Get started with Microsoft 365 and Windows

Are you new to Microsoft 365 Education? Get up and running quickly with tools that equip your students for success today and tomorrow. Microsoft Teams, OneNote, and Forms allow you to build a collaborative classroom that empowers learners to work together and access resources. You'll be able to quickly assess your students' learning and provide individualized feedback.




Modules in this learning path

Use Microsoft Forms for surveys, quizzes, and polls in classes to increase student engagement and voice. Microsoft 365 helps streamline and save time managing learning assessments with Forms


Get started with OneNote

Make learning more powerful and dynamic with Microsoft OneNote digital notebooks. Use OneNote to compile and organize information, research, and content; support research, collaboration, note taking, journaling, and reflection.

Microsoft Teams in educational settings is a hub for content and the centerpiece for collaboration. Learn about the structure and components of a team.