Ask questions and analyze content with Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Business User
Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Apps
Microsoft Teams

Discover ways to prompt Microsoft Copilot in Word, PowerPoint, Teams, and Outlook to ask, analyze, and receive recommendations for fresh ideas and content. Whether you need specific information, comparative analysis, or helpful suggestions, Copilot is your goto tool.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Identify the key elements of an effective prompt and apply them to your own prompts.
  • Ask Copilot how to accomplish a task in Microsoft 365 apps.
  • Use Copilot to answer questions and provide insights about documents, presentations, tables, and notes.
  • Chat with Copilot in Microsoft 365 about projects, documents, and data throughout your organization.


Learners should have completed the following content prior to this course: