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Read replicas in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

APPLIES TO: Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL (powered by the Citus database extension to PostgreSQL)

The read replica feature allows you to replicate data from a cluster to a read-only cluster. Replicas are updated asynchronously with PostgreSQL physical replication technology. You can run to up to five replicas from the primary server.

Replicas are new clusters that you manage similar to regular clusters. For each read replica, you're billed for the provisioned compute in vCores and storage in GiB/month. Compute and storage costs for replica clusters are the same as for regular clusters.

Learn how to create and manage replicas.

When to use a read replica

The read replica feature helps to improve the performance and scale of read-intensive workloads. Read workloads can be isolated to the replicas, while write workloads can be directed to the primary.

A common scenario is to have BI and analytical workloads use the read replica as the data source for reporting.

Because replicas are read-only, they don't directly reduce write-capacity burdens on the primary.


The feature is meant for scenarios where replication lag is acceptable, and is meant for offloading queries. It isn't meant for synchronous replication scenarios where replica data is expected to be up to date. There will be a measurable delay between the primary and the replica. The delay can be minutes or even hours, depending on the workload and the latency between primary and replica. The data on the replica eventually becomes consistent with the data on the primary. Use this feature for workloads that can accommodate this delay.

Create a replica

When you start the create replica workflow, a blank cluster is created. The new cluster is filled with the data that was on the primary cluster. The creation time depends on the amount of data on the primary and the time since the last weekly full backup. The time can range from a few minutes to several hours.

The read replica feature uses PostgreSQL physical replication, not logical replication. The default mode is streaming replication using replication slots. When necessary, log shipping is used to catch up.

Learn how to create a read replica in the Azure portal.

Connect to a replica

When you create a replica, it doesn't inherit firewall rules the primary cluster. These rules must be set up independently for the replica.

The replica inherits the admin (citus) account from the primary cluster. All user accounts are replicated to the read replicas. You can only connect to a read replica by using the user accounts that are available on the primary server.

You can connect to the replica's coordinator node by using its hostname and a valid user account, as you would on a regular cluster. For instance, given a server named my replica with the admin username citus, you can connect to the coordinator node of the replica by using psql:

psql -h c-myreplica.12345678901234.postgres.cosmos.azure.com -U citus@myreplica -d postgres

At the prompt, enter the password for the user account.

Replica promotion to independent cluster

You can promote a replica to an independent cluster that is readable and writable. A promoted replica no longer receives updates from its original, and promotion can't be undone. Promoted replicas can have replicas of their own.

There are two common scenarios for promoting a replica:

  1. Disaster recovery. If something goes wrong with the primary, or with an entire region, you can open another cluster for writes as an emergency procedure.

  2. Migrating to another region. If you want to move to another region, create a replica in the new region, wait for data to catch up, then promote the replica. To avoid potentially losing data during promotion, you may want to disable writes to the original cluster after the replica catches up.

    You can see how far a replica has caught up using the replication_lag metric. See metrics for more information.


This section summarizes considerations about the read replica feature.

New replicas

A read replica is created as a new cluster. An existing cluster can't be made into a replica. You can't create a replica of another read replica.

Replica configuration

Replicas inherit compute, storage, and worker node settings from their primaries. You can change some--but not all--settings on a replica. For instance, you can change compute, firewall rules for public access, and private endpoints for private access. You can't change the storage size or number of worker nodes.

Remember to keep replicas strong enough to keep up changes arriving from the primary. For instance, be sure to upscale compute power in replicas if you upscale it on the primary.

Firewall rules and parameter settings aren't inherited from the primary server to the replica when the replica is created or afterwards.

Cross-region replication

Read replicas can be created in the region of the primary cluster, or in any other region supported by Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. The limit of five replicas per cluster counts across all regions, meaning five total, not five per region.

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