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Deploy ML models to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with Azure Machine Learning

APPLIES TO: Python SDK azureml v1

In this article, you learn about FPGAs and how to deploy your ML models to an Azure FPGA using the hardware-accelerated models Python package from Azure Machine Learning.

What are FPGAs?

FPGAs contain an array of programmable logic blocks, and a hierarchy of reconfigurable interconnects. The interconnects allow these blocks to be configured in various ways after manufacturing. Compared to other chips, FPGAs provide a combination of programmability and performance.

FPGAs make it possible to achieve low latency for real-time inference (or model scoring) requests. Asynchronous requests (batching) aren't needed. Batching can cause latency, because more data needs to be processed. Implementations of neural processing units don't require batching; therefore the latency can be many times lower, compared to CPU and GPU processors.

You can reconfigure FPGAs for different types of machine learning models. This flexibility makes it easier to accelerate the applications based on the most optimal numerical precision and memory model being used. Because FPGAs are reconfigurable, you can stay current with the requirements of rapidly changing AI algorithms.

Diagram of Azure Machine Learning FPGA comparison

Processor Abbreviation Description
Application-specific integrated circuits ASICs Custom circuits, such as Google's Tensor Processor Units (TPU), provide the highest efficiency. They can't be reconfigured as your needs change.
Field-programmable gate arrays FPGAs FPGAs, such as those available on Azure, provide performance close to ASICs. They're also flexible and reconfigurable over time, to implement new logic.
Graphics processing units GPUs A popular choice for AI computations. GPUs offer parallel processing capabilities, making it faster at image rendering than CPUs.
Central processing units CPUs General-purpose processors, the performance of which isn't ideal for graphics and video processing.

FPGA support in Azure

Microsoft Azure is the world's largest cloud investment in FPGAs. Microsoft uses FPGAs for deep neural networks (DNN) evaluation, Bing search ranking, and software defined networking (SDN) acceleration to reduce latency, while freeing CPUs for other tasks.

FPGAs on Azure are based on Intel's FPGA devices, which data scientists and developers use to accelerate real-time AI calculations. This FPGA-enabled architecture offers performance, flexibility, and scale, and is available on Azure.

Azure FPGAs are integrated with Azure Machine Learning. Azure can parallelize pre-trained DNN across FPGAs to scale out your service. The DNNs can be pre-trained, as a deep featurizer for transfer learning, or fine-tuned with updated weights.

Scenarios & configurations on Azure Supported DNN models Regional support
+ Image classification and recognition scenarios
+ TensorFlow deployment (requires Tensorflow 1.x)
+ Intel FPGA hardware
- ResNet 50
- ResNet 152
- DenseNet-121
- VGG-16
- East US
- Southeast Asia
- West Europe
- West US 2

To optimize latency and throughput, your client sending data to the FPGA model should be in one of the regions above (the one you deployed the model to).

The PBS Family of Azure VMs contains Intel Arria 10 FPGAs. It will show as "Standard PBS Family vCPUs" when you check your Azure quota allocation. The PB6 VM has six vCPUs and one FPGA. PB6 VM is automatically provisioned by Azure Machine Learning during model deployment to an FPGA. It's only used with Azure Machine Learning, and it can't run arbitrary bitstreams. For example, you won't be able to flash the FPGA with bitstreams to do encryption, encoding, etc.

Deploy models on FPGAs

You can deploy a model as a web service on FPGAs with Azure Machine Learning Hardware Accelerated Models. Using FPGAs provides ultra-low latency inference, even with a single batch size.

In this example, you create a TensorFlow graph to preprocess the input image, make it a featurizer using ResNet 50 on an FPGA, and then run the features through a classifier trained on the ImageNet data set. Then, the model is deployed to an AKS cluster.


  • An Azure subscription. If you don't have one, create a pay-as-you-go account (free Azure accounts aren't eligible for FPGA quota).

  • An Azure Machine Learning workspace and the Azure Machine Learning SDK for Python installed, as described in Create a workspace.

  • The hardware-accelerated models package: pip install --upgrade azureml-accel-models[cpu]

  • The Azure CLI

  • FPGA quota. Submit a request for quota, or run this CLI command to check quota:

    az vm list-usage --location "eastus" -o table --query "[?localName=='Standard PBS Family vCPUs']"

    Make sure you have at least 6 vCPUs under the CurrentValue returned.

Define the TensorFlow model

Begin by using the Azure Machine Learning SDK for Python to create a service definition. A service definition is a file describing a pipeline of graphs (input, featurizer, and classifier) based on TensorFlow. The deployment command compresses the definition and graphs into a ZIP file, and uploads the ZIP to Azure Blob storage. The DNN is already deployed to run on the FPGA.

  1. Load Azure Machine Learning workspace

    import os
    import tensorflow as tf
    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()
    print(ws.name, ws.resource_group, ws.location, ws.subscription_id, sep='\n')
  2. Preprocess image. The input to the web service is a JPEG image. The first step is to decode the JPEG image and preprocess it. The JPEG images are treated as strings and the result are tensors that will be the input to the ResNet 50 model.

    # Input images as a two-dimensional tensor containing an arbitrary number of images represented a strings
    import azureml.accel.models.utils as utils
    in_images = tf.placeholder(tf.string)
    image_tensors = utils.preprocess_array(in_images)
  3. Load featurizer. Initialize the model and download a TensorFlow checkpoint of the quantized version of ResNet50 to be used as a featurizer. Replace "QuantizedResnet50" in the code snippet to import other deep neural networks:

    • QuantizedResnet152
    • QuantizedVgg16
    • Densenet121
    from azureml.accel.models import QuantizedResnet50
    save_path = os.path.expanduser('~/models')
    model_graph = QuantizedResnet50(save_path, is_frozen=True)
    feature_tensor = model_graph.import_graph_def(image_tensors)
  4. Add a classifier. This classifier was trained on the ImageNet data set.

    classifier_output = model_graph.get_default_classifier(feature_tensor)
  5. Save the model. Now that the preprocessor, ResNet 50 featurizer, and the classifier have been loaded, save the graph and associated variables as a model.

    model_name = "resnet50"
    model_save_path = os.path.join(save_path, model_name)
    print("Saving model in {}".format(model_save_path))
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf.saved_model.simple_save(sess, model_save_path,
                                   inputs={'images': in_images},
                                   outputs={'output_alias': classifier_output})
  6. Save input and output tensors as you will use them for model conversion and inference requests.

    input_tensors = in_images.name
    output_tensors = classifier_output.name

    The following models are listed with their classifier output tensors for inference if you used the default classifier.

    • Resnet50, QuantizedResnet50
      output_tensors = "classifier_1/resnet_v1_50/predictions/Softmax:0"
    • Resnet152, QuantizedResnet152
      output_tensors = "classifier/resnet_v1_152/predictions/Softmax:0"
    • Densenet121, QuantizedDensenet121
      output_tensors = "classifier/densenet121/predictions/Softmax:0"
    • Vgg16, QuantizedVgg16
      output_tensors = "classifier/vgg_16/fc8/squeezed:0"
    • SsdVgg, QuantizedSsdVgg
      output_tensors = ['ssd_300_vgg/block4_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block7_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block8_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block9_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block10_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block11_box/Reshape_1:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block4_box/Reshape:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block7_box/Reshape:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block8_box/Reshape:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block9_box/Reshape:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block10_box/Reshape:0', 'ssd_300_vgg/block11_box/Reshape:0']

Convert the model to the Open Neural Network Exchange format (ONNX)

Before you can deploy to FPGAs, convert the model to the ONNX format.

  1. Register the model by using the SDK with the ZIP file in Azure Blob storage. Adding tags and other metadata about the model helps you keep track of your trained models.

    from azureml.core.model import Model
    registered_model = Model.register(workspace=ws,
    print("Successfully registered: ", registered_model.name,
          registered_model.description, registered_model.version, sep='\t')

    If you've already registered a model and want to load it, you may retrieve it.

    from azureml.core.model import Model
    model_name = "resnet50"
    # By default, the latest version is retrieved. You can specify the version, i.e. version=1
    registered_model = Model(ws, name="resnet50")
    print(registered_model.name, registered_model.description,
          registered_model.version, sep='\t')
  2. Convert the TensorFlow graph to the ONNX format. You must provide the names of the input and output tensors, so your client can use them when you consume the web service.

    from azureml.accel import AccelOnnxConverter
    convert_request = AccelOnnxConverter.convert_tf_model(
        ws, registered_model, input_tensors, output_tensors)
    # If it fails, you can run wait_for_completion again with show_output=True.
    # If the above call succeeded, get the converted model
    converted_model = convert_request.result
    print("\nSuccessfully converted: ", converted_model.name, converted_model.url, converted_model.version,
          converted_model.id, converted_model.created_time, '\n')

Containerize and deploy the model

Next, create a Docker image from the converted model and all dependencies. This Docker image can then be deployed and instantiated. Supported deployment targets include Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in the cloud or an edge device such as Azure Stack Edge. You can also add tags and descriptions for your registered Docker image.

from azureml.core.image import Image
from azureml.accel import AccelContainerImage

image_config = AccelContainerImage.image_configuration()
# Image name must be lowercase
image_name = "{}-image".format(model_name)

image = Image.create(name=image_name,

List the images by tag and get the detailed logs for any debugging.

for i in Image.list(workspace=ws):
    print('{}(v.{} [{}]) stored at {} with build log {}'.format(
        i.name, i.version, i.creation_state, i.image_location, i.image_build_log_uri))

Deploy to an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster

  1. To deploy your model as a high-scale production web service, use AKS. You can create a new one using the Azure Machine Learning SDK, CLI, or Azure Machine Learning studio.

    from azureml.core.compute import AksCompute, ComputeTarget
    # Specify the Standard_PB6s Azure VM and location. Values for location may be "eastus", "southeastasia", "westeurope", or "westus2". If no value is specified, the default is "eastus".
    prov_config = AksCompute.provisioning_configuration(vm_size = "Standard_PB6s",
                                                        agent_count = 1,
                                                        location = "eastus")
    aks_name = 'my-aks-cluster'
    # Create the cluster
    aks_target = ComputeTarget.create(workspace=ws,

    The AKS deployment may take around 15 minutes. Check to see if the deployment succeeded.

  2. Deploy the container to the AKS cluster.

    from azureml.core.webservice import Webservice, AksWebservice
    # For this deployment, set the web service configuration without enabling auto-scaling or authentication for testing
    aks_config = AksWebservice.deploy_configuration(autoscale_enabled=False,
    aks_service_name = 'my-aks-service'
    aks_service = Webservice.deploy_from_image(workspace=ws,

Deploy to a local edge server

All Azure Stack Edge devices contain an FPGA for running the model. Only one model can be running on the FPGA at one time. To run a different model, just deploy a new container. Instructions and sample code can be found in this Azure Sample.

Consume the deployed model

Lastly, use the sample client to call into the Docker image to get predictions from the model. Sample client code is available:

The Docker image supports gRPC and the TensorFlow Serving "predict" API.

You can also download a sample client for TensorFlow Serving.

# Using the grpc client in Azure Machine Learning Accelerated Models SDK package
from azureml.accel import PredictionClient

address = aks_service.scoring_uri
ssl_enabled = address.startswith("https")
address = address[address.find('/')+2:].strip('/')
port = 443 if ssl_enabled else 80

# Initialize Azure Machine Learning Accelerated Models client
client = PredictionClient(address=address,

Since this classifier was trained on the ImageNet data set, map the classes to human-readable labels.

import requests
classes_entries = requests.get(

# Score image with input and output tensor names
results = client.score_file(path="./snowleopardgaze.jpg",

# map results [class_id] => [confidence]
results = enumerate(results)
# sort results by confidence
sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# print top 5 results
for top in sorted_results[:5]:
    print(classes_entries[top[0]], 'confidence:', top[1])

Clean up resources

To avoid unnecessary costs, clean up your resources in this order: web service, then image, and then the model.


Next steps