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Investigate agent health issues

The following table provides information on the values returned when you run the mdatp health command and their corresponding descriptions.

Value Description
automatic_definition_update_enabled True if automatic antivirus definition updates are enabled, false otherwise.
cloud_automatic_sample_submission_consent Current sample submission level. Can be one of the following values:
  • None: No suspicious samples are submitted to Microsoft.
  • Safe: Only suspicious samples that don't contain personally identifiable information (PII) are submitted automatically. This is the default value for this setting.
  • All: All suspicious samples are submitted to Microsoft.
cloud_diagnostic_enabled True if optional diagnostic data collection is enabled, false otherwise. For more information related to Defender for Endpoint and other products and services like Microsoft Defender Antivirus and Windows, see Microsoft Privacy Statement.
cloud_enabled True if cloud-delivered protection is enabled, false otherwise.
conflicting_applications List of applications that are possibly conflicting with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. This list includes, but isn't limited to, other security products and other applications known to cause compatibility issues.
definitions_status Status of antivirus definitions.
definitions_updated Date and time of last antivirus definition update.
definitions_updated_minutes_ago Number of minutes since last antivirus definition update.
definitions_version Antivirus definition version.
edr_client_version Version of the EDR client running on the device.
edr_configuration_version EDR configuration version.
edr_device_tags List of tags associated with the device.
edr_group_ids Group ID that the device is associated with.
edr_machine_id Device identifier used in Microsoft Defender XDR.
engine_version Version of the antivirus engine.
healthy True if the product is healthy, false otherwise.
licensed True if the device is onboarded to a tenant, false otherwise.
log_level Current log level for the product.
machine_guid Unique machine identifier used by the antivirus component.
network_protection_status Status of the network protection component (macOS only). Can be one of the following values:
  • starting - Network protection is starting
  • failed_to_start - Network protection couldn't be started due to an error
  • started - Network protection is currently running on the device
  • restarting - Network protection is currently restarting
  • stopping - Network protection is stopping
  • stopped - Network protection isn't running
org_id Organization that the device is onboarded to. If the device isn't yet onboarded to any organization, this prints unavailable. For more information on onboarding, see Onboard to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
passive_mode_enabled True if the antivirus component is set to run in passive mode, false otherwise.
product_expiration Date and time when the current product version reaches end of support.
real_time_protection_available True if the real-time protection component is healthy, false otherwise.
real_time_protection_enabled True if real-time antivirus protection is enabled, false otherwise.
real_time_protection_subsystem Subsystem used to serve real-time protection. If real-time protection isn't operating as expected, this prints unavailable.
release_ring Release ring. For more information, see Deployment rings.

Component specific health

You can get more detailed health information for different Defender's features with mdatp health --details <feature>. For example:

mdatp health --details edr

edr_early_preview_enabled                   : "disabled"
edr_device_tags                             : []
edr_group_ids                               : ""
edr_configuration_version                   : "20.199999.main.2022.10.25.03-514032a834557bdd31ac415be6df278d9c2a4c25"
edr_machine_id                              : "a47ba049f43319ac669b6291ce73275cd445c9cd"
edr_sense_guid                              : "298a1a8c-04dd-4929-8efd-3bb14cb54b94"
edr_preferred_geo                           : "unitedstates"

You can run mdatp health --help on recent versions to list all supported features.


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