a MOF file. However, you can place some commands, such as the #pragma command, in the body of your MOF code. The following example shows #pragma commands that indicate to the MOF compiler that it must place classes and instances in the root\cimv2 namespace and compile the file in which the commands are included during repository recovery:
#pragma autorecover
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
The following lists the available #pragma commands.
Command | Description |
amendment | Directs the MOF compiler to separate a MOF file into language-neutral and language-specific versions. |
autorecover | Adds a MOF file to the list of files compiled during repository recovery. |
classflags | Controls the way classes are created or updated depending on the flags specified. |
deleteclass | Deletes an existing class and its instances from the repository. |
deleteinstance | Deletes an existing instance of a class from the repository. |
instanceflags | Controls the way instances are created or updated depending on the flags specified. |
namespace | Requests that the compiler load the MOF file into the namespace specified as namespacepath. |
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